/* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003  Free Software Foundation

   This file is part of libgcj.

This software is copyrighted work licensed under the terms of the
Libgcj License.  Please consult the file "LIBGCJ_LICENSE" for
details.  */

package java.lang.reflect;

 * @author Per Bothner <bothner@cygnus.com>
 * @date September 1998;  February 1999.

public final class Field extends AccessibleObject implements Member
  private Class declaringClass;

  // This is filled in by getName.
  private String name;

  // Offset in bytes from the start of declaringClass's fields array.
  private int offset;

  // This is instantiated by Class sometimes, but it uses C++ and
  // avoids the Java protection check.
  Field ()

  public boolean equals (Object fld)
    if (! (fld instanceof Field))
      return false;
    Field f = (Field) fld;
    return declaringClass == f.declaringClass && offset == f.offset;

  public Class getDeclaringClass ()
    return declaringClass;

  public native String getName ();

  public native Class getType ();

  public native int getModifiers ();

  public int hashCode()
    return (declaringClass.hashCode() ^ offset);

  public boolean getBoolean (Object obj)
    throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException
    return getBoolean(null, obj);
  public char getChar (Object obj)
    throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException
    return getChar(null, obj);

  public byte getByte (Object obj)
    throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException
    return getByte(null, obj);

  public short getShort (Object obj)
    throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException
    return getShort(null, obj);

  public int getInt (Object obj)
    throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException
    return getInt(null, obj);

  public long getLong (Object obj)
    throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException
    return getLong(null, obj);

  public float getFloat (Object obj)
    throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException
    return getFloat(null, obj);

  public double getDouble (Object obj)
    throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException
    return getDouble(null, obj);

  public Object get (Object obj)
    throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException
    return get(null, obj);

  private native boolean getBoolean (Class caller, Object obj)
    throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException;

  private native char getChar (Class caller, Object obj)
    throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException;

  private native byte getByte (Class caller, Object obj)
    throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException;

  private native short getShort (Class caller, Object obj)
    throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException;

  private native int getInt (Class caller, Object obj)
    throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException;

  private native long getLong (Class caller, Object obj)
    throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException;

  private native float getFloat (Class caller, Object obj)
    throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException;

  private native double getDouble (Class caller, Object obj)
    throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException;

  private native Object get (Class caller, Object obj)
    throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException;

  public void setByte (Object obj, byte b)
    throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException
    setByte(null, obj, b);

  public void setShort (Object obj,  short s)
    throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException
    setShort(null, obj, s);

  public void setInt (Object obj, int i)
    throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException
    setInt(null, obj, i);

  public void setLong (Object obj, long l)
    throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException
    setLong(null, obj, l);

  public void setFloat (Object obj, float f)
    throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException
    setFloat(null, obj, f);

  public void setDouble (Object obj, double d)
    throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException
    setDouble(null, obj, d);

  public void setChar (Object obj, char c)
    throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException
    setChar(null, obj, c);

  public void setBoolean (Object obj, boolean b)
    throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException
    setBoolean(null, obj, b);

  private native void setByte (Class caller, Object obj, byte b)
    throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException;

  private native void setShort (Class caller, Object obj, short s)
    throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException;

  private native void setInt (Class caller, Object obj, int i)
    throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException;

  private native void setLong (Class caller, Object obj, long l)
    throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException;

  private native void setFloat (Class caller, Object obj, float f)
    throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException;

  private native void setDouble (Class caller, Object obj, double d)
    throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException;

  private native void setChar (Class caller, Object obj, char c)
    throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException;

  private native void setBoolean (Class caller, Object obj, boolean b)
    throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException;

  private native void set (Class caller, Object obj, Object val, Class type)
    throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException;

  public void set (Object object, Object value)
    throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException
    set(null, object, value);

  private void set (Class caller, Object object, Object value)
    throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException
    Class type = getType();
    if (! type.isPrimitive())
      set(caller, object, value, type);
    else if (value instanceof Byte)
      setByte(caller, object, ((Byte) value).byteValue());
    else if (value instanceof Short)
      setShort (caller, object, ((Short) value).shortValue());
    else if (value instanceof Integer)
      setInt(caller, object, ((Integer) value).intValue());
    else if (value instanceof Long)
      setLong(caller, object, ((Long) value).longValue());
    else if (value instanceof Float)
      setFloat(caller, object, ((Float) value).floatValue());
    else if (value instanceof Double)
      setDouble(caller, object, ((Double) value).doubleValue());
    else if (value instanceof Character)
      setChar(caller, object, ((Character) value).charValue());
    else if (value instanceof Boolean)
      setBoolean(caller, object, ((Boolean) value).booleanValue());
      throw new IllegalArgumentException();

  public String toString ()
    StringBuffer sbuf = new StringBuffer ();
    int mods = getModifiers();
    if (mods != 0)
	Modifier.toString(mods, sbuf);
	sbuf.append(' ');
    Method.appendClassName (sbuf, getType ());
    sbuf.append(' ');
    Method.appendClassName (sbuf, getDeclaringClass());
    return sbuf.toString();