
The GNU JavaBeans&trade; Activation Framework (JAF) provides a 
<a href="http://www.gnu.org/">Free</a> implementation of the 
JavaBeans&trade; Activation Framework, version 1.1.

JAF links together beans and internet standards for specifying MIME
types and how MIME types are processed. It provides a means to associate
data of a given MIME type with bean actions operating on that data.

<h4>Important files</h4>

Standard <code>mime.types</code> files are parsed by the JAF MIME
handling classes to work out the MIME types available on the local

Standard <code>mailcap</code> files (defined in RFC1524) are parsed by
mail capability handling classes to work out what beans should be linked
to what MIME types.

<small>Neither the authors nor the Free Software Foundation offer
ANY SUPPORT for this software or imply any warranty.<br>
Use it at your own risk.

<small>If you can suggest improvements in either the implementation
code or in the documentation please contact the 
<a href="mailto:classpath@gnu.org">GNU Classpath project</a> developers.
