/* GlyphView.java -- A view to render styled text
Copyright (C) 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of GNU Classpath.
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exception statement from your version. */
package javax.swing.text;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.FontMetrics;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.Shape;
* Renders a run of styled text. This {@link View} subclass paints the
* characters of the Element
it is responsible for using
* the style information from that Element
* @author Roman Kennke (roman@kennke.org)
public class GlyphView
extends View
implements TabableView, Cloneable
* An abstract base implementation for a glyph painter for
* GlyphView
public abstract static class GlyphPainter
* Creates a new GlyphPainer
public GlyphPainter()
* Returns the full height of the rendered text.
* @return the full height of the rendered text
public abstract float getHeight(GlyphView view);
* Paints the glyphs.
* @param view the glyph view to paint
* @param g the graphics context to use for painting
* @param a the allocation of the glyph view
* @param p0 the start position (in the model) from which to paint
* @param p1 the end position (in the model) to which to paint
public abstract void paint(GlyphView view, Graphics g, Shape a, int p0,
int p1);
* Maps a position in the document into the coordinate space of the View.
* The output rectangle usually reflects the font height but has a width
* of zero.
* @param view the glyph view
* @param pos the position of the character in the model
* @param a the area that is occupied by the view
* @param bias either {@link Position.Bias.Forward} or
* {@link Position.Bias.Backward} depending on the preferred
* direction bias. If null
this defaults to
* Position.Bias.Forward
* @return a rectangle that gives the location of the document position
* inside the view coordinate space
* @throws BadLocationException if pos
is invalid
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if b is not one of the above listed
* valid values
public abstract Shape modelToView(GlyphView view, int pos, Position.Bias b,
Shape a)
throws BadLocationException;
* Determine the span of the glyphs from location p0
* location p1
. If te
is not null
* then TABs are expanded using this TabExpander
* The parameter x
is the location at which the view is
* located (this is important when using TAB expansion).
* @param view the glyph view
* @param p0 the starting location in the document model
* @param p0 the end location in the document model
* @param te the tab expander to use
* @param x the location at which the view is located
* @return the span of the glyphs from location p0
* location p1
, possibly using TAB expansion
public abstract float getSpan(GlyphView view, int p0, int p1,
TabExpander te, float x);
* The default GlyphPainter
used in GlyphView
static class DefaultGlyphPainter extends GlyphPainter
* Returns the full height of the rendered text.
* @return the full height of the rendered text
public float getHeight(GlyphView view)
Font font = view.getFont();
FontMetrics metrics = view.getContainer().getFontMetrics(font);
float height = metrics.getHeight();
return height;
* Paints the glyphs.
* @param view the glyph view to paint
* @param g the graphics context to use for painting
* @param a the allocation of the glyph view
* @param p0 the start position (in the model) from which to paint
* @param p1 the end position (in the model) to which to paint
public void paint(GlyphView view, Graphics g, Shape a, int p0,
int p1)
int height = (int) getHeight(view);
Segment txt = view.getText(p0, p1);
Rectangle bounds = a.getBounds();
TabExpander tabEx = null;
View parent = view.getParent();
if (parent instanceof TabExpander)
tabEx = (TabExpander) parent;
// FIXME: Set character attributes like font-family, font-size, colors.
Color foreground = view.getForeground();
Utilities.drawTabbedText(txt, bounds.x, bounds.y, g, tabEx,
* Maps a position in the document into the coordinate space of the View.
* The output rectangle usually reflects the font height but has a width
* of zero.
* @param view the glyph view
* @param pos the position of the character in the model
* @param a the area that is occupied by the view
* @param bias either {@link Position.Bias.Forward} or
* {@link Position.Bias.Backward} depending on the preferred
* direction bias. If null
this defaults to
* Position.Bias.Forward
* @return a rectangle that gives the location of the document position
* inside the view coordinate space
* @throws BadLocationException if pos
is invalid
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if b is not one of the above listed
* valid values
public Shape modelToView(GlyphView view, int pos, Position.Bias b,
Shape a)
throws BadLocationException
Element el = view.getElement();
Font font = view.getFont();
FontMetrics fm = view.getContainer().getFontMetrics(font);
Segment txt = view.getText(el.getStartOffset(), pos);
int width = fm.charsWidth(txt.array, txt.offset, txt.count);
int height = fm.getHeight();
Rectangle bounds = a.getBounds();
Rectangle result = new Rectangle(bounds.x + width, bounds.y,
bounds.x + width, height);
return result;
* Determine the span of the glyphs from location p0
* location p1
. If te
is not null
* then TABs are expanded using this TabExpander
* The parameter x
is the location at which the view is
* located (this is important when using TAB expansion).
* @param view the glyph view
* @param p0 the starting location in the document model
* @param p0 the end location in the document model
* @param te the tab expander to use
* @param x the location at which the view is located
* @return the span of the glyphs from location p0
* location p1
, possibly using TAB expansion
public float getSpan(GlyphView view, int p0, int p1,
TabExpander te, float x)
Element el = view.getElement();
Font font = view.getFont();
FontMetrics fm = view.getContainer().getFontMetrics(font);
Segment txt = view.getText(p0, p1);
int span = Utilities.getTabbedTextWidth(txt, fm, (int) x, te, p0);
return span;
* The GlyphPainer used for painting the glyphs.
GlyphPainter glyphPainter;
* Creates a new GlyphView
for the given Element
* @param element the element that is rendered by this GlyphView
public GlyphView(Element element)
* Returns the GlyphPainter
that is used by this
* GlyphView
. If no GlyphPainer
has been installed
* null
is returned.
* @return the glyph painter that is used by this
* glyph view or null
if no glyph painter has been
* installed
public GlyphPainter getGlyphPainter()
return glyphPainter;
* Sets the {@link GlyphPainter} to be used for this GlyphView
* @param painter the glyph painter to be used for this glyph view
public void setGlyphPainter(GlyphPainter painter)
glyphPainter = painter;
* Checks if a GlyphPainer
is installed. If this is not the
* case, a default painter is installed.
protected void checkPainter()
if (glyphPainter == null)
glyphPainter = new DefaultGlyphPainter();
* Renders the Element
that is associated with this
* View
* @param g the Graphics
context to render to
* @param a the allocated region for the Element
public void paint(Graphics g, Shape a)
Element el = getElement();
getGlyphPainter().paint(this, g, a, el.getStartOffset(),
* Returns the preferred span of the content managed by this
* View
along the specified axis
* @param axis the axis
* @return the preferred span of this View
public float getPreferredSpan(int axis)
Element el = getElement();
GlyphPainter painter = getGlyphPainter();
TabExpander tabEx = null;
View parent = getParent();
if (parent instanceof TabExpander)
tabEx = (TabExpander) parent;
// FIXME: Figure out how to determine the x parameter.
float span = painter.getSpan(this, el.getStartOffset(), el.getEndOffset(),
tabEx, 0.F);
return span;
* Maps a position in the document into the coordinate space of the View.
* The output rectangle usually reflects the font height but has a width
* of zero.
* @param pos the position of the character in the model
* @param a the area that is occupied by the view
* @param b either {@link Position.Bias#Forward} or
* {@link Position.Bias#Backward} depending on the preferred
* direction bias. If null
this defaults to
* Position.Bias.Forward
* @return a rectangle that gives the location of the document position
* inside the view coordinate space
* @throws BadLocationException if pos
is invalid
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if b is not one of the above listed
* valid values
public Shape modelToView(int pos, Shape a, Position.Bias b)
throws BadLocationException
GlyphPainter p = getGlyphPainter();
return p.modelToView(this, pos, b, a);
* Maps coordinates from the View
's space into a position
* in the document model.
* @param x the x coordinate in the view space
* @param y the y coordinate in the view space
* @param a the allocation of this View
* @param b the bias to use
* @return the position in the document that corresponds to the screen
* coordinates x, y
public int viewToModel(float x, float y, Shape a, Position.Bias[] b)
// FIXME: not implemented
return 0;
* Return the {@link TabExpander} to use.
* @return the {@link TabExpander} to use
public TabExpander getTabExpander()
// TODO: Figure out if this is correct.
TabExpander te = null;
View parent = getParent();
if (parent instanceof ParagraphView)
te = (ParagraphView) parent;
return te;
* Returns the preferred span of this view for tab expansion.
* @param x the location of the view
* @param te the tab expander to use
* @return the preferred span of this view for tab expansion
public float getTabbedSpan(float x, TabExpander te)
Element el = getElement();
return getGlyphPainter().getSpan(this, el.getStartOffset(),
el.getEndOffset(), te, x);
* Returns the span of a portion of the view. This is used in TAB expansion
* for fragments that don't contain TABs.
* @param p0 the start index
* @param p1 the end index
* @return the span of the specified portion of the view
public float getPartialSpan(int p0, int p1)
Element el = getElement();
Document doc = el.getDocument();
Segment seg = new Segment();
doc.getText(p0, p1 - p0, seg);
catch (BadLocationException ex)
throw new AssertionError("BadLocationException must not be thrown "
+ "here");
FontMetrics fm = null; // Fetch font metrics somewhere.
return Utilities.getTabbedTextWidth(seg, fm, 0, null, p0);
* Returns the starting offset in the document model of the portion
* of text that this view is responsible for.
* @return the starting offset in the document model of the portion
* of text that this view is responsible for
public int getBeginIndex()
return getElement().getStartOffset();
* Returns the end offset in the document model of the portion
* of text that this view is responsible for.
* @return the end offset in the document model of the portion
* of text that this view is responsible for
public int getEndIndex()
return getElement().getEndOffset();
* Returns the text segment that this view is responsible for.
* @param p0 the start index in the document model
* @param p1 the end index in the document model
* @return the text segment that this view is responsible for
public Segment getText(int p0, int p1)
Segment txt = new Segment();
getDocument().getText(p0, p1 - p0, txt);
catch (BadLocationException ex)
throw new AssertionError("BadLocationException should not be "
+ "thrown here. p0 = " + p0 + ", p1 = " + p1);
return txt;
* Returns the font for the text run for which this GlyphView
* is responsible.
* @return the font for the text run for which this GlyphView
* is responsible
public Font getFont()
Element el = getElement();
AttributeSet atts = el.getAttributes();
String family = StyleConstants.getFontFamily(atts);
int size = StyleConstants.getFontSize(atts);
int style = Font.PLAIN;
if (StyleConstants.isBold(atts))
style |= Font.BOLD;
if (StyleConstants.isItalic(atts))
style |= Font.ITALIC;
Font font = new Font(family, style, size);
return font;
* Returns the foreground color which should be used to paint the text.
* This is fetched from the associated element's text attributes using
* {@link StyleConstants#getForeground}.
* @return the foreground color which should be used to paint the text
public Color getForeground()
Element el = getElement();
AttributeSet atts = el.getAttributes();
return StyleConstants.getForeground(atts);