// natVMVirtualMachine.cc - native support for VMVirtualMachine /* Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Free Software Foundation This file is part of libgcj. This software is copyrighted work licensed under the terms of the Libgcj License. Please consult the file "LIBGCJ_LICENSE" for details. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace java::lang; using namespace gnu::classpath::jdwp::event; using namespace gnu::classpath::jdwp::util; // Stepping information struct step_info { jint size; // See gnu.classpath.jdwp.JdwpConstants.StepSize jint depth; // See gnu.classpath.jdwp.JdwpConstants.StepDepth int stack_depth; // stack depth at start of stepping jmethodID method; // method in which we are stepping }; // Forward declarations static jvmtiError get_linetable (jvmtiEnv *, jmethodID, jint *, jvmtiLineNumberEntry **); static Location *get_request_location (EventRequest *); static gnu::classpath::jdwp::event::filters::StepFilter * get_request_step_filter (EventRequest *); static void handle_single_step (jvmtiEnv *, struct step_info *, jthread, jmethodID, jlocation); static void JNICALL jdwpBreakpointCB (jvmtiEnv *, JNIEnv *, jthread, jmethodID, jlocation); static void JNICALL jdwpClassPrepareCB (jvmtiEnv *, JNIEnv *, jthread, jclass); static void JNICALL jdwpSingleStepCB (jvmtiEnv *, JNIEnv *, jthread, jmethodID, jlocation); static void JNICALL jdwpThreadEndCB (jvmtiEnv *, JNIEnv *, jthread); static void JNICALL jdwpThreadStartCB (jvmtiEnv *, JNIEnv *, jthread); static void JNICALL jdwpVMDeathCB (jvmtiEnv *, JNIEnv *); static void JNICALL jdwpVMInitCB (jvmtiEnv *, JNIEnv *, jthread); static void throw_jvmti_error (jvmtiError); #define DEFINE_CALLBACK(Cb,Event) Cb.Event = jdwp ## Event ## CB #define DISABLE_EVENT(Event,Thread) \ _jdwp_jvmtiEnv->SetEventNotificationMode (JVMTI_DISABLE, \ JVMTI_EVENT_ ## Event, Thread) #define ENABLE_EVENT(Event,Thread) \ _jdwp_jvmtiEnv->SetEventNotificationMode (JVMTI_ENABLE, \ JVMTI_EVENT_ ## Event, Thread) // JVMTI environment static jvmtiEnv *_jdwp_jvmtiEnv; jvmtiEnv * _Jv_GetJDWP_JVMTIEnv (void) { return _jdwp_jvmtiEnv; } void gnu::classpath::jdwp::VMVirtualMachine::initialize () { _jdwp_suspend_counts = new ::java::util::Hashtable (); _stepping_threads = new ::java::util::Hashtable (); JavaVM *vm = _Jv_GetJavaVM (); union { void *ptr; jvmtiEnv *env; } foo; vm->GetEnv (&(foo.ptr), JVMTI_VERSION_1_0); _jdwp_jvmtiEnv = foo.env; // Wait for VM_INIT to do more initialization jvmtiEventCallbacks callbacks; DEFINE_CALLBACK (callbacks, VMInit); _jdwp_jvmtiEnv->SetEventCallbacks (&callbacks, sizeof (callbacks)); ENABLE_EVENT (VM_INIT, NULL); } void gnu::classpath::jdwp::VMVirtualMachine::suspendThread (Thread *thread) { jint value; Integer *count; { JvSynchronize dummy (_jdwp_suspend_counts); count = reinterpret_cast (_jdwp_suspend_counts->get (thread)); if (count == NULL) { // New -- suspend thread value = 0; } else { // Thread already suspended value = count->intValue (); } count = Integer::valueOf (++value); _jdwp_suspend_counts->put (thread, count); } if (value == 1) { // Suspend the thread jvmtiError err = _jdwp_jvmtiEnv->SuspendThread (thread); if (err != JVMTI_ERROR_NONE) { using namespace gnu::gcj::runtime; using namespace gnu::classpath::jdwp::exception; char *reason; _jdwp_jvmtiEnv->GetErrorName (err, &reason); String *txt = JvNewStringLatin1 ("could not suspend thread: "); StringBuilder *msg = new StringBuilder (txt); msg->append (JvNewStringLatin1 (reason)); _jdwp_jvmtiEnv->Deallocate ((unsigned char *) reason); throw new JdwpInternalErrorException (msg->toString ()); } } } void gnu::classpath::jdwp::VMVirtualMachine::resumeThread (Thread *thread) { jint value; { JvSynchronize dummy (_jdwp_suspend_counts); Integer *count = reinterpret_cast (_jdwp_suspend_counts->get (thread)); if (count == NULL) { // Thread not suspended: ThreadReference.Resume says to ignore it. return; } else { // Decrement suspend count value = count->intValue () - 1; } if (value == 0) { // Thread will be resumed, remove from table _jdwp_suspend_counts->remove (thread); } else { // Thread stays suspended: record new suspend count count = Integer::valueOf (value); _jdwp_suspend_counts->put (thread, count); } } if (value == 0) { jvmtiError err = _jdwp_jvmtiEnv->ResumeThread (thread); if (err != JVMTI_ERROR_NONE) { using namespace gnu::gcj::runtime; using namespace gnu::classpath::jdwp::exception; char *reason; _jdwp_jvmtiEnv->GetErrorName (err, &reason); String *txt = JvNewStringLatin1 ("could not resume thread: "); StringBuilder *msg = new StringBuilder (txt); msg->append (JvNewStringLatin1 (reason)); _jdwp_jvmtiEnv->Deallocate ((unsigned char *) reason); throw new JdwpInternalErrorException (msg->toString ()); } } } jint gnu::classpath::jdwp::VMVirtualMachine::getSuspendCount (Thread *thread) { jint suspensions = 0; Integer *count = reinterpret_cast (_jdwp_suspend_counts->get (thread)); if (count != NULL) suspensions = count->intValue (); return suspensions; } void gnu::classpath::jdwp::VMVirtualMachine::registerEvent (EventRequest *request) { switch (request->getEventKind ()) { case EventRequest::EVENT_SINGLE_STEP: { Thread *thread; filters::StepFilter *filter = get_request_step_filter (request); if (filter == NULL) { // No filter specified: report every step in every // thread. thread = NULL; } else { // Add stepping information to list of stepping threads thread = filter->getThread ()->getThread (); _Jv_InterpFrame *frame = reinterpret_cast<_Jv_InterpFrame *> (thread->interp_frame); struct step_info *sinfo = (struct step_info *) JvAllocBytes (sizeof (struct step_info)); sinfo->size = filter->getSize (); sinfo->depth = filter->getDepth (); sinfo->stack_depth = frame->depth (); sinfo->method = frame->self->get_method (); _stepping_threads->put (thread, (jobject) sinfo); } ENABLE_EVENT (SINGLE_STEP, thread); } break; case EventRequest::EVENT_BREAKPOINT: { using namespace ::gnu::gcj::jvmti; Location *loc = get_request_location (request); if (loc == NULL) { using namespace gnu::classpath::jdwp::exception; throw new InvalidLocationException (); } jlong method = loc->getMethod ()->getId (); jlocation index = loc->getIndex (); Breakpoint *bp = BreakpointManager::getBreakpoint (method, index); if (bp == NULL) { // Breakpoint not in interpreter yet bp = BreakpointManager::newBreakpoint (method, index); } else { // Ignore the duplicate } } break; case EventRequest::EVENT_FRAME_POP: break; case EventRequest::EVENT_EXCEPTION: break; case EventRequest::EVENT_USER_DEFINED: break; case EventRequest::EVENT_THREAD_START: break; case EventRequest::EVENT_THREAD_END: break; case EventRequest::EVENT_CLASS_PREPARE: break; case EventRequest::EVENT_CLASS_LOAD: break; case EventRequest::EVENT_CLASS_UNLOAD: break; case EventRequest::EVENT_FIELD_ACCESS: break; case EventRequest::EVENT_FIELD_MODIFY: break; case EventRequest::EVENT_METHOD_ENTRY: break; case EventRequest::EVENT_METHOD_EXIT: break; case EventRequest::EVENT_VM_INIT: break; case EventRequest::EVENT_VM_DEATH: break; } } void gnu::classpath::jdwp::VMVirtualMachine::unregisterEvent (EventRequest *request) { switch (request->getEventKind ()) { case EventRequest::EVENT_SINGLE_STEP: { Thread *thread; filters::StepFilter *filter = get_request_step_filter (request); if (filter == NULL) thread = NULL; else { thread = filter->getThread ()->getThread (); _stepping_threads->remove (thread); } DISABLE_EVENT (SINGLE_STEP, thread); } break; case EventRequest::EVENT_BREAKPOINT: { using namespace gnu::gcj::jvmti; ::java::util::Collection *breakpoints; EventManager *em = EventManager::getDefault (); breakpoints = em->getRequests (EventRequest::EVENT_BREAKPOINT); // Check for duplicates int matches = 0; Location *the_location = get_request_location (request); // This should not be possible: we REQUIRE a Location // to install a breakpoint JvAssert (the_location != NULL); ::java::util::Iterator *iter = breakpoints->iterator (); while (iter->hasNext ()) { EventRequest *er = reinterpret_cast (iter->next ()); Location *loc = get_request_location (er); JvAssert (loc != NULL); if (loc->equals (the_location) && ++matches == 2) { // Short-circuit: already more than one breakpoint return; } } if (matches == 0) { using namespace gnu::classpath::jdwp::exception; jstring msg = JvNewStringLatin1 ("attempt to remove unknown breakpoint"); throw new JdwpInternalErrorException (msg); } jlong methodId = the_location->getMethod ()->getId (); BreakpointManager::deleteBreakpoint (methodId, the_location->getIndex ()); } break; case EventRequest::EVENT_FRAME_POP: break; case EventRequest::EVENT_EXCEPTION: break; case EventRequest::EVENT_USER_DEFINED: break; case EventRequest::EVENT_THREAD_START: break; case EventRequest::EVENT_THREAD_END: break; case EventRequest::EVENT_CLASS_PREPARE: break; case EventRequest::EVENT_CLASS_LOAD: break; case EventRequest::EVENT_CLASS_UNLOAD: break; case EventRequest::EVENT_FIELD_ACCESS: break; case EventRequest::EVENT_FIELD_MODIFY: break; case EventRequest::EVENT_METHOD_ENTRY: break; case EventRequest::EVENT_METHOD_EXIT: break; case EventRequest::EVENT_VM_INIT: break; case EventRequest::EVENT_VM_DEATH: break; } } void gnu::classpath::jdwp::VMVirtualMachine::clearEvents (MAYBE_UNUSED jbyte kind) { } java::util::Collection * gnu::classpath::jdwp::VMVirtualMachine::getAllLoadedClasses (void) { using namespace ::java::util; return (Collection *) new ArrayList (); } jint gnu::classpath::jdwp::VMVirtualMachine:: getClassStatus (jclass klass) { jint flags = 0; jvmtiError err = _jdwp_jvmtiEnv->GetClassStatus (klass, &flags); if (err != JVMTI_ERROR_NONE) throw_jvmti_error (err); using namespace gnu::classpath::jdwp::event; jint status = 0; if (flags & JVMTI_CLASS_STATUS_VERIFIED) status |= ClassPrepareEvent::STATUS_VERIFIED; if (flags & JVMTI_CLASS_STATUS_PREPARED) status |= ClassPrepareEvent::STATUS_PREPARED; if (flags & JVMTI_CLASS_STATUS_ERROR) status |= ClassPrepareEvent::STATUS_ERROR; if (flags & JVMTI_CLASS_STATUS_INITIALIZED) status |= ClassPrepareEvent::STATUS_INITIALIZED; return status; } JArray * gnu::classpath::jdwp::VMVirtualMachine:: getAllClassMethods (jclass klass) { jint count; jmethodID *methods; jvmtiError err = _jdwp_jvmtiEnv->GetClassMethods (klass, &count, &methods); if (err != JVMTI_ERROR_NONE) throw_jvmti_error (err); JArray *result = (JArray *) JvNewObjectArray (count, &VMMethod::class$, NULL); VMMethod **rmeth = elements (result); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { jlong id = reinterpret_cast (methods[i]); rmeth[i] = getClassMethod (klass, id); } _jdwp_jvmtiEnv->Deallocate ((unsigned char *) methods); return result; } gnu::classpath::jdwp::VMMethod * gnu::classpath::jdwp::VMVirtualMachine:: getClassMethod (jclass klass, jlong id) { jmethodID method = reinterpret_cast (id); _Jv_MethodBase *bmeth = _Jv_FindInterpreterMethod (klass, method); if (bmeth != NULL) return new gnu::classpath::jdwp::VMMethod (klass, id); throw new gnu::classpath::jdwp::exception::InvalidMethodException (id); } java::util::ArrayList * gnu::classpath::jdwp::VMVirtualMachine::getFrames (Thread *thread, jint start, jint length) { jint frame_count = getFrameCount (thread); ::java::util::ArrayList *frame_list; // Calculate the max number of frames to be returned. jint num_frames = frame_count - start; // Check if num_frames is valid. if (num_frames < 0) num_frames = 0; // Check if there are more than length frames left after start. // If length ios -1 return all remaining frames. if (length != -1 && num_frames > length) num_frames = length; frame_list = new ::java::util::ArrayList (num_frames); _Jv_Frame *vm_frame = reinterpret_cast<_Jv_Frame *> (thread->frame); // Take start frames off the top of the stack while (vm_frame != NULL && start > 0) { start--; vm_frame = vm_frame->next; } // Use as a counter for the number of frames returned. num_frames = 0; while (vm_frame != NULL && (num_frames < length || length == -1)) { jlong frameId = reinterpret_cast (vm_frame); VMFrame *frame = getFrame (thread, frameId); frame_list->add (frame); vm_frame = vm_frame->next; num_frames++; } return frame_list; } gnu::classpath::jdwp::VMFrame * gnu::classpath::jdwp::VMVirtualMachine:: getFrame (Thread *thread, jlong frameID) { using namespace gnu::classpath::jdwp::exception; _Jv_Frame *vm_frame = (_Jv_Frame *) thread->frame; jint depth = 0; _Jv_Frame *frame = reinterpret_cast<_Jv_Frame *> (frameID); // We need to find the stack depth of the frame, so search through the call // stack to find it. This also checks for a valid frameID. while (vm_frame != frame) { vm_frame = vm_frame->next; depth++; if (vm_frame == NULL) throw new InvalidFrameException (frameID); } Location *loc = NULL; jvmtiFrameInfo info; jvmtiError jerr; jint num_frames; jclass klass; // Get the info for the frame of interest jerr = _jdwp_jvmtiEnv->GetStackTrace (thread, depth, 1, &info, &num_frames); if (jerr != JVMTI_ERROR_NONE) throw_jvmti_error (jerr); jerr = _jdwp_jvmtiEnv->GetMethodDeclaringClass (info.method, &klass); if (jerr != JVMTI_ERROR_NONE) throw_jvmti_error (jerr); VMMethod *meth = getClassMethod (klass, reinterpret_cast (info.method)); if (info.location == -1) loc = new Location (meth, 0); else loc = new Location (meth, info.location); return new VMFrame (thread, reinterpret_cast (vm_frame), loc); } jint gnu::classpath::jdwp::VMVirtualMachine:: getFrameCount (Thread *thread) { jint frame_count; jvmtiError jerr = _jdwp_jvmtiEnv->GetFrameCount (thread, &frame_count); if (jerr != JVMTI_ERROR_NONE) throw_jvmti_error (jerr); return frame_count; } jint gnu::classpath::jdwp::VMVirtualMachine:: getThreadStatus (MAYBE_UNUSED Thread *thread) { return 0; } java::util::ArrayList * gnu::classpath::jdwp::VMVirtualMachine:: getLoadRequests (MAYBE_UNUSED ClassLoader *cl) { return new ::java::util::ArrayList (); } MethodResult * gnu::classpath::jdwp::VMVirtualMachine:: executeMethod (MAYBE_UNUSED jobject obj, MAYBE_UNUSED Thread *thread, MAYBE_UNUSED jclass clazz, MAYBE_UNUSED reflect::Method *method, MAYBE_UNUSED jobjectArray values, MAYBE_UNUSED jboolean nonVirtual) { return NULL; } jstring gnu::classpath::jdwp::VMVirtualMachine:: getSourceFile (jclass clazz) { return _Jv_GetInterpClassSourceFile (clazz); } void gnu::classpath::jdwp::VMVirtualMachine:: redefineClasses (MAYBE_UNUSED JArray *types, MAYBE_UNUSED JArray *bytecodes) { } void gnu::classpath::jdwp::VMVirtualMachine:: setDefaultStratum (MAYBE_UNUSED jstring stratum) { } jstring gnu::classpath::jdwp::VMVirtualMachine:: getSourceDebugExtension (MAYBE_UNUSED jclass klass) { return NULL; } jbyteArray gnu::classpath::jdwp::VMVirtualMachine:: getBytecodes (MAYBE_UNUSED gnu::classpath::jdwp::VMMethod *method) { return NULL; } gnu::classpath::jdwp::util::MonitorInfo * gnu::classpath::jdwp::VMVirtualMachine:: getMonitorInfo (MAYBE_UNUSED jobject obj) { return NULL; } jobjectArray gnu::classpath::jdwp::VMVirtualMachine:: getOwnedMonitors (MAYBE_UNUSED ::java::lang::Thread *thread) { return NULL; } jobject gnu::classpath::jdwp::VMVirtualMachine:: getCurrentContendedMonitor (MAYBE_UNUSED ::java::lang::Thread *thread) { return NULL; } void gnu::classpath::jdwp::VMVirtualMachine:: popFrames (MAYBE_UNUSED ::java::lang::Thread *thread, MAYBE_UNUSED jlong frameId) { } // A simple caching function used while single-stepping static jvmtiError get_linetable (jvmtiEnv *env, jmethodID method, jint *count_ptr, jvmtiLineNumberEntry **table_ptr) { static jint last_count = 0; static jvmtiLineNumberEntry *last_table = NULL; static jmethodID last_method = 0; if (method == last_method) { *count_ptr = last_count; *table_ptr = last_table; return JVMTI_ERROR_NONE; } jvmtiError err; jint count; jvmtiLineNumberEntry *table; err = env->GetLineNumberTable (method, &count, &table); if (err != JVMTI_ERROR_NONE) { // Keep last table in cache return err; } env->Deallocate ((unsigned char *) last_table); last_table = *table_ptr = table; last_count = *count_ptr = count; return JVMTI_ERROR_NONE; } static gnu::classpath::jdwp::event::filters::StepFilter * get_request_step_filter (EventRequest *request) { ::java::util::Collection *filters = request->getFilters (); ::java::util::Iterator *iter = filters->iterator (); filters::StepFilter *filter = NULL; while (iter->hasNext ()) { using namespace gnu::classpath::jdwp::event::filters; IEventFilter *next = (IEventFilter *) iter->next (); if (next->getClass () == &StepFilter::class$) { filter = reinterpret_cast (next); break; } } return filter; } static Location * get_request_location (EventRequest *request) { Location *loc = NULL; ::java::util::Collection *filters = request->getFilters (); ::java::util::Iterator *iter = filters->iterator (); while (iter->hasNext ()) { using namespace gnu::classpath::jdwp::event::filters; IEventFilter *filter = (IEventFilter *) iter->next (); if (filter->getClass () == &LocationOnlyFilter::class$) { LocationOnlyFilter *lof = reinterpret_cast (filter); loc = lof->getLocation (); } } return loc; } static void handle_single_step (jvmtiEnv *env, struct step_info *sinfo, jthread thread, jmethodID method, jlocation location) { using namespace gnu::classpath::jdwp; if (sinfo == NULL || sinfo->size == JdwpConstants$StepSize::MIN) { // Stop now goto send_notification; } else { // Check if we're on a new source line /* This is a little inefficient when we're stepping OVER, but this must be done when stepping INTO. */ jint count; jvmtiLineNumberEntry *table; if (get_linetable (env, method, &count, &table) == JVMTI_ERROR_NONE) { jint i; for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { if (table[i].start_location == location) { // This is the start of a new line -- stop goto send_notification; } } // Not at a new source line -- just keep stepping return; } else { /* Something went wrong: either "absent information" or "out of memory" ("invalid method id" and "native method" aren't possible -- those are validated before single stepping is enabled). Do what gdb does: just keep going. */ return; } } send_notification: jclass klass; jvmtiError err = env->GetMethodDeclaringClass (method, &klass); if (err != JVMTI_ERROR_NONE) { fprintf (stderr, "libgcj: internal error: could not find class for method while single stepping -- continuing\n"); return; } VMMethod *vmmethod = new VMMethod (klass, reinterpret_cast (method)); Location *loc = new Location (vmmethod, location); JvAssert (thread->frame.frame_type == frame_interpreter); _Jv_InterpFrame *iframe = reinterpret_cast<_Jv_InterpFrame *> (thread->interp_frame); jobject instance = iframe->get_this_ptr (); event::SingleStepEvent *event = new event::SingleStepEvent (thread, loc, instance); Jdwp::notify (event); } static void throw_jvmti_error (jvmtiError err) { char *error; jstring msg; if (_jdwp_jvmtiEnv->GetErrorName (err, &error) == JVMTI_ERROR_NONE) { msg = JvNewStringLatin1 (error); _jdwp_jvmtiEnv->Deallocate ((unsigned char *) error); } else msg = JvNewStringLatin1 ("out of memory"); using namespace gnu::classpath::jdwp::exception; throw new JdwpInternalErrorException (msg); } static void JNICALL jdwpBreakpointCB (jvmtiEnv *env, MAYBE_UNUSED JNIEnv *jni_env, jthread thread, jmethodID method, jlocation location) { jclass klass; jvmtiError err; err = env->GetMethodDeclaringClass (method, &klass); JvAssert (err == JVMTI_ERROR_NONE); using namespace gnu::classpath::jdwp; jlong methodId = reinterpret_cast (method); VMMethod *meth = VMVirtualMachine::getClassMethod (klass, methodId); Location *loc = new Location (meth, location); JvAssert (thread->frame.frame_type == frame_interpreter); _Jv_InterpFrame *iframe = reinterpret_cast<_Jv_InterpFrame *> (thread->interp_frame); jobject instance = iframe->get_this_ptr (); event::BreakpointEvent *event = new event::BreakpointEvent (thread, loc, instance); Jdwp::notify (event); } static void JNICALL jdwpClassPrepareCB (MAYBE_UNUSED jvmtiEnv *env, MAYBE_UNUSED JNIEnv *jni_env, jthread thread, jclass klass) { using namespace gnu::classpath::jdwp; jint status = VMVirtualMachine::getClassStatus (klass); event::ClassPrepareEvent *event = new event::ClassPrepareEvent (thread, klass, status); Jdwp::notify (event); } static void JNICALL jdwpSingleStepCB (jvmtiEnv *env, JNIEnv *jni_env, jthread thread, jmethodID method, jlocation location) { jobject si = gnu::classpath::jdwp::VMVirtualMachine::_stepping_threads->get (thread); struct step_info *sinfo = reinterpret_cast (si); if (sinfo == NULL) { // no step filter for this thread - simply report it handle_single_step (env, NULL, thread, method, location); } else { // A step filter exists for this thread using namespace gnu::classpath::jdwp; _Jv_InterpFrame *frame = reinterpret_cast<_Jv_InterpFrame *> (thread->interp_frame); switch (sinfo->depth) { case JdwpConstants$StepDepth::INTO: /* This is the easy case. We ignore the method and simply stop at either the next insn, or the next source line. */ handle_single_step (env, sinfo, thread, method, location); break; case JdwpConstants$StepDepth::OVER: /* This is also a pretty easy case. We just make sure that the methods are the same and that we are at the same stack depth, but we should also stop on the next insn/line if the stack depth is LESS THAN it was when we started stepping. */ if (method == sinfo->method) { // Still in the same method -- must be at same stack depth // to avoid confusion with recursive methods. if (frame->depth () == sinfo->stack_depth) handle_single_step (env, sinfo, thread, method, location); } else if (frame->depth () < sinfo->stack_depth) { // The method in which we were stepping was popped off // the stack. We simply need to stop at the next insn/line. handle_single_step (env, sinfo, thread, method, location); } break; case JdwpConstants$StepDepth::OUT: // All we need to do is check the stack depth if (sinfo->stack_depth > frame->depth ()) handle_single_step (env, sinfo, thread, method, location); break; default: /* This should not happen. The JDWP back-end should have validated the StepFilter. */ fprintf (stderr, "libgcj: unknown step depth while single stepping\n"); return; } } } static void JNICALL jdwpThreadEndCB (MAYBE_UNUSED jvmtiEnv *env, MAYBE_UNUSED JNIEnv *jni_env, jthread thread) { using namespace gnu::classpath::jdwp::event; ThreadEndEvent *e = new ThreadEndEvent (thread); gnu::classpath::jdwp::Jdwp::notify (e); } static void JNICALL jdwpThreadStartCB (MAYBE_UNUSED jvmtiEnv *env, MAYBE_UNUSED JNIEnv *jni_env, jthread thread) { using namespace gnu::classpath::jdwp::event; ThreadStartEvent *e = new ThreadStartEvent (thread); gnu::classpath::jdwp::Jdwp::notify (e); } static void JNICALL jdwpVMDeathCB (MAYBE_UNUSED jvmtiEnv *env, MAYBE_UNUSED JNIEnv *jni_env) { using namespace gnu::classpath::jdwp::event; gnu::classpath::jdwp::Jdwp::notify (new VmDeathEvent ()); } static void JNICALL jdwpVMInitCB (MAYBE_UNUSED jvmtiEnv *env, MAYBE_UNUSED JNIEnv *jni_env, jthread thread) { // The VM is now initialized, add our callbacks jvmtiEventCallbacks callbacks; DEFINE_CALLBACK (callbacks, Breakpoint); DEFINE_CALLBACK (callbacks, ClassPrepare); DEFINE_CALLBACK (callbacks, SingleStep); DEFINE_CALLBACK (callbacks, ThreadEnd); DEFINE_CALLBACK (callbacks, ThreadStart); DEFINE_CALLBACK (callbacks, VMDeath); _jdwp_jvmtiEnv->SetEventCallbacks (&callbacks, sizeof (callbacks)); // Enable callbacks ENABLE_EVENT (BREAKPOINT, NULL); ENABLE_EVENT (CLASS_PREPARE, NULL); // SingleStep is enabled only when needed ENABLE_EVENT (THREAD_END, NULL); ENABLE_EVENT (THREAD_START, NULL); ENABLE_EVENT (VM_DEATH, NULL); // Send JDWP VMInit using namespace gnu::classpath::jdwp::event; gnu::classpath::jdwp::Jdwp::notify (new VmInitEvent (thread)); }