/* SHA.java -- Class implementing the SHA-1 algorithm as specified in [1].
   Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

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package gnu.java.security.provider;

import java.security.MessageDigest;

   This class implements the SHA-1 algorithm as described in [1].

   [1] Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 180-1.
   Specifications for the Secure Hash Standard.  April 17, 1995.

   @see java.security.MessageDigest
public class SHA extends MessageDigest implements Cloneable
  public SHA ()
    engineReset ();

  public int engineGetDigestLength()
    return 16;

  public void engineUpdate (byte b)
    int i = (int)bytecount % 64;
    int shift = (3 - i % 4) * 8;
    int idx = i / 4;

    // if you could index ints, this would be: W[idx][shift/8] = b
    W[idx] = (W[idx] & ~(0xff << shift)) | ((b & 0xff) << shift);

    // if we've filled up a block, then process it
    if ((++ bytecount) % 64 == 0)
      munch ();

  // This could be optimized.
  public void engineUpdate (byte bytes[], int off, int len)
    if (len < 0)
      throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ();

    int end = off + len;
    while (off < end)
      engineUpdate (bytes[off++]);

  public void engineReset ()
    bytecount = 0;
    // magic numbers from [1] p. 10.
    H0 = 0x67452301;
    H1 = 0xefcdab89;
    H2 = 0x98badcfe;
    H3 = 0x10325476;
    H4 = 0xc3d2e1f0;

  public byte[] engineDigest ()
    long bitcount = bytecount * 8;
    engineUpdate ((byte)0x80); // 10000000 in binary; the start of the padding

    // add the rest of the padding to fill this block out, but leave 8
    // bytes to put in the original bytecount
    while ((int)bytecount % 64 != 56)
      engineUpdate ((byte)0);

    // add the length of the original, unpadded block to the end of
    // the padding
    W[14] = (int)(bitcount >>> 32);
    W[15] = (int)bitcount;
    bytecount += 8;

    // digest the fully padded block
    munch ();

    byte[] result
      = new byte[] {(byte)(H0 >>> 24), (byte)(H0 >>> 16),
		    (byte)(H0 >>> 8), (byte)H0,
		    (byte)(H1 >>> 24), (byte)(H1 >>> 16),
		    (byte)(H1 >>> 8), (byte)H1,
		    (byte)(H2 >>> 24), (byte)(H2 >>> 16),
		    (byte)(H2 >>> 8), (byte)H2,
		    (byte)(H3 >>> 24), (byte)(H3 >>> 16),
		    (byte)(H3 >>> 8), (byte)H3,
		    (byte)(H4 >>> 24), (byte)(H4 >>> 16),
		    (byte)(H4 >>> 8), (byte)H4};
    engineReset ();
    return result;

  // Process a single block.  This is pretty much copied verbatim from
  // [1] pp. 9, 10.
  private void munch ()
    for (int t = 16; t < 80; ++ t)
	int Wt = W[t - 3] ^ W[t - 8] ^ W[t - 14] ^ W[t - 16];
	W[t] = Wt << 1 | Wt >>> 31;

    int A = H0;
    int B = H1;
    int C = H2;
    int D = H3;
    int E = H4;

    for (int t = 0; t < 20; ++ t)
	int TEMP = (A << 5 | A >>> 27) // S^5(A)
	  + ((B & C) | (~B & D))       // f_t(B,C,D)
	  + E + W[t]
	  + 0x5a827999;                // K_t

	E = D;
	D = C;
	C = B << 30 | B >>> 2;         // S^30(B)
	B = A;
	A = TEMP;

    for (int t = 20; t < 40; ++ t)
	int TEMP = (A << 5 | A >>> 27) // S^5(A)
	  + (B ^ C ^ D)                // f_t(B,C,D)
	  + E + W[t]                   
	  + 0x6ed9eba1;                // K_t

	E = D;
	D = C;
	C = B << 30 | B >>> 2;         // S^30(B)
	B = A;
	A = TEMP;

    for (int t = 40; t < 60; ++ t)
	int TEMP = (A << 5 | A >>> 27) // S^5(A)
	  + (B & C | B & D | C & D)    // f_t(B,C,D)
	  + E + W[t]
	  + 0x8f1bbcdc;                // K_t

	E = D;
	D = C;
	C = B << 30 | B >>> 2;         // S^30(B)
	B = A;
	A = TEMP;

    for (int t = 60; t < 80; ++ t)
	int TEMP = (A << 5 | A >>> 27) // S^5(A)
	  + (B ^ C ^ D)                // f_t(B,C,D)
	  + E + W[t]
	  + 0xca62c1d6;                // K_t

	E = D;
	D = C;
	C = B << 30 | B >>> 2;         // S^30(B)
	B = A;
	A = TEMP;

    H0 += A;
    H1 += B;
    H2 += C;
    H3 += D;
    H4 += E;

    // Reset W by clearing it.
    for (int t = 0; t < 80; ++ t)
      W[t] = 0;
  public Object clone ()
    return new SHA (this);

  private SHA (SHA copy)
    this ();
    bytecount = copy.bytecount;
    H0 = copy.H0;
    H1 = copy.H1;
    H2 = copy.H2;
    H3 = copy.H3;
    H4 = copy.H4;
    System.arraycopy (copy.W, 0, W, 0, 80);
  private final int W[] = new int[80];
  private long bytecount;
  private int H0;
  private int H1;
  private int H2;
  private int H3;
  private int H4;