/* FlowView.java -- A composite View
Copyright (C) 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
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package javax.swing.text;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.Shape;
import javax.swing.SizeRequirements;
import javax.swing.event.DocumentEvent;
* A View
that can flows it's children into it's layout space.
* The FlowView
manages a set of logical views (that are
* the children of the {@link #layoutPool} field). These are translated
* at layout time into a set of physical views. These are the views that
* are managed as the real child views. Each of these child views represents
* a row and are laid out within a box using the superclasses behaviour.
* The concrete implementation of the rows must be provided by subclasses.
* @author Roman Kennke (roman@kennke.org)
public abstract class FlowView extends BoxView
* A strategy for translating the logical views of a FlowView
* into the real views.
public static class FlowStrategy
* Creates a new instance of FlowStragegy
public FlowStrategy()
// Nothing to do here.
* Receives notification from a FlowView
that some content
* has been inserted into the document at a location that the
* FlowView
is responsible for.
* The default implementation simply calls {@link #layout}.
* @param fv the flow view that sends the notification
* @param e the document event describing the change
* @param alloc the current allocation of the flow view
public void insertUpdate(FlowView fv, DocumentEvent e, Rectangle alloc)
// The default implementation does nothing.
* Receives notification from a FlowView
that some content
* has been removed from the document at a location that the
* FlowView
is responsible for.
* The default implementation simply calls {@link #layout}.
* @param fv the flow view that sends the notification
* @param e the document event describing the change
* @param alloc the current allocation of the flow view
public void removeUpdate(FlowView fv, DocumentEvent e, Rectangle alloc)
// The default implementation does nothing.
* Receives notification from a FlowView
that some attributes
* have changed in the document at a location that the
* FlowView
is responsible for.
* The default implementation simply calls {@link #layout}.
* @param fv the flow view that sends the notification
* @param e the document event describing the change
* @param alloc the current allocation of the flow view
public void changedUpdate(FlowView fv, DocumentEvent e, Rectangle alloc)
// The default implementation does nothing.
* Returns the logical view of the managed FlowView
* @param fv the flow view for which to return the logical view
* @return the logical view of the managed FlowView
protected View getLogicalView(FlowView fv)
return fv.layoutPool;
* Performs the layout for the whole view. By default this rebuilds
* all the physical views from the logical views of the managed FlowView.
* This is called by {@link FlowView#layout} to update the layout of
* the view.
* @param fv the flow view for which we perform the layout
public void layout(FlowView fv)
Element el = fv.getElement();
int rowStart = el.getStartOffset();
int end = el.getEndOffset();
int rowIndex = 0;
while (rowStart >= 0 && rowStart < end)
View row = fv.createRow();
rowStart = layoutRow(fv, rowIndex, rowStart);
* Lays out one row of the flow view. This is called by {@link #layout}
* to fill one row with child views until the available span is exhausted.
* The default implementation fills the row by calling
* {@link #createView(FlowView, int, int, int)} until the available space
* is exhausted, a forced break is encountered or there are no more views
* in the logical view. If the available space is exhausted,
* {@link #adjustRow(FlowView, int, int, int)} is called to fit the row
* into the available span.
* @param fv the flow view for which we perform the layout
* @param rowIndex the index of the row
* @param pos the model position for the beginning of the row
* @return the start position of the next row
protected int layoutRow(FlowView fv, int rowIndex, int pos)
View row = fv.getView(rowIndex);
int axis = fv.getFlowAxis();
int span = fv.getFlowSpan(rowIndex);
int x = fv.getFlowStart(rowIndex);
int offset = pos;
View logicalView = getLogicalView(fv);
// Special case when span == 0. We need to layout the row as if it had
// a span of Integer.MAX_VALUE.
if (span == 0)
span = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
while (span > 0)
if (logicalView.getViewIndex(offset, Position.Bias.Forward) == -1)
View view = createView(fv, offset, span, rowIndex);
if (view == null)
int viewSpan = (int) view.getPreferredSpan(axis);
int breakWeight = view.getBreakWeight(axis, x, span);
if (breakWeight >= View.ForcedBreakWeight)
x += viewSpan;
span -= viewSpan;
offset += (view.getEndOffset() - view.getStartOffset());
if (span < 0)
int flowStart = fv.getFlowStart(axis);
int flowSpan = fv.getFlowSpan(axis);
adjustRow(fv, rowIndex, flowSpan, flowStart);
int rowViewCount = row.getViewCount();
if (rowViewCount > 0)
offset = row.getView(rowViewCount - 1).getEndOffset();
offset = -1;
return offset != pos ? offset : -1;
* Creates physical views that form the rows of the flow view. This
* can be an entire view from the logical view (if it fits within the
* available span), a fragment of such a view (if it doesn't fit in the
* available span and can be broken down) or null
(if it does
* not fit in the available span and also cannot be broken down).
* The default implementation fetches the logical view at the specified
* startOffset
. If that view has a different startOffset than
* specified in the argument, a fragment is created using
* {@link View#createFragment(int, int)} that has the correct startOffset
* and the logical view's endOffset.
* @param fv the flow view
* @param startOffset the start offset for the view to be created
* @param spanLeft the available span
* @param rowIndex the index of the row
* @return a view to fill the row with, or null
if there
* is no view or view fragment that fits in the available span
protected View createView(FlowView fv, int startOffset, int spanLeft,
int rowIndex)
View logicalView = getLogicalView(fv);
// FIXME: Handle the bias thing correctly.
int index = logicalView.getViewIndex(startOffset, Position.Bias.Forward);
View retVal = null;
if (index >= 0)
retVal = logicalView.getView(index);
if (retVal.getStartOffset() != startOffset)
retVal = retVal.createFragment(startOffset, retVal.getEndOffset());
return retVal;
* Tries to adjust the specified row to fit within the desired span. The
* default implementation iterates through the children of the specified
* row to find the view that has the highest break weight and - if there
* is more than one view with such a break weight - which is nearest to
* the end of the row. If there is such a view that has a break weight >
* {@link View#BadBreakWeight}, this view is broken using the
* {@link View#breakView(int, int, float, float)} method and this view and
* all views after the now broken view are replaced by the broken view.
* @param fv the flow view
* @param rowIndex the index of the row to be adjusted
* @param desiredSpan the layout span
* @param x the X location at which the row starts
protected void adjustRow(FlowView fv, int rowIndex, int desiredSpan, int x) {
// Determine the last view that has the highest break weight.
int axis = fv.getFlowAxis();
View row = fv.getView(rowIndex);
int count = row.getViewCount();
int breakIndex = -1;
int maxBreakWeight = View.BadBreakWeight;
int breakX = x;
int breakSpan = desiredSpan;
int currentX = x;
int currentSpan = desiredSpan;
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
View view = row.getView(i);
int weight = view.getBreakWeight(axis, currentX, currentSpan);
if (weight >= maxBreakWeight)
breakIndex = i;
breakX = currentX;
breakSpan = currentSpan;
maxBreakWeight = weight;
int size = (int) view.getPreferredSpan(axis);
currentX += size;
currentSpan -= size;
// If there is a potential break location found, break the row at
// this location.
if (breakIndex > -1)
View toBeBroken = row.getView(breakIndex);
View brokenView = toBeBroken.breakView(axis,
breakX, breakSpan);
row.replace(breakIndex, count - breakIndex,
new View[]{brokenView});
* This special subclass of View
is used to represent
* the logical representation of this view. It does not support any
* visual representation, this is handled by the physical view implemented
* in the FlowView
class LogicalView extends BoxView
* Creates a new LogicalView instance.
LogicalView(Element el, int axis)
super(el, axis);
* The shared instance of FlowStrategy.
static final FlowStrategy sharedStrategy = new FlowStrategy();
* The span of the FlowView
that should be flowed.
protected int layoutSpan;
* Represents the logical child elements of this view, encapsulated within
* one parent view (an instance of a package private LogicalView
* class). These will be translated to a set of real views that are then
* displayed on screen. This translation is performed by the inner class
* {@link FlowStrategy}.
protected View layoutPool;
* The FlowStrategy
to use for translating between the
* logical and physical view.
protected FlowStrategy strategy;
* Indicates if the flow should be rebuild during the next layout.
private boolean layoutDirty;
* Creates a new FlowView
for the given
* Element
and axis
* @param element the element that is rendered by this FlowView
* @param axis the axis along which the view is tiled, either
* View.X_AXIS
or View.Y_AXIS
, the flow
* axis is orthogonal to this one
public FlowView(Element element, int axis)
super(element, axis);
strategy = sharedStrategy;
layoutDirty = true;
* Returns the axis along which the view should be flowed. This is
* orthogonal to the axis along which the boxes are tiled.
* @return the axis along which the view should be flowed
public int getFlowAxis()
int axis = getAxis();
int flowAxis;
if (axis == X_AXIS)
flowAxis = Y_AXIS;
flowAxis = X_AXIS;
return flowAxis;
* Returns the span of the flow for the specified child view. A flow
* layout can be shaped by providing different span values for different
* child indices. The default implementation returns the entire available
* span inside the view.
* @param index the index of the child for which to return the span
* @return the span of the flow for the specified child view
public int getFlowSpan(int index)
return layoutSpan;
* Returns the location along the flow axis where the flow span starts
* given a child view index. The flow can be shaped by providing
* different values here.
* @param index the index of the child for which to return the flow location
* @return the location along the flow axis where the flow span starts
public int getFlowStart(int index)
return getLeftInset(); // TODO: Is this correct?
* Creates a new view that represents a row within a flow.
* @return a view for a new row
protected abstract View createRow();
* Loads the children of this view. The FlowView
does not
* directly load its children. Instead it creates a logical view
* ({@link #layoutPool}) which is filled by the logical child views.
* The real children are created at layout time and each represent one
* row.
* This method is called by {@link View#setParent} in order to initialize
* the view.
* @param vf the view factory to use for creating the child views
protected void loadChildren(ViewFactory vf)
if (layoutPool == null)
layoutPool = new LogicalView(getElement(), getAxis());
* Performs the layout of this view. If the span along the flow axis changed,
* this first calls {@link FlowStrategy#layout} in order to rebuild the
* rows of this view. Then the superclass's behaviour is called to arrange
* the rows within the box.
* @param width the width of the view
* @param height the height of the view
protected void layout(int width, int height)
int flowAxis = getFlowAxis();
if (flowAxis == X_AXIS)
if (layoutSpan != width)
layoutSpan = width;
if (layoutSpan != height)
layoutSpan = height;
if (layoutDirty)
layoutDirty = false;
if (getPreferredSpan(getAxis()) != height)
preferenceChanged(this, false, true);
super.layout(width, height);
* Receice notification that some content has been inserted in the region
* that this view is responsible for. This calls
* {@link FlowStrategy#insertUpdate}.
* @param changes the document event describing the changes
* @param a the current allocation of the view
* @param vf the view factory that is used for creating new child views
public void insertUpdate(DocumentEvent changes, Shape a, ViewFactory vf)
// First we must send the insertUpdate to the logical view so it can
// be updated accordingly.
layoutPool.insertUpdate(changes, a, vf);
strategy.insertUpdate(this, changes, getInsideAllocation(a));
layoutDirty = true;
* Receice notification that some content has been removed from the region
* that this view is responsible for. This calls
* {@link FlowStrategy#removeUpdate}.
* @param changes the document event describing the changes
* @param a the current allocation of the view
* @param vf the view factory that is used for creating new child views
public void removeUpdate(DocumentEvent changes, Shape a, ViewFactory vf)
strategy.removeUpdate(this, changes, getInsideAllocation(a));
layoutDirty = true;
* Receice notification that some attributes changed in the region
* that this view is responsible for. This calls
* {@link FlowStrategy#changedUpdate}.
* @param changes the document event describing the changes
* @param a the current allocation of the view
* @param vf the view factory that is used for creating new child views
public void changedUpdate(DocumentEvent changes, Shape a, ViewFactory vf)
strategy.changedUpdate(this, changes, getInsideAllocation(a));
layoutDirty = true;
* Returns the index of the child View
for the given model
* position.
* This is implemented to iterate over the children of this
* view (the rows) and return the index of the first view that contains
* the given position.
* @param pos the model position for whicht the child View
* queried
* @return the index of the child View
for the given model
* position
protected int getViewIndexAtPosition(int pos)
// First make sure we have a valid layout.
if (!isAllocationValid())
layout(getWidth(), getHeight());
int count = getViewCount();
int result = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
View child = getView(i);
int start = child.getStartOffset();
int end = child.getEndOffset();
if (start <= pos && end > pos)
result = i;
return result;
* Calculates the size requirements of this BoxView
* its minor axis, that is the axis opposite to the axis specified in the
* constructor.
* This is overridden and forwards the request to the logical view.
* @param axis the axis that is examined
* @param r the SizeRequirements
object to hold the result,
* if null
, a new one is created
* @return the size requirements for this BoxView
* the specified axis
protected SizeRequirements calculateMinorAxisRequirements(int axis,
SizeRequirements r)
// We need to call super here so that the alignment is properly
// calculated.
SizeRequirements res = super.calculateMinorAxisRequirements(axis, r);
res.minimum = (int) layoutPool.getMinimumSpan(axis);
res.preferred = (int) layoutPool.getPreferredSpan(axis);
res.maximum = (int) layoutPool.getMaximumSpan(axis);
return res;