/* JTree.java
Copyright (C) 2002, 2004, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of GNU Classpath.
GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with GNU Classpath; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
02110-1301 USA.
Linking this library statically or dynamically with other modules is
making a combined work based on this library. Thus, the terms and
conditions of the GNU General Public License cover the whole
As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you
permission to link this library with independent modules to produce an
executable, regardless of the license terms of these independent
modules, and to copy and distribute the resulting executable under
terms of your choice, provided that you also meet, for each linked
independent module, the terms and conditions of the license of that
module. An independent module is a module which is not derived from
or based on this library. If you modify this library, you may extend
this exception to your version of the library, but you are not
obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this
exception statement from your version. */
package javax.swing;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Vector;
import javax.accessibility.Accessible;
import javax.accessibility.AccessibleContext;
import javax.swing.event.TreeExpansionEvent;
import javax.swing.event.TreeExpansionListener;
import javax.swing.event.TreeModelEvent;
import javax.swing.event.TreeModelListener;
import javax.swing.event.TreeSelectionEvent;
import javax.swing.event.TreeSelectionListener;
import javax.swing.event.TreeWillExpandListener;
import javax.swing.plaf.TreeUI;
import javax.swing.text.Position;
import javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode;
import javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeCellRenderer;
import javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel;
import javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeSelectionModel;
import javax.swing.tree.ExpandVetoException;
import javax.swing.tree.TreeCellEditor;
import javax.swing.tree.TreeCellRenderer;
import javax.swing.tree.TreeModel;
import javax.swing.tree.TreeNode;
import javax.swing.tree.TreePath;
import javax.swing.tree.TreeSelectionModel;
public class JTree
extends JComponent
implements Scrollable, Accessible
* Listens to the model of the JTree and updates the property
* expandedState
if nodes are removed or changed.
protected class TreeModelHandler
* Creates a new instance of TreeModelHandler.
protected TreeModelHandler()
* Notifies when a node has changed in some ways. This does not include
* that a node has changed its location or changed it's children. It
* only means that some attributes of the node have changed that might
* affect its presentation.
* This method is called after the actual change occured.
* @param ev the TreeModelEvent describing the change
public void treeNodesChanged(TreeModelEvent ev)
// nothing to do here
* Notifies when a node is inserted into the tree.
* This method is called after the actual change occured.
* @param ev the TreeModelEvent describing the change
public void treeNodesInserted(TreeModelEvent ev)
// nothing to do here
* Notifies when a node is removed from the tree.
* This method is called after the actual change occured.
* @param ev the TreeModelEvent describing the change
public void treeNodesRemoved(TreeModelEvent ev)
// TODO: The API docs suggest that this method should do something
// but I cannot really see what has to be done here ...
* Notifies when the structure of the tree is changed.
* This method is called after the actual change occured.
* @param ev the TreeModelEvent describing the change
public void treeStructureChanged(TreeModelEvent ev)
// set state of new path
TreePath path = ev.getTreePath();
setExpandedState(path, isExpanded(path));
} // TreeModelHandler
* This redirects TreeSelectionEvents and rewrites the source of it to be
* this JTree. This is typically done when the tree model generates an
* event, but the JTree object associated with that model should be listed
* as the actual source of the event.
protected class TreeSelectionRedirector
/** The serial version UID. */
private static final long serialVersionUID = -3505069663646241664L;
* Creates a new instance of TreeSelectionRedirector
protected TreeSelectionRedirector()
* Notifies when the tree selection changes.
* @param ev the TreeSelectionEvent that describes the change
public void valueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent ev)
TreeSelectionEvent rewritten = (TreeSelectionEvent) ev
} // TreeSelectionRedirector
* A TreeModel that does not allow anything to be selected.
protected static class EmptySelectionModel
/** The serial version UID. */
private static final long serialVersionUID = -5815023306225701477L;
* The shared instance of this model.
protected static final EmptySelectionModel sharedInstance = new EmptySelectionModel();
* Creates a new instance of EmptySelectionModel.
protected EmptySelectionModel()
* Returns the shared instance of EmptySelectionModel.
* @return the shared instance of EmptySelectionModel
public static EmptySelectionModel sharedInstance()
return sharedInstance;
* This catches attempts to set a selection and sets nothing instead.
* @param paths not used here
public void setSelectionPaths(TreePath[] paths)
// we don't allow selections in this class
* This catches attempts to add something to the selection.
* @param paths not used here
public void addSelectionPaths(TreePath[] paths)
// we don't allow selections in this class
* This catches attempts to remove something from the selection.
* @param paths not used here
public void removeSelectionPaths(TreePath[] paths)
// we don't allow selections in this class
}// EmptySelectionModel
private static final long serialVersionUID = 7559816092864483649L;
public static final String CELL_EDITOR_PROPERTY = "cellEditor";
public static final String CELL_RENDERER_PROPERTY = "cellRenderer";
public static final String EDITABLE_PROPERTY = "editable";
public static final String INVOKES_STOP_CELL_EDITING_PROPERTY = "invokesStopCellEditing";
public static final String LARGE_MODEL_PROPERTY = "largeModel";
public static final String ROOT_VISIBLE_PROPERTY = "rootVisible";
public static final String ROW_HEIGHT_PROPERTY = "rowHeight";
public static final String SCROLLS_ON_EXPAND_PROPERTY = "scrollsOnExpand";
public static final String SELECTION_MODEL_PROPERTY = "selectionModel";
public static final String SHOWS_ROOT_HANDLES_PROPERTY = "showsRootHandles";
public static final String TOGGLE_CLICK_COUNT_PROPERTY = "toggleClickCount";
public static final String TREE_MODEL_PROPERTY = "model";
public static final String VISIBLE_ROW_COUNT_PROPERTY = "visibleRowCount";
/** @since 1.3 */
public static final String ANCHOR_SELECTION_PATH_PROPERTY = "anchorSelectionPath";
/** @since 1.3 */
public static final String LEAD_SELECTION_PATH_PROPERTY = "leadSelectionPath";
/** @since 1.3 */
public static final String EXPANDS_SELECTED_PATHS_PROPERTY = "expandsSelectedPaths";
private static final Object EXPANDED = new Object();
private static final Object COLLAPSED = new Object();
private boolean dragEnabled;
private boolean expandsSelectedPaths;
private TreePath anchorSelectionPath;
private TreePath leadSelectionPath;
* This contains the state of all nodes in the tree. Al/ entries map the
* TreePath of a note to to its state. Valid states are EXPANDED and
* COLLAPSED. Nodes not in this Hashtable are assumed state COLLAPSED.
private Hashtable nodeStates = new Hashtable();
protected transient TreeCellEditor cellEditor;
protected transient TreeCellRenderer cellRenderer;
protected boolean editable;
protected boolean invokesStopCellEditing;
protected boolean largeModel;
protected boolean rootVisible;
protected int rowHeight;
protected boolean scrollsOnExpand;
protected transient TreeSelectionModel selectionModel;
protected boolean showsRootHandles;
protected int toggleClickCount;
protected transient TreeModel treeModel;
protected int visibleRowCount;
* Handles TreeModelEvents to update the expandedState.
protected transient TreeModelListener treeModelListener;
* Redirects TreeSelectionEvents so that the source is this JTree.
protected TreeSelectionRedirector selectionRedirector =
new TreeSelectionRedirector();
* Creates a new JTree
public JTree()
* Creates a new JTree
* @param value the initial nodes in the tree
public JTree(Hashtable value)
* Creates a new JTree
* @param value the initial nodes in the tree
public JTree(Object[] value)
* Creates a new JTree
* @param model the model to use
public JTree(TreeModel model)
setCellRenderer(new DefaultTreeCellRenderer());
* Creates a new JTree
* @param root the root node
public JTree(TreeNode root)
this(root, false);
* Creates a new JTree
* @param root the root node
* @param asksAllowChildren if false, all nodes without children are leaf
* nodes. If true, only nodes that do not allow children are leaf
* nodes.
public JTree(TreeNode root, boolean asksAllowChildren)
this(new DefaultTreeModel(root, asksAllowChildren));
* Creates a new JTree
* @param value the initial nodes in the tree
public JTree(Vector value)
public static class DynamicUtilTreeNode
protected Object childValue;
protected boolean loadedChildren;
* Currently not set or used by this class. It might be set and used in
* later versions of this class.
protected boolean hasChildren;
public DynamicUtilTreeNode(Object value, Object children)
childValue = children;
loadedChildren = false;
public int getChildCount()
return super.getChildCount();
protected void loadChildren()
if (!loadedChildren)
createChildren(this, childValue);
loadedChildren = true;
public Enumeration children()
return super.children();
* Returns the child node at position pos
. Subclassed
* here to load the children if necessary.
* @param pos the position of the child node to fetch
* @return the childnode at the specified position
public TreeNode getChildAt(int pos)
return super.getChildAt(pos);
public boolean isLeaf()
return (childValue == null || !(childValue instanceof Hashtable
|| childValue instanceof Vector || childValue.getClass()
public static void createChildren(DefaultMutableTreeNode parent,
Object children)
if (children instanceof Hashtable)
Hashtable tab = (Hashtable) children;
Enumeration e = tab.keys();
while (e.hasMoreElements())
Object key = e.nextElement();
Object val = tab.get(key);
parent.add(new DynamicUtilTreeNode(key, val));
} else if (children instanceof Vector)
Iterator i = ((Vector) children).iterator();
while (i.hasNext())
Object n = i.next();
parent.add(new DynamicUtilTreeNode(n, n));
} else if (children != null && children.getClass().isArray())
Object[] arr = (Object[]) children;
for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i)
parent.add(new DynamicUtilTreeNode(arr[i], arr[i]));
public int getRowForPath(TreePath path)
TreeUI ui = getUI();
if (ui != null)
return ui.getRowForPath(this, path);
return -1;
public TreePath getPathForRow(int row)
TreeUI ui = getUI();
return ui != null ? ui.getPathForRow(this, row) : null;
protected TreePath[] getPathBetweenRows(int index0, int index1)
TreeUI ui = getUI();
if (ui == null)
return null;
int minIndex = Math.min(index0, index1);
int maxIndex = Math.max(index0, index1);
TreePath[] paths = new TreePath[maxIndex - minIndex + 1];
for (int i = minIndex; i <= maxIndex; ++i)
paths[i - minIndex] = ui.getPathForRow(this, i);
return paths;
* Creates a new TreeModel
* @param value the values stored in the model
protected static TreeModel createTreeModel(Object value)
return new DefaultTreeModel(new DynamicUtilTreeNode(value, value));
* Return the UI associated with this JTree
* @return the associated TreeUI
public TreeUI getUI()
return (TreeUI) ui;
* Sets the UI associated with this JTree
* @param ui the TreeUI
to associate
public void setUI(TreeUI ui)
* This method resets the UI used to the Look and Feel defaults..
public void updateUI()
setUI((TreeUI) UIManager.getUI(this));
* This method returns the String ID of the UI class of Separator.
* @return The UI class' String ID.
public String getUIClassID()
return "TreeUI";
* Gets the AccessibleContext associated with this
* JToggleButton
* @return the associated context
public AccessibleContext getAccessibleContext()
return null;
* Returns the preferred viewport size.
* @return the preferred size
public Dimension getPreferredScrollableViewportSize()
return new Dimension (getPreferredSize().width, getVisibleRowCount()*getRowHeight());
public int getScrollableUnitIncrement(Rectangle visibleRect,
int orientation, int direction)
return 1;
public int getScrollableBlockIncrement(Rectangle visibleRect,
int orientation, int direction)
return 1;
public boolean getScrollableTracksViewportWidth()
if (getParent() instanceof JViewport)
return ((JViewport) getParent()).getHeight() > getPreferredSize().height;
return false;
public boolean getScrollableTracksViewportHeight()
if (getParent() instanceof JViewport)
return ((JViewport) getParent()).getWidth() > getPreferredSize().width;
return false;
* Adds a TreeExpansionListener
object to the tree.
* @param listener the listener to add
public void addTreeExpansionListener(TreeExpansionListener listener)
listenerList.add(TreeExpansionListener.class, listener);
* Removes a TreeExpansionListener
object from the tree.
* @param listener the listener to remove
public void removeTreeExpansionListener(TreeExpansionListener listener)
listenerList.remove(TreeExpansionListener.class, listener);
* Returns all added TreeExpansionListener
* @return an array of listeners
public TreeExpansionListener[] getTreeExpansionListeners()
return (TreeExpansionListener[]) getListeners(TreeExpansionListener.class);
* Notifies all listeners that the tree was collapsed.
* @param path the path to the node that was collapsed
public void fireTreeCollapsed(TreePath path)
TreeExpansionEvent event = new TreeExpansionEvent(this, path);
TreeExpansionListener[] listeners = getTreeExpansionListeners();
for (int index = 0; index < listeners.length; ++index)
* Notifies all listeners that the tree was expanded.
* @param path the path to the node that was expanded
public void fireTreeExpanded(TreePath path)
TreeExpansionEvent event = new TreeExpansionEvent(this, path);
TreeExpansionListener[] listeners = getTreeExpansionListeners();
for (int index = 0; index < listeners.length; ++index)
* Adds a TreeSelctionListener
object to the tree.
* @param listener the listener to add
public void addTreeSelectionListener(TreeSelectionListener listener)
listenerList.add(TreeSelectionListener.class, listener);
* Removes a TreeSelectionListener
object from the tree.
* @param listener the listener to remove
public void removeTreeSelectionListener(TreeSelectionListener listener)
listenerList.remove(TreeSelectionListener.class, listener);
* Returns all added TreeSelectionListener
* @return an array of listeners
public TreeSelectionListener[] getTreeSelectionListeners()
return (TreeSelectionListener[])
* Notifies all listeners when the selection of the tree changed.
* @param event the event to send
protected void fireValueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent event)
TreeSelectionListener[] listeners = getTreeSelectionListeners();
for (int index = 0; index < listeners.length; ++index)
* Adds a TreeWillExpandListener
object to the tree.
* @param listener the listener to add
public void addTreeWillExpandListener(TreeWillExpandListener listener)
listenerList.add(TreeWillExpandListener.class, listener);
* Removes a TreeWillExpandListener
object from the tree.
* @param listener the listener to remove
public void removeTreeWillExpandListener(TreeWillExpandListener listener)
listenerList.remove(TreeWillExpandListener.class, listener);
* Returns all added TreeWillExpandListener
* @return an array of listeners
public TreeWillExpandListener[] getTreeWillExpandListeners()
return (TreeWillExpandListener[])
* Notifies all listeners that the tree will collapse.
* @param path the path to the node that will collapse
public void fireTreeWillCollapse(TreePath path) throws ExpandVetoException
TreeExpansionEvent event = new TreeExpansionEvent(this, path);
TreeWillExpandListener[] listeners = getTreeWillExpandListeners();
for (int index = 0; index < listeners.length; ++index)
* Notifies all listeners that the tree will expand.
* @param path the path to the node that will expand
public void fireTreeWillExpand(TreePath path) throws ExpandVetoException
TreeExpansionEvent event = new TreeExpansionEvent(this, path);
TreeWillExpandListener[] listeners = getTreeWillExpandListeners();
for (int index = 0; index < listeners.length; ++index)
* Returns the model of this JTree
* @return the associated TreeModel
public TreeModel getModel()
return treeModel;
* Sets the model to use in JTree
* @param model the TreeModel
to use
public void setModel(TreeModel model)
if (treeModel == model)
// add treeModelListener to the new model
if (treeModelListener == null)
treeModelListener = createTreeModelListener();
if (model != null) // as setModel(null) is allowed
TreeModel oldValue = treeModel;
treeModel = model;
firePropertyChange(TREE_MODEL_PROPERTY, oldValue, model);
* Checks if this JTree
object is editable.
* @return true
if this tree object is editable,
* false
public boolean isEditable()
return editable;
* Sets the editable
* @param flag true
to make this tree object editable,
* false
public void setEditable(boolean flag)
if (editable == flag)
boolean oldValue = editable;
editable = flag;
firePropertyChange(EDITABLE_PROPERTY, oldValue, editable);
* Checks if the root element is visible.
* @return true
if the root element is visible,
* false
public boolean isRootVisible()
return rootVisible;
public void setRootVisible(boolean flag)
if (rootVisible == flag)
boolean oldValue = rootVisible;
rootVisible = flag;
firePropertyChange(ROOT_VISIBLE_PROPERTY, oldValue, flag);
public boolean getShowsRootHandles()
return showsRootHandles;
public void setShowsRootHandles(boolean flag)
if (showsRootHandles == flag)
boolean oldValue = showsRootHandles;
showsRootHandles = flag;
firePropertyChange(SHOWS_ROOT_HANDLES_PROPERTY, oldValue, flag);
public TreeCellEditor getCellEditor()
return cellEditor;
public void setCellEditor(TreeCellEditor editor)
if (cellEditor == editor)
TreeCellEditor oldValue = cellEditor;
cellEditor = editor;
firePropertyChange(CELL_EDITOR_PROPERTY, oldValue, editor);
public TreeCellRenderer getCellRenderer()
return cellRenderer;
public void setCellRenderer(TreeCellRenderer newRenderer)
if (cellRenderer == newRenderer)
TreeCellRenderer oldValue = cellRenderer;
cellRenderer = newRenderer;
firePropertyChange(CELL_RENDERER_PROPERTY, oldValue, newRenderer);
public TreeSelectionModel getSelectionModel()
return selectionModel;
public void setSelectionModel(TreeSelectionModel model)
if (selectionModel == model)
if (selectionModel != null)
TreeSelectionModel oldValue = selectionModel;
selectionModel = model;
if (selectionModel != null)
firePropertyChange(SELECTION_MODEL_PROPERTY, oldValue, model);
public int getVisibleRowCount()
return visibleRowCount;
public void setVisibleRowCount(int rows)
if (visibleRowCount == rows)
int oldValue = visibleRowCount;
visibleRowCount = rows;
firePropertyChange(VISIBLE_ROW_COUNT_PROPERTY, oldValue, rows);
public boolean isLargeModel()
return largeModel;
public void setLargeModel(boolean large)
if (largeModel == large)
boolean oldValue = largeModel;
largeModel = large;
firePropertyChange(LARGE_MODEL_PROPERTY, oldValue, large);
public int getRowHeight()
return rowHeight;
public void setRowHeight(int height)
if (rowHeight == height)
int oldValue = rowHeight;
rowHeight = height;
firePropertyChange(ROW_HEIGHT_PROPERTY, oldValue, height);
public boolean isFixedRowHeight()
return rowHeight > 0;
public boolean getInvokesStopCellEditing()
return invokesStopCellEditing;
public void setInvokesStopCellEditing(boolean invoke)
if (invokesStopCellEditing == invoke)
boolean oldValue = invokesStopCellEditing;
invokesStopCellEditing = invoke;
oldValue, invoke);
* @since 1.3
public int getToggleClickCount()
return toggleClickCount;
* @since 1.3
public void setToggleClickCount(int count)
if (toggleClickCount == count)
int oldValue = toggleClickCount;
toggleClickCount = count;
firePropertyChange(TOGGLE_CLICK_COUNT_PROPERTY, oldValue, count);
public void scrollPathToVisible(TreePath path)
if (path == null)
Rectangle rect = getPathBounds(path);
if (rect == null)
public void scrollRowToVisible(int row)
public boolean getScrollsOnExpand()
return scrollsOnExpand;
public void setScrollsOnExpand(boolean scroll)
if (scrollsOnExpand == scroll)
boolean oldValue = scrollsOnExpand;
scrollsOnExpand = scroll;
firePropertyChange(SCROLLS_ON_EXPAND_PROPERTY, oldValue, scroll);
public void setSelectionPath(TreePath path)
public void setSelectionPaths(TreePath[] paths)
public void setSelectionRow(int row)
TreePath path = getPathForRow(row);
if (path != null)
public void setSelectionRows(int[] rows)
// Make sure we have an UI so getPathForRow() does not return null.
if (rows == null || getUI() == null)
TreePath[] paths = new TreePath[rows.length];
for (int i = rows.length - 1; i >= 0; --i)
paths[i] = getPathForRow(rows[i]);
public void setSelectionInterval(int index0, int index1)
TreePath[] paths = getPathBetweenRows(index0, index1);
if (paths != null)
public void addSelectionPath(TreePath path)
public void addSelectionPaths(TreePath[] paths)
public void addSelectionRow(int row)
TreePath path = getPathForRow(row);
if (path != null)
public void addSelectionRows(int[] rows)
// Make sure we have an UI so getPathForRow() does not return null.
if (rows == null || getUI() == null)
TreePath[] paths = new TreePath[rows.length];
for (int i = rows.length - 1; i >= 0; --i)
paths[i] = getPathForRow(rows[i]);
public void addSelectionInterval(int index0, int index1)
TreePath[] paths = getPathBetweenRows(index0, index1);
if (paths != null)
public void removeSelectionPath(TreePath path)
public void removeSelectionPaths(TreePath[] paths)
public void removeSelectionRow(int row)
TreePath path = getPathForRow(row);
if (path != null)
public void removeSelectionRows(int[] rows)
if (rows == null || getUI() == null)
TreePath[] paths = new TreePath[rows.length];
for (int i = rows.length - 1; i >= 0; --i)
paths[i] = getPathForRow(rows[i]);
public void removeSelectionInterval(int index0, int index1)
TreePath[] paths = getPathBetweenRows(index0, index1);
if (paths != null)
public void clearSelection()
public TreePath getLeadSelectionPath()
return leadSelectionPath;
* @since 1.3
public void setLeadSelectionPath(TreePath path)
if (leadSelectionPath == path)
TreePath oldValue = leadSelectionPath;
leadSelectionPath = path;
firePropertyChange(LEAD_SELECTION_PATH_PROPERTY, oldValue, path);
* @since 1.3
public TreePath getAnchorSelectionPath()
return anchorSelectionPath;
* @since 1.3
public void setAnchorSelectionPath(TreePath path)
if (anchorSelectionPath == path)
TreePath oldValue = anchorSelectionPath;
anchorSelectionPath = path;
firePropertyChange(ANCHOR_SELECTION_PATH_PROPERTY, oldValue, path);
public int getLeadSelectionRow()
return selectionModel.getLeadSelectionRow();
public int getMaxSelectionRow()
return selectionModel.getMaxSelectionRow();
public int getMinSelectionRow()
return selectionModel.getMinSelectionRow();
public int getSelectionCount()
return selectionModel.getSelectionCount();
public TreePath getSelectionPath()
return selectionModel.getSelectionPath();
public TreePath[] getSelectionPaths()
return selectionModel.getSelectionPaths();
public int[] getSelectionRows()
return selectionModel.getSelectionRows();
public boolean isPathSelected(TreePath path)
return selectionModel.isPathSelected(path);
public boolean isRowSelected(int row)
return selectionModel.isPathSelected(getPathForRow(row));
public boolean isSelectionEmpty()
return selectionModel.isSelectionEmpty();
* Return the value of the dragEnabled
* @return the value
* @since 1.4
public boolean getDragEnabled()
return dragEnabled;
* Set the dragEnabled
* @param enabled new value
* @since 1.4
public void setDragEnabled(boolean enabled)
dragEnabled = enabled;
public int getRowCount()
TreeUI ui = getUI();
if (ui != null)
return ui.getRowCount(this);
return 0;
public void collapsePath(TreePath path)
catch (ExpandVetoException ev)
setExpandedState(path, false);
public void collapseRow(int row)
if (row < 0 || row >= getRowCount())
TreePath path = getPathForRow(row);
if (path != null)
public void expandPath(TreePath path)
// Don't expand if last path component is a leaf node.
if ((path == null) || (treeModel.isLeaf(path.getLastPathComponent())))
catch (ExpandVetoException ev)
setExpandedState(path, true);
public void expandRow(int row)
if (row < 0 || row >= getRowCount())
TreePath path = getPathForRow(row);
if (path != null)
public boolean isCollapsed(TreePath path)
return !isExpanded(path);
public boolean isCollapsed(int row)
if (row < 0 || row >= getRowCount())
return false;
TreePath path = getPathForRow(row);
if (path != null)
return isCollapsed(path);
return false;
public boolean isExpanded(TreePath path)
if (path == null)
return false;
Object state = nodeStates.get(path);
if ((state == null) || (state != EXPANDED))
return false;
TreePath parent = path.getParentPath();
if (parent != null)
return isExpanded(parent);
return true;
public boolean isExpanded(int row)
if (row < 0 || row >= getRowCount())
return false;
TreePath path = getPathForRow(row);
if (path != null)
return isExpanded(path);
return false;
* @since 1.3
public boolean getExpandsSelectedPaths()
return expandsSelectedPaths;
* @since 1.3
public void setExpandsSelectedPaths(boolean flag)
if (expandsSelectedPaths == flag)
boolean oldValue = expandsSelectedPaths;
expandsSelectedPaths = flag;
firePropertyChange(EXPANDS_SELECTED_PATHS_PROPERTY, oldValue, flag);
public Rectangle getPathBounds(TreePath path)
TreeUI ui = getUI();
if (ui == null)
return null;
return ui.getPathBounds(this, path);
public Rectangle getRowBounds(int row)
TreePath path = getPathForRow(row);
if (path != null)
return getPathBounds(path);
return null;
public boolean isEditing()
TreeUI ui = getUI();
if (ui != null)
return ui.isEditing(this);
return false;
public boolean stopEditing()
TreeUI ui = getUI();
if (ui != null)
return ui.stopEditing(this);
return false;
public void cancelEditing()
TreeUI ui = getUI();
if (ui != null)
public void startEditingAtPath(TreePath path)
TreeUI ui = getUI();
if (ui != null)
ui.startEditingAtPath(this, path);
public TreePath getEditingPath()
TreeUI ui = getUI();
if (ui != null)
return ui.getEditingPath(this);
return null;
public TreePath getPathForLocation(int x, int y)
TreePath path = getClosestPathForLocation(x, y);
if (path != null)
Rectangle rect = getPathBounds(path);
if ((rect != null) && rect.contains(x, y))
return path;
return null;
public int getRowForLocation(int x, int y)
TreePath path = getPathForLocation(x, y);
if (path != null)
return getRowForPath(path);
return -1;
public TreePath getClosestPathForLocation(int x, int y)
TreeUI ui = getUI();
if (ui != null)
return ui.getClosestPathForLocation(this, x, y);
return null;
public int getClosestRowForLocation(int x, int y)
TreePath path = getClosestPathForLocation(x, y);
if (path != null)
return getRowForPath(path);
return -1;
public Object getLastSelectedPathComponent()
TreePath path = getSelectionPath();
if (path != null)
return path.getLastPathComponent();
return null;
private void doExpandParents(TreePath path, boolean state)
TreePath parent = path.getParentPath();
if (!isExpanded(parent) && parent != null)
doExpandParents(parent, false);
nodeStates.put(path, state ? EXPANDED : COLLAPSED);
protected void setExpandedState(TreePath path, boolean state)
if (path == null)
TreePath parent = path.getParentPath();
doExpandParents(path, state);
protected void clearToggledPaths()
protected Enumeration getDescendantToggledPaths(TreePath parent)
if (parent == null)
return null;
Enumeration nodes = nodeStates.keys();
Vector result = new Vector();
while (nodes.hasMoreElements())
TreePath path = (TreePath) nodes.nextElement();
if (path.isDescendant(parent))
return result.elements();
public boolean hasBeenExpanded(TreePath path)
if (path == null)
return false;
return nodeStates.get(path) != null;
public boolean isVisible(TreePath path)
if (path == null)
return false;
TreePath parent = path.getParentPath();
if (parent == null)
return true; // Is root node.
return isExpanded(parent);
public void makeVisible(TreePath path)
if (path == null)
public boolean isPathEditable(TreePath path)
return isEditable();
* Creates and returns an instance of {@link TreeModelHandler}.
* @returns an instance of {@link TreeModelHandler}
protected TreeModelListener createTreeModelListener()
return new TreeModelHandler();
* Returns a sample TreeModel that can be used in a JTree. This can be used
* in Bean- or GUI-Builders to show something interesting.
* @return a sample TreeModel that can be used in a JTree
protected static TreeModel getDefaultTreeModel()
DefaultMutableTreeNode root = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("Root node");
DefaultMutableTreeNode child1 = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(
"Child node 1");
DefaultMutableTreeNode child11 = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(
"Child node 1.1");
DefaultMutableTreeNode child12 = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(
"Child node 1.2");
DefaultMutableTreeNode child13 = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(
"Child node 1.3");
DefaultMutableTreeNode child2 = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(
"Child node 2");
DefaultMutableTreeNode child21 = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(
"Child node 2.1");
DefaultMutableTreeNode child22 = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(
"Child node 2.2");
DefaultMutableTreeNode child23 = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(
"Child node 2.3");
DefaultMutableTreeNode child24 = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(
"Child node 2.4");
DefaultMutableTreeNode child3 = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(
"Child node 3");
return new DefaultTreeModel(root);
* Converts the specified value to a String. This is used by the renderers
* of this JTree and its nodes.
* This implementation simply returns value.toString()
* ignores all other parameters. Subclass this method to control the
* conversion.
* @param value the value that is converted to a String
* @param selected indicates if that value is selected or not
* @param expanded indicates if that value is expanded or not
* @param leaf indicates if that value is a leaf node or not
* @param row the row of the node
* @param hasFocus indicates if that node has focus or not
public String convertValueToText(Object value, boolean selected,
boolean expanded, boolean leaf, int row, boolean hasFocus)
return value.toString();
* A String representation of this JTree. This is intended to be used for
* debugging. The returned string may be empty but may not be
* null
* @return a String representation of this JTree
public String paramString()
// TODO: this is completely legal, but it would possibly be nice
// to return some more content, like the tree structure, some properties
// etc ...
return "";
* Returns all TreePath objects which are a descendants of the given path
* and are exapanded at the moment of the execution of this method. If the
* state of any node is beeing toggled while this method is executing this
* change may be left unaccounted.
* @param path The parent of this request
* @return An Enumeration containing TreePath objects
public Enumeration getExpandedDescendants(TreePath path)
Enumeration paths = nodeStates.keys();
Vector relevantPaths = new Vector();
while (paths.hasMoreElements())
TreePath nextPath = (TreePath) paths.nextElement();
if (nodeStates.get(nextPath) == EXPANDED
&& path.isDescendant(nextPath))
return relevantPaths.elements();
* Returns the next table element (beginning from the row
* startingRow
that starts with prefix
* Searching is done in the direction specified by bias
* @param prefix the prefix to search for in the cell values
* @param startingRow the index of the row where to start searching from
* @param bias the search direction, either {@link Position.Bias#Forward} or
* {@link Position.Bias#Backward}
* @return the path to the found element or -1 if no such element has been
* found
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if prefix is null
* startingRow is not valid
* @since 1.4
public TreePath getNextMatch(String prefix, int startingRow,
Position.Bias bias)
if (prefix == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"The argument 'prefix' must not be" + " null.");
if (startingRow < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"The argument 'startingRow' must not"
+ " be less than zero.");
int size = getRowCount();
if (startingRow > size)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"The argument 'startingRow' must not"
+ " be greater than the number of"
+ " elements in the TreeModel.");
TreePath foundPath = null;
if (bias == Position.Bias.Forward)
for (int i = startingRow; i < size; i++)
TreePath path = getPathForRow(i);
Object o = path.getLastPathComponent();
// FIXME: in the following call to convertValueToText the
// last argument (hasFocus) should be done right.
String item = convertValueToText(o, isRowSelected(i),
isExpanded(i), treeModel.isLeaf(o), i, false);
if (item.startsWith(prefix))
foundPath = path;
} else
for (int i = startingRow; i >= 0; i--)
TreePath path = getPathForRow(i);
Object o = path.getLastPathComponent();
// FIXME: in the following call to convertValueToText the
// last argument (hasFocus) should be done right.
String item = convertValueToText(o, isRowSelected(i),
isExpanded(i), treeModel.isLeaf(o), i, false);
if (item.startsWith(prefix))
foundPath = path;
return foundPath;
* Removes any paths in the current set of selected paths that are
* descendants of path
. If includePath
is set
* to true
and path
itself is selected, then
* it will be removed too.
* @param path the path from which selected descendants are to be removed
* @param includeSelected if true
then path
* will also be remove if it's selected
* @return true
if something has been removed,
* false
* @since 1.3
protected boolean removeDescendantSelectedPaths(TreePath path,
boolean includeSelected)
boolean removedSomething = false;
TreePath[] selected = getSelectionPaths();
for (int index = 0; index < selected.length; index++)
if ((selected[index] == path && includeSelected)
|| (selected[index].isDescendant(path)))
removedSomething = true;
return removedSomething;