/* Copyright (C) 2000  Free Software Foundation

   This file is part of libjava.

This software is copyrighted work licensed under the terms of the
Libjava License.  Please consult the file "LIBJAVA_LICENSE" for
details.  */

package java.awt.geom;

 * @author Tom Tromey <tromey@cygnus.com>
 * @date April 16, 2000

public abstract class Rectangle2D extends RectangularShape
  public static final int OUT_LEFT = 1;
  public static final int OUT_TOP = 2;
  public static final int OUT_RIGHT = 4;
  public static final int OUT_BOTTOM = 8;

  protected Rectangle2D ()

  /** Set the bounding box of this rectangle.
   * @param x X coordinate
   * @param y Y coordinate
   * @param w Width
   * @param h Height
  public abstract void setRect (double x, double y, double w, double h);

  /** Set the bounding box of this rectangle.
   * @param r  Bounding rectangle.
  public void setRect (Rectangle2D r)
    setRect (r.getX (), r.getY (), r.getWidth (), r.getHeight ());

  /** Returns true if line segment intersects interior of this
   * rectangle.
   * @param x1 X coordinate of first end of line segment
   * @param y1 Y coordinate of first end of line segment
   * @param x2 X coordinate of second end of line segment
   * @param y1 Y coordinate of segment end of line segment
  public boolean intersectsLine (double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
    int o1 = outcode (x1, y1);
    int o2 = outcode (x2, y2);

    double mx = getX ();
    double my = getY ();
    double mx2 = getWidth ();
    double my2 = getHeight ();
    x1 -= mx;
    x2 -= mx;
    y1 -= my;
    y2 -= my;

    // Here we handle all lines that stay entirely on one side of the
    // rectangle.  We also handle some lines that intersect the
    // rectangle.  All vertical and horizontal lines are handled here.
    int xor = o1 ^ o2;
    int or  = o1 | o2;
    if ((xor & (OUT_BOTTOM | OUT_TOP)) == 0)
	if ((or & (OUT_BOTTOM | OUT_TOP)) != 0)
	  return false;
	return ((o1 & (OUT_LEFT | OUT_RIGHT)) != 0
		|| (o2 & (OUT_LEFT | OUT_RIGHT)) != 0);
    else if ((xor & (OUT_LEFT | OUT_RIGHT)) == 0)
	if ((or & (OUT_LEFT | OUT_RIGHT)) != 0)
	  return false;
	return ((o1 & (OUT_BOTTOM | OUT_TOP)) != 0
		|| (o2 & (OUT_BOTTOM | OUT_TOP)) != 0);

    double dx = x2 - x1;
    double dy = y2 - y1;

    double t1l = - x1 / dx;
    double t1h = (mx2 - x1) / dx;

    if (t1l >= t1h)
      return false;
    double t2l = - y1 / dy;
    double t2h = (my2 - y1) / dy;

    if (t2l >= t2h || t2l >= t1h || t2h < t1l)
      return false;
    return true;

  /** Return true if line segment intersects interior of this
   * rectangle.
   * @param l The line segment
//    public boolean intersectsLine (Line2D l)
//    {
//    }

  public abstract int outcode (double x, double y);

  public int outcode (Point2D p)
    return outcode (p.getX (), p.getY ());

  /** Set bounding frame for this rectangle.
   * @param x X coordinate
   * @param y Y coordinate
   * @param w Width
   * @param h Height
  public void setFrame (double x, double y, double w, double h)
    setRect (x, y, w, h);

  public Rectangle2D getBounds2D ()
    // FIXME.
    return (Rectangle2D) clone ();

  public boolean contains (double x, double y)
    double mx = getX ();
    double mw = getWidth ();
    if (x < mx || x >= mx + mw)
      return false;
    double my = getY ();
    double mh = getHeight ();
    return y >= my && y < my + mh;

  public boolean intersects (double x, double y, double w, double h)
    double mx = getX ();
    double mw = getWidth ();
    if (x < mx || x >= mx + mw || x + w < mx || x + w >= mx + mw)
      return false;
    double my = getY ();
    double mh = getHeight ();
    return y >= my && y < my + mh && y + h >= my && y + h < my + mh;

  public boolean contains (double x, double y, double w, double h)
    return contains (x, y) && contains (x + w, y + h);

  public abstract Rectangle2D createIntersection (Rectangle2D r);

  public static void intersect (Rectangle2D src1, Rectangle2D src2,
				Rectangle2D dest)
    double x1l = src1.getMinX ();
    double x2l = src2.getMinX ();
    double nxl = Math.max (x1l, x2l);
    double x1h = src1.getMaxX ();
    double x2h = src2.getMaxX ();
    double nxh = Math.min (x1h, x2h);
    if (nxh < nxl)
      nxh = nxl;
    double y1l = src1.getMinY ();
    double y2l = src2.getMinY ();
    double nyl = Math.max (y1l, y2l);
    double y1h = src1.getMaxY ();
    double y2h = src2.getMaxY ();
    double nyh = Math.min (y1h, y2h);
    if (nyh < nyl)
      nyh = nyl;
    dest.setFrameFromDiagonal (nxl, nyl, nxh, nyh);

  public abstract Rectangle2D createUnion (Rectangle2D r);

  public static void union (Rectangle2D src1, Rectangle2D src2,
			    Rectangle2D dest)
    double x1l = src1.getMinX ();
    double x2l = src2.getMinX ();
    double nxl = Math.max (x1l, x2l);
    double x1h = src1.getMaxX ();
    double x2h = src2.getMaxX ();
    double nxh = Math.min (x1h, x2h);
    double y1l = src1.getMinY ();
    double y2l = src2.getMinY ();
    double nyl = Math.max (y1l, y2l);
    double y1h = src1.getMaxY ();
    double y2h = src2.getMaxY ();
    double nyh = Math.min (y1h, y2h);
    dest.setFrameFromDiagonal (nxl, nyl, nxh, nyh);

  public void add (double newx, double newy)
    double minx = Math.min (getMinX (), newx);
    double maxx = Math.max (getMaxX (), newx);
    double miny = Math.min (getMinY (), newy);
    double maxy = Math.max (getMaxY (), newy);
    setFrameFromDiagonal (minx, miny, maxx, maxy);

  public void add (Point2D p)
    add (p.getX (), p.getY ());

  public void add (Rectangle2D r)
    add (r.getMinX (), r.getMinY ());
    add (r.getMaxX (), r.getMaxY ());

  public PathIterator getPathIterator (AffineTransform at)
    // We know the superclass just ignores the flatness parameter.
    return getPathIterator (at, 0);

  public static class Double extends Rectangle2D
    public double height;
    public double width;
    public double x;
    public double y;

    public Double ()
      height = width = x = y = 0;

    public Double (double x, double y, double w, double h)
      this.x = x;
      this.y = y;
      this.width = w;
      this.height = h;

    public double getX ()
      return x;

    public double getY ()
      return y;

    public double getWidth ()
      return width;

    public double getHeight ()
      return height;

    public boolean isEmpty ()
      return width <= 0 || height <= 0;

    public void setRect (double x, double y, double w, double h)
      this.x = x;
      this.y = y;
      this.width = w;
      this.height = h;

    public void setRect (Rectangle2D r)
      this.x = r.getX ();
      this.y = r.getY ();
      this.width = r.getWidth ();
      this.height = r.getHeight ();

    public int outcode (double x, double y)
      int code = 0;
      if (x < this.x)
	code |= OUT_LEFT;
      else if (x >= this.x + this.width)
	code |= OUT_RIGHT;
      if (y < this.y)
	code |= OUT_TOP;
      else if (y >= this.y + this.height)
	code |= OUT_BOTTOM;
      return code;

    public Rectangle2D getBounds2D ()
      return new Rectangle2D.Double (x, y, width, height);

    public Rectangle2D createIntersection (Rectangle2D r)
      Double res = new Double ();
      intersect (this, r, res);
      return res;

    public Rectangle2D createUnion (Rectangle2D r)
      Double res = new Double ();
      union (this, r, res);
      return res;

    public String toString ()
      return "fixme";

  public static class Float extends Rectangle2D
    public float height;
    public float width;
    public float x;
    public float y;

    public Float ()
      height = width = x = y = 0;

    public Float (float x, float y, float w, float h)
      this.x = x;
      this.y = y;
      this.width = w;
      this.height = h;

    public double getX ()
      return x;

    public double getY ()
      return y;

    public double getWidth ()
      return width;

    public double getHeight ()
      return height;

    public boolean isEmpty ()
      return width <= 0 || height <= 0;

    public void setRect (double x, double y, double w, double h)
      this.x = (float) x;
      this.y = (float) y;
      this.width = (float) w;
      this.height = (float) h;

    public void setRect (Rectangle2D r)
      this.x = (float) r.getX ();
      this.y = (float) r.getY ();
      this.width = (float) r.getWidth ();
      this.height = (float) r.getHeight ();

    public int outcode (double x, double y)
      int code = 0;
      if (x < this.x)
	code |= OUT_LEFT;
      else if (x >= this.x + this.width)
	code |= OUT_RIGHT;
      if (y < this.y)
	code |= OUT_TOP;
      else if (y >= this.y + this.height)
	code |= OUT_BOTTOM;
      return code;

    public Rectangle2D getBounds2D ()
      return new Rectangle2D.Float (x, y, width, height);

    public Rectangle2D createIntersection (Rectangle2D r)
      Float res = new Float ();
      intersect (this, r, res);
      return res;

    public Rectangle2D createUnion (Rectangle2D r)
      Float res = new Float ();
      union (this, r, res);
      return res;

    public String toString ()
      return "fixme";