/* JInternalFrame.java -- 
   Copyright (C) 2002, 2004  Free Software Foundation, Inc.

This file is part of GNU Classpath.

GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.

GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with GNU Classpath; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
02111-1307 USA.

Linking this library statically or dynamically with other modules is
making a combined work based on this library.  Thus, the terms and
conditions of the GNU General Public License cover the whole

As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you
permission to link this library with independent modules to produce an
executable, regardless of the license terms of these independent
modules, and to copy and distribute the resulting executable under
terms of your choice, provided that you also meet, for each linked
independent module, the terms and conditions of the license of that
module.  An independent module is a module which is not derived from
or based on this library.  If you modify this library, you may extend
this exception to your version of the library, but you are not
obligated to do so.  If you do not wish to do so, delete this
exception statement from your version. */

package javax.swing;

import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Container;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager;
import java.awt.LayoutManager;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.beans.PropertyVetoException;

import javax.accessibility.Accessible;
import javax.accessibility.AccessibleContext;
import javax.accessibility.AccessibleRole;
import javax.accessibility.AccessibleValue;
import javax.swing.event.InternalFrameEvent;
import javax.swing.event.InternalFrameListener;
import javax.swing.plaf.DesktopIconUI;
import javax.swing.plaf.InternalFrameUI;

 * This class implements a Swing widget that looks and acts like a native
 * frame. The frame can be dragged, resized, closed, etc. Typically,
 * JInternalFrames are placed in JDesktopPanes. The actions that the
 * JInternalFrame performs (maximizing, minimizing, etc.) are performed by a
 * DesktopManager. As with regular frames, components are added by calling
 * frame.getContentPane().add.
public class JInternalFrame extends JComponent implements Accessible,
  /** DOCUMENT ME! */
  private static final long serialVersionUID = -5425177187760785402L;

  protected class AccessibleJInternalFrame extends AccessibleJComponent
    implements AccessibleValue
     * Creates a new AccessibleJInternalFrame object.
    protected AccessibleJInternalFrame()

     * @return DOCUMENT ME!
    public String getAccessibleName()
      return null;

     * @return DOCUMENT ME!
    public AccessibleRole getAccessibleRole()
      return null;

     * @return DOCUMENT ME!
    public AccessibleValue getAccessibleValue()
      return null;

     * @return DOCUMENT ME!
    public Number getCurrentAccessibleValue()
      return null;

     * @return DOCUMENT ME!
    public Number getMaximumAccessibleValue()
      return null;

     * @return DOCUMENT ME!
    public Number getMinimumAccessibleValue()
      return null;

     * @param n DOCUMENT ME!
     * @return DOCUMENT ME!
    public boolean setCurrentAccessibleValue(Number n)
      return false;

   * This class represents the JInternalFrame while it is iconified.
  public static class JDesktopIcon extends JComponent implements Accessible
    protected class AccessibleJDesktopIcon extends AccessibleJComponent
      implements AccessibleValue
       * Creates a new AccessibleJDesktopIcon object.
      protected AccessibleJDesktopIcon()

       * DOCUMENT ME!
       * @return DOCUMENT ME!
      public AccessibleRole getAccessibleRole()
	return null;

       * DOCUMENT ME!
       * @return DOCUMENT ME!
      public AccessibleValue getAccessibleValue()
	return null;

       * DOCUMENT ME!
       * @return DOCUMENT ME!
      public Number getCurrentAccessibleValue()
	return null;

       * DOCUMENT ME!
       * @return DOCUMENT ME!
      public Number getMaximumAccessibleValue()
	return null;

       * DOCUMENT ME!
       * @return DOCUMENT ME!
      public Number getMinimumAccessibleValue()
	return null;

       * DOCUMENT ME!
       * @param n DOCUMENT ME!
       * @return DOCUMENT ME!
      public boolean setCurrentAccessibleValue(Number n)
	return false;

    /** The JInternalFrame this DesktopIcon represents. */
    JInternalFrame frame;

     * Creates a new JDesktopIcon object for representing the given frame.
     * @param f The JInternalFrame to represent.
    public JDesktopIcon(JInternalFrame f)
      frame = f;

     * @return DOCUMENT ME!
    public AccessibleContext getAccessibleContext()
      if (accessibleContext == null)
	accessibleContext = new AccessibleJDesktopIcon();
      return accessibleContext;

     * This method returns the JDesktopPane this JDesktopIcon is in.
     * @return The JDesktopPane this JDesktopIcon is in.
    public JDesktopPane getDesktopPane()
      JDesktopPane p = (JDesktopPane) SwingUtilities.getAncestorOfClass(JDesktopPane.class,
      return p;

     * This method returns the JInternalFrame this JDesktopIcon represents.
     * @return The JInternalFrame this JDesktopIcon represents.
    public JInternalFrame getInternalFrame()
      return frame;

     * This method returns the UI that is responsible for the JDesktopIcon.
     * @return The UI that is responsible for the JDesktopIcon.
    public DesktopIconUI getUI()
      return (DesktopIconUI) ui;

     * This method returns the String identifier that is used to determine
     * which class is used for JDesktopIcon's UI.
     * @return A String identifier for the UI class.
    public String getUIClassID()
      return "DesktopIconUI";

     * This method sets the JInternalFrame that this JDesktopIcon represents.
     * @param f The JInternalFrame that this JDesktopIcon represents.
    public void setInternalFrame(JInternalFrame f)
      frame = f;

     * This method sets the UI used for this JDesktopIcon.
     * @param ui The UI to use.
    public void setUI(DesktopIconUI ui)

     * This method restores the UI property to the defaults.
    public void updateUI()
      setUI((DesktopIconUI) UIManager.getUI(this));

   * The property fired in a PropertyChangeEvent when the contentPane property
   * changes.
  public static final String CONTENT_PANE_PROPERTY = "contentPane";

   * The property fired in a PropertyChangeEvent when the frameIcon property
   * changes.
  public static final String FRAME_ICON_PROPERTY = "frameIcon";

   * The property fired in a PropertyChangeEvent when the glassPane property
   * changes.
  public static final String GLASS_PANE_PROPERTY = "glassPane";

   * The property fired in a PropertyChangeEvent when the closed property
   * changes.
  public static final String IS_CLOSED_PROPERTY = "closed";

   * The property fired in a PropertyChangeEvent when the icon property
   * changes.
  public static final String IS_ICON_PROPERTY = "icon";

   * The property fired in a PropertyChangeEvent when the maximum property
   * changes.
  public static final String IS_MAXIMUM_PROPERTY = "maximum";

   * The property fired in a PropertyChangeEvent when the selected property
   * changes.
  public static final String IS_SELECTED_PROPERTY = "selected";

   * The property fired in a PropertyChangeEvent when the layeredPane property
   * changes.
  public static final String LAYERED_PANE_PROPERTY = "layeredPane";

   * The property fired in a PropertyChangeEvent when the jMenuBar property
   * changes.
  public static final String MENU_BAR_PROPERTY = "JMenuBar";

   * The property fired in a PropertyChangeEvent when the rootPane property
   * changes.
  public static final String ROOT_PANE_PROPERTY = "rootPane";

   * The property fired in a PropertyChangeEvent when the title property
   * changes.
  public static final String TITLE_PROPERTY = "title";

  /** Whether the JInternalFrame is closable. */
  protected boolean closable;

  /** Whether the JInternalFrame can be iconified. */
  protected boolean iconable;

  /** Whether the JInternalFrame is closed. */
  protected boolean isClosed;

  /** Whether the JInternalFrame has been iconified. */
  protected boolean isIcon;

  /** Whether the JInternalFrame has been maximized. */
  protected boolean isMaximum;

  /** Whether the JInternalFrame is the active frame. */
  protected boolean isSelected;

  /** Whether the JInternalFrame can be maximized. */
  protected boolean maximizable;

  /** Whether the JInternalFrame has rootPaneChecking enabled. */
  protected boolean rootPaneCheckingEnabled = true;

  /** Whether the JInternalFrame is resizable. */
  protected boolean resizable;

   * The JDesktopIcon that represents the JInternalFrame while it is
   * iconified.
  protected JDesktopIcon desktopIcon;

  /** The icon used in the JMenuBar in the TitlePane. */
  protected Icon frameIcon;

  /** The rootPane of the JInternalFrame. */
  protected JRootPane rootPane;

  /** The title on the TitlePane of the JInternalFrame. */
  protected String title;

  /** The bounds of the JInternalFrame before it was maximized. */
  private transient Rectangle storedBounds;

  /** The Component that receives focus by default. */
  private transient Component defaultFocus;

  /** The default close action taken, */
  private transient int defaultCloseOperation = DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE;

  /** Whether the JInternalFrame has become visible for the very first time. */
  private transient boolean isFirstTimeVisible = true;

   * Whether the JInternalFrame is in the transition from being a maximized
   * frame back to a regular sized frame.
  private transient boolean maxTransition = false;

  /** DOCUMENT ME! */
  private transient boolean wasIcon = false;

   * Creates a new JInternalFrame object that has no title, and is
   * non-resizable, non-maximizable, non-iconifiable, and non-closable.
  public JInternalFrame()
    this(null, false, false, false, false);

   * Creates a new JInternalFrame object with the given title and is
   * non-resizable, non-maximizable, non-iconifiable, and non-closable.
   * @param title The title displayed in the JInternalFrame.
  public JInternalFrame(String title)
    this(title, false, false, false, false);

   * Creates a new JInternalFrame object with the given title and resizable
   * properties. The JInternalFrame is non-maximizable, non-iconifiable, and
   * non-closable.
   * @param title The title displayed in the JInternalFrame.
   * @param resizable Whether the JInternalFrame is resizable.
  public JInternalFrame(String title, boolean resizable)
    this(title, resizable, false, false, false);

   * Creates a new JInternalFrame object with the given title, resizable, and
   * closable properties. The JInternalFrame is non-maximizable and
   * non-iconifiable.
   * @param title The title displayed in the JInternalFrame.
   * @param resizable Whether the JInternalFrame is resizable.
   * @param closable Whether the JInternalFrame is closable.
  public JInternalFrame(String title, boolean resizable, boolean closable)
    this(title, resizable, closable, false, false);

   * Creates a new JInternalFrame object with the given title, resizable,
   * closable and maximizable properties. The JInternalFrame is
   * non-iconifiable.
   * @param title The title displayed in the JInternalFrame.
   * @param resizable Whether the JInternalFrame is resizable.
   * @param closable Whether the JInternalFrame is closable.
   * @param maximizable Whether the JInternalFrame is maximizable.
  public JInternalFrame(String title, boolean resizable, boolean closable,
                        boolean maximizable)
    this(title, resizable, closable, maximizable, false);

   * Creates a new JInternalFrame object with the given title, resizable,
   * closable, maximizable and iconifiable properties.
   * @param title The title displayed in the JInternalFrame.
   * @param resizable Whether the JInternalFrame is resizable.
   * @param closable Whether the JInternalFrame is closable.
   * @param maximizable Whether the JInternalFrame is maximizable.
   * @param iconifiable Whether the JInternalFrame is iconifiable.
  public JInternalFrame(String title, boolean resizable, boolean closable,
                        boolean maximizable, boolean iconifiable)
    this.title = title;
    this.resizable = resizable;
    this.closable = closable;
    this.maximizable = maximizable;
    this.iconable = iconifiable;
    storedBounds = new Rectangle();



   * This method adds Components to this Container. For JInternalFrames,
   * instead of calling add directly on the JInternalFrame, it should be
   * called with JInternalFrame.getContentPane().add. If root pane checking
   * is enabled, calling this method will cause an exception to be thrown.
   * @param comp The Component to add.
   * @param constraints The constraints on the Component added.
   * @param index The position to place the Component.
   * @throws Error DOCUMENT ME!
  protected void addImpl(Component comp, Object constraints, int index)
    if (isRootPaneCheckingEnabled())
      throw new Error("Do not use add() on JInternalPane directly. Use getContentPane().add() instead");

    super.addImpl(comp, constraints, index);

   * This method adds an InternalFrameListener to this JInternalFrame.
   * @param l The listener to add.
  public void addInternalFrameListener(InternalFrameListener l)
    listenerList.add(InternalFrameListener.class, l);

   * This method is used to create a root pane for the JInternalFrame. This
   * method is called by the constructors.
   * @return A root pane for the JInternalFrame to use.
  protected JRootPane createRootPane()
    return new JRootPane();

   * This method makes this JInternalFrame invisible, unselected and closed.
   * If this JInternalFrame is not closed already, it will fire an
   * INTERNAL_FRAME_CLoSED event. This method is similar to setClosed but it
   * doesn't give vetoable listeners a chance to veto and it will not fire an
  public void dispose()
    JDesktopPane pane = getDesktopPane();
    if (pane != null)
	catch (PropertyVetoException e)
	    // Do nothing if they don't want to be unselected.
    isClosed = true;

   * This method is used for closing this JInternalFrame. It fires an
   * INTERNAL_FRAME_CLOSING event and then performs the action specified by
   * the default close operation.
  public void doDefaultCloseAction()
    switch (getDefaultCloseOperation())
      case HIDE_ON_CLOSE:
      case DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE:

   * This method fires an InternalFrameEvent to the listeners.
   * @param id The type of event being fired. See InternalFrameEvent.
  protected void fireInternalFrameEvent(int id)
    Object[] ifListeners = listenerList.getListenerList();
    InternalFrameEvent evt = new InternalFrameEvent(this, id);
    switch (id)
      case InternalFrameEvent.INTERNAL_FRAME_CLOSING:
	for (int i = ifListeners.length - 2; i >= 0; i -= 2)
	    if (ifListeners[i] == InternalFrameListener.class)
	      ((InternalFrameListener) ifListeners[i + 1])
      case InternalFrameEvent.INTERNAL_FRAME_ACTIVATED:
	for (int i = ifListeners.length - 2; i >= 0; i -= 2)
	    if (ifListeners[i] == InternalFrameListener.class)
	      ((InternalFrameListener) ifListeners[i + 1])
      case InternalFrameEvent.INTERNAL_FRAME_CLOSED:
	for (int i = ifListeners.length - 2; i >= 0; i -= 2)
	    if (ifListeners[i] == InternalFrameListener.class)
	      ((InternalFrameListener) ifListeners[i + 1]).internalFrameClosed(evt);
      case InternalFrameEvent.INTERNAL_FRAME_DEACTIVATED:
	for (int i = ifListeners.length - 2; i >= 0; i -= 2)
	    if (ifListeners[i] == InternalFrameListener.class)
	      ((InternalFrameListener) ifListeners[i + 1])
      case InternalFrameEvent.INTERNAL_FRAME_DEICONIFIED:
	for (int i = ifListeners.length - 2; i >= 0; i -= 2)
	    if (ifListeners[i] == InternalFrameListener.class)
	      ((InternalFrameListener) ifListeners[i + 1])
      case InternalFrameEvent.INTERNAL_FRAME_ICONIFIED:
	for (int i = ifListeners.length - 2; i >= 0; i -= 2)
	    if (ifListeners[i] == InternalFrameListener.class)
	      ((InternalFrameListener) ifListeners[i + 1])
      case InternalFrameEvent.INTERNAL_FRAME_OPENED:
	for (int i = ifListeners.length - 2; i >= 0; i -= 2)
	    if (ifListeners[i] == InternalFrameListener.class)
	      ((InternalFrameListener) ifListeners[i + 1]).internalFrameOpened(evt);

   * @return DOCUMENT ME!
  public AccessibleContext getAccessibleContext()
    if (accessibleContext == null)
      accessibleContext = new AccessibleJInternalFrame();
    return accessibleContext;

   * This method returns the Content Pane for this JInternalFrame.
   * @return The Content Pane for this JInternalFrame.
  public Container getContentPane()
    return getRootPane().getContentPane();

   * This method returns the default action taken when this JInternalFrame is
   * closed.
   * @return The default action taken when this JInternalFrame is closed.
  public int getDefaultCloseOperation()
    return defaultCloseOperation;

   * This method returns the JDesktopIcon that represents this JInternalFrame
   * while it is iconified.
   * @return The JDesktopIcon that represents this JInternalFrame while it is
   *         iconified.
  public JDesktopIcon getDesktopIcon()
    if (desktopIcon == null)
      desktopIcon = new JDesktopIcon(this);
    return desktopIcon;

   * This method searches this JInternalFrame ancestors for an instance of
   * JDesktopPane. If one is found, it is returned. If none is found, then it
   * will search the JDesktopIcon for a JDesktopPane.
   * @return The JDesktopPane that this JInternalFrame belongs to.
  public JDesktopPane getDesktopPane()
    JDesktopPane value = (JDesktopPane) SwingUtilities.getAncestorOfClass(JDesktopPane.class,
    if (value == null && desktopIcon != null)
      value = desktopIcon.getDesktopPane();
    return value;

   * This method returns null because this must always be the root of a focus
   * traversal.
   * @return null.
  public Container getFocusCycleRootAncestor()
    // as defined.
    return null;

   * This method returns the child Component that will receive focus if this
   * JInternalFrame is selected.
   * @return The child Component that will receive focus.
  public Component getFocusOwner()
    if (isSelected())
	Component focus = KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().getFocusOwner();
	if (SwingUtilities.isDescendingFrom(focus, this))
	    defaultFocus = focus;
	    return focus;
    return null;

   * This method returns the Frame Icon (the icon used in the JInternalFrame
   * TitlePane and iconified frame).
   * @return The Frame Icon.
  public Icon getFrameIcon()
    return frameIcon;

   * This method returns the Glass Pane used with this JInternalFrame.
   * @return The Glass Pane used with this JInternalFrame.
  public Component getGlassPane()
    return getRootPane().getGlassPane();

   * This method returns an array of InternalFrameListeners that are listening
   * to this JInternalFrame.
   * @return An array of InternalFrameListeners that are listening to this
   *         JInternalFrame.
  public InternalFrameListener[] getInternalFrameListeners()
    return (InternalFrameListener[]) listenerList.getListeners(InternalFrameListener.class);

   * This method returns the JMenuBar for this JInternalFrame.
   * @return The JMenuBar for this JInternalFrame.
  public JMenuBar getJMenuBar()
    return getRootPane().getJMenuBar();

   * This method returns the layer that this JInternalFrame resides in.
   * @return The layer that this JInternalFrame resides in.
  public int getLayer()
    JDesktopPane pane = getDesktopPane();
    if (pane != null)
      return pane.getLayer(this).intValue();
    return -1;

   * This method returns the LayeredPane for this JInternalFrame.
   * @return The LayeredPane for this JInternalFrame.
  public JLayeredPane getLayeredPane()
    return getRootPane().getLayeredPane();

   * This method is deprecated. This method returns the JMenuBar for this
   * JInternalFrame.
   * @return The JMenuBar for this JInternalFrame.
   * @deprecated 1.0.3
  public JMenuBar getMenuBar()
    return getJMenuBar();

   * This method returns the child Component that will receive focus when the
   * JInternalFrame is selected. If the JInternalFrame is selected, this
   * method returns getFocusOwner(). Otherwise, it will return the child
   * Component that most recently requested focus. If that is null, then the
   * initial focus Component is returned. If that is null, then the default
   * focus component is returned.
   * @return The most recent focus owner.
  public Component getMostRecentFocusOwner()
    if (isSelected())
      return getFocusOwner();
      return defaultFocus;

   * This method returns the bounds of the JInternalFrame if it is not
   * maximized. If it is maximized, it returns the bounds of the
   * JInternalFrame before it was maximized (the bounds that it will be
   * restored to).
   * @return A Rectangle that contains this JInternalFrame's normal bounds (or
   *         just its bounds if it is not maximized).
  public Rectangle getNormalBounds()
    if (! isMaximum() && ! maxTransition)
      return getBounds();
      return storedBounds;

   * This method returns the Root Pane for this JInternalFrame.
   * @return The Root Pane for this JInternalFrame.
  public JRootPane getRootPane()
    return rootPane;

   * This method sets the title of the JInternalFrame.
   * @return The String displayed in the TitlePane of this JInternalFrame.
  public String getTitle()
    return title;

   * This method returns the UI used to represent the JInternalFrame.
   * @return The UI used to represent the JInternalFrame.
  public InternalFrameUI getUI()
    return (InternalFrameUI) ui;

   * This method returns a String identifier that is used to determine which
   * class acts as the JInternalFrame's UI.
   * @return A String identifier to determine a UI class.
  public String getUIClassID()
    return "InternalFrameUI";

   * This method returns null.
   * @return null.
  public String getWarningString()
    // as defined.
    return null;

   * This method deselects this JInternalFrame and hides it.
  public void hide()
    JDesktopPane pane = getDesktopPane();
    if (pane != null)
	catch (PropertyVetoException e)
	    // Do nothing.

   * This method returns whether this JInternalFrame is closable.
   * @return Whether this JInternalFrame is closable.
  public boolean isClosable()
    return closable;

   * This method returns whether this JInternalFrame has been closed.
   * @return Whether this JInternalFrame is closed.
  public boolean isClosed()
    return isClosed;

   * This must always return true.
   * @return True
  public boolean isFocusCycleRoot()
    return true;

   * This method returns whether this JInternalFrame is currently iconified.
   * @return Whether this JInternalFrame is currently iconified.
  public boolean isIcon()
    return isIcon;

   * This method returns whether the JInternalFrame can be iconified.
   * @return Whether the JInternalFrame can be iconified.
  public boolean isIconifiable()
    return iconable;

   * This method returns whether this JInternalFrame can be maximized.
   * @return Whether this JInternalFrame can be maximized.
  public boolean isMaximizable()
    return maximizable;

   * This method returns whether this JInternalFrame is currently maximized.
   * @return Whether this JInternalFrame is maximized.
  public boolean isMaximum()
    return isMaximum;

   * This method returns whether this JInternalFrame is resizable.
   * @return Whether this JInternalFrame is resizable.
  public boolean isResizable()
    return resizable;

   * This method returns whether root pane checking is enabled. If root pane
   * checking is enabled, then calls to addImpl and setLayout will throw
   * exceptions.
   * @return Whether root pane checking is enabled.
  protected boolean isRootPaneCheckingEnabled()
    return rootPaneCheckingEnabled;

   * This method returns whether this JInternalFrame is selected.
   * @return Whether this JInternalFrame is selected.
  public boolean isSelected()
    return isSelected;

   * A helper method that moves this JInternalFrame to the back if the parent
   * is a JLayeredPane.
  public void moveToBack()
    if (getParent() instanceof JLayeredPane)
      ((JLayeredPane) getParent()).moveToBack(this);

   * A helper method that moves this JInternalFrame to the front if the parent
   * is a JLayeredPane.
  public void moveToFront()
    if (getParent() instanceof JLayeredPane)
      ((JLayeredPane) getParent()).moveToFront(this);

   * This method causes the children of this JInternalFrame to be laid out.
   * Before it begins, if this JInternalFrame is an icon, then it will be
   * deiconified. If it is maximized, then it will be restored. If either
   * operation fails, then this method will return.
  public void pack()
	if (isIcon())
	else if (isMaximum())
    catch (PropertyVetoException e)
	// Do nothing if they don't want to be restored first.

   * This method is overridden to allow for speedier painting while this
   * JInternalFramme is being dragged.
   * @param g The Graphics object to paint with.
  protected void paintComponent(Graphics g)

   * This method returns a String describing this JInternalFrame.
   * @return A String describing this JInternalFrame.
  protected String paramString()
    return "JInternalFrame";

   * This method removes the given Component from the Container.
   * @param comp The Component to remove.
  public void remove(Component comp)

   * This method removes an InternalFrameListener from this JInternalFrame.
   * @param l The listener to remove.
  public void removeInternalFrameListener(InternalFrameListener l)
    listenerList.remove(InternalFrameListener.class, l);

   * This method resizes and positions this JInternalFrame. It also forces a
   * relayout of the Container.
   * @param x The x position of this JInternalFrame.
   * @param y The y position of this JInternalFrame.
   * @param width The width of this JInternalFrame.
   * @param height The height of this JInternalFrame.
  public void reshape(int x, int y, int width, int height)
    super.reshape(x, y, width, height);

   * This method gives focus to the last child Component that had focus. This
   * is used by the UI when this JInternalFrame is activated.
  public void restoreSubcomponentFocus()
    Component c = getMostRecentFocusOwner();
    if (c != null)

   * This method sets whether this JInternalFrame can be closed.
   * @param b Whether this JInternalFrame can be closed.
  public void setClosable(boolean b)
    closable = b;

   * This method closes the JInternalFrame if the given boolean is true. If it
   * is false, then the result of this method is unspecified. If the
   * JInternalFrame is closed, this method does nothing. This method will
   * first fire an INTERNAL_FRAME_CLOSING event and give a chance for veto
   * listeners to cancel the close. If no listener vetoes the change, the
   * closed property is set to true and the JInternalFrame is hidden and
   * unselected. The method will finish by firing an INTERNAL_FRAME_CLOSED
   * event.
   * @param b Whether the JInternalFrame will be closed.
   * @throws PropertyVetoException If a VetoableChangeListener vetoes the change.
  public void setClosed(boolean b) throws PropertyVetoException
    if (b && ! isClosed())
	fireVetoableChange(IS_CLOSED_PROPERTY, false, true);

	isClosed = b;

	firePropertyChange(IS_CLOSED_PROPERTY, false, true);

   * This method sets the Container to be used as a Content Pane for this
   * JInternalFrame.
   * @param c The Container to use as a Content Pane.
  public void setContentPane(Container c)
    if (c != getContentPane())
	Container old = getContentPane();
	firePropertyChange(CONTENT_PANE_PROPERTY, old, c);

   * This method sets the action taken when this JInternalFrame is closed.
   * @param operation One of DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE, HIDE_ON_CLOSE or
   *        DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE.
   * @throws Error If the given operation is not one of the allowed modes.
  public void setDefaultCloseOperation(int operation)
    if (operation != DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE || operation != HIDE_ON_CLOSE
        || operation != DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE)
      throw new Error("Close operation must be one of DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE, HIDE_ON_CLOSE, or DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE");
    defaultCloseOperation = operation;

   * This method sets the JDesktopIcon that represents this JInternalFrame
   * while it is iconified.
   * @param d The JDesktopIcon that represents this JInternalFrame while it is
   *        iconified.
  public void setDesktopIcon(JDesktopIcon d)
    desktopIcon = d;

   * This method does nothing because this must be the root of a focus
   * traversal cycle.
   * @param focusCycleRoot Not used.
  public final void setFocusCycleRoot(boolean focusCycleRoot)
    // Do nothing

   * This method sets the Icon to be used in two places. The first is icon
   * that is painted at the top left corner of the JInternalFrame when it is
   * not iconified (clicking on that icon will activate the TitlePane
   * JMenuBar). When the JInternalFrame is iconified, it will be the icon
   * displayed in the JDesktopIcon. If no icon is set, the JInternalFrame
   * will use a Look and Feel default.
   * @param icon The Icon used in the TitlePane JMenuBar and iconified frames.
  public void setFrameIcon(Icon icon)
    if (icon != frameIcon)
	Icon old = frameIcon;
	frameIcon = icon;
	firePropertyChange(FRAME_ICON_PROPERTY, old, frameIcon);

   * This method sets the Glass Pane used with this JInternalFrame.
   * @param glass The Glass Pane to use with this JInternalFrame.
  public void setGlassPane(Component glass)
    if (glass != getGlassPane())
	Component old = getGlassPane();
	firePropertyChange(GLASS_PANE_PROPERTY, old, glass);

   * This method iconifies or deiconifies this JInternalFrame given the
   * boolean argument. If the JInternalFrame becomes iconified, it will fire
   * an INTERNAL_FRAME_ICONIFIED event. If the JInternalFrame becomes
   * deiconified, it will fire anINTERNAL_FRAME_DEICONIFIED event.
   * @param b Whether this JInternalFrame is to be iconified or deiconified.
   * @throws PropertyVetoException DOCUMENT ME!
  public void setIcon(boolean b) throws PropertyVetoException
    if (b != isIcon())
	fireVetoableChange(IS_ICON_PROPERTY, b, isIcon);

	isIcon = b;

	firePropertyChange(IS_ICON_PROPERTY, ! isIcon, isIcon);
	if (b)

   * This method sets whether the JInternalFrame can be iconified. (This means
   * that the JInternalFrame can be turned into an icon if minimized).
   * @param b Whether the JInternalFrame can be iconified.
  public void setIconifiable(boolean b)
    iconable = b;

   * This method sets the JMenuBar to be used with this JInternalFrame.
   * @param b The JMenuBar to be used with this JInternalFrame.
  public void setJMenuBar(JMenuBar b)

   * A helper method that set the layer that this JInternalFrame resides in.
   * Using this version of the method means that the user should not set it
   * to values that are already defined in JLayeredPane. If predefined values
   * are to be used, the user should use the setLayer(Integer) version.
   * @param layer The layer to place this JInternalFrame in.
  public void setLayer(int layer)
    setLayer(new Integer(layer));

   * A helper method that sets the layer that this JInternalFrame resides in.
   * Calling this version of the method should use layer values that are
   * already defined in JLayeredPane.
   * @param layer The layer to place this JInternalFrame in.
  public void setLayer(Integer layer)
    JDesktopPane p = getDesktopPane();
    if (p != null)
	int pos = p.getPosition(this);
	p.setLayer(this, layer.intValue(), pos);

   * This method sets the JLayeredPane to use with this JInternalFrame.
   * @param layered The JLayeredPane to use as a layeredPane.
  public void setLayeredPane(JLayeredPane layered)
    if (layered != getLayeredPane())
	JLayeredPane old = getLayeredPane();
	firePropertyChange(LAYERED_PANE_PROPERTY, old, layered);

   * This method sets whether the JInternalFrame can be maximized.
   * @param b Whether this JInternalFrame can be maximized.
  public void setMaximizable(boolean b)
    maximizable = b;

   * This method sets the Layout Manager used in the JInternalFrame. SetLayout
   * should not be called on the JInternalFrame directly. Instead, it should
   * be called with JInternalFrame.getContentPane().setLayout. Calls to this
   * method with root pane checking enabled will cause exceptions to be
   * thrown.
   * @param manager The Layout Manager to be used with the JInternalFrame.
   * @throws Error If rootPaneChecking is enabled.
  public void setLayout(LayoutManager manager)
    if (isRootPaneCheckingEnabled())
      throw new Error("Cannot set layout. Use getContentPane().setLayout() instead.");

   * This method sets the JInternalFrame to maximized (if the given argument
   * is true) or restores the JInternalFrame to its normal bounds otherwise.
   * @param b Whether this JInteralFrame will be maximized or restored.
   * @throws PropertyVetoException If a VetoableChangeListener vetoes the change.
  public void setMaximum(boolean b) throws PropertyVetoException
    if (b != isMaximum())
	fireVetoableChange(IS_MAXIMUM_PROPERTY, b, isMaximum);
	isMaximum = b;
	if (b)
	maxTransition = ! b;
	firePropertyChange(IS_MAXIMUM_PROPERTY, ! isMaximum, isMaximum);
	maxTransition = false;

   * This method is deprecated. This method sets the JMenuBar used with this
   * JInternalFrame.
   * @param m The JMenuBar to use with this JInternalFrame.
   * @deprecated 1.0.3
  public void setMenuBar(JMenuBar m)

   * This method sets the bounds that this JInternalFrame will be restored to.
   * @param r The bounds that this JInternalFrame will be restored to.
  public void setNormalBounds(Rectangle r)
    storedBounds.setBounds(r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height);

   * This method sets whether the JInternalFrame can be resized by a user
   * action (like dragging at the frame borders).
   * @param b Whether this JInternalFramer can be resized.
  public void setResizable(boolean b)
    resizable = b;

   * This method sets the Root Pane for this JInternalFrame.
   * @param root The Root Pane for this JInternalFrame.
  protected void setRootPane(JRootPane root)
    if (rootPane != null)

    rootPane = root;

   * This method sets whether root pane checking is enabled. If root pane
   * checking is enabled, then calls to addImpl and setLayout will throw
   * exceptions.
   * @param enabled Whether root pane checking is enabled.
  protected void setRootPaneCheckingEnabled(boolean enabled)
    rootPaneCheckingEnabled = enabled;

   * This method sets whether this JInternalFrame is the selected frame in the
   * JDesktopPane (or other container). When selected, a JInternalFrame will
   * have focus and paint its TitlePane differently (usually a different
   * colour). If this method selects the frame, this JInternalFrame will fire
   * an INTERNAL_FRAME_ACTIVATED event. If it deselects this frame, it will
   * @param selected Whether this JInternalFrame will become selected or
   *        deselected.
   * @throws PropertyVetoException If a VetoableChangeListener vetoes the change.
  public void setSelected(boolean selected) throws PropertyVetoException
    if (selected != isSelected())
	fireVetoableChange(IS_SELECTED_PROPERTY, selected, isSelected);

	if (! selected)
	  defaultFocus = getMostRecentFocusOwner();

	isSelected = selected;

	if (selected)

	firePropertyChange(IS_SELECTED_PROPERTY, ! isSelected, isSelected);

	if (isSelected)

   * This method sets the title displayed in the TitlePane of this
   * JInternalFrame.
   * @param title The title displayed.
  public void setTitle(String title)
    if (title == null && this.title == null)
    if (title == null || this.title == null || ! this.title.equals(title))
	String old = title;
	this.title = title;
	firePropertyChange(TITLE_PROPERTY, old, this.title);

   * This method displays the JInternalFrame. If it is not visible, this
   * method will bring this JInternalFrame to the front, make it visible and
   * select it. If this is the first time this JInternalFrame is made
   * visible, an INTERNAL_FRAME_OPENED event will be fired.
  public void show()
    if (! isVisible())

	JDesktopPane pane = getDesktopPane();
	if (pane != null)
	    catch (PropertyVetoException e)
		// Do nothing. if they don't want to be selected.
	if (isFirstTimeVisible)
	    isFirstTimeVisible = false;

   * This method is used to set the UI responsible for the JInternalFrame.
   * @param ui The UI responsible for the JInternalFrame.
  public void setUI(InternalFrameUI ui)

   * This method causes the JInternalFrame to be brough to back in the
   * z-order.
  public void toBack()

   * This method causes the JInternalFrame to be brought to front in the
   * z-order.
  public void toFront()

   * This method resets the UI to the Look and Feel defaults.
  public void updateUI()
    setUI((InternalFrameUI) UIManager.getUI(this));

   * This helper method allows JInternalFrames to signal that they were
   * iconned for the first time.
   * @param b Whether the JInternalFrame was iconned.
   * @param ID The identifier of the property change event to fire if the
   *        JInternalFrame is iconned for the first time.
  void setWasIcon(boolean b, String ID)
    if (b && ! wasIcon)
	wasIcon = b;
	firePropertyChange(ID, ! b, b);

   * This helper method returns whether the JInternalFrame has been iconned
   * once already.
   * @return Whether the JInternalFrame has been iconned once already.
  boolean getWasIcon()
    return wasIcon;

   * This method is a convenience method to fire vetoable property changes.
   * @param name The identifier of the property change.
   * @param oldValue The old value.
   * @param newValue The new value.
   * @throws PropertyVetoException Fired if a vetoable change listener vetoes
   *         the change.
  private void fireVetoableChange(String name, boolean oldValue,
                                  boolean newValue)
                           throws PropertyVetoException
    super.fireVetoableChange(name, Boolean.valueOf(oldValue), Boolean.valueOf(newValue));