/* Copyright (C) 2003 Free Software Foundation This file is part of libgcj. This software is copyrighted work licensed under the terms of the Libgcj License. Please consult the file "LIBGCJ_LICENSE" for details. */ #include <config.h> #include <platform.h> #undef STRICT #undef MAX_PRIORITY #undef MIN_PRIORITY #include <gnu/java/net/PlainSocketImpl.h> #include <gnu/java/net/PlainSocketImpl$SocketInputStream.h> #include <gnu/java/net/PlainSocketImpl$SocketOutputStream.h> #include <java/io/IOException.h> #include <java/io/InterruptedIOException.h> #include <java/net/BindException.h> #include <java/net/ConnectException.h> #include <java/net/InetAddress.h> #include <java/net/InetSocketAddress.h> #include <java/net/SocketException.h> #include <java/net/SocketTimeoutException.h> #include <java/lang/InternalError.h> #include <java/lang/Object.h> #include <java/lang/Boolean.h> #include <java/lang/Class.h> #include <java/lang/Integer.h> #include <java/lang/Thread.h> #include <java/lang/NullPointerException.h> #include <java/lang/ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.h> #include <java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.h> union SockAddr { struct sockaddr_in address; #ifdef HAVE_INET6 struct sockaddr_in6 address6; #endif }; void gnu::java::net::PlainSocketImpl::create (jboolean stream) { SOCKET sock = ::socket (AF_INET, stream ? SOCK_STREAM : SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if (sock == INVALID_SOCKET) { _Jv_ThrowIOException (); } // Cast this to a HANDLE so we can make // it non-inheritable via _Jv_platform_close_on_exec. HANDLE hSocket = (HANDLE) sock; _Jv_platform_close_on_exec (hSocket); // We use native_fd in place of fd here. From leaving fd null we avoid // the double close problem in FileDescriptor.finalize. native_fd = (jint) hSocket; } void gnu::java::net::PlainSocketImpl::bind (::java::net::InetAddress *host, jint lport) { union SockAddr u; struct sockaddr *ptr = (struct sockaddr *) &u.address; jbyteArray haddress = host->addr; jbyte *bytes = elements (haddress); int len = haddress->length; if (len == 4) { u.address.sin_family = AF_INET; if (host != NULL) memcpy (&u.address.sin_addr, bytes, len); else u.address.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl (INADDR_ANY); len = sizeof (struct sockaddr_in); u.address.sin_port = htons (lport); } #ifdef HAVE_INET6 else if (len == 16) { u.address6.sin6_family = AF_INET6; memcpy (&u.address6.sin6_addr, bytes, len); len = sizeof (struct sockaddr_in6); u.address6.sin6_port = htons (lport); } #endif else throw new ::java::net::SocketException (JvNewStringUTF ("invalid length")); if (::bind (native_fd, ptr, len) != SOCKET_ERROR) { socklen_t addrlen = sizeof(u); if (lport != 0) localport = lport; else if (::getsockname (native_fd, (sockaddr*) &u, &addrlen) != SOCKET_ERROR) localport = ntohs (u.address.sin_port); else goto error; return; } error: DWORD dwErrorCode = WSAGetLastError (); throw new ::java::net::BindException (_Jv_WinStrError (dwErrorCode)); } static void throwConnectException (DWORD dwErrorCode) { throw new ::java::net::ConnectException (_Jv_WinStrError (dwErrorCode)); } static void throwConnectException () { throwConnectException (WSAGetLastError ()); } void gnu::java::net::PlainSocketImpl::connect (::java::net::SocketAddress *addr, jint timeout) { ::java::net::InetSocketAddress *tmp = (::java::net::InetSocketAddress*) addr; ::java::net::InetAddress *host = tmp->getAddress(); jint rport = tmp->getPort(); union SockAddr u; socklen_t addrlen = sizeof(u); jbyteArray haddress = host->addr; jbyte *bytes = elements (haddress); int len = haddress->length; struct sockaddr *ptr = (struct sockaddr *) &u.address; if (len == 4) { u.address.sin_family = AF_INET; memcpy (&u.address.sin_addr, bytes, len); len = sizeof (struct sockaddr_in); u.address.sin_port = htons (rport); } #ifdef HAVE_INET6 else if (len == 16) { u.address6.sin6_family = AF_INET6; memcpy (&u.address6.sin6_addr, bytes, len); len = sizeof (struct sockaddr_in6); u.address6.sin6_port = htons (rport); } #endif else throw new ::java::net::SocketException (JvNewStringUTF ("invalid length")); if (timeout > 0) { // FIXME: we're creating a fresh WSAEVENT for each connect(). WSAEventWrapper aWSAEventWrapper(native_fd, FD_CONNECT); WSAEVENT hEvent = aWSAEventWrapper.getEventHandle (); if (::connect (native_fd, ptr, len) == SOCKET_ERROR) { if (WSAGetLastError () != WSAEWOULDBLOCK) throwConnectException (); DWORD dwRet = WSAWaitForMultipleEvents (1, &hEvent, true, timeout, false); // use true, false instead of TRUE, FALSE because the // MS constants got undefined if (dwRet == WSA_WAIT_FAILED) throwConnectException (); else if (dwRet == WSA_WAIT_TIMEOUT) throw new ::java::net::SocketTimeoutException (JvNewStringUTF ("connect timed out")); // If we get here, we still need to check whether the actual // connect() succeeded. Use any socket-specific error code // instead of the thread-based one. int nErrCode; int nErrLen=sizeof(nErrCode); if (::getsockopt(native_fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, (char*) &nErrCode, &nErrLen) == SOCKET_ERROR) { throwConnectException (); } if (nErrCode != NO_ERROR) { throwConnectException (nErrCode); } } } else { if (::connect (native_fd, ptr, len) == SOCKET_ERROR) throwConnectException(); } address = host; port = rport; // A bind may not have been done on this socket; if so, set localport now. if (localport == 0) { if (::getsockname (native_fd, (sockaddr*) &u, &addrlen) != SOCKET_ERROR) localport = ntohs (u.address.sin_port); else throwConnectException(); } } void gnu::java::net::PlainSocketImpl::listen (jint backlog) { if (::listen (native_fd, backlog) == SOCKET_ERROR) { _Jv_ThrowIOException (); } } void gnu::java::net::PlainSocketImpl::accept (gnu::java::net::PlainSocketImpl *s) { union SockAddr u; socklen_t addrlen = sizeof(u); HANDLE hSocket = 0; SOCKET new_socket = 0; if (timeout > 0) { // FIXME: we're creating a fresh WSAEVENT for each accept(). // One possible alternative would be that native_fd really points // to an extended structure consisting of the SOCKET, its // associated WSAEVENT, etc. WSAEventWrapper aWSAEventWrapper(native_fd, FD_ACCEPT); WSAEVENT hEvent = aWSAEventWrapper.getEventHandle (); for (;;) { new_socket = ::accept (native_fd, (sockaddr*) &u, &addrlen); if (new_socket != INVALID_SOCKET) { // This new child socket is nonblocking because the parent // socket became nonblocking via the WSAEventSelect() call, // so we set its mode back to blocking. WSAEventSelect (new_socket, hEvent, 0); // undo the hEvent <-> FD_ACCEPT association inherited // inherited from our parent socket unsigned long lSockOpt = 0L; // blocking mode if (ioctlsocket(new_socket, FIONBIO, &lSockOpt) == SOCKET_ERROR) { goto error; } break; } else if (WSAGetLastError () != WSAEWOULDBLOCK) { goto error; } DWORD dwRet = WSAWaitForMultipleEvents (1, &hEvent, true, timeout, false); // use true, false instead of TRUE, FALSE because the // MS constants got undefined if (dwRet == WSA_WAIT_FAILED) goto error; else if (dwRet == WSA_WAIT_TIMEOUT) throw new ::java::net::SocketTimeoutException (JvNewStringUTF ("accept timed out")); } } else { new_socket = ::accept (native_fd, (sockaddr*) &u, &addrlen); } if (new_socket == INVALID_SOCKET) goto error; // Cast this to a HANDLE so we can make // it non-inheritable via _Jv_platform_close_on_exec. hSocket = (HANDLE) new_socket; _Jv_platform_close_on_exec (hSocket); jbyteArray raddr; jint rport; if (u.address.sin_family == AF_INET) { raddr = JvNewByteArray (4); memcpy (elements (raddr), &u.address.sin_addr, 4); rport = ntohs (u.address.sin_port); } #ifdef HAVE_INET6 else if (u.address.sin_family == AF_INET6) { raddr = JvNewByteArray (16); memcpy (elements (raddr), &u.address6.sin6_addr, 16); rport = ntohs (u.address6.sin6_port); } #endif else throw new ::java::net::SocketException (JvNewStringUTF ("invalid family")); s->native_fd = (jint) hSocket; s->localport = localport; s->address = new ::java::net::InetAddress (raddr, NULL); s->port = rport; return; error: _Jv_ThrowIOException (); } // Close(shutdown) the socket. void gnu::java::net::PlainSocketImpl::close() { // Avoid races from asynchronous finalization. JvSynchronize sync (this); // should we use shutdown here? how would that effect so_linger? int res = ::closesocket (native_fd); if (res == -1) { // These three errors are not errors according to tests performed // on the reference implementation. DWORD dwErr = WSAGetLastError(); if (dwErr != WSAENOTCONN && dwErr != WSAECONNRESET && dwErr != WSAENOTSOCK) _Jv_ThrowIOException (); } // Safe place to reset the file pointer. native_fd = -1; timeout = 0; } // Write a byte to the socket. void gnu::java::net::PlainSocketImpl$SocketOutputStream::write(jint b) { jbyte d =(jbyte) b; int r = 0; while (r != 1) { r = ::send (this$0->native_fd, (char*) &d, 1, 0); if (r == -1) { DWORD dwErr = WSAGetLastError(); if (::java::lang::Thread::interrupted()) { ::java::io::InterruptedIOException *iioe = new ::java::io::InterruptedIOException (_Jv_WinStrError (dwErr)); iioe->bytesTransferred = 0; throw iioe; } // Some errors should not cause exceptions. if (dwErr != WSAENOTCONN && dwErr != WSAECONNRESET && dwErr != WSAENOTSOCK) _Jv_ThrowIOException (); break; } } } // Write some bytes to the socket. void gnu::java::net::PlainSocketImpl$SocketOutputStream::write(jbyteArray b, jint offset, jint len) { if (! b) throw new ::java::lang::NullPointerException; if (offset < 0 || len < 0 || offset + len > JvGetArrayLength (b)) throw new ::java::lang::ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException; jbyte *bytes = elements (b) + offset; int written = 0; while (len > 0) { int r = ::send (this$0->native_fd, (char*) bytes, len, 0); if (r == -1) { DWORD dwErr = WSAGetLastError(); if (::java::lang::Thread::interrupted()) { ::java::io::InterruptedIOException *iioe = new ::java::io::InterruptedIOException (_Jv_WinStrError (dwErr)); iioe->bytesTransferred = written; throw iioe; } // Some errors should not cause exceptions. if (dwErr != WSAENOTCONN && dwErr != WSAECONNRESET && dwErr != WSAENOTSOCK) _Jv_ThrowIOException (); break; } written += r; len -= r; bytes += r; } } void gnu::java::net::PlainSocketImpl::sendUrgentData (jint) { throw new ::java::net::SocketException (JvNewStringLatin1 ( "PlainSocketImpl: sending of urgent data not supported by this socket")); } // read() helper static jint doRead(int native_fd, void* buf, int count, int timeout) { int r = 0; DWORD dwErrorCode = 0; // we are forced to declare this here because // a call to Thread::interrupted() blanks out // WSAGetLastError(). // FIXME: we unconditionally set SO_RCVTIMEO here // because we can't detect whether someone has // gone from a non-zero to zero timeout. What we'd // really need is a member state variable in addition // to timeout int nRet= ::setsockopt(native_fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (char*)&timeout, sizeof(timeout)); if (nRet != NO_ERROR) { dwErrorCode = WSAGetLastError (); goto error; } r = ::recv (native_fd, (char*) buf, count, 0); if (r == 0) return -1; dwErrorCode = WSAGetLastError (); // save WSAGetLastError() before calling Thread.interrupted() if (::java::lang::Thread::interrupted()) { ::java::io::InterruptedIOException *iioe = new ::java::io::InterruptedIOException (JvNewStringUTF("read interrupted")); iioe->bytesTransferred = r == -1 ? 0 : r; throw iioe; } else if (r == -1) { error: // Some errors cause us to return end of stream... if (dwErrorCode == WSAENOTCONN) return -1; // Other errors need to be signalled. if (dwErrorCode == WSAETIMEDOUT) throw new ::java::net::SocketTimeoutException (JvNewStringUTF ("read timed out") ); else _Jv_ThrowIOException (dwErrorCode); } return r; } // Read a single byte from the socket. jint gnu::java::net::PlainSocketImpl$SocketInputStream::read(void) { jbyte b; doRead(this$0->native_fd, &b, 1, this$0->timeout); return b & 0xFF; } // Read count bytes into the buffer, starting at offset. jint gnu::java::net::PlainSocketImpl$SocketInputStream::read(jbyteArray buffer, jint offset, jint count) { if (! buffer) throw new ::java::lang::NullPointerException; jsize bsize = JvGetArrayLength (buffer); if (offset < 0 || count < 0 || offset + count > bsize) throw new ::java::lang::ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException; jbyte *bytes = elements (buffer) + offset; // Read the socket. return doRead(this$0->native_fd, bytes, count, this$0->timeout); } // How many bytes are available? jint gnu::java::net::PlainSocketImpl::available(void) { unsigned long num = 0; if (::ioctlsocket (native_fd, FIONREAD, &num) == SOCKET_ERROR) _Jv_ThrowIOException (); return (jint) num; } void gnu::java::net::PlainSocketImpl::setOption (jint optID, ::java::lang::Object *value) { int val; socklen_t val_len = sizeof (val); if (native_fd < 0) throw new ::java::net::SocketException (JvNewStringUTF ("Socket closed")); if (_Jv_IsInstanceOf (value, &::java::lang::Boolean::class$)) { ::java::lang::Boolean *boolobj = static_cast< ::java::lang::Boolean *> (value); if (boolobj->booleanValue()) val = 1; else { if (optID == _Jv_SO_LINGER_) val = -1; else val = 0; } } else if (_Jv_IsInstanceOf (value, &::java::lang::Integer::class$)) { ::java::lang::Integer *intobj = static_cast< ::java::lang::Integer *> (value); val = (int) intobj->intValue(); } else { throw new ::java::lang::IllegalArgumentException ( JvNewStringLatin1 ("`value' must be Boolean or Integer")); } switch (optID) { case _Jv_TCP_NODELAY_ : if (::setsockopt (native_fd, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (char *) &val, val_len) == SOCKET_ERROR) goto error; return; case _Jv_SO_KEEPALIVE_ : if (::setsockopt (native_fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, (char *) &val, val_len) == SOCKET_ERROR) goto error; break; case _Jv_SO_BROADCAST_ : throw new ::java::net::SocketException (JvNewStringUTF ("SO_BROADCAST not valid for TCP")); break; case _Jv_SO_OOBINLINE_ : if (::setsockopt (native_fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_OOBINLINE, (char *) &val, val_len) == SOCKET_ERROR) goto error; break; case _Jv_SO_LINGER_ : struct linger l_val; l_val.l_onoff = (val != -1); l_val.l_linger = val; if (::setsockopt (native_fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, (char *) &l_val, sizeof(l_val)) == SOCKET_ERROR) goto error; return; case _Jv_SO_SNDBUF_ : case _Jv_SO_RCVBUF_ : int opt; optID == _Jv_SO_SNDBUF_ ? opt = SO_SNDBUF : opt = SO_RCVBUF; if (::setsockopt (native_fd, SOL_SOCKET, opt, (char *) &val, val_len) == SOCKET_ERROR) goto error; return; case _Jv_SO_BINDADDR_ : throw new ::java::net::SocketException ( JvNewStringUTF ("SO_BINDADDR: read only option")); return; case _Jv_IP_MULTICAST_IF_ : throw new ::java::net::SocketException ( JvNewStringUTF ("IP_MULTICAST_IF: not valid for TCP")); return; case _Jv_IP_MULTICAST_IF2_ : throw new ::java::net::SocketException ( JvNewStringUTF ("IP_MULTICAST_IF2: not valid for TCP")); break; case _Jv_IP_MULTICAST_LOOP_ : throw new ::java::net::SocketException ( JvNewStringUTF ("IP_MULTICAST_LOOP: not valid for TCP")); break; case _Jv_IP_TOS_ : if (::setsockopt (native_fd, SOL_SOCKET, IP_TOS, (char *) &val, val_len) == SOCKET_ERROR) goto error; break; case _Jv_SO_REUSEADDR_ : throw new ::java::net::SocketException ( JvNewStringUTF ("SO_REUSEADDR: not valid for TCP")); return; case _Jv_SO_TIMEOUT_ : timeout = val; return; default : WSASetLastError (WSAENOPROTOOPT); } error: _Jv_ThrowSocketException (); } ::java::lang::Object * gnu::java::net::PlainSocketImpl::getOption (jint optID) { int val; socklen_t val_len = sizeof(val); union SockAddr u; socklen_t addrlen = sizeof(u); struct linger l_val; socklen_t l_val_len = sizeof(l_val); switch (optID) { case _Jv_TCP_NODELAY_ : if (::getsockopt (native_fd, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (char *) &val, &val_len) == SOCKET_ERROR) goto error; else return new ::java::lang::Boolean (val != 0); break; case _Jv_SO_LINGER_ : if (::getsockopt (native_fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, (char *) &l_val, &l_val_len) == SOCKET_ERROR) goto error; if (l_val.l_onoff) return new ::java::lang::Integer (l_val.l_linger); else return new ::java::lang::Boolean ((jboolean)false); break; case _Jv_SO_KEEPALIVE_ : if (::getsockopt (native_fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, (char *) &val, &val_len) == SOCKET_ERROR) goto error; else return new ::java::lang::Boolean (val != 0); case _Jv_SO_BROADCAST_ : if (::getsockopt (native_fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, (char *) &val, &val_len) == SOCKET_ERROR) goto error; return new ::java::lang::Boolean ((jboolean)val); case _Jv_SO_OOBINLINE_ : if (::getsockopt (native_fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_OOBINLINE, (char *) &val, &val_len) == SOCKET_ERROR) goto error; return new ::java::lang::Boolean ((jboolean)val); case _Jv_SO_RCVBUF_ : case _Jv_SO_SNDBUF_ : int opt; optID == _Jv_SO_SNDBUF_ ? opt = SO_SNDBUF : opt = SO_RCVBUF; if (::getsockopt (native_fd, SOL_SOCKET, opt, (char *) &val, &val_len) == SOCKET_ERROR) goto error; else return new ::java::lang::Integer (val); break; case _Jv_SO_BINDADDR_: // cache the local address if (localAddress == NULL) { jbyteArray laddr; if (::getsockname (native_fd, (sockaddr*) &u, &addrlen) == SOCKET_ERROR) goto error; if (u.address.sin_family == AF_INET) { laddr = JvNewByteArray (4); memcpy (elements (laddr), &u.address.sin_addr, 4); } #ifdef HAVE_INET6 else if (u.address.sin_family == AF_INET6) { laddr = JvNewByteArray (16); memcpy (elements (laddr), &u.address6.sin6_addr, 16); } #endif else throw new ::java::net::SocketException (JvNewStringUTF ("invalid family")); localAddress = new ::java::net::InetAddress (laddr, NULL); } return localAddress; break; case _Jv_IP_MULTICAST_IF_ : throw new ::java::net::SocketException (JvNewStringUTF ("IP_MULTICAST_IF: not valid for TCP")); break; case _Jv_IP_MULTICAST_IF2_ : throw new ::java::net::SocketException (JvNewStringUTF ("IP_MULTICAST_IF2: not valid for TCP")); break; case _Jv_IP_MULTICAST_LOOP_ : throw new ::java::net::SocketException (JvNewStringUTF ("IP_MULTICAST_LOOP: not valid for TCP")); break; case _Jv_IP_TOS_ : if (::getsockopt (native_fd, SOL_SOCKET, IP_TOS, (char *) &val, &val_len) == SOCKET_ERROR) goto error; return new ::java::lang::Integer (val); break; case _Jv_SO_REUSEADDR_ : throw new ::java::net::SocketException (JvNewStringUTF ("SO_REUSEADDR: not valid for TCP")); break; case _Jv_SO_TIMEOUT_ : return new ::java::lang::Integer (timeout); break; default : WSASetLastError (WSAENOPROTOOPT); } error: _Jv_ThrowSocketException (); return 0; // we should never get here } void gnu::java::net::PlainSocketImpl::shutdownInput (void) { if (::shutdown (native_fd, 0)) _Jv_ThrowSocketException (); } void gnu::java::net::PlainSocketImpl::shutdownOutput (void) { if (::shutdown (native_fd, 1)) _Jv_ThrowSocketException (); }