/* RandomAccessFile.java -- Class supporting random file I/O Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of GNU Classpath. GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Classpath; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. Linking this library statically or dynamically with other modules is making a combined work based on this library. Thus, the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License cover the whole combination. As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you permission to link this library with independent modules to produce an executable, regardless of the license terms of these independent modules, and to copy and distribute the resulting executable under terms of your choice, provided that you also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms and conditions of the license of that module. An independent module is a module which is not derived from or based on this library. If you modify this library, you may extend this exception to your version of the library, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version. */ package java.io; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel; import java.nio.channels.FileChannelImpl; /* Written using "Java Class Libraries", 2nd edition, ISBN 0-201-31002-3 * "The Java Language Specification", ISBN 0-201-63451-1 * Status: Believe complete and correct to 1.1. */ /** * This class allows reading and writing of files at random locations. * Most Java I/O classes are either pure sequential input or output. This * class fulfills the need to be able to read the bytes of a file in an * arbitrary order. In addition, this class implements the * DataInput and DataOutput interfaces to allow * the reading and writing of Java primitives. * * @author Aaron M. Renn * @author Tom Tromey */ public class RandomAccessFile implements DataOutput, DataInput { // The underlying file. private FileDescriptor fd; // The corresponding input and output streams. private DataOutputStream out; private DataInputStream in; private FileChannel ch; /* cached associated file-channel */ /** * This method initializes a new instance of RandomAccessFile * to read from the specified File object with the specified * access mode. The access mode is either "r" for read only access or "rw" * for read-write access. *

* Note that a SecurityManager check is made prior to * opening the file to determine whether or not this file is allowed to * be read or written. * * @param file The File object to read and/or write. * @param mode "r" for read only or "rw" for read-write access to the file * * @exception IllegalArgumentException If mode has an * illegal value * @exception SecurityException If the requested access to the file * is not allowed * @exception IOException If any other error occurs */ public RandomAccessFile (File file, String mode) throws FileNotFoundException { this (file.getPath(), mode); } /** * This method initializes a new instance of RandomAccessFile * to read from the specified file name with the specified access mode. * The access mode is either "r" for read only access, "rw" for read * write access, "rws" for synchronized read/write access of both * content and metadata, or "rwd" for read/write access * where only content is required to be synchronous. *

* Note that a SecurityManager check is made prior to * opening the file to determine whether or not this file is allowed to * be read or written. * * @param fileName The name of the file to read and/or write * @param mode "r", "rw", "rws", or "rwd" * * @exception IllegalArgumentException If mode has an * illegal value * @exception SecurityException If the requested access to the file * is not allowed * @exception FileNotFoundException If any other error occurs */ public RandomAccessFile (String fileName, String mode) throws FileNotFoundException { int fdmode; if (mode.equals("r")) fdmode = FileDescriptor.READ; else if (mode.equals("rw")) fdmode = FileDescriptor.READ | FileDescriptor.WRITE; else if (mode.equals("rws")) { fdmode = (FileDescriptor.READ | FileDescriptor.WRITE | FileDescriptor.SYNC); } else if (mode.equals("rwd")) { fdmode = (FileDescriptor.READ | FileDescriptor.WRITE | FileDescriptor.DSYNC); } else throw new IllegalArgumentException ("invalid mode: " + mode); // The obligatory SecurityManager stuff SecurityManager s = System.getSecurityManager(); if (s != null) { s.checkRead(fileName); if ((fdmode & FileDescriptor.WRITE) != 0) s.checkWrite(fileName); } fd = new FileDescriptor (fileName, fdmode); out = new DataOutputStream (new FileOutputStream (fd)); in = new DataInputStream (new FileInputStream (fd)); } /** * This method closes the file and frees up all file related system * resources. Since most operating systems put a limit on how many files * may be opened at any given time, it is a good idea to close all files * when no longer needed to avoid hitting this limit */ public void close () throws IOException { if (fd.valid()) fd.close(); } /** * This method returns a FileDescriptor object that * represents the native file handle for this file. * * @return The FileDescriptor object for this file * * @exception IOException If an error occurs */ public final FileDescriptor getFD () throws IOException { if (! fd.valid()) throw new IOException (); return fd; } /** * This method returns the current offset in the file at which the next * read or write will occur * * @return The current file position * * @exception IOException If an error occurs */ public long getFilePointer () throws IOException { return fd.getFilePointer(); } /** * This method sets the length of the file to the specified length. If * the currently length of the file is longer than the specified length, * then the file is truncated to the specified length. If the current * length of the file is shorter than the specified length, the file * is extended with bytes of an undefined value. *

* The file must be open for write access for this operation to succeed. * * @param newlen The new length of the file * * @exception IOException If an error occurs */ public void setLength (long newLen) throws IOException { fd.setLength (newLen); } /** * This method returns the length of the file in bytes * * @return The length of the file * * @exception IOException If an error occurs */ public long length () throws IOException { return fd.getLength (); } /** * This method reads a single byte of data from the file and returns it * as an integer. * * @return The byte read as an int, or -1 if the end of the file was reached. * * @exception IOException If an error occurs */ public int read () throws IOException { return in.read(); } /** * This method reads bytes from the file into the specified array. The * bytes are stored starting at the beginning of the array and up to * buf.length bytes can be read. * * @param buf The buffer to read bytes from the file into * * @return The actual number of bytes read or -1 if end of file * * @exception IOException If an error occurs */ public int read (byte[] buffer) throws IOException { return in.read (buffer); } /** * This methods reads up to len bytes from the file into the * specified array starting at position offset into the array. * * @param buf The array to read the bytes into * @param offset The index into the array to start storing bytes * @param len The requested number of bytes to read * * @return The actual number of bytes read, or -1 if end of file * * @exception IOException If an error occurs */ public int read (byte[] buffer, int offset, int len) throws IOException { return in.read (buffer, offset, len); } /** * This method reads a Java boolean value from an input stream. It does * so by reading a single byte of data. If that byte is zero, then the * value returned is false If the byte is non-zero, then * the value returned is true *

* This method can read a boolean written by an object * implementing the * writeBoolean() method in the DataOutput * interface. * * @return The boolean value read * * @exception EOFException If end of file is reached before reading the * boolean * @exception IOException If any other error occurs */ public final boolean readBoolean () throws IOException { return in.readBoolean (); } /** * This method reads a Java byte value from an input stream. The value * is in the range of -128 to 127. *

* This method can read a byte written by an object * implementing the * writeByte() method in the DataOutput interface. * * @return The byte value read * * @exception EOFException If end of file is reached before reading the byte * @exception IOException If any other error occurs * * @see DataOutput */ public final byte readByte () throws IOException { return in.readByte (); } /** * This method reads a Java char value from an input stream. * It operates by reading two bytes from the stream and converting them to * a single 16-bit Java char The two bytes are stored most * significant byte first (i.e., "big endian") regardless of the native * host byte ordering. *

* As an example, if byte1 and code{byte2 represent * the first * and second byte read from the stream respectively, they will be * transformed to a char in the following manner: *

* (char)(((byte1 & 0xFF) << 8) | (byte2 & 0xFF) *

* This method can read a char written by an object * implementing the * writeChar() method in the DataOutput interface. * * @return The char value read * * @exception EOFException If end of file is reached before reading the char * @exception IOException If any other error occurs * * @see DataOutput */ public final char readChar () throws IOException { return in.readChar(); } /** * This method reads a Java double value from an input stream. It operates * by first reading a logn value from the stream by calling the * readLong() method in this interface, then * converts that long * to a double using the longBitsToDouble * method in the class java.lang.Double *

* This method can read a double written by an object * implementing the * writeDouble() method in the DataOutput * interface. * * @return The double value read * * @exception EOFException If end of file is reached before reading * the double * @exception IOException If any other error occurs * * @see java.lang.Double * @see DataOutput */ public final double readDouble () throws IOException { return in.readDouble (); } /** * This method reads a Java float value from an input stream. It operates * by first reading an int value from the stream by calling the * readInt() method in this interface, then converts * that int * to a float using the intBitsToFloat method in * the class java.lang.Float *

* This method can read a float written by an object * implementing the * writeFloat() method in the DataOutput interface. * * @return The float value read * * @exception EOFException If end of file is reached before reading the float * @exception IOException If any other error occurs * * @see java.lang.Float * @see DataOutput */ public final float readFloat () throws IOException { return in.readFloat(); } /** * This method reads raw bytes into the passed array until the array is * full. Note that this method blocks until the data is available and * throws an exception if there is not enough data left in the stream to * fill the buffer * * @param buf The buffer into which to read the data * * @exception EOFException If end of file is reached before filling the * buffer * @exception IOException If any other error occurs */ public final void readFully (byte[] buffer) throws IOException { in.readFully(buffer); } /** * This method reads raw bytes into the passed array buf * starting * offset bytes into the buffer. The number of bytes read * will be * exactly len Note that this method blocks until the data is * available and throws an exception if there is not enough data left in * the stream to read len bytes. * * @param buf The buffer into which to read the data * @param offset The offset into the buffer to start storing data * @param len The number of bytes to read into the buffer * * @exception EOFException If end of file is reached before filling * the buffer * @exception IOException If any other error occurs */ public final void readFully (byte[] buffer, int offset, int count) throws IOException { in.readFully (buffer, offset, count); } /** * This method reads a Java int value from an input stream * It operates by reading four bytes from the stream and converting them to * a single Java int The bytes are stored most * significant byte first (i.e., "big endian") regardless of the native * host byte ordering. *

* As an example, if byte1 through byte4 * represent the first * four bytes read from the stream, they will be * transformed to an int in the following manner: *

* (int)(((byte1 & 0xFF) << 24) + ((byte2 & 0xFF) << 16) + * ((byte3 & 0xFF) << 8) + (byte4 & 0xFF))) *

* The value returned is in the range of 0 to 65535. *

* This method can read an int written by an object * implementing the * writeInt() method in the DataOutput interface. * * @return The int value read * * @exception EOFException If end of file is reached before reading the int * @exception IOException If any other error occurs * * @see DataOutput */ public final int readInt () throws IOException { return in.readInt(); } /** * This method reads the next line of text data from an input stream. * It operates by reading bytes and converting those bytes to * char * values by treating the byte read as the low eight bits of the * char * and using 0 as the high eight bits. Because of this, it does * not support the full 16-bit Unicode character set. *

* The reading of bytes ends when either the end of file or a line terminator * is encountered. The bytes read are then returned as a String * A line terminator is a byte sequence consisting of either * \r \n or \r\n These * termination charaters are * discarded and are not returned as part of the string. *

* This method can read data that was written by an object implementing the * writeLine() method in DataOutput * * @return The line read as a String * * @exception IOException If an error occurs * * @see DataOutput */ public final String readLine () throws IOException { return in.readLine (); } /** * This method reads a Java long value from an input stream * It operates by reading eight bytes from the stream and converting them to * a single Java long The bytes are stored most * significant byte first (i.e., "big endian") regardless of the native * host byte ordering. *

* As an example, if byte1 through byte8 * represent the first * eight bytes read from the stream, they will be * transformed to an long in the following manner: *

* * (long)((((long)byte1 & 0xFF) << 56) + (((long)byte2 & 0xFF) << 48) + * (((long)byte3 & 0xFF) << 40) + (((long)byte4 & 0xFF) << 32) + * (((long)byte5 & 0xFF) << 24) + (((long)byte6 & 0xFF) << 16) + * (((long)byte7 & 0xFF) << 8) + ((long)byte9 & 0xFF))) *

* The value returned is in the range of 0 to 65535. *

* This method can read an long written by an object * implementing the * writeLong() method in the DataOutput interface. * * @return The long value read * * @exception EOFException If end of file is reached before reading the long * @exception IOException If any other error occurs * * @see DataOutput */ public final long readLong () throws IOException { return in.readLong(); } /** * This method reads a signed 16-bit value into a Java in from the stream. * It operates by reading two bytes from the stream and converting them to * a single 16-bit Java short The two bytes are stored most * significant byte first (i.e., "big endian") regardless of the native * host byte ordering. *

* As an example, if byte1 and code{byte2 * represent the first * and second byte read from the stream respectively, they will be * transformed to a short in the following manner: *

* (short)(((byte1 & 0xFF) << 8) | (byte2 & 0xFF) *

* The value returned is in the range of -32768 to 32767. *

* This method can read a short written by an object * implementing the * writeShort() method in the DataOutput interface. * * @return The short value read * * @exception EOFException If end of file is reached before reading the value * @exception IOException If any other error occurs * * @see DataOutput */ public final short readShort () throws IOException { return in.readShort(); } /** * This method reads 8 unsigned bits into a Java int value * from the * stream. The value returned is in the range of 0 to 255. *

* This method can read an unsigned byte written by an object implementing * the writeUnsignedByte() method in the * DataOutput interface. * * @return The unsigned bytes value read as a Java int * * @exception EOFException If end of file is reached before reading the value * @exception IOException If any other error occurs * * @see DataOutput */ public final int readUnsignedByte () throws IOException { return in.readUnsignedByte(); } /** * This method reads 16 unsigned bits into a Java int value from the stream. * It operates by reading two bytes from the stream and converting them to * a single Java int The two bytes are stored most * significant byte first (i.e., "big endian") regardless of the native * host byte ordering. *

* As an example, if byte1 and byte2 * represent the first * and second byte read from the stream respectively, they will be * transformed to an int in the following manner: *

* (int)(((byte1 & 0xFF) << 8) + (byte2 & 0xFF)) *

* The value returned is in the range of 0 to 65535. *

* This method can read an unsigned short written by an object implementing * the writeUnsignedShort() method in the * DataOutput interface. * * @return The unsigned short value read as a Java int * * @exception EOFException If end of file is reached before reading the value * @exception IOException If any other error occurs */ public final int readUnsignedShort () throws IOException { return in.readUnsignedShort(); } /** * This method reads a String from an input stream that * is encoded in * a modified UTF-8 format. This format has a leading two byte sequence * that contains the remaining number of bytes to read. This two byte * sequence is read using the readUnsignedShort() method of this * interface. *

* After the number of remaining bytes have been determined, these bytes * are read an transformed into char values. * These char values * are encoded in the stream using either a one, two, or three byte format. * The particular format in use can be determined by examining the first * byte read. *

* If the first byte has a high order bit of 0 then * that character consists on only one byte. This character value consists * of seven bits that are at positions 0 through 6 of the byte. As an * example, if byte1 is the byte read from the stream, it would * be converted to a char like so: *

* (char)byte1 *

* If the first byte has 110 as its high order bits, then the * character consists of two bytes. The bits that make up the character * value are in positions 0 through 4 of the first byte and bit positions * 0 through 5 of the second byte. (The second byte should have * 10 as its high order bits). These values are in most significant * byte first (i.e., "big endian") order. *

* As an example, if byte1 and byte2 * are the first two bytes * read respectively, and the high order bits of them match the patterns * which indicate a two byte character encoding, then they would be * converted to a Java char like so: *

* (char)(((byte1 & 0x1F) << 6) | (byte2 & 0x3F)) *

* If the first byte has a 1110 as its high order bits, then the * character consists of three bytes. The bits that make up the character * value are in positions 0 through 3 of the first byte and bit positions * 0 through 5 of the other two bytes. (The second and third bytes should * have 10 as their high order bits). These values are in most * significant byte first (i.e., "big endian") order. *

* As an example, if byte1 byte2 * and byte3 are the * three bytes read, and the high order bits of them match the patterns * which indicate a three byte character encoding, then they would be * converted to a Java char like so: *

* (char)(((byte1 & 0x0F) << 12) | ((byte2 & 0x3F) << 6) | * (byte3 & 0x3F)) *

* Note that all characters are encoded in the method that requires the * fewest number of bytes with the exception of the character with the * value of \u0000 which is encoded as two bytes. This is * a modification of the UTF standard used to prevent C language style * NUL values from appearing in the byte stream. *

* This method can read data that was written by an object implementing the * writeUTF() method in DataOutput * * @return The String read * * @exception EOFException If end of file is reached before reading the * String * @exception UTFDataFormatException If the data is not in UTF-8 format * @exception IOException If any other error occurs * * @see DataOutput */ public final String readUTF () throws IOException { return in.readUTF(); } /** * This method sets the current file position to the specified offset * from the beginning of the file. Note that some operating systems will * allow the file pointer to be set past the current end of the file. * * @param pos The offset from the beginning of the file at which to set * the file pointer * * @exception IOException If an error occurs */ public void seek (long pos) throws IOException { fd.seek (pos, FileDescriptor.SET, false); } /** * This method attempts to skip and discard the specified number of bytes * in the input stream. It may actually skip fewer bytes than requested. * The actual number of bytes skipped is returned. This method will not * skip any bytes if passed a negative number of bytes to skip. * * @param numBytes The requested number of bytes to skip. * * @return The number of bytes actually skipped. * * @exception IOException If an error occurs. */ public int skipBytes (int numBytes) throws IOException { if (numBytes < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Can't skip negative bytes: " + numBytes); if (numBytes == 0) return 0; long curPos = fd.getFilePointer (); long newPos = fd.seek (numBytes, FileDescriptor.CUR, true); return (int) (newPos - curPos); } /** * This method writes a single byte of data to the file. The file must * be open for read-write in order for this operation to succeed. * * @param The byte of data to write, passed as an int. * * @exception IOException If an error occurs */ public void write (int oneByte) throws IOException { out.write(oneByte); } /** * This method writes all the bytes in the specified array to the file. * The file must be open read-write in order for this operation to succeed. * * @param buf The array of bytes to write to the file */ public void write (byte[] buffer) throws IOException { out.write(buffer); } /** * This method writes len bytes to the file from the specified * array starting at index offset into the array. * * @param buf The array of bytes to write to the file * @param offset The index into the array to start writing file * @param len The number of bytes to write * * @exception IOException If an error occurs */ public void write (byte[] buffer, int offset, int len) throws IOException { out.write (buffer, offset, len); } /** * This method writes a Java boolean to the underlying output * stream. For a value of true, 1 is written to the stream. * For a value of false, 0 is written. * * @param b The boolean value to write to the stream * * @exception IOException If an error occurs */ public final void writeBoolean (boolean val) throws IOException { out.writeBoolean(val); } /** * This method writes a Java byte value to the underlying * output stream. * * @param b The byte to write to the stream, passed * as an int. * * @exception IOException If an error occurs */ public final void writeByte (int v) throws IOException { out.writeByte(v); } /** * This method writes a Java short to the stream, high byte * first. This method requires two bytes to encode the value. * * @param s The short value to write to the stream, * passed as an int. * * @exception IOException If an error occurs */ public final void writeShort (int v) throws IOException { out.writeShort(v); } /** * This method writes a single char value to the stream, * high byte first. * * @param v The char value to write, passed as * an int. * * @exception IOException If an error occurs */ public final void writeChar (int v) throws IOException { out.writeChar(v); } /** * This method writes a Java int to the stream, high bytes * first. This method requires four bytes to encode the value. * * @param v The int value to write to the stream. * * @exception IOException If an error occurs */ public final void writeInt (int v) throws IOException { out.writeInt(v); } /** * This method writes a Java long to the stream, high bytes * first. This method requires eight bytes to encode the value. * * @param v The long value to write to the stream. * * @exception IOException If an error occurs */ public final void writeLong (long v) throws IOException { out.writeLong(v); } /** * This method writes a Java float value to the stream. This * value is written by first calling the method * Float.floatToIntBits * to retrieve an int representing the floating point number, * then writing this int value to the stream exactly the same * as the writeInt() method does. * * @param v The floating point number to write to the stream. * * @exception IOException If an error occurs * * @see #writeInt(int) */ public final void writeFloat (float v) throws IOException { out.writeFloat(v); } /** * This method writes a Java double value to the stream. This * value is written by first calling the method * Double.doubleToLongBits * to retrieve an long representing the floating point number, * then writing this long value to the stream exactly the same * as the writeLong() method does. * * @param v The double precision floating point number to write to the * stream. * * @exception IOException If an error occurs * * @see #writeLong(long) */ public final void writeDouble (double v) throws IOException { out.writeDouble(v); } /** * This method writes all the bytes in a String out to the * stream. One byte is written for each character in the String. * The high eight bits of each character are discarded. * * @param s The String to write to the stream * * @exception IOException If an error occurs */ public final void writeBytes (String s) throws IOException { out.writeBytes(s); } /** * This method writes all the characters in a String to the * stream. There will be two bytes for each character value. The high * byte of the character will be written first. * * @param s The String to write to the stream. * * @exception IOException If an error occurs */ public final void writeChars (String s) throws IOException { out.writeChars(s); } /** * This method writes a Java String to the stream in a modified * UTF-8 format. First, two bytes are written to the stream indicating the * number of bytes to follow. Note that this is the number of bytes in the * encoded String not the String length. Next * come the encoded characters. Each character in the String * is encoded as either one, two or three bytes. For characters in the * range of \u0001 to \u007F, * one byte is used. The character * value goes into bits 0-7 and bit eight is 0. For characters in the range * of \u0080 to \u007FF, two * bytes are used. Bits * 6-10 of the character value are encoded bits 0-4 of the first byte, with * the high bytes having a value of "110". Bits 0-5 of the character value * are stored in bits 0-5 of the second byte, with the high bits set to * "10". This type of encoding is also done for the null character * \u0000. This eliminates any C style NUL character values * in the output. All remaining characters are stored as three bytes. * Bits 12-15 of the character value are stored in bits 0-3 of the first * byte. The high bits of the first bytes are set to "1110". Bits 6-11 * of the character value are stored in bits 0-5 of the second byte. The * high bits of the second byte are set to "10". And bits 0-5 of the * character value are stored in bits 0-5 of byte three, with the high bits * of that byte set to "10". * * @param s The String to write to the output in UTF format * * @exception IOException If an error occurs */ public final void writeUTF (String s) throws IOException { out.writeUTF(s); } /** * This method creates a java.nio.channels.FileChannel. * Nio does not allow one to create a file channel directly. * A file channel must be created by first creating an instance of * Input/Output/RandomAccessFile and invoking the getChannel() method on it. */ public final synchronized FileChannel getChannel () { if (ch == null) ch = new FileChannelImpl (fd, true, this); return ch; } } // class RandomAccessFile