/* JFileChooser.java --
   Copyright (C) 2002, 2004  Free Software Foundation, Inc.

This file is part of GNU Classpath.

GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.

GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with GNU Classpath; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
02111-1307 USA.

Linking this library statically or dynamically with other modules is
making a combined work based on this library.  Thus, the terms and
conditions of the GNU General Public License cover the whole

As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you
permission to link this library with independent modules to produce an
executable, regardless of the license terms of these independent
modules, and to copy and distribute the resulting executable under
terms of your choice, provided that you also meet, for each linked
independent module, the terms and conditions of the license of that
module.  An independent module is a module which is not derived from
or based on this library.  If you modify this library, you may extend
this exception to your version of the library, but you are not
obligated to do so.  If you do not wish to do so, delete this
exception statement from your version. */

package javax.swing;

import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
import java.util.Vector;

import javax.accessibility.Accessible;
import javax.accessibility.AccessibleContext;
import javax.accessibility.AccessibleRole;
import javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter;
import javax.swing.filechooser.FileSystemView;
import javax.swing.filechooser.FileView;
import javax.swing.plaf.FileChooserUI;

 * JFileChooser
 * @author	Andrew Selkirk
 * @version	1.0
public class JFileChooser extends JComponent implements Accessible {

  private static final long serialVersionUID = 3162921138695327837L;

   * AccessibleJFileChooser
  protected class AccessibleJFileChooser extends AccessibleJComponent
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 8205148454060169244L;

     * Constructor AccessibleJFileChooser
     * @param component TODO
    protected AccessibleJFileChooser()

     * getAccessibleRole
     * @return AccessibleRole
    public AccessibleRole getAccessibleRole()
      return AccessibleRole.FILE_CHOOSER;

	 * uiClassID
	private static final String uiClassID = "FileChooserUI";

	public static final int OPEN_DIALOG = 0;

	public static final int SAVE_DIALOG = 1;

	public static final int CUSTOM_DIALOG = 2;

	public static final int CANCEL_OPTION = 1;

	public static final int APPROVE_OPTION = 0;

	public static final int ERROR_OPTION = -1;

	public static final int FILES_ONLY = 0;

	public static final int DIRECTORIES_ONLY = 1;

	public static final int FILES_AND_DIRECTORIES = 2;

	public static final String CANCEL_SELECTION = "CancelSelection";

	public static final String APPROVE_SELECTION = "ApproveSelection";

	public static final String APPROVE_BUTTON_TEXT_CHANGED_PROPERTY = "ApproveButtonTextChangedProperty";

	public static final String APPROVE_BUTTON_TOOL_TIP_TEXT_CHANGED_PROPERTY = "ApproveButtonToolTipTextChangedProperty";

	public static final String APPROVE_BUTTON_MNEMONIC_CHANGED_PROPERTY = "ApproveButtonMnemonicChangedProperty";

	public static final String CONTROL_BUTTONS_ARE_SHOWN_CHANGED_PROPERTY = "ControlButtonsAreShownChangedProperty";

	public static final String DIRECTORY_CHANGED_PROPERTY = "directoryChanged";

	public static final String SELECTED_FILE_CHANGED_PROPERTY = "SelectedFileChangedProperty";

	public static final String SELECTED_FILES_CHANGED_PROPERTY = "SelectedFilesChangedProperty";

	public static final String MULTI_SELECTION_ENABLED_CHANGED_PROPERTY = "MultiSelectionEnabledChangedProperty";

	public static final String FILE_SYSTEM_VIEW_CHANGED_PROPERTY = "FileSystemViewChanged";

	public static final String FILE_VIEW_CHANGED_PROPERTY = "fileViewChanged";

	public static final String FILE_HIDING_CHANGED_PROPERTY = "FileHidingChanged";

	public static final String FILE_FILTER_CHANGED_PROPERTY = "fileFilterChanged";

	public static final String FILE_SELECTION_MODE_CHANGED_PROPERTY = "fileSelectionChanged";

	public static final String ACCESSORY_CHANGED_PROPERTY = "AccessoryChangedProperty";

	public static final String ACCEPT_ALL_FILE_FILTER_USED_CHANGED_PROPERTY = "acceptAllFileFilterUsedChanged";

	public static final String DIALOG_TITLE_CHANGED_PROPERTY = "DialogTitleChangedProperty";

	public static final String DIALOG_TYPE_CHANGED_PROPERTY = "DialogTypeChangedProperty";

	public static final String CHOOSABLE_FILE_FILTER_CHANGED_PROPERTY = "ChoosableFileFilterChangedProperty";

	 * dialogTitle
	private String dialogTitle;

	 * approveButtonText
	private String approveButtonText;

	 * approveButtonToolTipText
	private String approveButtonToolTipText;

	 * approveButtonMnemonic
	private int approveButtonMnemonic;

	 * actionListener
	private ActionListener actionListener;

	 * filters
	private Vector filters;

	 * dialog
	private JDialog dialog;

	 * dialogType
	private int dialogType;

	 * returnValue
	private int returnValue;

	 * accessory
	private JComponent accessory;

	 * fileView
	private FileView fileView;

	 * uiFileView
	private FileView uiFileView;

	 * controlsShown
	private boolean controlsShown;

	 * useFileHiding
	private boolean useFileHiding;

	 * fileSelectionMode
	private int fileSelectionMode;

	 * multiSelectionEnabled
	private boolean multiSelectionEnabled;

	 * useAcceptAllFileFilter
	private boolean useAcceptAllFileFilter;

	 * fileFilter
	private FileFilter fileFilter;

	 * fileSystemView
	private FileSystemView fileSystemView;

	 * currentDirectory
	private File currentDirectory;

	 * selectedFile
	private File selectedFile;

	 * selectedFiles
	private File[] selectedFiles;

	 * accessibleContext
	protected AccessibleContext accessibleContext;

	// Initialization ---------------------------------------------

	 * Constructor JFileChooser
	public JFileChooser() {
		// TODO
	} // JFileChooser()

	 * Constructor JFileChooser
	 * @param currentDirectoryPath TODO
	public JFileChooser(String currentDirectoryPath) {
		// TODO
	} // JFileChooser()

	 * Constructor JFileChooser
	 * @param currentDirectory TODO
	public JFileChooser(File currentDirectory) {
		// TODO
	} // JFileChooser()

	 * Constructor JFileChooser
	 * @param value0 TODO
	public JFileChooser(FileSystemView fsv) {
		// TODO
	} // JFileChooser()

	 * Constructor JFileChooser
	 * @param currentDirectory TODO
	 * @param fsv TODO
	public JFileChooser(File currentDirectory, FileSystemView fsv) {
		// TODO
	} // JFileChooser()

	 * Constructor JFileChooser
	 * @param currentDirectoryPath TODO
	 * @param fsv TODO
	public JFileChooser(String currentDirectoryPath, FileSystemView fsv) {
		// TODO
	} // JFileChooser()

	// Methods ----------------------------------------------------

	 * writeObject
	 * @param stream TODO
	 * @exception IOException TODO
	private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream stream) throws IOException {
		// TODO
	} // writeObject()

	 * getName
	 * @param file TODO
	 * @returns String
	public String getName(File file) {
		return null; // TODO
	} // getName()

	 * setup
	 * @param view TODO
	protected void setup(FileSystemView view) {
		// TODO
	} // setup()

	 * accept
	 * @param file TODO
	 * @returns boolean
	public boolean accept(File file) {
		return false; // TODO
	} // accept()

	 * getSelectedFile
	 * @returns File
	public File getSelectedFile() {
		return null; // TODO
	} // getSelectedFile()

	 * setSelectedFile
	 * @param file TODO
	public void setSelectedFile(File file) {
		// TODO
	} // setSelectedFile()

	 * getSelectedFiles
	 * @returns File[]
	public File[] getSelectedFiles() {
		return null; // TODO
	} // getSelectedFiles()

	 * setSelectedFiles
	 * @param files TODO
	public void setSelectedFiles(File[] files) {
		// TODO
	} // setSelectedFiles()

	 * getCurrentDirectory
	 * @returns File
	public File getCurrentDirectory() {
		return null; // TODO
	} // getCurrentDirectory()

	 * setCurrentDirectory
	 * @param directory TODO
	public void setCurrentDirectory(File directory) {
		// TODO
	} // setCurrentDirectory()

	 * changeToParentDirectory
	public void changeToParentDirectory() {
		// TODO
	} // changeToParentDirectory()

	 * rescanCurrentDirectory
	public void rescanCurrentDirectory() {
		// TODO
	} // rescanCurrentDirectory()

	 * ensureFileIsVisible
	 * @param file TODO
	public void ensureFileIsVisible(File file) {
		// TODO
	} // ensureFileIsVisible()

	 * showOpenDialog
	 * @param parent TODO
	 * @returns int
	public int showOpenDialog(Component parent) {
	} // showOpenDialog()

	 * showSaveDialog
	 * @param parent TODO
	 * @returns int
	public int showSaveDialog(Component parent) {
	} // showSaveDialog()

	 * showDialog
	 * @param parent TODO
	 * @param approveButtonText TODO
	 * @returns int
	public int showDialog(Component parent, String approveButtonText) {
	} // showDialog()

	 * getControlButtonsAreShown
	 * @returns boolean
	public boolean getControlButtonsAreShown() {
		return false; // TODO
	} // getControlButtonsAreShown()

	 * setControlButtonsAreShown
	 * @param value TODO
	public void setControlButtonsAreShown(boolean value) {
		// TODO
	} // setControlButtonsAreShown()

	 * getDialogType
	 * @returns int
	public int getDialogType() {
		return 0; // TODO
	} // getDialogType()

	 * setDialogType
	 * @param type TODO
	public void setDialogType(int type) {
		// TODO
	} // setDialogType()

	 * setDialogTitle
	 * @param title TODO
	public void setDialogTitle(String title) {
		// TODO
	} // setDialogTitle()

	 * getDialogTitle
	 * @returns String
	public String getDialogTitle() {
		return null; // TODO
	} // getDialogTitle()

	 * setApproveButtonToolTipText
	 * @param text TODO
	public void setApproveButtonToolTipText(String text) {
		// TODO
	} // setApproveButtonToolTipText()

	 * getApproveButtonToolTipText
	 * @returns String
	public String getApproveButtonToolTipText() {
		return null; // TODO
	} // getApproveButtonToolTipText()

	 * getApproveButtonMnemonic
	 * @returns int
	public int getApproveButtonMnemonic() {
		return 0; // TODO
	} // getApproveButtonMnemonic()

	 * setApproveButtonMnemonic
	 * @param mnemonic TODO
	public void setApproveButtonMnemonic(int mnemonic) {
		// TODO
	} // setApproveButtonMnemonic()

	 * setApproveButtonMnemonic
	 * @param mnemonic TODO
	public void setApproveButtonMnemonic(char mnemonic) {
		// TODO
	} // setApproveButtonMnemonic()

	 * setApproveButtonText
	 * @param text TODO
	public void setApproveButtonText(String text) {
		// TODO
	} // setApproveButtonText()

	 * getApproveButtonText
	 * @returns String
	public String getApproveButtonText() {
		return null; // TODO
	} // getApproveButtonText()

	 * getChoosableFileFilters
	 * @returns FileFilter[]
	public FileFilter[] getChoosableFileFilters() {
		return null; // TODO
	} // getChoosableFileFilters()

	 * addChoosableFileFilter
	 * @param filter TODO
	public void addChoosableFileFilter(FileFilter filter) {
		// TODO
	} // addChoosableFileFilter()

	 * removeChoosableFileFilter
	 * @param filter TODO
	 * @returns boolean
	public boolean removeChoosableFileFilter(FileFilter filter) {
		return false; // TODO
	} // removeChoosableFileFilter()

	 * resetChoosableFileFilters
	public void resetChoosableFileFilters() {
		// TODO
	} // resetChoosableFileFilters()

	 * getAcceptAllFileFilter
	 * @returns FileFilter
	public FileFilter getAcceptAllFileFilter() {
		return null; // TODO
	} // getAcceptAllFileFilter()

	 * isAcceptAllFileFilterUsed
	 * @returns boolean
	public boolean isAcceptAllFileFilterUsed() {
		return false; // TODO
	} // isAcceptAllFileFilterUsed()

	 * setAcceptAllFileFilterUsed
	 * @param value TODO
	public void setAcceptAllFileFilterUsed(boolean value) {
		// TODO
	} // setAcceptAllFileFilterUsed()

	 * getAccessory
	 * @returns JComponent
	public JComponent getAccessory() {
		return null; // TODO
	} // getAccessory()

	 * setAccessory
	 * @param accessory TODO
	public void setAccessory(JComponent accessory) {
		// TODO
	} // setAccessory()

	 * setFileSelectionMode
	 * @param mode TODO
	public void setFileSelectionMode(int mode) {
		// TODO
	} // setFileSelectionMode()

	 * getFileSelectionMode
	 * @returns int
	public int getFileSelectionMode() {
		return 0; // TODO
	} // getFileSelectionMode()

	 * isFileSelectionEnabled
	 * @returns boolean
	public boolean isFileSelectionEnabled() {
		return false; // TODO
	} // isFileSelectionEnabled()

	 * isDirectorySelectionEnabled
	 * @returns boolean
	public boolean isDirectorySelectionEnabled() {
		return false; // TODO
	} // isDirectorySelectionEnabled()

	 * isMultiSelectionEnabled
	 * @returns boolean
	public boolean isMultiSelectionEnabled() {
		return false; // TODO
	} // isMultiSelectionEnabled()

	 * setMultiSelectionEnabled
	 * @param enabled TODO
	public void setMultiSelectionEnabled(boolean enabled) {
		// TODO
	} // setMultiSelectionEnabled()

	 * isFileHidingEnabled
	 * @returns boolean
	public boolean isFileHidingEnabled() {
		return false; // TODO
	} // isFileHidingEnabled()

	 * setFileHidingEnabled
	 * @param enabled TODO
	public void setFileHidingEnabled(boolean enabled) {
		// TODO
	} // setFileHidingEnabled()

	 * getFileFilter
	 * @returns FileFilter
	public FileFilter getFileFilter() {
		return null; // TODO
	} // getFileFilter()

	 * setFileFilter
	 * @param filter TODO
	public void setFileFilter(FileFilter filter) {
		// TODO
	} // setFileFilter()

	 * getFileView
	 * @returns FileView
	public FileView getFileView() {
		return null; // TODO
	} // getFileView()

	 * setFileView
	 * @param view TODO
	public void setFileView(FileView view) {
		// TODO
	} // setFileView()

	 * getDescription
	 * @param file TODO
	 * @returns String
	public String getDescription(File file) {
		return null; // TODO
	} // getDescription()

	 * getTypeDescription
	 * @param file TODO
	 * @returns String
	public String getTypeDescription(File file) {
		return null; // TODO
	} // getTypeDescription()

	 * getIcon
	 * @param file TODO
	 * @returns Icon
	public Icon getIcon(File file) {
		return null; // TODO
	} // getIcon()

	 * isTraversable
	 * @param file TODO
	 * @returns boolean
	public boolean isTraversable(File file) {
		return false; // TODO
	} // isTraversable()

	 * getFileSystemView
	 * @returns FileSystemView
	public FileSystemView getFileSystemView() {
		return null; // TODO
	} // getFileSystemView()

	 * setFileSystemView
	 * @param fsv TODO
	public void setFileSystemView(FileSystemView fsv) {
		// TODO
	} // setFileSystemView()

	 * approveSelection
	public void approveSelection() {
		// TODO
	} // approveSelection()

	 * cancelSelection
	public void cancelSelection() {
		// TODO
	} // cancelSelection()

	 * addActionListener
	 * @param listener TODO
	public void addActionListener(ActionListener listener)
		listenerList.add (ActionListener.class, listener);

	 * removeActionListener
	 * @param listener TODO
	public void removeActionListener(ActionListener listener)
		listenerList.remove (ActionListener.class, listener);

	public ActionListener[] getActionListeners()
		return (ActionListener[]) listenerList.getListeners (ActionListener.class);

	 * fireActionPerformed
	 * @param command TODO
	protected void fireActionPerformed(String command) {
		// TODO
	} // fireActionPerformed()

	 * updateUI
	public void updateUI() {
		setUI((FileChooserUI) UIManager.get(this));
	} // updateUI()

	 * getUIClassID
	 * @returns String
	public String getUIClassID() {
		return uiClassID;
	} // getUIClassID()

	 * getUI
	 * @returns FileChooserUI
	public FileChooserUI getUI() {
		return (FileChooserUI) ui;
	} // getUI()

	 * paramString
	 * @returns String
	protected String paramString() {
		return null; // TODO
	} // paramString()

   * getAccessibleContext
   * @returns AccessibleContext
  public AccessibleContext getAccessibleContext()
    if (accessibleContext == null)
      accessibleContext = new AccessibleJFileChooser();

    return accessibleContext;