. This method
* determines the system toolkit by examining the system property
* awt.toolkit
. That property is set to the name of the
* Toolkit
subclass for the specified peer set. If the
* awt.toolkit
property is not set, then the default
* toolkit
is used. This
* toolkit creates its peers using the GTK+ toolkit.
* @author Aaron M. Renn Button
* @param target The Button
to create the peer for.
* @return The peer for the specified Button
* @exception HeadlessException If GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless() is true.
protected abstract ButtonPeer createButton(Button target);
* Creates a peer object for the specified TextField
* @param target The TextField
to create the peer for.
* @return The peer for the specified TextField
* @exception HeadlessException If GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless() is true.
protected abstract TextFieldPeer createTextField(TextField target);
* Creates a peer object for the specified Label
* @param target The Label
to create the peer for.
* @return The peer for the specified Label
* @exception HeadlessException If GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless() is true.
protected abstract LabelPeer createLabel(Label target);
* Creates a peer object for the specified List
* @param target The List
to create the peer for.
* @return The peer for the specified List
* @exception HeadlessException If GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless() is true.
protected abstract ListPeer createList(List target);
* Creates a peer object for the specified Checkbox
* @param target The Checkbox
to create the peer for.
* @return The peer for the specified Checkbox
* @exception HeadlessException If GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless() is true.
protected abstract CheckboxPeer createCheckbox(Checkbox target);
* Creates a peer object for the specified Scrollbar
* @param target The Scrollbar
to create the peer for.
* @return The peer for the specified Scrollbar
* @exception HeadlessException If GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless() is true.
protected abstract ScrollbarPeer createScrollbar(Scrollbar target);
* Creates a peer object for the specified ScrollPane
* @param target The ScrollPane
to create the peer for.
* @return The peer for the specified ScrollPane
* @exception HeadlessException If GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless() is true.
protected abstract ScrollPanePeer createScrollPane(ScrollPane target);
* Creates a peer object for the specified TextArea
* @param target The TextArea
to create the peer for.
* @return The peer for the specified TextArea
* @exception HeadlessException If GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless() is true.
protected abstract TextAreaPeer createTextArea(TextArea target);
* Creates a peer object for the specified Choice
* @param target The Choice
to create the peer for.
* @return The peer for the specified Choice
* @exception HeadlessException If GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless() is true.
protected abstract ChoicePeer createChoice(Choice target);
* Creates a peer object for the specified Frame
* @param target The Frame
to create the peer for.
* @return The peer for the specified Frame
* @exception HeadlessException If GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless() is true.
protected abstract FramePeer createFrame(Frame target);
* Creates a peer object for the specified Canvas
* @param target The Canvas
to create the peer for.
* @return The peer for the specified Canvas
protected abstract CanvasPeer createCanvas(Canvas target);
* Creates a peer object for the specified Panel
* @param target The Panel
to create the peer for.
* @return The peer for the specified Panel
protected abstract PanelPeer createPanel(Panel target);
* Creates a peer object for the specified Window
* @param target The Window
to create the peer for.
* @return The peer for the specified Window
* @exception HeadlessException If GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless() is true.
protected abstract WindowPeer createWindow(Window target);
* Creates a peer object for the specified Dialog
* @param target The dialog to create the peer for
* @return The peer for the specified font name.
* @exception HeadlessException If GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless() is true.
protected abstract DialogPeer createDialog(Dialog target);
* Creates a peer object for the specified MenuBar
* @param target The MenuBar
to create the peer for.
* @return The peer for the specified MenuBar
* @exception HeadlessException If GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless() is true.
protected abstract MenuBarPeer createMenuBar(MenuBar target);
* Creates a peer object for the specified Menu
* @param target The Menu
to create the peer for.
* @return The peer for the specified Menu
* @exception HeadlessException If GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless() is true.
protected abstract MenuPeer createMenu(Menu target);
* Creates a peer object for the specified PopupMenu
* @param target The PopupMenu
to create the peer for.
* @return The peer for the specified PopupMenu
* @exception HeadlessException If GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless() is true.
protected abstract PopupMenuPeer createPopupMenu(PopupMenu target);
* Creates a peer object for the specified MenuItem
* @param target The MenuItem
to create the peer for.
* @return The peer for the specified MenuItem
* @exception HeadlessException If GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless() is true.
protected abstract MenuItemPeer createMenuItem(MenuItem target);
* Creates a peer object for the specified FileDialog
* @param target The FileDialog
to create the peer for.
* @return The peer for the specified FileDialog
* @exception HeadlessException If GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless() is true.
protected abstract FileDialogPeer createFileDialog(FileDialog target);
* Creates a peer object for the specified CheckboxMenuItem
* @param target The CheckboxMenuItem
to create the peer for.
* @return The peer for the specified CheckboxMenuItem
* @exception HeadlessException If GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless() is true.
protected abstract CheckboxMenuItemPeer
createCheckboxMenuItem(CheckboxMenuItem target);
* Creates a peer object for the specified Component
. The
* peer returned by this method is not a native windowing system peer
* with its own native window. Instead, this method allows the component
* to draw on its parent window as a "lightweight" widget.
* @param target The Component
to create the peer for.
* @return The peer for the specified Component
protected LightweightPeer createComponent(Component target)
return new (target);
* Creates a peer object for the specified font name.
* @param name The font to create the peer for.
* @param style The font style to create the peer for.
* @return The peer for the specified font name.
* @deprecated
protected abstract FontPeer getFontPeer(String name, int style);
* Copies the current system colors into the specified array. This is
* the interface used by the SystemColors
* @param colors The array to copy the system colors into.
* @exception HeadlessException If GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless() is true.
protected void loadSystemColors(int systemColors[])
// XXX Implement.
* @since 1.4
* @exception HeadlessException If GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless() is true.
public void setDynamicLayout(boolean dynamic)
* @since 1.4
* @exception HeadlessException If GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless() is true.
protected boolean isDynamicLayoutSet()
return false;
* @since 1.4
* @exception HeadlessException If GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless() is true.
public boolean isDynamicLayoutActive()
return false;
* Returns the dimensions of the screen in pixels.
* @return The dimensions of the screen in pixels.
* @exception HeadlessException If GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless() is true.
public abstract Dimension getScreenSize();
* Returns the screen resolution in dots per square inch.
* @return The screen resolution in dots per square inch.
* @exception HeadlessException If GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless() is true.
public abstract int getScreenResolution();
* @exception HeadlessException If GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless() is true.
* @since 1.4
public Insets getScreenInsets(GraphicsConfiguration gc)
return null;
* Returns the color model of the screen.
* @return The color model of the screen.
* @exception HeadlessException If GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless() is true.
public abstract ColorModel getColorModel();
* Returns the names of the available fonts.
* @return The names of the available fonts.
* @deprecated
public abstract String[] getFontList();
* Return the font metrics for the specified font
* @param name The name of the font to return metrics for.
* @return The requested font metrics.
* @deprecated
public abstract FontMetrics getFontMetrics(Font name);
* Flushes any buffered data to the screen so that it is in sync with
* what the AWT system has drawn to it.
public abstract void sync();
* Returns an instance of the default toolkit. The default toolkit is
* the subclass of Toolkit
specified in the system property
* awt.toolkit
, or
* if the property is not set.
* @return An instance of the system default toolkit.
* @throws AWTError If the toolkit cannot be loaded.
public static Toolkit getDefaultToolkit()
if (toolkit != null)
return toolkit;
String toolkit_name = System.getProperty("awt.toolkit",
Class cls = Class.forName(toolkit_name);
Object obj = cls.newInstance();
if (!(obj instanceof Toolkit))
throw new AWTError(toolkit_name + " is not a subclass of " +
toolkit = (Toolkit) obj;
return toolkit;
catch (Throwable t)
AWTError e = new AWTError("Cannot load AWT toolkit: " + toolkit_name);
throw (AWTError) e.initCause(t);
* Returns an image from the specified file, which must be in a
* recognized format. Supported formats vary from toolkit to toolkit.
* @return name The name of the file to read the image from.
public abstract Image getImage(String name);
* Returns an image from the specified URL, which must be in a
* recognized format. Supported formats vary from toolkit to toolkit.
* @return url The URl to read the image from.
public abstract Image getImage(URL url);
public abstract Image createImage(String filename);
public abstract Image createImage(URL url);
* Readies an image to be rendered on the screen. The width and height
* values can be set to the default sizes for the image by passing -1
* in those parameters.
* @param image The image to prepare for rendering.
* @param width The width of the image.
* @param height The height of the image.
* @param observer The observer to receive events about the preparation
* process.
* @return true
if the image is already prepared for rendering,
* false
public abstract boolean prepareImage(Image image, int width, int height,
ImageObserver observer);
* Checks the status of specified image as it is being readied for
* rendering.
* @param image The image to prepare for rendering.
* @param width The width of the image.
* @param height The height of the image.
* @param observer The observer to receive events about the preparation
* process.
* @return A union of the bitmasks from
* java.awt.image.ImageObserver
that indicates the current
* state of the imaging readying process.
public abstract int checkImage(Image image, int width, int height,
ImageObserver observer);
* Creates an image using the specified ImageProducer
* @param producer The ImageProducer
to create the image from.
* @return The created image.
public abstract Image createImage(ImageProducer producer);
* Creates an image from the specified byte array. The array must be in
* a recognized format. Supported formats vary from toolkit to toolkit.
* @param data The raw image data.
* @return The created image.
public Image createImage(byte[] data)
return createImage(data, 0, data.length);
* Creates an image from the specified portion of the byte array passed.
* The array must be in a recognized format. Supported formats vary from
* toolkit to toolkit.
* @param data The raw image data.
* @param offset The offset into the data where the image data starts.
* @param len The length of the image data.
* @return The created image.
public abstract Image createImage(byte[] data, int offset, int len);
* Returns a instance of PrintJob
for the specified
* arguments.
* @param frame The window initiating the print job.
* @param title The print job title.
* @param props The print job properties.
* @return The requested print job, or null
if the job
* was cancelled.
* @exception NullPointerException If frame is null,
* or GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless() returns true.
* @exception SecurityException If this thread is not allowed to initiate
* a print job request.
public abstract PrintJob getPrintJob(Frame frame, String title,
Properties props);
* Returns a instance of PrintJob
for the specified
* arguments.
* @param frame The window initiating the print job.
* @param title The print job title.
* @param jobAttr A set of job attributes which will control the print job.
* @param pageAttr A set of page attributes which will control the print job.
* @exception NullPointerException If frame is null, and either jobAttr is null
* or jobAttr.getDialog() returns JobAttributes.DialogType.NATIVE.
* @exception IllegalArgumentException If pageAttrspecifies differing cross
* feed and feed resolutions, or when GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless() returns
* true.
* @exception SecurityException If this thread is not allowed to initiate
* a print job request.
* @since 1.3
public PrintJob getPrintJob(Frame frame, String title,
JobAttributes jobAttr, PageAttributes pageAttr)
return null;
* Causes a "beep" tone to be generated.
public abstract void beep();
* Returns the system clipboard.
* @return THe system clipboard.
* @exception HeadlessException If GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless() is true.
public abstract Clipboard getSystemClipboard();
* Gets the singleton instance of the system selection as a Clipboard object.
* @exception HeadlessException If GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless() is true.
* @since 1.4
public Clipboard getSystemSelection()
return null;
* Returns the accelerator key mask for menu shortcuts. The default is
. A toolkit must override this method
* to change the default.
* @return The key mask for the menu accelerator key.
* @exception HeadlessException If GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless() is true.
public int getMenuShortcutKeyMask()
return Event.CTRL_MASK;
* Returns whether the given locking key on the keyboard is currently in its
* "on" state.
* @exception HeadlessException If GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless() is true.
* @exception IllegalArgumentException If keyCode is not one of the valid keys.
* @exception UnsupportedOperationException If the host system doesn't allow
* getting the state of this key programmatically, or if the keyboard doesn't
* have this key.
public boolean getLockingKeyState(int keyCode)
if (keyCode != KeyEvent.VK_CAPS_LOCK
&& keyCode != KeyEvent.VK_NUM_LOCK
&& keyCode != KeyEvent.VK_SCROLL_LOCK)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* Sets the state of the given locking key on the keyboard.
* @exception HeadlessException If GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless() is true.
* @exception IllegalArgumentException If keyCode is not one of the valid keys.
* @exception UnsupportedOperationException If the host system doesn't allow
* getting the state of this key programmatically, or if the keyboard doesn't
* have this key.
public void setLockingKeyState(int keyCode, boolean on)
if (keyCode != KeyEvent.VK_CAPS_LOCK
&& keyCode != KeyEvent.VK_NUM_LOCK
&& keyCode != KeyEvent.VK_SCROLL_LOCK)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* Returns the native container object of the specified component. This
* method is necessary because the parent component might be a lightweight
* component.
* @param component The component to fetch the native container for.
* @return The native container object for this component.
protected static Container getNativeContainer(Component component)
component = component.getParent();
while (true)
if (component == null)
return null;
if (! (component instanceof Container))
component = component.getParent();
if (component.getPeer() instanceof LightweightPeer)
component = component.getParent();
return (Container) component;
* Creates a new custom cursor object.
* @exception IndexOutOfBoundsException If the hotSpot values are outside
* the bounds of the cursor.
* @exception HeadlessException If GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless() is true.
public Cursor createCustomCursor(Image cursor, Point hotSpot, String name)
// Presumably the only reason this isn't abstract is for backwards
// compatibility? FIXME?
return null;
* Returns the supported cursor dimension which is closest to the
* desired sizes.
* @exception HeadlessException If GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless() is true.
public Dimension getBestCursorSize(int preferredWidth, int preferredHeight)
return new Dimension (0,0);
* Returns the maximum number of colors the Toolkit supports in a custom
* cursor palette.
* @exception HeadlessException If GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless() is true.
public int getMaximumCursorColors()
return 0;
* Returns whether Toolkit supports this state for Frames.
* @exception HeadlessException If GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless() is true.
* @since 1.4
public boolean isFrameStateSupported(int state)
return false;
* Returns the value of the property with the specified name, or the
* default value if the property does not exist.
* @param key The name of the property to retrieve.
* @param def The default value of the property.
public static String getProperty(String key, String def)
return props.getProperty(key, def);
* Returns the event queue that is suitable for the calling context.
* Despite the word “System” in the name of this * method, a toolkit may provide different event queues for each * applet. There is no guarantee that the same queue is shared * system-wide. * *
The implementation first checks whether a * SecurityManager has been installed. If so, its {@link * java.lang.SecurityManager#checkAwtEventQueueAccess()} method gets * called. The security manager will throw a SecurityException if it * does not grant the permission to access the event queue. * *
Next, the call is delegated to {@link * #getSystemEventQueueImpl()}. * * @return The event queue for this applet (or application). * * @throws SecurityException if a security manager has been * installed, and it does not grant the permission to access the * event queue. */ public final EventQueue getSystemEventQueue() { SecurityManager sm; sm = System.getSecurityManager(); if (sm != null) sm.checkAwtEventQueueAccess(); return getSystemEventQueueImpl(); } /** * Returns the event queue that is suitable for the calling context. * *
Despite the word “System” in the name of this * method, a toolkit may provide different event queues for each * applet. There is no guarantee that the same queue is shared * system-wide. * *
No security checks are performed, which is why this method * may only be called by Toolkits. * * @see #getSystemEventQueue() */ protected abstract EventQueue getSystemEventQueueImpl(); /** * @since 1.3 */ public abstract DragSourceContextPeer createDragSourceContextPeer(DragGestureEvent e); /** * @since 1.3 */ public DragGestureRecognizer createDragGestureRecognizer(Class recognizer, DragSource ds, Component comp, int actions, DragGestureListener l) { return null; } public final Object getDesktopProperty(String propertyName) { return desktopProperties.get(propertyName); } protected final void setDesktopProperty(String name, Object newValue) { Object oldValue = getDesktopProperty(name); desktopProperties.put(name, newValue); desktopPropsSupport.firePropertyChange(name, oldValue, newValue); } protected Object lazilyLoadDesktopProperty(String name) { // FIXME - what is this?? return null; } protected void initializeDesktopProperties() { // Overridden by toolkit implementation? } public void addPropertyChangeListener(String name, PropertyChangeListener pcl) { desktopPropsSupport.addPropertyChangeListener(name, pcl); } public void removePropertyChangeListener(String name, PropertyChangeListener pcl) { desktopPropsSupport.removePropertyChangeListener(name, pcl); } /** * @since 1.4 */ public PropertyChangeListener[] getPropertyChangeListeners() { return desktopPropsSupport.getPropertyChangeListeners(); } /** * @since 1.4 */ public PropertyChangeListener[] getPropertyChangeListeners(String name) { return desktopPropsSupport.getPropertyChangeListeners(name); } public void addAWTEventListener(AWTEventListener listener, long eventMask) { // SecurityManager s = System.getSecurityManager(); // if (s != null) // s.checkPermission(AWTPermission("listenToAllAWTEvents")); // FIXME } public void removeAWTEventListener(AWTEventListener listener) { // FIXME } /** * @since 1.4 */ public AWTEventListener[] getAWTEventListeners() { return null; } /** * @since 1.4 */ public AWTEventListener[] getAWTEventListeners(long mask) { return null; } /** * @since 1.3 */ public abstract Map mapInputMethodHighlight(InputMethodHighlight highlight); } // class Toolkit