# -*- python -*- ## Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2008 Free Software Foundation ## Written by Gary Benson <gbenson@redhat.com> ## ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ## (at your option) any later version. ## ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. import classfile import copy # The md5 module is deprecated in Python 2.5 try: from hashlib import md5 except ImportError: from md5 import md5 import operator import os import sys import cStringIO as StringIO import zipfile PATHS = {"make": "@MAKE@", "gcj": "@prefix@/bin/gcj@gcc_suffix@", "dbtool": "@prefix@/bin/gcj-dbtool@gcc_suffix@"} MAKEFLAGS = [] GCJFLAGS = ["-fPIC", "-findirect-dispatch", "-fjni"] LDFLAGS = ["-Wl,-Bsymbolic"] MAX_CLASSES_PER_JAR = 1024 MAX_BYTES_PER_JAR = 1048576 MAKEFILE = "Makefile" MAKEFILE_HEADER = '''\ GCJ = %(gcj)s DBTOOL = %(dbtool)s GCJFLAGS = %(gcjflags)s LDFLAGS = %(ldflags)s %%.o: %%.jar $(GCJ) -c $(GCJFLAGS) $< -o $@ TARGETS = \\ %(targets)s all: $(TARGETS)''' MAKEFILE_JOB = ''' %(base)s_SOURCES = \\ %(jars)s %(base)s_OBJECTS = \\ $(%(base)s_SOURCES:.jar=.o) %(dso)s: $(%(base)s_OBJECTS) $(GCJ) -shared $(GCJFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $^ -o $@ %(db)s: $(%(base)s_SOURCES) $(DBTOOL) -n $@ 64 for jar in $^; do \\ $(DBTOOL) -f $@ $$jar \\ %(libdir)s/%(dso)s; \\ done''' ZIPMAGIC, CLASSMAGIC = "PK\x03\x04", "\xca\xfe\xba\xbe" class Error(Exception): pass class Compiler: def __init__(self, srcdir, libdir, prefix = None): self.srcdir = os.path.abspath(srcdir) self.libdir = os.path.abspath(libdir) if prefix is None: self.dstdir = self.libdir else: self.dstdir = os.path.join(prefix, self.libdir.lstrip(os.sep)) # Calling code may modify these parameters self.gcjflags = copy.copy(GCJFLAGS) self.ldflags = copy.copy(LDFLAGS) self.makeflags = copy.copy(MAKEFLAGS) self.exclusions = [] def compile(self): """Search srcdir for classes and jarfiles, then generate solibs and mappings databases for them all in libdir.""" if not os.path.isdir(self.dstdir): os.makedirs(self.dstdir) oldcwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(self.dstdir) try: jobs = self.getJobList() if not jobs: raise Error, "nothing to do" self.writeMakefile(MAKEFILE, jobs) for job in jobs: job.writeJars() system([PATHS["make"]] + self.makeflags) for job in jobs: job.clean() os.unlink(MAKEFILE) finally: os.chdir(oldcwd) def getJobList(self): """Return all jarfiles and class collections in srcdir.""" jobs = weed_jobs(find_jobs(self.srcdir, self.exclusions)) set_basenames(jobs) return jobs def writeMakefile(self, path, jobs): """Generate a makefile to build the solibs and mappings databases for the specified list of jobs.""" fp = open(path, "w") print >>fp, MAKEFILE_HEADER % { "gcj": PATHS["gcj"], "dbtool": PATHS["dbtool"], "gcjflags": " ".join(self.gcjflags), "ldflags": " ".join(self.ldflags), "targets": " \\\n".join(reduce(operator.add, [ (job.dsoName(), job.dbName()) for job in jobs]))} for job in jobs: values = job.ruleArguments() values["libdir"] = self.libdir print >>fp, MAKEFILE_JOB % values fp.close() def find_jobs(dir, exclusions = ()): """Scan a directory and find things to compile: jarfiles (zips, wars, ears, rars, etc: we go by magic rather than file extension) and directories of classes.""" def visit((classes, zips), dir, items): for item in items: path = os.path.join(dir, item) if os.path.islink(path) or not os.path.isfile(path): continue magic = open(path, "r").read(4) if magic == ZIPMAGIC: zips.append(path) elif magic == CLASSMAGIC: classes.append(path) classes, paths = [], [] os.path.walk(dir, visit, (classes, paths)) # Convert the list of classes into a list of directories while classes: # XXX this requires the class to be correctly located in its heirachy. path = classes[0][:-len(os.sep + classname(classes[0]) + ".class")] paths.append(path) classes = [cls for cls in classes if not cls.startswith(path)] # Handle exclusions. We're really strict about them because the # option is temporary in aot-compile-rpm and dead options left in # specfiles will hinder its removal. for path in exclusions: if path in paths: paths.remove(path) else: raise Error, "%s: path does not exist or is not a job" % path # Build the list of jobs jobs = [] paths.sort() for path in paths: if os.path.isfile(path): job = JarJob(path) else: job = DirJob(path) if len(job.classes): jobs.append(job) return jobs class Job: """A collection of classes that will be compiled as a unit.""" def __init__(self, path): self.path, self.classes, self.blocks = path, {}, None self.classnames = {} def addClass(self, bytes, name): """Subclasses call this from their __init__ method for every class they find.""" digest = md5(bytes).digest() self.classes[digest] = bytes self.classnames[digest] = name def __makeBlocks(self): """Split self.classes into chunks that can be compiled to native code by gcj. In the majority of cases this is not necessary -- the job will have come from a jarfile which will be equivalent to the one we generate -- but this only happens _if_ the job was a jarfile and _if_ the jarfile isn't too big and _if_ the jarfile has the correct extension and _if_ all classes are correctly named and _if_ the jarfile has no embedded jarfiles. Fitting a special case around all these conditions is tricky to say the least. Note that this could be called at the end of each subclass's __init__ method. The reason this is not done is because we need to parse every class file. This is slow, and unnecessary if the job is subsetted.""" names = {} for hash, bytes in self.classes.items(): try: name = classname(bytes) except: warn("job %s: class %s malformed or not a valid class file" \ % (self.path, self.classnames[hash])) raise if not names.has_key(name): names[name] = [] names[name].append(hash) names = names.items() # We have to sort somehow, or the jars we generate # We sort by name in a simplistic attempt to keep related # classes together so inter-class optimisation can happen. names.sort() self.blocks, bytes = [[]], 0 for name, hashes in names: for hash in hashes: if len(self.blocks[-1]) >= MAX_CLASSES_PER_JAR \ or bytes >= MAX_BYTES_PER_JAR: self.blocks.append([]) bytes = 0 self.blocks[-1].append((name, hash)) bytes += len(self.classes[hash]) # From Archit Shah: # The implementation and the documentation don't seem to match. # # [a, b].isSubsetOf([a]) => True # # Identical copies of all classes this collection do not exist # in the other. I think the method should be named isSupersetOf # and the documentation should swap uses of "this" and "other" # # XXX think about this when I've had more sleep... def isSubsetOf(self, other): """Returns True if identical copies of all classes in this collection exist in the other.""" for item in other.classes.keys(): if not self.classes.has_key(item): return False return True def __targetName(self, ext): return self.basename + ext def tempJarName(self, num): return self.__targetName(".%d.jar" % (num + 1)) def tempObjName(self, num): return self.__targetName(".%d.o" % (num + 1)) def dsoName(self): """Return the filename of the shared library that will be built from this job.""" return self.__targetName(".so") def dbName(self): """Return the filename of the mapping database that will be built from this job.""" return self.__targetName(".db") def ruleArguments(self): """Return a dictionary of values that when substituted into MAKEFILE_JOB will create the rules required to build the shared library and mapping database for this job.""" if self.blocks is None: self.__makeBlocks() return { "base": "".join( [c.isalnum() and c or "_" for c in self.dsoName()]), "jars": " \\\n".join( [self.tempJarName(i) for i in xrange(len(self.blocks))]), "dso": self.dsoName(), "db": self.dbName()} def writeJars(self): """Generate jarfiles that can be native compiled by gcj.""" if self.blocks is None: self.__makeBlocks() for block, i in zip(self.blocks, xrange(len(self.blocks))): jar = zipfile.ZipFile(self.tempJarName(i), "w", zipfile.ZIP_STORED) for name, hash in block: jar.writestr( zipfile.ZipInfo("%s.class" % name), self.classes[hash]) jar.close() def clean(self): """Delete all temporary files created during this job's build.""" if self.blocks is None: self.__makeBlocks() for i in xrange(len(self.blocks)): os.unlink(self.tempJarName(i)) os.unlink(self.tempObjName(i)) class JarJob(Job): """A Job whose origin was a jarfile.""" def __init__(self, path): Job.__init__(self, path) self._walk(zipfile.ZipFile(path, "r")) def _walk(self, zf): for name in zf.namelist(): bytes = zf.read(name) if bytes.startswith(ZIPMAGIC): self._walk(zipfile.ZipFile(StringIO.StringIO(bytes))) elif bytes.startswith(CLASSMAGIC): self.addClass(bytes, name) class DirJob(Job): """A Job whose origin was a directory of classfiles.""" def __init__(self, path): Job.__init__(self, path) os.path.walk(path, DirJob._visit, self) def _visit(self, dir, items): for item in items: path = os.path.join(dir, item) if os.path.islink(path) or not os.path.isfile(path): continue fp = open(path, "r") magic = fp.read(4) if magic == CLASSMAGIC: self.addClass(magic + fp.read(), name) def weed_jobs(jobs): """Remove any jarfiles that are completely contained within another. This is more common than you'd think, and we only need one nativified copy of each class after all.""" jobs = copy.copy(jobs) while True: for job1 in jobs: for job2 in jobs: if job1 is job2: continue if job1.isSubsetOf(job2): msg = "subsetted %s" % job2.path if job2.isSubsetOf(job1): if (isinstance(job1, DirJob) and isinstance(job2, JarJob)): # In the braindead case where a package # contains an expanded copy of a jarfile # the jarfile takes precedence. continue msg += " (identical)" warn(msg) jobs.remove(job2) break else: continue break else: break continue return jobs def set_basenames(jobs): """Ensure that each jarfile has a different basename.""" names = {} for job in jobs: name = os.path.basename(job.path) if not names.has_key(name): names[name] = [] names[name].append(job) for name, set in names.items(): if len(set) == 1: set[0].basename = name continue # prefix the jar filenames to make them unique # XXX will not work in most cases -- needs generalising set = [(job.path.split(os.sep), job) for job in set] minlen = min([len(bits) for bits, job in set]) set = [(bits[-minlen:], job) for bits, job in set] bits = apply(zip, [bits for bits, job in set]) while True: row = bits[-2] for bit in row[1:]: if bit != row[0]: break else: del bits[-2] continue break set = zip( ["_".join(name) for name in apply(zip, bits[-2:])], [job for bits, job in set]) for name, job in set: warn("building %s as %s" % (job.path, name)) job.basename = name # XXX keep this check until we're properly general names = {} for job in jobs: name = job.basename if names.has_key(name): raise Error, "%s: duplicate jobname" % name names[name] = 1 def system(command): """Execute a command.""" status = os.spawnv(os.P_WAIT, command[0], command) if status > 0: raise Error, "%s exited with code %d" % (command[0], status) elif status < 0: raise Error, "%s killed by signal %d" % (command[0], -status) def warn(msg): """Print a warning message.""" print >>sys.stderr, "%s: warning: %s" % ( os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), msg) def classname(bytes): """Extract the class name from the bytes of a class file.""" klass = classfile.Class(bytes) return klass.constants[klass.constants[klass.name][1]][1]