// natMethod.cc - Native code for Method class. /* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 , 2002, 2003 Free Software Foundation This file is part of libgcj. This software is copyrighted work licensed under the terms of the Libgcj License. Please consult the file "LIBGCJ_LICENSE" for details. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if USE_LIBFFI #include #else #include #endif struct cpair { jclass prim; jclass wrap; }; // This is used to determine when a primitive widening conversion is // allowed. static cpair primitives[] = { #define BOOLEAN 0 { JvPrimClass (boolean), &java::lang::Boolean::class$ }, { JvPrimClass (byte), &java::lang::Byte::class$ }, #define SHORT 2 { JvPrimClass (short), &java::lang::Short::class$ }, #define CHAR 3 { JvPrimClass (char), &java::lang::Character::class$ }, { JvPrimClass (int), &java::lang::Integer::class$ }, { JvPrimClass (long), &java::lang::Long::class$ }, { JvPrimClass (float), &java::lang::Float::class$ }, { JvPrimClass (double), &java::lang::Double::class$ }, { NULL, NULL } }; static inline jboolean can_widen (jclass from, jclass to) { int fromx = -1, tox = -1; for (int i = 0; primitives[i].prim; ++i) { if (primitives[i].wrap == from) fromx = i; if (primitives[i].prim == to) tox = i; } // Can't handle a miss. if (fromx == -1 || tox == -1) return false; // Boolean arguments may not be widened. if (fromx == BOOLEAN && tox != BOOLEAN) return false; // Nothing promotes to char. if (tox == CHAR && fromx != CHAR) return false; return fromx <= tox; } #ifdef USE_LIBFFI static inline ffi_type * get_ffi_type (jclass klass) { // A special case. if (klass == NULL) return &ffi_type_pointer; ffi_type *r; if (klass == JvPrimClass (byte)) r = &ffi_type_sint8; else if (klass == JvPrimClass (short)) r = &ffi_type_sint16; else if (klass == JvPrimClass (int)) r = &ffi_type_sint32; else if (klass == JvPrimClass (long)) r = &ffi_type_sint64; else if (klass == JvPrimClass (float)) r = &ffi_type_float; else if (klass == JvPrimClass (double)) r = &ffi_type_double; else if (klass == JvPrimClass (boolean)) { // On some platforms a bool is a byte, on others an int. if (sizeof (jboolean) == sizeof (jbyte)) r = &ffi_type_sint8; else { JvAssert (sizeof (jboolean) == sizeof (jint)); r = &ffi_type_sint32; } } else if (klass == JvPrimClass (char)) r = &ffi_type_uint16; else { JvAssert (! klass->isPrimitive()); r = &ffi_type_pointer; } return r; } #endif // USE_LIBFFI jobject java::lang::reflect::Method::invoke (jobject obj, jobjectArray args) { if (parameter_types == NULL) getType (); gnu::gcj::runtime::StackTrace *t = new gnu::gcj::runtime::StackTrace(4); Class *caller = NULL; try { for (int i = 1; !caller; i++) { caller = t->classAt (i); } } catch (::java::lang::ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException *e) { } jmethodID meth = _Jv_FromReflectedMethod (this); jclass klass; if (! java::lang::reflect::Modifier::isStatic(meth->accflags)) { if (! obj) throw new java::lang::NullPointerException; klass = obj->getClass(); if (! declaringClass->isAssignableFrom(klass)) throw new java::lang::IllegalArgumentException; // Find the possibly overloaded method based on the runtime type // of the object. meth = _Jv_LookupDeclaredMethod (klass, meth->name, meth->signature); } else { // We have to initialize a static class. It is safe to do this // here and not in _Jv_CallAnyMethodA because JNI initializes a // class whenever a method lookup is done. _Jv_InitClass (declaringClass); klass = declaringClass; } if (! isAccessible() && ! _Jv_CheckAccess(caller, klass, meth->accflags)) throw new IllegalArgumentException; return _Jv_CallAnyMethodA (obj, return_type, meth, false, parameter_types, args); } jint java::lang::reflect::Method::getModifiers () { // Ignore all unknown flags. return _Jv_FromReflectedMethod (this)->accflags & Modifier::ALL_FLAGS; } jstring java::lang::reflect::Method::getName () { if (name == NULL) name = _Jv_NewStringUtf8Const (_Jv_FromReflectedMethod (this)->name); return name; } /* Internal method to set return_type and parameter_types fields. */ void java::lang::reflect::Method::getType () { _Jv_Method *method = _Jv_FromReflectedMethod (this); _Jv_GetTypesFromSignature (method, declaringClass, ¶meter_types, &return_type); int count = 0; if (method->throws != NULL) { while (method->throws[count] != NULL) ++count; } exception_types = (JArray *) JvNewObjectArray (count, &java::lang::Class::class$, NULL); jclass *elts = elements (exception_types); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) elts[i] = _Jv_FindClass (method->throws[i], declaringClass->getClassLoaderInternal ()); } void _Jv_GetTypesFromSignature (jmethodID method, jclass declaringClass, JArray **arg_types_out, jclass *return_type_out) { _Jv_Utf8Const* sig = method->signature; java::lang::ClassLoader *loader = declaringClass->getClassLoaderInternal(); char *ptr = sig->data; int numArgs = 0; /* First just count the number of parameters. */ for (; ; ptr++) { switch (*ptr) { case 0: case ')': case 'V': break; case '[': case '(': continue; case 'B': case 'C': case 'D': case 'F': case 'S': case 'I': case 'J': case 'Z': numArgs++; continue; case 'L': numArgs++; do ptr++; while (*ptr != ';' && ptr[1] != '\0'); continue; } break; } JArray *args = (JArray *) JvNewObjectArray (numArgs, &java::lang::Class::class$, NULL); jclass* argPtr = elements (args); for (ptr = sig->data; *ptr != '\0'; ptr++) { int num_arrays = 0; jclass type; for (; *ptr == '['; ptr++) num_arrays++; switch (*ptr) { default: return; case ')': argPtr = return_type_out; continue; case '(': continue; case 'V': case 'B': case 'C': case 'D': case 'F': case 'S': case 'I': case 'J': case 'Z': type = _Jv_FindClassFromSignature(ptr, loader); break; case 'L': type = _Jv_FindClassFromSignature(ptr, loader); do ptr++; while (*ptr != ';' && ptr[1] != '\0'); break; } while (--num_arrays >= 0) type = _Jv_GetArrayClass (type, loader); // ARGPTR can be NULL if we are processing the return value of a // call from Constructor. if (argPtr) *argPtr++ = type; } *arg_types_out = args; } // This is a very rough analog of the JNI CallNonvirtualMethodA // functions. It handles both Methods and Constructors, and it can // handle any return type. In the Constructor case, the `obj' // argument is unused and should be NULL; also, the `return_type' is // the class that the constructor will construct. RESULT is a pointer // to a `jvalue' (see jni.h); for a void method this should be NULL. // This function returns an exception (if one was thrown), or NULL if // the call went ok. void _Jv_CallAnyMethodA (jobject obj, jclass return_type, jmethodID meth, jboolean is_constructor, JArray *parameter_types, jvalue *args, jvalue *result, jboolean is_jni_call) { #ifdef USE_LIBFFI JvAssert (! is_constructor || ! obj); JvAssert (! is_constructor || return_type); // See whether call needs an object as the first argument. A // constructor does need a `this' argument, but it is one we create. jboolean needs_this = false; if (is_constructor || ! java::lang::reflect::Modifier::isStatic(meth->accflags)) needs_this = true; int param_count = parameter_types->length; if (needs_this) ++param_count; ffi_type *rtype; // A constructor itself always returns void. if (is_constructor || return_type == JvPrimClass (void)) rtype = &ffi_type_void; else rtype = get_ffi_type (return_type); ffi_type **argtypes = (ffi_type **) __builtin_alloca (param_count * sizeof (ffi_type *)); jclass *paramelts = elements (parameter_types); // Special case for the `this' argument of a constructor. Note that // the JDK 1.2 docs specify that the new object must be allocated // before argument conversions are done. if (is_constructor) obj = JvAllocObject (return_type); const int size_per_arg = sizeof(jvalue); ffi_cif cif; char *p = (char *) __builtin_alloca (param_count * size_per_arg); // Overallocate to get correct alignment. void **values = (void **) __builtin_alloca (param_count * sizeof (void *)); int i = 0; if (needs_this) { // The `NULL' type is `Object'. argtypes[i] = get_ffi_type (NULL); values[i] = p; memcpy (p, &obj, sizeof (jobject)); p += size_per_arg; ++i; } for (int arg = 0; i < param_count; ++i, ++arg) { int tsize; argtypes[i] = get_ffi_type (paramelts[arg]); if (paramelts[arg]->isPrimitive()) tsize = paramelts[arg]->size(); else tsize = sizeof (jobject); // Copy appropriate bits from the jvalue into the ffi array. // FIXME: we could do this copying all in one loop, above, by // over-allocating a bit. // How do we do this without breaking big-endian platforms? values[i] = p; memcpy (p, &args[arg], tsize); p += size_per_arg; } if (ffi_prep_cif (&cif, FFI_DEFAULT_ABI, param_count, rtype, argtypes) != FFI_OK) throw new java::lang::VirtualMachineError(JvNewStringLatin1("internal error: ffi_prep_cif failed")); using namespace java::lang; using namespace java::lang::reflect; union { ffi_arg i; jobject o; jlong l; jfloat f; jdouble d; } ffi_result; switch (rtype->type) { case FFI_TYPE_VOID: break; case FFI_TYPE_SINT8: result->b = 0; break; case FFI_TYPE_SINT16: result->s = 0; break; case FFI_TYPE_UINT16: result->c = 0; break; case FFI_TYPE_SINT32: result->i = 0; break; case FFI_TYPE_SINT64: result->j = 0; break; case FFI_TYPE_FLOAT: result->f = 0; break; case FFI_TYPE_DOUBLE: result->d = 0; break; case FFI_TYPE_POINTER: result->l = 0; break; default: JvFail ("Unknown ffi_call return type"); break; } try { ffi_call (&cif, (void (*)()) meth->ncode, &ffi_result, values); } catch (Throwable *ex) { // For JNI we just throw the real error. For reflection, we // wrap the underlying method's exception in an // InvocationTargetException. if (! is_jni_call) ex = new InvocationTargetException (ex); throw ex; } // Since ffi_call returns integer values promoted to a word, use // a narrowing conversion for jbyte, jchar, etc. results. // Note that boolean is handled either by the FFI_TYPE_SINT8 or // FFI_TYPE_SINT32 case. if (is_constructor) result->l = obj; else { switch (rtype->type) { case FFI_TYPE_VOID: break; case FFI_TYPE_SINT8: result->b = (jbyte)ffi_result.i; break; case FFI_TYPE_SINT16: result->s = (jshort)ffi_result.i; break; case FFI_TYPE_UINT16: result->c = (jchar)ffi_result.i; break; case FFI_TYPE_SINT32: result->i = (jint)ffi_result.i; break; case FFI_TYPE_SINT64: result->j = (jlong)ffi_result.l; break; case FFI_TYPE_FLOAT: result->f = (jfloat)ffi_result.f; break; case FFI_TYPE_DOUBLE: result->d = (jdouble)ffi_result.d; break; case FFI_TYPE_POINTER: result->l = (jobject)ffi_result.o; break; default: JvFail ("Unknown ffi_call return type"); break; } } #else throw new java::lang::UnsupportedOperationException(JvNewStringLatin1("reflection not available in this build")); #endif // USE_LIBFFI } // This is another version of _Jv_CallAnyMethodA, but this one does // more checking and is used by the reflection (and not JNI) code. jobject _Jv_CallAnyMethodA (jobject obj, jclass return_type, jmethodID meth, jboolean is_constructor, JArray *parameter_types, jobjectArray args) { if (parameter_types->length == 0 && args == NULL) { // The JDK accepts this, so we do too. } else if (parameter_types->length != args->length) throw new java::lang::IllegalArgumentException; int param_count = parameter_types->length; jclass *paramelts = elements (parameter_types); jobject *argelts = args == NULL ? NULL : elements (args); jvalue argvals[param_count]; #define COPY(Where, What, Type) \ do { \ Type val = (What); \ memcpy ((Where), &val, sizeof (Type)); \ } while (0) for (int i = 0; i < param_count; ++i) { jclass k = argelts[i] ? argelts[i]->getClass() : NULL; if (paramelts[i]->isPrimitive()) { if (! argelts[i] || ! k || ! can_widen (k, paramelts[i])) throw new java::lang::IllegalArgumentException; if (paramelts[i] == JvPrimClass (boolean)) COPY (&argvals[i], ((java::lang::Boolean *) argelts[i])->booleanValue(), jboolean); else if (paramelts[i] == JvPrimClass (char)) COPY (&argvals[i], ((java::lang::Character *) argelts[i])->charValue(), jchar); else { java::lang::Number *num = (java::lang::Number *) argelts[i]; if (paramelts[i] == JvPrimClass (byte)) COPY (&argvals[i], num->byteValue(), jbyte); else if (paramelts[i] == JvPrimClass (short)) COPY (&argvals[i], num->shortValue(), jshort); else if (paramelts[i] == JvPrimClass (int)) COPY (&argvals[i], num->intValue(), jint); else if (paramelts[i] == JvPrimClass (long)) COPY (&argvals[i], num->longValue(), jlong); else if (paramelts[i] == JvPrimClass (float)) COPY (&argvals[i], num->floatValue(), jfloat); else if (paramelts[i] == JvPrimClass (double)) COPY (&argvals[i], num->doubleValue(), jdouble); } } else { if (argelts[i] && ! paramelts[i]->isAssignableFrom (k)) throw new java::lang::IllegalArgumentException; COPY (&argvals[i], argelts[i], jobject); } } jvalue ret_value; _Jv_CallAnyMethodA (obj, return_type, meth, is_constructor, parameter_types, argvals, &ret_value, false); jobject r; #define VAL(Wrapper, Field) (new Wrapper (ret_value.Field)) if (is_constructor) r = ret_value.l; else if (return_type == JvPrimClass (byte)) r = VAL (java::lang::Byte, b); else if (return_type == JvPrimClass (short)) r = VAL (java::lang::Short, s); else if (return_type == JvPrimClass (int)) r = VAL (java::lang::Integer, i); else if (return_type == JvPrimClass (long)) r = VAL (java::lang::Long, j); else if (return_type == JvPrimClass (float)) r = VAL (java::lang::Float, f); else if (return_type == JvPrimClass (double)) r = VAL (java::lang::Double, d); else if (return_type == JvPrimClass (boolean)) r = VAL (java::lang::Boolean, z); else if (return_type == JvPrimClass (char)) r = VAL (java::lang::Character, c); else if (return_type == JvPrimClass (void)) r = NULL; else { JvAssert (return_type == NULL || ! return_type->isPrimitive()); r = ret_value.l; } return r; }