/* DefaultStyledDocument.java -- Copyright (C) 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of GNU Classpath. GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Classpath; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. Linking this library statically or dynamically with other modules is making a combined work based on this library. Thus, the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License cover the whole combination. As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you permission to link this library with independent modules to produce an executable, regardless of the license terms of these independent modules, and to copy and distribute the resulting executable under terms of your choice, provided that you also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms and conditions of the license of that module. An independent module is a module which is not derived from or based on this library. If you modify this library, you may extend this exception to your version of the library, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version. */ package javax.swing.text; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Font; import java.io.Serializable; import javax.swing.event.DocumentEvent; /** * The default implementation of {@link StyledDocument}. * * The document is modeled as an {@link Element} tree, which has * a {@link SectionElement} as single root, which has one or more * {@link AbstractDocument.BranchElement}s as paragraph nodes * and each paragraph node having one or more * {@link AbstractDocument.LeafElement}s as content nodes. * * @author Michael Koch (konqueror@gmx.de) * @author Roman Kennke (roman@kennke.org) */ public class DefaultStyledDocument extends AbstractDocument implements StyledDocument { /** * Performs all structural changes to the Element * hierarchy. */ public class ElementBuffer implements Serializable { /** The root element of the hierarchy. */ private Element root; /** Holds the offset for structural changes. */ private int offset; /** Holds the length of structural changes. */ private int length; /** * Creates a new ElementBuffer for the specified * root element. * * @param root the root element for this ElementBuffer */ public ElementBuffer(Element root) { this.root = root; } /** * Returns the root element of this ElementBuffer. * * @return the root element of this ElementBuffer */ public Element getRootElement() { return root; } /** * Modifies the element structure so that the specified interval starts * and ends at an element boundary. Content and paragraph elements * are split and created as necessary. * * This also updates the DefaultDocumentEvent to reflect the * structural changes. * * The bulk work is delegated to {@link #changeUpdate()}. * * @param offset the start index of the interval to be changed * @param length the length of the interval to be changed * @param ev the DefaultDocumentEvent describing the change */ public void change(int offset, int length, DefaultDocumentEvent ev) { this.offset = offset; this.length = length; changeUpdate(); } /** * Performs the actual work for {@link #change}. * The elements at the interval boundaries are split up (if necessary) * so that the interval boundaries are located at element boundaries. */ protected void changeUpdate() { // Split up the element at the start offset if necessary. Element el = getCharacterElement(offset); split(el, offset); int endOffset = offset + length; el = getCharacterElement(endOffset); split(el, endOffset); } /** * Splits an element if offset is not alread at its boundary. * * @param el the Element to possibly split * @param offset the offset at which to possibly split */ void split(Element el, int offset) { if (el instanceof AbstractElement) { AbstractElement ael = (AbstractElement) el; int startOffset = ael.getStartOffset(); int endOffset = ael.getEndOffset(); int len = endOffset - startOffset; if (startOffset != offset && endOffset != offset) { Element paragraph = ael.getParentElement(); if (paragraph instanceof BranchElement) { BranchElement par = (BranchElement) paragraph; Element child1 = createLeafElement(par, ael, startOffset, offset); Element child2 = createLeafElement(par, ael, offset, endOffset); int index = par.getElementIndex(startOffset); par.replace(index, 1, new Element[]{ child1, child2 }); } else throw new AssertionError("paragraph elements are expected to " + "be instances of " + "javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument.BranchElement"); } } else throw new AssertionError("content elements are expected to be " + "instances of " + "javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument.AbstractElement"); } } /** * The default size to use for new content buffers. */ public static final int BUFFER_SIZE_DEFAULT = 4096; /** * The EditorBuffer that is used to manage to * Element hierarchy. */ protected DefaultStyledDocument.ElementBuffer buffer; /** * Creates a new DefaultStyledDocument. */ public DefaultStyledDocument() { this(new GapContent(BUFFER_SIZE_DEFAULT), new StyleContext()); } /** * Creates a new DefaultStyledDocument that uses the * specified {@link StyleContext}. * * @param context the StyleContext to use */ public DefaultStyledDocument(StyleContext context) { this(new GapContent(BUFFER_SIZE_DEFAULT), context); } /** * Creates a new DefaultStyledDocument that uses the * specified {@link StyleContext} and {@link Content} buffer. * * @param content the Content buffer to use * @param context the StyleContext to use */ public DefaultStyledDocument(AbstractDocument.Content content, StyleContext context) { super(content, context); buffer = new ElementBuffer(createDefaultRoot()); setLogicalStyle(0, context.getStyle(StyleContext.DEFAULT_STYLE)); } /** * Adds a style into the style hierarchy. Unspecified style attributes * can be resolved in the parent style, if one is specified. * * While it is legal to add nameless styles (nm == nullnull if the style should * be unnamed * @param parent the parent in which unspecified style attributes are * resolved, or null if that is not necessary * * @return the newly created Style */ public Style addStyle(String nm, Style parent) { StyleContext context = (StyleContext) getAttributeContext(); return context.addStyle(nm, parent); } /** * Create the default root element for this kind of Document. * * @return the default root element for this kind of Document */ protected AbstractDocument.AbstractElement createDefaultRoot() { Element[] tmp; // FIXME: Create a SecionElement here instead of a BranchElement. // Use createBranchElement() and createLeafElement instead. BranchElement section = new BranchElement(null, null); BranchElement paragraph = new BranchElement(section, null); tmp = new Element[1]; tmp[0] = paragraph; section.replace(0, 0, tmp); LeafElement leaf = new LeafElement(paragraph, null, 0, 1); tmp = new Element[1]; tmp[0] = leaf; paragraph.replace(0, 0, tmp); return section; } /** * Returns the Element that corresponds to the character * at the specified position. * * @param position the position of which we query the corresponding * Element * * @return the Element that corresponds to the character * at the specified position */ public Element getCharacterElement(int position) { Element element = getDefaultRootElement(); while (! element.isLeaf()) { int index = element.getElementIndex(position); element = element.getElement(index); } return element; } /** * Extracts a background color from a set of attributes. * * @param attributes the attributes from which to get a background color * * @return the background color that correspond to the attributes */ public Color getBackground(AttributeSet attributes) { StyleContext context = (StyleContext) getAttributeContext(); return context.getBackground(attributes); } /** * Returns the default root element. * * @return the default root element */ public Element getDefaultRootElement() { return buffer.getRootElement(); } /** * Extracts a font from a set of attributes. * * @param attributes the attributes from which to get a font * * @return the font that correspond to the attributes */ public Font getFont(AttributeSet attributes) { StyleContext context = (StyleContext) getAttributeContext(); return context.getFont(attributes); } /** * Extracts a foreground color from a set of attributes. * * @param attributes the attributes from which to get a foreground color * * @return the foreground color that correspond to the attributes */ public Color getForeground(AttributeSet attributes) { StyleContext context = (StyleContext) getAttributeContext(); return context.getForeground(attributes); } /** * Returns the logical Style for the specified position. * * @param position the position from which to query to logical style * * @return the logical Style for the specified position */ public Style getLogicalStyle(int position) { Element paragraph = getParagraphElement(position); AttributeSet attributes = paragraph.getAttributes(); return (Style) attributes.getResolveParent(); } /** * Returns the paragraph element for the specified position. * * @param position the position for which to query the paragraph element * * @return the paragraph element for the specified position */ public Element getParagraphElement(int position) { Element element = getCharacterElement(position); return element.getParentElement(); } /** * Looks up and returns a named Style. * * @param nm the name of the Style * * @return the found Style of null if no such * Style exists */ public Style getStyle(String nm) { StyleContext context = (StyleContext) getAttributeContext(); return context.getStyle(nm); } /** * Removes a named Style from the style hierarchy. * * @param nm the name of the Style to be removed */ public void removeStyle(String nm) { StyleContext context = (StyleContext) getAttributeContext(); context.removeStyle(nm); } /** * Sets text attributes for the fragment specified by offset * and length. * * @param offset the start offset of the fragment * @param length the length of the fragment * @param attributes the text attributes to set * @param replace if true, the attributes of the current * selection are overridden, otherwise they are merged */ public void setCharacterAttributes(int offset, int length, AttributeSet attributes, boolean replace) { DefaultDocumentEvent ev = new DefaultDocumentEvent(offset, length, DocumentEvent.EventType.CHANGE); // Modify the element structure so that the interval begins at an element // start and ends at an element end. buffer.change(offset, length, ev); Element root = getDefaultRootElement(); // Visit all paragraph elements within the specified interval int paragraphCount = root.getElementCount(); for (int pindex = 0; pindex < paragraphCount; pindex++) { Element paragraph = root.getElement(pindex); // Skip paragraphs that lie outside the interval. if ((paragraph.getStartOffset() > offset + length) || (paragraph.getEndOffset() < offset)) continue; // Visit content elements within this paragraph int contentCount = paragraph.getElementCount(); for (int cindex = 0; cindex < contentCount; cindex++) { Element content = paragraph.getElement(cindex); // Skip content that lies outside the interval. if ((content.getStartOffset() > offset + length) || (content.getEndOffset() < offset)) continue; if (content instanceof AbstractElement) { AbstractElement el = (AbstractElement) content; if (replace) el.removeAttributes(el); el.addAttributes(attributes); } else throw new AssertionError("content elements are expected to be" + "instances of " + "javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument.AbstractElement"); } } } /** * Sets the logical style for the paragraph at the specified position. * * @param position the position at which the logical style is added * @param style the style to set for the current paragraph */ public void setLogicalStyle(int position, Style style) { Element el = getParagraphElement(position); if (el instanceof AbstractElement) { AbstractElement ael = (AbstractElement) el; ael.setResolveParent(style); } else throw new AssertionError("paragraph elements are expected to be" + "instances of javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument.AbstractElement"); } /** * Sets text attributes for the paragraph at the specified fragment. * * @param offset the beginning of the fragment * @param length the length of the fragment * @param attributes the text attributes to set * @param replace if true, the attributes of the current * selection are overridden, otherwise they are merged */ public void setParagraphAttributes(int offset, int length, AttributeSet attributes, boolean replace) { // FIXME: Implement me. throw new Error("not implemented"); } }