// Written in the D programming language. /++ Functions which operate on ASCII characters. All of the functions in std.ascii accept Unicode characters but effectively ignore them if they're not ASCII. All `isX` functions return `false` for non-ASCII characters, and all `toX` functions do nothing to non-ASCII characters. For functions which operate on Unicode characters, see $(MREF std, uni). $(SCRIPT inhibitQuickIndex = 1;) $(DIVC quickindex, $(BOOKTABLE, $(TR $(TH Category) $(TH Functions)) $(TR $(TD Validation) $(TD $(LREF isAlpha) $(LREF isAlphaNum) $(LREF isASCII) $(LREF isControl) $(LREF isDigit) $(LREF isGraphical) $(LREF isHexDigit) $(LREF isOctalDigit) $(LREF isPrintable) $(LREF isPunctuation) $(LREF isUpper) $(LREF isWhite) )) $(TR $(TD Conversions) $(TD $(LREF toLower) $(LREF toUpper) )) $(TR $(TD Constants) $(TD $(LREF digits) $(LREF fullHexDigits) $(LREF hexDigits) $(LREF letters) $(LREF lowercase) $(LREF lowerHexDigits) $(LREF newline) $(LREF octalDigits) $(LREF uppercase) $(LREF whitespace) )) $(TR $(TD Enums) $(TD $(LREF ControlChar) $(LREF LetterCase) )) )) References: $(LINK2 http://www.digitalmars.com/d/ascii-table.html, ASCII Table), $(HTTP en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ascii, Wikipedia) License: $(HTTP www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt, Boost License 1.0). Authors: $(HTTP digitalmars.com, Walter Bright) and $(HTTP jmdavisprog.com, Jonathan M Davis) Source: $(PHOBOSSRC std/ascii.d) +/ module std.ascii; immutable fullHexDigits = "0123456789ABCDEFabcdef"; /// 0 .. 9A .. Fa .. f immutable hexDigits = fullHexDigits[0 .. 16]; /// 0 .. 9A .. F immutable lowerHexDigits = "0123456789abcdef"; /// 0 .. 9a .. f immutable digits = hexDigits[0 .. 10]; /// 0 .. 9 immutable octalDigits = digits[0 .. 8]; /// 0 .. 7 immutable letters = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; /// A .. Za .. z immutable uppercase = letters[0 .. 26]; /// A .. Z immutable lowercase = letters[26 .. 52]; /// a .. z immutable whitespace = " \t\v\r\n\f"; /// ASCII _whitespace /++ Letter case specifier. +/ enum LetterCase : bool { upper, /// Upper case letters lower /// Lower case letters } /// @safe unittest { import std.conv : to; assert(42.to!string(16, LetterCase.upper) == "2A"); assert(42.to!string(16, LetterCase.lower) == "2a"); } /// @safe unittest { import std.digest.hmac : hmac; import std.digest : toHexString; import std.digest.sha : SHA1; import std.string : representation; const sha1HMAC = "A very long phrase".representation .hmac!SHA1("secret".representation) .toHexString!(LetterCase.lower); assert(sha1HMAC == "49f2073c7bf58577e8c9ae59fe8cfd37c9ab94e5"); } /++ All control characters in the ASCII table ($(HTTPS www.asciitable.com, source)). +/ enum ControlChar : char { nul = '\x00', /// Null soh = '\x01', /// Start of heading stx = '\x02', /// Start of text etx = '\x03', /// End of text eot = '\x04', /// End of transmission enq = '\x05', /// Enquiry ack = '\x06', /// Acknowledge bel = '\x07', /// Bell bs = '\x08', /// Backspace tab = '\x09', /// Horizontal tab lf = '\x0A', /// NL line feed, new line vt = '\x0B', /// Vertical tab ff = '\x0C', /// NP form feed, new page cr = '\x0D', /// Carriage return so = '\x0E', /// Shift out si = '\x0F', /// Shift in dle = '\x10', /// Data link escape dc1 = '\x11', /// Device control 1 dc2 = '\x12', /// Device control 2 dc3 = '\x13', /// Device control 3 dc4 = '\x14', /// Device control 4 nak = '\x15', /// Negative acknowledge syn = '\x16', /// Synchronous idle etb = '\x17', /// End of transmission block can = '\x18', /// Cancel em = '\x19', /// End of medium sub = '\x1A', /// Substitute esc = '\x1B', /// Escape fs = '\x1C', /// File separator gs = '\x1D', /// Group separator rs = '\x1E', /// Record separator us = '\x1F', /// Unit separator del = '\x7F' /// Delete } /// @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest { import std.algorithm.comparison, std.algorithm.searching, std.range, std.traits; // Because all ASCII characters fit in char, so do these static assert(ControlChar.ack.sizeof == 1); // All control characters except del are in row starting from 0 static assert(EnumMembers!ControlChar.only.until(ControlChar.del).equal(iota(32))); static assert(ControlChar.nul == '\0'); static assert(ControlChar.bel == '\a'); static assert(ControlChar.bs == '\b'); static assert(ControlChar.ff == '\f'); static assert(ControlChar.lf == '\n'); static assert(ControlChar.cr == '\r'); static assert(ControlChar.tab == '\t'); static assert(ControlChar.vt == '\v'); } /// @safe pure nothrow unittest { import std.conv; //Control character table can be used in place of hexcodes. with (ControlChar) assert(text("Phobos", us, "Deimos", us, "Tango", rs) == "Phobos\x1FDeimos\x1FTango\x1E"); } /// Newline sequence for this system. version (Windows) immutable newline = "\r\n"; else version (Posix) immutable newline = "\n"; else static assert(0, "Unsupported OS"); /++ Params: c = The character to test. Returns: Whether `c` is a letter or a number (0 .. 9, a .. z, A .. Z). +/ bool isAlphaNum(dchar c) @safe pure nothrow @nogc { const hc = c | 0x20; return ('0' <= c && c <= '9') || ('a' <= hc && hc <= 'z'); } /// @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest { assert( isAlphaNum('A')); assert( isAlphaNum('1')); assert(!isAlphaNum('#')); // N.B.: does not return true for non-ASCII Unicode alphanumerics: assert(!isAlphaNum('á')); } @safe unittest { import std.range; foreach (c; chain(digits, octalDigits, fullHexDigits, letters, lowercase, uppercase)) assert(isAlphaNum(c)); foreach (c; whitespace) assert(!isAlphaNum(c)); } /++ Params: c = The character to test. Returns: Whether `c` is an ASCII letter (A .. Z, a .. z). +/ bool isAlpha(dchar c) @safe pure nothrow @nogc { // Optimizer can turn this into a bitmask operation on 64 bit code return (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z'); } /// @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest { assert( isAlpha('A')); assert(!isAlpha('1')); assert(!isAlpha('#')); // N.B.: does not return true for non-ASCII Unicode alphabetic characters: assert(!isAlpha('á')); } @safe unittest { import std.range; foreach (c; chain(letters, lowercase, uppercase)) assert(isAlpha(c)); foreach (c; chain(digits, octalDigits, whitespace)) assert(!isAlpha(c)); } /++ Params: c = The character to test. Returns: Whether `c` is a lowercase ASCII letter (a .. z). +/ bool isLower(dchar c) @safe pure nothrow @nogc { return c >= 'a' && c <= 'z'; } /// @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest { assert( isLower('a')); assert(!isLower('A')); assert(!isLower('#')); // N.B.: does not return true for non-ASCII Unicode lowercase letters assert(!isLower('á')); assert(!isLower('Á')); } @safe unittest { import std.range; foreach (c; lowercase) assert(isLower(c)); foreach (c; chain(digits, uppercase, whitespace)) assert(!isLower(c)); } /++ Params: c = The character to test. Returns: Whether `c` is an uppercase ASCII letter (A .. Z). +/ bool isUpper(dchar c) @safe pure nothrow @nogc { return c <= 'Z' && 'A' <= c; } /// @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest { assert( isUpper('A')); assert(!isUpper('a')); assert(!isUpper('#')); // N.B.: does not return true for non-ASCII Unicode uppercase letters assert(!isUpper('á')); assert(!isUpper('Á')); } @safe unittest { import std.range; foreach (c; uppercase) assert(isUpper(c)); foreach (c; chain(digits, lowercase, whitespace)) assert(!isUpper(c)); } /++ Params: c = The character to test. Returns: Whether `c` is a digit (0 .. 9). +/ bool isDigit(dchar c) @safe pure nothrow @nogc { return '0' <= c && c <= '9'; } /// @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest { assert( isDigit('3')); assert( isDigit('8')); assert(!isDigit('B')); assert(!isDigit('#')); // N.B.: does not return true for non-ASCII Unicode numbers assert(!isDigit('0')); // full-width digit zero (U+FF10) assert(!isDigit('4')); // full-width digit four (U+FF14) } @safe unittest { import std.range; foreach (c; digits) assert(isDigit(c)); foreach (c; chain(letters, whitespace)) assert(!isDigit(c)); } /++ Params: c = The character to test. Returns: Whether `c` is a digit in base 8 (0 .. 7). +/ bool isOctalDigit(dchar c) @safe pure nothrow @nogc { return c >= '0' && c <= '7'; } /// @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest { assert( isOctalDigit('0')); assert( isOctalDigit('7')); assert(!isOctalDigit('8')); assert(!isOctalDigit('A')); assert(!isOctalDigit('#')); } @safe unittest { import std.range; foreach (c; octalDigits) assert(isOctalDigit(c)); foreach (c; chain(letters, ['8', '9'], whitespace)) assert(!isOctalDigit(c)); } /++ Params: c = The character to test. Returns: Whether `c` is a digit in base 16 (0 .. 9, A .. F, a .. f). +/ bool isHexDigit(dchar c) @safe pure nothrow @nogc { const hc = c | 0x20; return ('0' <= c && c <= '9') || ('a' <= hc && hc <= 'f'); } /// @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest { assert( isHexDigit('0')); assert( isHexDigit('A')); assert( isHexDigit('f')); // lowercase hex digits are accepted assert(!isHexDigit('g')); assert(!isHexDigit('G')); assert(!isHexDigit('#')); } @safe unittest { import std.range; foreach (c; fullHexDigits) assert(isHexDigit(c)); foreach (c; chain(lowercase[6 .. $], uppercase[6 .. $], whitespace)) assert(!isHexDigit(c)); } /++ Params: c = The character to test. Returns: Whether or not `c` is a whitespace character. That includes the space, tab, vertical tab, form feed, carriage return, and linefeed characters. +/ bool isWhite(dchar c) @safe pure nothrow @nogc { return c == ' ' || (c >= 0x09 && c <= 0x0D); } /// @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest { assert( isWhite(' ')); assert( isWhite('\t')); assert( isWhite('\n')); assert(!isWhite('1')); assert(!isWhite('a')); assert(!isWhite('#')); // N.B.: Does not return true for non-ASCII Unicode whitespace characters. static import std.uni; assert(std.uni.isWhite('\u00A0')); assert(!isWhite('\u00A0')); // std.ascii.isWhite } @safe unittest { import std.range; foreach (c; whitespace) assert(isWhite(c)); foreach (c; chain(digits, letters)) assert(!isWhite(c)); } /++ Params: c = The character to test. Returns: Whether `c` is a control character. +/ bool isControl(dchar c) @safe pure nothrow @nogc { return c < 0x20 || c == 0x7F; } /// @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest { assert( isControl('\0')); assert( isControl('\022')); assert( isControl('\n')); // newline is both whitespace and control assert(!isControl(' ')); assert(!isControl('1')); assert(!isControl('a')); assert(!isControl('#')); // N.B.: non-ASCII Unicode control characters are not recognized: assert(!isControl('\u0080')); assert(!isControl('\u2028')); assert(!isControl('\u2029')); } @safe unittest { import std.range; foreach (dchar c; 0 .. 32) assert(isControl(c)); assert(isControl(127)); foreach (c; chain(digits, letters, [' '])) assert(!isControl(c)); } /++ Params: c = The character to test. Returns: Whether or not `c` is a punctuation character. That includes all ASCII characters which are not control characters, letters, digits, or whitespace. +/ bool isPunctuation(dchar c) @safe pure nothrow @nogc { return c <= '~' && c >= '!' && !isAlphaNum(c); } /// @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest { assert( isPunctuation('.')); assert( isPunctuation(',')); assert( isPunctuation(':')); assert( isPunctuation('!')); assert( isPunctuation('#')); assert( isPunctuation('~')); assert( isPunctuation('+')); assert( isPunctuation('_')); assert(!isPunctuation('1')); assert(!isPunctuation('a')); assert(!isPunctuation(' ')); assert(!isPunctuation('\n')); assert(!isPunctuation('\0')); // N.B.: Non-ASCII Unicode punctuation characters are not recognized. assert(!isPunctuation('\u2012')); // (U+2012 = en-dash) } @safe unittest { foreach (dchar c; 0 .. 128) { if (isControl(c) || isAlphaNum(c) || c == ' ') assert(!isPunctuation(c)); else assert(isPunctuation(c)); } } /++ Params: c = The character to test. Returns: Whether or not `c` is a printable character other than the space character. +/ bool isGraphical(dchar c) @safe pure nothrow @nogc { return '!' <= c && c <= '~'; } /// @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest { assert( isGraphical('1')); assert( isGraphical('a')); assert( isGraphical('#')); assert(!isGraphical(' ')); // whitespace is not graphical assert(!isGraphical('\n')); assert(!isGraphical('\0')); // N.B.: Unicode graphical characters are not regarded as such. assert(!isGraphical('á')); } @safe unittest { foreach (dchar c; 0 .. 128) { if (isControl(c) || c == ' ') assert(!isGraphical(c)); else assert(isGraphical(c)); } } /++ Params: c = The character to test. Returns: Whether or not `c` is a printable character - including the space character. +/ bool isPrintable(dchar c) @safe pure nothrow @nogc { return c >= ' ' && c <= '~'; } /// @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest { assert( isPrintable(' ')); // whitespace is printable assert( isPrintable('1')); assert( isPrintable('a')); assert( isPrintable('#')); assert(!isPrintable('\0')); // control characters are not printable // N.B.: Printable non-ASCII Unicode characters are not recognized. assert(!isPrintable('á')); } @safe unittest { foreach (dchar c; 0 .. 128) { if (isControl(c)) assert(!isPrintable(c)); else assert(isPrintable(c)); } } /++ Params: c = The character to test. Returns: Whether or not `c` is in the ASCII character set - i.e. in the range 0 .. 0x7F. +/ pragma(inline, true) bool isASCII(dchar c) @safe pure nothrow @nogc { return c <= 0x7F; } /// @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest { assert( isASCII('a')); assert(!isASCII('á')); } @safe unittest { foreach (dchar c; 0 .. 128) assert(isASCII(c)); assert(!isASCII(128)); } /++ Converts an ASCII letter to lowercase. Params: c = A character of any type that implicitly converts to `dchar`. In the case where it's a built-in type, or an enum of a built-in type, `Unqual!(OriginalType!C)` is returned, whereas if it's a user-defined type, `dchar` is returned. Returns: The corresponding lowercase letter, if `c` is an uppercase ASCII character, otherwise `c` itself. +/ auto toLower(C)(C c) if (is(C : dchar)) { import std.traits : OriginalType; static if (!__traits(isScalar, C)) alias R = dchar; else static if (is(immutable OriginalType!C == immutable OC, OC)) alias R = OC; return isUpper(c) ? cast(R)(cast(R) c + 'a' - 'A') : cast(R) c; } /// @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest { assert(toLower('a') == 'a'); assert(toLower('A') == 'a'); assert(toLower('#') == '#'); // N.B.: Non-ASCII Unicode uppercase letters are not converted. assert(toLower('Á') == 'Á'); } @safe pure nothrow unittest { import std.meta; static foreach (C; AliasSeq!(char, wchar, dchar, immutable char, ubyte)) { foreach (i, c; uppercase) assert(toLower(cast(C) c) == lowercase[i]); foreach (C c; 0 .. 128) { if (c < 'A' || c > 'Z') assert(toLower(c) == c); else assert(toLower(c) != c); } foreach (C c; 128 .. C.max) assert(toLower(c) == c); //CTFE static assert(toLower(cast(C)'a') == 'a'); static assert(toLower(cast(C)'A') == 'a'); } } /++ Converts an ASCII letter to uppercase. Params: c = Any type which implicitly converts to `dchar`. In the case where it's a built-in type, or an enum of a built-in type, `Unqual!(OriginalType!C)` is returned, whereas if it's a user-defined type, `dchar` is returned. Returns: The corresponding uppercase letter, if `c` is a lowercase ASCII character, otherwise `c` itself. +/ auto toUpper(C)(C c) if (is(C : dchar)) { import std.traits : OriginalType; static if (!__traits(isScalar, C)) alias R = dchar; else static if (is(immutable OriginalType!C == immutable OC, OC)) alias R = OC; return isLower(c) ? cast(R)(cast(R) c - ('a' - 'A')) : cast(R) c; } /// @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest { assert(toUpper('a') == 'A'); assert(toUpper('A') == 'A'); assert(toUpper('#') == '#'); // N.B.: Non-ASCII Unicode lowercase letters are not converted. assert(toUpper('á') == 'á'); } @safe pure nothrow unittest { import std.meta; static foreach (C; AliasSeq!(char, wchar, dchar, immutable char, ubyte)) { foreach (i, c; lowercase) assert(toUpper(cast(C) c) == uppercase[i]); foreach (C c; 0 .. 128) { if (c < 'a' || c > 'z') assert(toUpper(c) == c); else assert(toUpper(c) != c); } foreach (C c; 128 .. C.max) assert(toUpper(c) == c); //CTFE static assert(toUpper(cast(C)'a') == 'A'); static assert(toUpper(cast(C)'A') == 'A'); } } @safe unittest //Test both toUpper and toLower with non-builtin { import std.meta; import std.traits; //User Defined [Char|Wchar|Dchar] static struct UDC { char c; alias c this; } static struct UDW { wchar c; alias c this; } static struct UDD { dchar c; alias c this; } //[Char|Wchar|Dchar] Enum enum CE : char {a = 'a', A = 'A'} enum WE : wchar {a = 'a', A = 'A'} enum DE : dchar {a = 'a', A = 'A'} //User Defined [Char|Wchar|Dchar] Enum enum UDCE : UDC {a = UDC('a'), A = UDC('A')} enum UDWE : UDW {a = UDW('a'), A = UDW('A')} enum UDDE : UDD {a = UDD('a'), A = UDD('A')} //User defined types with implicit cast to dchar test. static foreach (Char; AliasSeq!(UDC, UDW, UDD)) { assert(toLower(Char('a')) == 'a'); assert(toLower(Char('A')) == 'a'); static assert(toLower(Char('a')) == 'a'); static assert(toLower(Char('A')) == 'a'); static assert(toUpper(Char('a')) == 'A'); static assert(toUpper(Char('A')) == 'A'); } //Various enum tests. static foreach (Enum; AliasSeq!(CE, WE, DE, UDCE, UDWE, UDDE)) { assert(toLower(Enum.a) == 'a'); assert(toLower(Enum.A) == 'a'); assert(toUpper(Enum.a) == 'A'); assert(toUpper(Enum.A) == 'A'); static assert(toLower(Enum.a) == 'a'); static assert(toLower(Enum.A) == 'a'); static assert(toUpper(Enum.a) == 'A'); static assert(toUpper(Enum.A) == 'A'); } //Return value type tests for enum of non-UDT. These should be the original type. static foreach (T; AliasSeq!(CE, WE, DE)) {{ alias C = OriginalType!T; static assert(is(typeof(toLower(T.init)) == C)); static assert(is(typeof(toUpper(T.init)) == C)); }} //Return value tests for UDT and enum of UDT. These should be dchar static foreach (T; AliasSeq!(UDC, UDW, UDD, UDCE, UDWE, UDDE)) { static assert(is(typeof(toLower(T.init)) == dchar)); static assert(is(typeof(toUpper(T.init)) == dchar)); } }