/* Copyright (C) 2000, 2002, 2003 Free Software Foundation This file is part of libgcj. This software is copyrighted work licensed under the terms of the Libgcj License. Please consult the file "LIBGCJ_LICENSE" for details. */ package gnu.awt.xlib; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.peer.*; import java.awt.image.*; import gnu.gcj.xlib.WMSizeHints; import gnu.gcj.xlib.WindowAttributes; import gnu.gcj.xlib.Display; import gnu.gcj.xlib.Visual; import gnu.gcj.xlib.Screen; import gnu.gcj.xlib.XConfigureEvent; /** FIXME: a lot of the code here should be moved down to XWindowPeer. */ public class XFramePeer extends XCanvasPeer implements FramePeer { public XFramePeer(Frame frame) { super(frame); // Set some defaults for a toplevel component: if (frame.getFont() == null) frame.setFont(new Font("helvetica", Font.PLAIN, 12)); if (frame.getBackground() == null) frame.setBackground(Color.lightGray); if (frame.getForeground() == null) frame.setForeground(Color.black); } /** Find parent window for toplevel window, ie. root window of selected screen. Bounds are not changed. */ gnu.gcj.xlib.Window locateParentWindow(Rectangle bounds) { Screen screen = config.getVisual().getScreen(); return screen.getRootWindow(); } void initWindowProperties() { Frame frame = (Frame) component; setResizable(frame.isResizable()); String title = frame.getTitle(); if (!title.equals("")) setTitle(title); } long getBasicEventMask() { return super.getBasicEventMask() | WindowAttributes.MASK_STRUCTURE_NOTIFY; } void configureNotify(XConfigureEvent configEvent) { component.setBounds(configEvent.getBounds()); /* FIXME: Validation should probably not be done here. The best strategy is probably to validate on the AWT thread in response to an ComponentEvent. This will make it possible to coalesce resize validations. */ component.validate(); } /* Overridden to ignore request to set bounds if the request occurs on the X event loop thread. It is assumed that all requests that occur on the X event loop thread are results of XConfigureNotify events, in which case the X window already has the desired bounds. */ public void setBounds(int x, int y, int width, int height) { if (EventQueue.isDispatchThread()) return; super.setBounds(x, y, width, height); } // Implementing ContainerPeer: static final Insets INSETS_0_PROTOTYPE = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0); public Insets getInsets() { return (Insets) INSETS_0_PROTOTYPE.clone(); } public Insets insets () { return getInsets (); } public void beginValidate() { } public void endValidate() { // reassert sizing hints Frame frame = (Frame) component; setResizable(frame.isResizable()); } // Implementing WindowPeer: public void toBack() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not implemented yet"); } public void toFront() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not implemented yet"); } // Implementing FramePeer: public void setIconImage(Image image) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not implemented yet"); } public void setMenuBar(MenuBar mb) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not implemented yet"); } public void setTitle(String title) { synchronized (window.getDisplay()) { // Oh, what a nice implementation :-) window.setProperty("WM_NAME", "STRING", title); ensureFlush(); } } public void setResizable(boolean resizable) { Frame frame = (Frame) component; WMSizeHints sizeHints = new WMSizeHints(); if (resizable) { Dimension minSize = frame.getMinimumSize(); sizeHints.setMinSize(minSize.width, minSize.height); Dimension maxSize = frame.getMaximumSize(); if ((maxSize.width < Short.MAX_VALUE) || (maxSize.height < Short.MAX_VALUE)) { maxSize.width = Math.min(maxSize.width, Short.MAX_VALUE); maxSize.height = Math.min(maxSize.height, Short.MAX_VALUE); sizeHints.setMaxSize(maxSize.width, maxSize.height); } } else { // lock resizing to current bounds Dimension size = frame.getSize(); sizeHints.setMinSize(size.width, size.height); sizeHints.setMaxSize(size.width, size.height); } sizeHints.applyNormalHints(window); } public int getState () { return 0; } public void setState (int state) { } public void setMaximizedBounds (Rectangle r) { } public void beginLayout () { } public void endLayout () { } public boolean isPaintPending () { return false; } }