return listenerList.getListeners(listenerType);
* Returns a property from this Document
's property list.
* @param key the key of the property to be fetched
* @return the property for key
or null
if there
* is no such property stored
public final Object getProperty(Object key)
// FIXME: make me thread-safe
Object value = null;
if (properties != null)
value = properties.get(key);
return value;
* Returns all root elements of this Document
. By default
* this just returns the single root element returned by
* {@link #getDefaultRootElement()}. Document
* that support multiple roots must override this method and return all roots
* here.
* @return all root elements of this Document
public Element[] getRootElements()
Element[] elements = new Element[2];
elements[0] = getDefaultRootElement();
elements[1] = getBidiRootElement();
return elements;
* Returns a {@link Position} which will always mark the beginning of the
* Document
* @return a {@link Position} which will always mark the beginning of the
* Document
public final Position getStartPosition()
Position p;
p = createPosition(0);
catch (BadLocationException ex)
// Shouldn't really happen.
p = null;
return p;
* Returns a piece of this Document
's content.
* @param offset the start offset of the content
* @param length the length of the content
* @return the piece of content specified by offset
* length
* @throws BadLocationException if offset
or offset +
* length
are invalid locations with this
* Document
public String getText(int offset, int length) throws BadLocationException
return content.getString(offset, length);
* Fetches a piece of this Document
's content and stores
* it in the given {@link Segment}.
* @param offset the start offset of the content
* @param length the length of the content
* @param segment the Segment
to store the content in
* @throws BadLocationException if offset
or offset +
* length
are invalid locations with this
* Document
public void getText(int offset, int length, Segment segment)
throws BadLocationException
content.getChars(offset, length, segment);
* Inserts a String into this Document
at the specified
* position and assigning the specified attributes to it.
* If a {@link DocumentFilter} is installed in this document, the
* corresponding method of the filter object is called.
* The method has no effect when text
is null
* or has a length of zero.
* @param offset the location at which the string should be inserted
* @param text the content to be inserted
* @param attributes the text attributes to be assigned to that string
* @throws BadLocationException if offset
is not a valid
* location in this Document
public void insertString(int offset, String text, AttributeSet attributes)
throws BadLocationException
// Bail out if we have a bogus insertion (Behavior observed in RI).
if (text == null || text.length() == 0)
if (documentFilter == null)
insertStringImpl(offset, text, attributes);
documentFilter.insertString(getBypass(), offset, text, attributes);
void insertStringImpl(int offset, String text, AttributeSet attributes)
throws BadLocationException
// Just return when no text to insert was given.
if (text == null || text.length() == 0)
DefaultDocumentEvent event =
new DefaultDocumentEvent(offset, text.length(),
UndoableEdit undo = content.insertString(offset, text);
if (undo != null)
// Check if we need bidi layout.
if (getProperty(I18N).equals(Boolean.FALSE))
Object dir = getProperty(TextAttribute.RUN_DIRECTION);
if (TextAttribute.RUN_DIRECTION_RTL.equals(dir))
putProperty(I18N, Boolean.TRUE);
char[] chars = text.toCharArray();
if (Bidi.requiresBidi(chars, 0, chars.length))
putProperty(I18N, Boolean.TRUE);
insertUpdate(event, attributes);
if (undo != null)
fireUndoableEditUpdate(new UndoableEditEvent(this, undo));
* Called to indicate that text has been inserted into this
* Document
. The default implementation does nothing.
* This method is executed within a write lock.
* @param chng the DefaultDocumentEvent
describing the change
* @param attr the attributes of the changed content
protected void insertUpdate(DefaultDocumentEvent chng, AttributeSet attr)
if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(getProperty(I18N)))
* Called after some content has been removed from this
* Document
. The default implementation does nothing.
* This method is executed within a write lock.
* @param chng the DefaultDocumentEvent
describing the change
protected void postRemoveUpdate(DefaultDocumentEvent chng)
if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(getProperty(I18N)))
* Stores a property in this Document
's property list.
* @param key the key of the property to be stored
* @param value the value of the property to be stored
public final void putProperty(Object key, Object value)
// FIXME: make me thread-safe
if (properties == null)
properties = new Hashtable();
if (value == null)
properties.put(key, value);
// Update bidi structure if the RUN_DIRECTION is set.
if (TextAttribute.RUN_DIRECTION.equals(key))
if (TextAttribute.RUN_DIRECTION_RTL.equals(value)
&& Boolean.FALSE.equals(getProperty(I18N)))
putProperty(I18N, Boolean.TRUE);
if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(getProperty(I18N)))
DefaultDocumentEvent ev =
new DefaultDocumentEvent(0, getLength(),
* Updates the bidi element structure.
* @param ev the document event for the change
private void updateBidi(DefaultDocumentEvent ev)
// Determine start and end offset of the paragraphs to be scanned.
int start = 0;
int end = 0;
DocumentEvent.EventType type = ev.getType();
if (type == DocumentEvent.EventType.INSERT
|| type == DocumentEvent.EventType.CHANGE)
int offs = ev.getOffset();
int endOffs = offs + ev.getLength();
start = getParagraphElement(offs).getStartOffset();
end = getParagraphElement(endOffs).getEndOffset();
else if (type == DocumentEvent.EventType.REMOVE)
Element par = getParagraphElement(ev.getOffset());
start = par.getStartOffset();
end = par.getEndOffset();
assert false : "Unknown event type";
// Determine the bidi levels for the affected range.
Bidi[] bidis = getBidis(start, end);
int removeFrom = 0;
int removeTo = 0;
int offs = 0;
int lastRunStart = 0;
int lastRunEnd = 0;
int lastRunLevel = 0;
ArrayList newEls = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < bidis.length; i++)
Bidi bidi = bidis[i];
int numRuns = bidi.getRunCount();
for (int r = 0; r < numRuns; r++)
if (r == 0 && i == 0)
if (start > 0)
// Try to merge with the previous element if it has the
// same bidi level as the first run.
int prevElIndex = bidiRoot.getElementIndex(start - 1);
removeFrom = prevElIndex;
Element prevEl = bidiRoot.getElement(prevElIndex);
AttributeSet atts = prevEl.getAttributes();
int prevElLevel = StyleConstants.getBidiLevel(atts);
if (prevElLevel == bidi.getRunLevel(r))
// Merge previous element with current run.
lastRunStart = prevEl.getStartOffset() - start;
lastRunEnd = bidi.getRunLimit(r);
lastRunLevel = bidi.getRunLevel(r);
else if (prevEl.getEndOffset() > start)
// Split previous element and replace by 2 new elements.
lastRunStart = 0;
lastRunEnd = bidi.getRunLimit(r);
lastRunLevel = bidi.getRunLevel(r);
newEls.add(new BidiElement(bidiRoot,
start, prevElLevel));
// Simply start new run at start location.
lastRunStart = 0;
lastRunEnd = bidi.getRunLimit(r);
lastRunLevel = bidi.getRunLevel(r);
// Simply start new run at start location.
lastRunStart = 0;
lastRunEnd = bidi.getRunLimit(r);
lastRunLevel = bidi.getRunLevel(r);
removeFrom = 0;
if (i == bidis.length - 1 && r == numRuns - 1)
if (end <= getLength())
// Try to merge last element with next element.
int nextIndex = bidiRoot.getElementIndex(end);
Element nextEl = bidiRoot.getElement(nextIndex);
AttributeSet atts = nextEl.getAttributes();
int nextLevel = StyleConstants.getBidiLevel(atts);
int level = bidi.getRunLevel(r);
if (lastRunLevel == level && level == nextLevel)
// Merge runs together.
if (lastRunStart + start == nextEl.getStartOffset())
removeTo = nextIndex - 1;
newEls.add(new BidiElement(bidiRoot, start + lastRunStart,
nextEl.getEndOffset(), level));
removeTo = nextIndex;
else if (lastRunLevel == level)
// Merge current and last run.
int endOffs = offs + bidi.getRunLimit(r);
newEls.add(new BidiElement(bidiRoot, start + lastRunStart,
start + endOffs, level));
if (start + endOffs == nextEl.getStartOffset())
removeTo = nextIndex - 1;
newEls.add(new BidiElement(bidiRoot, start + endOffs,
removeTo = nextIndex;
else if (level == nextLevel)
// Merge current and next run.
newEls.add(new BidiElement(bidiRoot, start + lastRunStart,
start + lastRunEnd,
newEls.add(new BidiElement(bidiRoot, start + lastRunEnd,
nextEl.getEndOffset(), level));
removeTo = nextIndex;
// Split next element.
int endOffs = offs + bidi.getRunLimit(r);
newEls.add(new BidiElement(bidiRoot, start + lastRunStart,
start + lastRunEnd,
newEls.add(new BidiElement(bidiRoot, start + lastRunEnd,
start + endOffs, level));
newEls.add(new BidiElement(bidiRoot, start + endOffs,
removeTo = nextIndex;
removeTo = bidiRoot.getElementIndex(end);
int level = bidi.getRunLevel(r);
int runEnd = offs + bidi.getRunLimit(r);
if (level == lastRunLevel)
// Merge with previous.
lastRunEnd = offs + runEnd;
newEls.add(new BidiElement(bidiRoot,
start + lastRunStart,
start + runEnd, level));
// Create element for last run and current run.
newEls.add(new BidiElement(bidiRoot, start + lastRunStart,
start + lastRunEnd,
newEls.add(new BidiElement(bidiRoot,
start + lastRunEnd,
start + runEnd,
int level = bidi.getRunLevel(r);
int runEnd = bidi.getRunLimit(r);
if (level == lastRunLevel)
// Merge with previous.
lastRunEnd = offs + runEnd;
// Create element for last run and update values for
// current run.
newEls.add(new BidiElement(bidiRoot, start + lastRunStart,
start + lastRunEnd,
lastRunStart = lastRunEnd;
lastRunEnd = offs + runEnd;
lastRunLevel = level;
offs += bidi.getLength();
// Determine the bidi elements which are to be removed.
int numRemoved = 0;
if (bidiRoot.getElementCount() > 0)
numRemoved = removeTo - removeFrom + 1;
Element[] removed = new Element[numRemoved];
for (int i = 0; i < numRemoved; i++)
removed[i] = bidiRoot.getElement(removeFrom + i);
Element[] added = new Element[newEls.size()];
added = (Element[]) newEls.toArray(added);
// Update the event.
ElementEdit edit = new ElementEdit(bidiRoot, removeFrom, removed, added);
// Update the structure.
bidiRoot.replace(removeFrom, numRemoved, added);
* Determines the Bidi objects for the paragraphs in the specified range.
* @param start the start of the range
* @param end the end of the range
* @return the Bidi analysers for the paragraphs in the range
private Bidi[] getBidis(int start, int end)
// Determine the default run direction from the document property.
Boolean defaultDir = null;
Object o = getProperty(TextAttribute.RUN_DIRECTION);
if (o instanceof Boolean)
defaultDir = (Boolean) o;
// Scan paragraphs and add their level arrays to the overall levels array.
ArrayList bidis = new ArrayList();
Segment s = new Segment();
for (int i = start; i < end;)
Element par = getParagraphElement(i);
int pStart = par.getStartOffset();
int pEnd = par.getEndOffset();
// Determine the default run direction of the paragraph.
Boolean dir = defaultDir;
o = par.getAttributes().getAttribute(TextAttribute.RUN_DIRECTION);
if (o instanceof Boolean)
dir = (Boolean) o;
// Bidi over the paragraph.
getText(pStart, pEnd - pStart, s);
catch (BadLocationException ex)
assert false : "Must not happen";
if (dir != null)
if (TextAttribute.RUN_DIRECTION_LTR.equals(dir))
Bidi bidi = new Bidi(s.array, s.offset, null, 0, s.count, flag);
i = pEnd;
Bidi[] ret = new Bidi[bidis.size()];
ret = (Bidi[]) bidis.toArray(ret);
return ret;
* Blocks until a read lock can be obtained. Must block if there is
* currently a writer modifying the Document
public final synchronized void readLock()
while (currentWriter != null)
if (currentWriter == Thread.currentThread())
catch (InterruptedException ex)
throw new Error("Interrupted during grab read lock");
* Releases the read lock. If this was the only reader on this
* Document
, writing may begin now.
public final synchronized void readUnlock()
// Note we could have a problem here if readUnlock was called without a
// prior call to readLock but the specs simply warn users to ensure that
// balance by using a finally block:
// readLock()
// try
// {
// doSomethingHere
// }
// finally
// {
// readUnlock();
// }
// All that the JDK seems to check for is that you don't call unlock
// more times than you've previously called lock, but it doesn't make
// sure that the threads calling unlock were the same ones that called lock
// If the current thread holds the write lock, and attempted to also obtain
// a readLock, then numReaders hasn't been incremented and we don't need
// to unlock it here.
if (currentWriter == Thread.currentThread())
// FIXME: the reference implementation throws a
// javax.swing.text.StateInvariantError here
if (numReaders <= 0)
throw new IllegalStateException("document lock failure");
// If currentWriter is not null, the application code probably had a
// writeLock and then tried to obtain a readLock, in which case
// numReaders wasn't incremented
* Removes a piece of content from this Document
* If a {@link DocumentFilter} is installed in this document, the
* corresponding method of the filter object is called. The
* DocumentFilter
is called even if length
* is zero. This is different from {@link #replace}.
* Note: When length
is zero or below the call is not
* forwarded to the underlying {@link AbstractDocument.Content} instance
* of this document and no exception is thrown.
* @param offset the start offset of the fragment to be removed
* @param length the length of the fragment to be removed
* @throws BadLocationException if offset
* offset + length
or invalid locations within this
* document
public void remove(int offset, int length) throws BadLocationException
DocumentFilter f = getDocumentFilter();
if (f == null)
removeImpl(offset, length);
f.remove(getBypass(), offset, length);
void removeImpl(int offset, int length) throws BadLocationException
// The RI silently ignores all requests that have a negative length.
// Don't ask my why, but that's how it is.
if (length > 0)
if (offset < 0 || offset > getLength())
throw new BadLocationException("Invalid remove position", offset);
if (offset + length > getLength())
throw new BadLocationException("Invalid remove length", offset);
DefaultDocumentEvent event =
new DefaultDocumentEvent(offset, length,
// The order of the operations below is critical!
UndoableEdit temp = content.remove(offset, length);
* Replaces a piece of content in this Document
* another piece of content.
* If a {@link DocumentFilter} is installed in this document, the
* corresponding method of the filter object is called.
* The method has no effect if length
is zero (and
* only zero) and, at the same time, text
* null
or has zero length.
* @param offset the start offset of the fragment to be removed
* @param length the length of the fragment to be removed
* @param text the text to replace the content with
* @param attributes the text attributes to assign to the new content
* @throws BadLocationException if offset
* offset + length
or invalid locations within this
* document
* @since 1.4
public void replace(int offset, int length, String text,
AttributeSet attributes)
throws BadLocationException
// Bail out if we have a bogus replacement (Behavior observed in RI).
if (length == 0
&& (text == null || text.length() == 0))
if (documentFilter == null)
// It is important to call the methods which again do the checks
// of the arguments and the DocumentFilter because subclasses may
// have overridden these methods and provide crucial behavior
// which would be skipped if we call the non-checking variants.
// An example for this is PlainDocument where insertString can
// provide a filtering of newlines.
remove(offset, length);
insertString(offset, text, attributes);
documentFilter.replace(getBypass(), offset, length, text, attributes);
void replaceImpl(int offset, int length, String text,
AttributeSet attributes)
throws BadLocationException
removeImpl(offset, length);
insertStringImpl(offset, text, attributes);
* Adds a DocumentListener
object to this document.
* @param listener the listener to add
public void addDocumentListener(DocumentListener listener)
listenerList.add(DocumentListener.class, listener);
* Removes a DocumentListener
object from this document.
* @param listener the listener to remove
public void removeDocumentListener(DocumentListener listener)
listenerList.remove(DocumentListener.class, listener);
* Returns all registered DocumentListener
* @return all registered DocumentListener
public DocumentListener[] getDocumentListeners()
return (DocumentListener[]) getListeners(DocumentListener.class);
* Adds an {@link UndoableEditListener} to this Document
* @param listener the listener to add
public void addUndoableEditListener(UndoableEditListener listener)
listenerList.add(UndoableEditListener.class, listener);
* Removes an {@link UndoableEditListener} from this Document
* @param listener the listener to remove
public void removeUndoableEditListener(UndoableEditListener listener)
listenerList.remove(UndoableEditListener.class, listener);
* Returns all registered {@link UndoableEditListener}s.
* @return all registered {@link UndoableEditListener}s
public UndoableEditListener[] getUndoableEditListeners()
return (UndoableEditListener[]) getListeners(UndoableEditListener.class);
* Called before some content gets removed from this Document
* The default implementation does nothing but may be overridden by
* subclasses to modify the Document
structure in response
* to a remove request. The method is executed within a write lock.
* @param chng the DefaultDocumentEvent
describing the change
protected void removeUpdate(DefaultDocumentEvent chng)
// Do nothing here. Subclasses may wish to override this.
* Called to render this Document
visually. It obtains a read
* lock, ensuring that no changes will be made to the document
* during the rendering process. It then calls the {@link Runnable#run()}
* method on runnable
. This method must not attempt
* to modifiy the Document
, since a deadlock will occur if it
* tries to obtain a write lock. When the {@link Runnable#run()} method
* completes (either naturally or by throwing an exception), the read lock
* is released. Note that there is nothing in this method related to
* the actual rendering. It could be used to execute arbitrary code within
* a read lock.
* @param runnable the {@link Runnable} to execute
public void render(Runnable runnable)
* Sets the asynchronous loading priority for this Document
* A value of -1
indicates that this Document
* should be loaded synchronously.
* @param p the asynchronous loading priority to set
public void setAsynchronousLoadPriority(int p)
Integer val = p >= 0 ? new Integer(p) : null;
putProperty(AsyncLoadPriority, val);
* Sets the properties of this Document
* @param p the document properties to set
public void setDocumentProperties(Dictionary p)
// FIXME: make me thread-safe
properties = p;
* Blocks until a write lock can be obtained. Must wait if there are
* readers currently reading or another thread is currently writing.
protected synchronized final void writeLock()
while (numReaders > 0 || currentWriter != null)
if (Thread.currentThread() == currentWriter)
if (notifyListeners)
throw new IllegalStateException("Mutation during notify");
currentWriter = Thread.currentThread();
numWriters = 1;
catch (InterruptedException ex)
throw new Error("Interupted during grab write lock");
* Releases the write lock. This allows waiting readers or writers to
* obtain the lock.
protected final synchronized void writeUnlock()
if (--numWriters <= 0)
numWriters = 0;
currentWriter = null;
* Returns the currently installed {@link DocumentFilter} for this
* Document
* @return the currently installed {@link DocumentFilter} for this
* Document
* @since 1.4
public DocumentFilter getDocumentFilter()
return documentFilter;
* Sets the {@link DocumentFilter} for this Document
* @param filter the DocumentFilter
to set
* @since 1.4
public void setDocumentFilter(DocumentFilter filter)
this.documentFilter = filter;
* Dumps diagnostic information to the specified PrintStream
* @param out the stream to write the diagnostic information to
public void dump(PrintStream out)
((AbstractElement) getDefaultRootElement()).dump(out, 0);
((AbstractElement) getBidiRootElement()).dump(out, 0);
* Defines a set of methods for managing text attributes for one or more
* Document
* Replicating {@link AttributeSet}s throughout a Document
* be very expensive. Implementations of this interface are intended to
* provide intelligent management of AttributeSet
s, eliminating
* costly duplication.
* @see StyleContext
public interface AttributeContext
* Returns an {@link AttributeSet} that contains the attributes
* of old
plus the new attribute specified by
* name
and value
* @param old the attribute set to be merged with the new attribute
* @param name the name of the attribute to be added
* @param value the value of the attribute to be added
* @return the old attributes plus the new attribute
AttributeSet addAttribute(AttributeSet old, Object name, Object value);
* Returns an {@link AttributeSet} that contains the attributes
* of old
plus the new attributes in attributes
* @param old the set of attributes where to add the new attributes
* @param attributes the attributes to be added
* @return an {@link AttributeSet} that contains the attributes
* of old
plus the new attributes in
* attributes
AttributeSet addAttributes(AttributeSet old, AttributeSet attributes);
* Returns an empty {@link AttributeSet}.
* @return an empty {@link AttributeSet}
AttributeSet getEmptySet();
* Called to indicate that the attributes in attributes
* no longer used.
* @param attributes the attributes are no longer used
void reclaim(AttributeSet attributes);
* Returns a {@link AttributeSet} that has the attribute with the specified
* name
removed from old
* @param old the attribute set from which an attribute is removed
* @param name the name of the attribute to be removed
* @return the attributes of old
minus the attribute
* specified by name
AttributeSet removeAttribute(AttributeSet old, Object name);
* Removes all attributes in attributes
from old
* and returns the resulting AttributeSet
* @param old the set of attributes from which to remove attributes
* @param attributes the attributes to be removed from old
* @return the attributes of old
minus the attributes in
* attributes
AttributeSet removeAttributes(AttributeSet old, AttributeSet attributes);
* Removes all attributes specified by names
* old
and returns the resulting AttributeSet
* @param old the set of attributes from which to remove attributes
* @param names the names of the attributes to be removed from
* old
* @return the attributes of old
minus the attributes in
* attributes
AttributeSet removeAttributes(AttributeSet old, Enumeration> names);
* A sequence of data that can be edited. This is were the actual content
* in AbstractDocument
's is stored.
public interface Content
* Creates a {@link Position} that keeps track of the location at
* offset
* @return a {@link Position} that keeps track of the location at
* offset
* @throw BadLocationException if offset
is not a valid
* location in this Content
Position createPosition(int offset) throws BadLocationException;
* Returns the length of the content.
* @return the length of the content
int length();
* Inserts a string into the content model.
* @param where the offset at which to insert the string
* @param str the string to be inserted
* @return an UndoableEdit
or null
if undo is
* not supported by this Content
* @throws BadLocationException if where
is not a valid
* location in this Content
UndoableEdit insertString(int where, String str)
throws BadLocationException;
* Removes a piece of content from the content model.
* @param where the offset at which to remove content
* @param nitems the number of characters to be removed
* @return an UndoableEdit
or null
if undo is
* not supported by this Content
* @throws BadLocationException if where
is not a valid
* location in this Content
UndoableEdit remove(int where, int nitems) throws BadLocationException;
* Returns a piece of content.
* @param where the start offset of the requested fragment
* @param len the length of the requested fragment
* @return the requested fragment
* @throws BadLocationException if offset
* offset + len
is not a valid
* location in this Content
String getString(int where, int len) throws BadLocationException;
* Fetches a piece of content and stores it in txt
* @param where the start offset of the requested fragment
* @param len the length of the requested fragment
* @param txt the Segment
where to fragment is stored into
* @throws BadLocationException if offset
* offset + len
is not a valid
* location in this Content
void getChars(int where, int len, Segment txt) throws BadLocationException;
* An abstract base implementation of the {@link Element} interface.
public abstract class AbstractElement
implements Element, MutableAttributeSet, TreeNode, Serializable
/** The serialization UID (compatible with JDK1.5). */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1712240033321461704L;
/** The number of characters that this Element spans. */
int count;
/** The starting offset of this Element. */
int offset;
/** The attributes of this Element. */
AttributeSet attributes;
/** The parent element. */
Element element_parent;
/** The parent in the TreeNode interface. */
TreeNode tree_parent;
/** The children of this element. */
Vector tree_children;
* Creates a new instance of AbstractElement
with a
* specified parent Element
and AttributeSet
* @param p the parent of this AbstractElement
* @param s the attributes to be assigned to this
* AbstractElement
public AbstractElement(Element p, AttributeSet s)
element_parent = p;
AttributeContext ctx = getAttributeContext();
attributes = ctx.getEmptySet();
if (s != null)
* Returns the child nodes of this Element
as an
* Enumeration
of {@link TreeNode}s.
* @return the child nodes of this Element
as an
* Enumeration
of {@link TreeNode}s
public abstract Enumeration children();
* Returns true
if this AbstractElement
* allows children.
* @return true
if this AbstractElement
* allows children
public abstract boolean getAllowsChildren();
* Returns the child of this AbstractElement
* index
* @param index the position in the child list of the child element to
* be returned
* @return the child of this AbstractElement
* index
public TreeNode getChildAt(int index)
return (TreeNode) tree_children.get(index);
* Returns the number of children of this AbstractElement
* @return the number of children of this AbstractElement
public int getChildCount()
return tree_children.size();
* Returns the index of a given child TreeNode
* -1
if node
is not a child of this
* AbstractElement
* @param node the node for which the index is requested
* @return the index of a given child TreeNode
* -1
if node
is not a child of this
* AbstractElement
public int getIndex(TreeNode node)
return tree_children.indexOf(node);
* Returns the parent TreeNode
of this
* AbstractElement
or null
if this element
* has no parent.
* @return the parent TreeNode
of this
* AbstractElement
or null
if this
* element has no parent
public TreeNode getParent()
return tree_parent;
* Returns true
if this AbstractElement
is a
* leaf element, false
* @return true
if this AbstractElement
is a
* leaf element, false
public abstract boolean isLeaf();
* Adds an attribute to this element.
* @param name the name of the attribute to be added
* @param value the value of the attribute to be added
public void addAttribute(Object name, Object value)
attributes = getAttributeContext().addAttribute(attributes, name, value);
* Adds a set of attributes to this element.
* @param attrs the attributes to be added to this element
public void addAttributes(AttributeSet attrs)
attributes = getAttributeContext().addAttributes(attributes, attrs);
* Removes an attribute from this element.
* @param name the name of the attribute to be removed
public void removeAttribute(Object name)
attributes = getAttributeContext().removeAttribute(attributes, name);
* Removes a set of attributes from this element.
* @param attrs the attributes to be removed
public void removeAttributes(AttributeSet attrs)
attributes = getAttributeContext().removeAttributes(attributes, attrs);
* Removes a set of attribute from this element.
* @param names the names of the attributes to be removed
public void removeAttributes(Enumeration> names)
attributes = getAttributeContext().removeAttributes(attributes, names);
* Sets the parent attribute set against which the element can resolve
* attributes that are not defined in itself.
* @param parent the resolve parent to set
public void setResolveParent(AttributeSet parent)
attributes = getAttributeContext().addAttribute(attributes,
* Returns true
if this element contains the specified
* attribute.
* @param name the name of the attribute to check
* @param value the value of the attribute to check
* @return true
if this element contains the specified
* attribute
public boolean containsAttribute(Object name, Object value)
return attributes.containsAttribute(name, value);
* Returns true
if this element contains all of the
* specified attributes.
* @param attrs the attributes to check
* @return true
if this element contains all of the
* specified attributes
public boolean containsAttributes(AttributeSet attrs)
return attributes.containsAttributes(attrs);
* Returns a copy of the attributes of this element.
* @return a copy of the attributes of this element
public AttributeSet copyAttributes()
return attributes.copyAttributes();
* Returns the attribute value with the specified key. If this attribute
* is not defined in this element and this element has a resolving
* parent, the search goes upward to the resolve parent chain.
* @param key the key of the requested attribute
* @return the attribute value for key
of null
* if key
is not found locally and cannot be resolved
* in this element's resolve parents
public Object getAttribute(Object key)
Object result = attributes.getAttribute(key);
if (result == null)
AttributeSet resParent = getResolveParent();
if (resParent != null)
result = resParent.getAttribute(key);
return result;
* Returns the number of defined attributes in this element.
* @return the number of defined attributes in this element
public int getAttributeCount()
return attributes.getAttributeCount();
* Returns the names of the attributes of this element.
* @return the names of the attributes of this element
public Enumeration> getAttributeNames()
return attributes.getAttributeNames();
* Returns the resolve parent of this element.
* This is taken from the AttributeSet, but if this is null,
* this method instead returns the Element's parent's
* AttributeSet
* @return the resolve parent of this element
* @see #setResolveParent(AttributeSet)
public AttributeSet getResolveParent()
return attributes.getResolveParent();
* Returns true
if an attribute with the specified name
* is defined in this element, false
* @param attrName the name of the requested attributes
* @return true
if an attribute with the specified name
* is defined in this element, false
public boolean isDefined(Object attrName)
return attributes.isDefined(attrName);
* Returns true
if the specified AttributeSet
* is equal to this element's AttributeSet
, false
* otherwise.
* @param attrs the attributes to compare this element to
* @return true
if the specified AttributeSet
* is equal to this element's AttributeSet
* false
public boolean isEqual(AttributeSet attrs)
return attributes.isEqual(attrs);
* Returns the attributes of this element.
* @return the attributes of this element
public AttributeSet getAttributes()
return this;
* Returns the {@link Document} to which this element belongs.
* @return the {@link Document} to which this element belongs
public Document getDocument()
return AbstractDocument.this;
* Returns the child element at the specified index
* @param index the index of the requested child element
* @return the requested element
public abstract Element getElement(int index);
* Returns the name of this element.
* @return the name of this element
public String getName()
return (String) attributes.getAttribute(ElementNameAttribute);
* Returns the parent element of this element.
* @return the parent element of this element
public Element getParentElement()
return element_parent;
* Returns the offset inside the document model that is after the last
* character of this element.
* @return the offset inside the document model that is after the last
* character of this element
public abstract int getEndOffset();
* Returns the number of child elements of this element.
* @return the number of child elements of this element
public abstract int getElementCount();
* Returns the index of the child element that spans the specified
* offset in the document model.
* @param offset the offset for which the responsible element is searched
* @return the index of the child element that spans the specified
* offset in the document model
public abstract int getElementIndex(int offset);
* Returns the start offset if this element inside the document model.
* @return the start offset if this element inside the document model
public abstract int getStartOffset();
* Prints diagnostic output to the specified stream.
* @param stream the stream to write to
* @param indent the indentation level
public void dump(PrintStream stream, int indent)
StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < indent; ++i)
b.append(' ');
// Dump attributes if there are any.
if (getAttributeCount() > 0)
Enumeration attNames = getAttributeNames();
while (attNames.hasMoreElements())
for (int i = 0; i < indent + 2; ++i)
b.append(' ');
Object attName = attNames.nextElement();
Object attribute = getAttribute(attName);
if (getAttributeCount() > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < indent; ++i)
b.append(' ');
// Dump element content for leaf elements.
if (isLeaf())
for (int i = 0; i < indent + 2; ++i)
b.append(' ');
int start = getStartOffset();
int end = getEndOffset();
b.append(getDocument().getText(start, end - start));
catch (BadLocationException ex)
AssertionError err = new AssertionError("BadLocationException "
+ "must not be thrown "
+ "here.");
throw err;
// Dump child elements if any.
int count = getElementCount();
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
Element el = getElement(i);
if (el instanceof AbstractElement)
((AbstractElement) el).dump(stream, indent + 2);
* An implementation of {@link Element} to represent composite
* Element
s that contain other Element
public class BranchElement extends AbstractElement
/** The serialization UID (compatible with JDK1.5). */
private static final long serialVersionUID = -6037216547466333183L;
* The child elements of this BranchElement.
private Element[] children;;
* The number of children in the branch element.
private int numChildren;
* The last found index in getElementIndex(). Used for faster searching.
private int lastIndex;
* Creates a new BranchElement
with the specified
* parent and attributes.
* @param parent the parent element of this BranchElement
* @param attributes the attributes to set on this
* BranchElement
public BranchElement(Element parent, AttributeSet attributes)
super(parent, attributes);
children = new Element[1];
numChildren = 0;
lastIndex = -1;
* Returns the children of this BranchElement
* @return the children of this BranchElement
public Enumeration children()
if (numChildren == 0)
return null;
Vector tmp = new Vector();
for (int index = 0; index < numChildren; ++index)
return tmp.elements();
* Returns true
since BranchElements
* child elements.
* @return true
since BranchElements
* child elements
public boolean getAllowsChildren()
return true;
* Returns the child element at the specified index
* @param index the index of the requested child element
* @return the requested element
public Element getElement(int index)
if (index < 0 || index >= numChildren)
return null;
return children[index];
* Returns the number of child elements of this element.
* @return the number of child elements of this element
public int getElementCount()
return numChildren;
* Returns the index of the child element that spans the specified
* offset in the document model.
* @param offset the offset for which the responsible element is searched
* @return the index of the child element that spans the specified
* offset in the document model
public int getElementIndex(int offset)
// Implemented using an improved linear search.
// This makes use of the fact that searches are not random but often
// close to the previous search. So we try to start the binary
// search at the last found index.
int i0 = 0; // The lower bounds.
int i1 = numChildren - 1; // The upper bounds.
int index = -1; // The found index.
int p0 = getStartOffset();
int p1; // Start and end offset local variables.
if (numChildren == 0)
index = 0;
else if (offset >= getEndOffset())
index = numChildren - 1;
// Try lastIndex.
if (lastIndex >= i0 && lastIndex <= i1)
Element last = getElement(lastIndex);
p0 = last.getStartOffset();
p1 = last.getEndOffset();
if (offset >= p0 && offset < p1)
index = lastIndex;
// Narrow the search bounds using the lastIndex, even
// if it hasn't been a hit.
if (offset < p0)
i1 = lastIndex;
i0 = lastIndex;
// The actual search.
int i = 0;
while (i0 <= i1 && index == -1)
i = i0 + (i1 - i0) / 2;
Element el = getElement(i);
p0 = el.getStartOffset();
p1 = el.getEndOffset();
if (offset >= p0 && offset < p1)
// Found it!
index = i;
else if (offset < p0)
i1 = i - 1;
i0 = i + 1;
if (index == -1)
// Didn't find it. Return the boundary index.
if (offset < p0)
index = i;
index = i + 1;
lastIndex = index;
return index;
* Returns the offset inside the document model that is after the last
* character of this element.
* This is the end offset of the last child element. If this element
* has no children, this method throws a NullPointerException
* @return the offset inside the document model that is after the last
* character of this element
* @throws NullPointerException if this branch element has no children
public int getEndOffset()
// This might accss one cached element or trigger an NPE for
// numChildren == 0. This is checked by a Mauve test.
Element child = numChildren > 0 ? children[numChildren - 1]
: children[0];
return child.getEndOffset();
* Returns the name of this element. This is {@link #ParagraphElementName}
* in this case.
* @return the name of this element
public String getName()
return ParagraphElementName;
* Returns the start offset of this element inside the document model.
* This is the start offset of the first child element. If this element
* has no children, this method throws a NullPointerException
* @return the start offset of this element inside the document model
* @throws NullPointerException if this branch element has no children and
* no startOffset value has been cached
public int getStartOffset()
// Do not explicitly throw an NPE here. If the first element is null
// then the NPE gets thrown anyway. If it isn't, then it either
// holds a real value (for numChildren > 0) or a cached value
// (for numChildren == 0) as we don't fully remove elements in replace()
// when removing single elements.
// This is checked by a Mauve test.
return children[0].getStartOffset();
* Returns false
since BranchElement
are no
* leafes.
* @return false
since BranchElement
are no
* leafes
public boolean isLeaf()
return false;
* Returns the Element
at the specified Document
* offset.
* @return the Element
at the specified Document
* offset
* @see #getElementIndex(int)
public Element positionToElement(int position)
// XXX: There is surely a better algorithm
// as beginning from first element each time.
for (int index = 0; index < numChildren; ++index)
Element elem = children[index];
if ((elem.getStartOffset() <= position)
&& (position < elem.getEndOffset()))
return elem;
return null;
* Replaces a set of child elements with a new set of child elemens.
* @param offset the start index of the elements to be removed
* @param length the number of elements to be removed
* @param elements the new elements to be inserted
public void replace(int offset, int length, Element[] elements)
int delta = elements.length - length;
int copyFrom = offset + length; // From where to copy.
int copyTo = copyFrom + delta; // Where to copy to.
int numMove = numChildren - copyFrom; // How many elements are moved.
if (numChildren + delta > children.length)
// Gotta grow the array.
int newSize = Math.max(2 * children.length, numChildren + delta);
Element[] target = new Element[newSize];
System.arraycopy(children, 0, target, 0, offset);
System.arraycopy(elements, 0, target, offset, elements.length);
System.arraycopy(children, copyFrom, target, copyTo, numMove);
children = target;
System.arraycopy(children, copyFrom, children, copyTo, numMove);
System.arraycopy(elements, 0, children, offset, elements.length);
numChildren += delta;
* Returns a string representation of this element.
* @return a string representation of this element
public String toString()
return ("BranchElement(" + getName() + ") "
+ getStartOffset() + "," + getEndOffset() + "\n");
* Stores the changes when a Document
is beeing modified.
public class DefaultDocumentEvent extends CompoundEdit
implements DocumentEvent
/** The serialization UID (compatible with JDK1.5). */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 5230037221564563284L;
* The threshold that indicates when we switch to using a Hashtable.
private static final int THRESHOLD = 10;
/** The starting offset of the change. */
private int offset;
/** The length of the change. */
private int length;
/** The type of change. */
private DocumentEvent.EventType type;
* Maps Element
to their change records. This is only
* used when the changes array gets too big. We can use an
* (unsync'ed) HashMap here, since changes to this are (should) always
* be performed inside a write lock.
private HashMap changes;
* Indicates if this event has been modified or not. This is used to
* determine if this event is thrown.
private boolean modified;
* Creates a new DefaultDocumentEvent
* @param offset the starting offset of the change
* @param length the length of the change
* @param type the type of change
public DefaultDocumentEvent(int offset, int length,
DocumentEvent.EventType type)
this.offset = offset;
this.length = length;
this.type = type;
modified = false;
* Adds an UndoableEdit to this DocumentEvent
. If this
* edit is an instance of {@link ElementEdit}, then this record can
* later be fetched by calling {@link #getChange}.
* @param edit the undoable edit to add
public boolean addEdit(UndoableEdit edit)
// XXX - Fully qualify ElementChange to work around gcj bug #2499.
// Start using Hashtable when we pass a certain threshold. This
// gives a good memory/performance compromise.
if (changes == null && edits.size() > THRESHOLD)
changes = new HashMap();
int count = edits.size();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
Object o = edits.elementAt(i);
if (o instanceof DocumentEvent.ElementChange)
DocumentEvent.ElementChange ec =
(DocumentEvent.ElementChange) o;
changes.put(ec.getElement(), ec);
if (changes != null && edit instanceof DocumentEvent.ElementChange)
DocumentEvent.ElementChange elEdit =
(DocumentEvent.ElementChange) edit;
changes.put(elEdit.getElement(), elEdit);
return super.addEdit(edit);
* Returns the document that has been modified.
* @return the document that has been modified
public Document getDocument()
return AbstractDocument.this;
* Returns the length of the modification.
* @return the length of the modification
public int getLength()
return length;
* Returns the start offset of the modification.
* @return the start offset of the modification
public int getOffset()
return offset;
* Returns the type of the modification.
* @return the type of the modification
public DocumentEvent.EventType getType()
return type;
* Returns the changes for an element.
* @param elem the element for which the changes are requested
* @return the changes for elem
or null
* elem
has not been changed
public DocumentEvent.ElementChange getChange(Element elem)
// XXX - Fully qualify ElementChange to work around gcj bug #2499.
DocumentEvent.ElementChange change = null;
if (changes != null)
change = (DocumentEvent.ElementChange) changes.get(elem);
int count = edits.size();
for (int i = 0; i < count && change == null; i++)
Object o = edits.get(i);
if (o instanceof DocumentEvent.ElementChange)
DocumentEvent.ElementChange ec =
(DocumentEvent.ElementChange) o;
if (elem.equals(ec.getElement()))
change = ec;
return change;
* Returns a String description of the change event. This returns the
* toString method of the Vector of edits.
public String toString()
return edits.toString();
* An implementation of {@link DocumentEvent.ElementChange} to be added
* to {@link DefaultDocumentEvent}s.
public static class ElementEdit extends AbstractUndoableEdit
implements DocumentEvent.ElementChange
/** The serial version UID of ElementEdit. */
private static final long serialVersionUID = -1216620962142928304L;
* The changed element.
private Element elem;
* The index of the change.
private int index;
* The removed elements.
private Element[] removed;
* The added elements.
private Element[] added;
* Creates a new ElementEdit
* @param elem the changed element
* @param index the index of the change
* @param removed the removed elements
* @param added the added elements
public ElementEdit(Element elem, int index,
Element[] removed, Element[] added)
this.elem = elem;
this.index = index;
this.removed = removed;
this.added = added;
* Returns the added elements.
* @return the added elements
public Element[] getChildrenAdded()
return added;
* Returns the removed elements.
* @return the removed elements
public Element[] getChildrenRemoved()
return removed;
* Returns the changed element.
* @return the changed element
public Element getElement()
return elem;
* Returns the index of the change.
* @return the index of the change
public int getIndex()
return index;
* An implementation of {@link Element} that represents a leaf in the
* document structure. This is used to actually store content.
public class LeafElement extends AbstractElement
/** The serialization UID (compatible with JDK1.5). */
private static final long serialVersionUID = -8906306331347768017L;
* Manages the start offset of this element.
private Position startPos;
* Manages the end offset of this element.
private Position endPos;
* Creates a new LeafElement
* @param parent the parent of this LeafElement
* @param attributes the attributes to be set
* @param start the start index of this element inside the document model
* @param end the end index of this element inside the document model
public LeafElement(Element parent, AttributeSet attributes, int start,
int end)
super(parent, attributes);
startPos = createPosition(start);
endPos = createPosition(end);
catch (BadLocationException ex)
AssertionError as;
as = new AssertionError("BadLocationException thrown "
+ "here. start=" + start
+ ", end=" + end
+ ", length=" + getLength());
throw as;
* Returns null
since LeafElement
s cannot have
* children.
* @return null
since LeafElement
s cannot have
* children
public Enumeration children()
return null;
* Returns false
since LeafElement
s cannot have
* children.
* @return false
since LeafElement
s cannot have
* children
public boolean getAllowsChildren()
return false;
* Returns null
since LeafElement
s cannot have
* children.
* @return null
since LeafElement
s cannot have
* children
public Element getElement(int index)
return null;
* Returns 0
since LeafElement
s cannot have
* children.
* @return 0
since LeafElement
s cannot have
* children
public int getElementCount()
return 0;
* Returns -1
since LeafElement
s cannot have
* children.
* @return -1
since LeafElement
s cannot have
* children
public int getElementIndex(int offset)
return -1;
* Returns the end offset of this Element
inside the
* document.
* @return the end offset of this Element
inside the
* document
public int getEndOffset()
return endPos.getOffset();
* Returns the name of this Element
. This is
* {@link #ContentElementName} in this case.
* @return the name of this Element
public String getName()
String name = super.getName();
if (name == null)
name = ContentElementName;
return name;
* Returns the start offset of this Element
inside the
* document.
* @return the start offset of this Element
inside the
* document
public int getStartOffset()
return startPos.getOffset();
* Returns true
* @return true
public boolean isLeaf()
return true;
* Returns a string representation of this Element
* @return a string representation of this Element
public String toString()
return ("LeafElement(" + getName() + ") "
+ getStartOffset() + "," + getEndOffset() + "\n");
* The root element for bidirectional text.
private class BidiRootElement
extends BranchElement
* Creates a new bidi root element.
super(null, null);
* Returns the name of the element.
* @return the name of the element
public String getName()
return BidiRootName;
* A leaf element for the bidi structure.
private class BidiElement
extends LeafElement
* Creates a new BidiElement.
* @param parent the parent element
* @param start the start offset
* @param end the end offset
* @param level the bidi level
BidiElement(Element parent, int start, int end, int level)
super(parent, new SimpleAttributeSet(), start, end);
addAttribute(StyleConstants.BidiLevel, new Integer(level));
* Returns the name of the element.
* @return the name of the element
public String getName()
return BidiElementName;
/** A class whose methods delegate to the insert, remove and replace methods
* of this document which do not check for an installed DocumentFilter.
class Bypass extends DocumentFilter.FilterBypass
public Document getDocument()
return AbstractDocument.this;
public void insertString(int offset, String string, AttributeSet attr)
throws BadLocationException
AbstractDocument.this.insertStringImpl(offset, string, attr);
public void remove(int offset, int length)
throws BadLocationException
AbstractDocument.this.removeImpl(offset, length);
public void replace(int offset, int length, String string,
AttributeSet attrs)
throws BadLocationException
AbstractDocument.this.replaceImpl(offset, length, string, attrs);