/* TextLayout.java --
   Copyright (C) 2006  Free Software Foundation, Inc.

This file is part of GNU Classpath.

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the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.

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As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you
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exception statement from your version. */

package java.awt.font;

import gnu.java.lang.CPStringBuilder;

import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Shape;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.awt.geom.Line2D;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.awt.geom.GeneralPath;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.text.CharacterIterator;
import java.text.AttributedCharacterIterator;
import java.text.Bidi;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Map;

 * @author Sven de Marothy
public final class TextLayout implements Cloneable
   * Holds the layout data that belongs to one run of characters.
  private class Run
     * The actual glyph vector.
    GlyphVector glyphVector;

     * The font for this text run.
    Font font;

     * The start of the run.
    int runStart;

     * The end of the run.
    int runEnd;

     * The layout location of the beginning of the run.
    float location;

     * Initializes the Run instance.
     * @param gv the glyph vector
     * @param start the start index of the run
     * @param end the end index of the run
    Run(GlyphVector gv, Font f, int start, int end)
      glyphVector = gv;
      font = f;
      runStart = start;
      runEnd = end;

     * Returns <code>true</code> when this run is left to right,
     * <code>false</code> otherwise.
     * @return <code>true</code> when this run is left to right,
     *         <code>false</code> otherwise
    boolean isLeftToRight()
      return (glyphVector.getLayoutFlags() & GlyphVector.FLAG_RUN_RTL) == 0;

   * The laid out character runs.
  private Run[] runs;

  private FontRenderContext frc;
  private char[] string;
  private int offset;
  private int length;
  private Rectangle2D boundsCache;
  private LineMetrics lm;

   * The total advance of this text layout. This is cache for maximum
   * performance.
  private float totalAdvance = -1F;
   * The cached natural bounds.
  private Rectangle2D naturalBounds;

   * Character indices.
   * Fixt index is the glyphvector, second index is the (first) glyph.
  private int[][] charIndices;

   * Base directionality, determined from the first char.
  private boolean leftToRight;

   * Whether this layout contains whitespace or not.
  private boolean hasWhitespace = false;

   * The {@link Bidi} object that is used for reordering and by
   * {@link #getCharacterLevel(int)}.
  private Bidi bidi;

   * Mpas the logical position of each individual character in the original
   * string to its visual position.
  private int[] logicalToVisual;

   * Maps visual positions of a character to its logical position
   * in the original string.
  private int[] visualToLogical;

   * The cached hashCode.
  private int hash;

   * The default caret policy.
  public static final TextLayout.CaretPolicy DEFAULT_CARET_POLICY =
    new CaretPolicy();

   * Constructs a TextLayout.
  public TextLayout (String str, Font font, FontRenderContext frc) 
    this.frc = frc;
    string = str.toCharArray();
    offset = 0;
    length = this.string.length;
    lm = font.getLineMetrics(this.string, offset, length, frc);

    // Get base direction and whitespace info

    if (Bidi.requiresBidi(string, offset, offset + length))
	bidi = new Bidi(str, leftToRight ? Bidi.DIRECTION_LEFT_TO_RIGHT
                                         : Bidi.DIRECTION_RIGHT_TO_LEFT );
	int rc = bidi.getRunCount();
	byte[] table = new byte[ rc ];
	for(int i = 0; i < table.length; i++)
	  table[i] = (byte)bidi.getRunLevel(i);

        runs = new Run[rc];
	for(int i = 0; i < rc; i++)
	    int start = bidi.getRunStart(i);
	    int end = bidi.getRunLimit(i);
	    if(start != end) // no empty runs.
	        GlyphVector gv = font.layoutGlyphVector(frc,
                                                        string, start, end,
                           ((table[i] & 1) == 0) ? Font.LAYOUT_LEFT_TO_RIGHT
                                                 : Font.LAYOUT_RIGHT_TO_LEFT );
                runs[i] = new Run(gv, font, start, end);
	Bidi.reorderVisually( table, 0, runs, 0, runs.length );
        // Clean up null runs.
        ArrayList cleaned = new ArrayList(rc);
        for (int i = 0; i < rc; i++)
            if (runs[i] != null)
        runs = new Run[cleaned.size()];
        runs = (Run[]) cleaned.toArray(runs);
        GlyphVector gv = font.layoutGlyphVector( frc, string, offset, length,
                                     leftToRight ? Font.LAYOUT_LEFT_TO_RIGHT
                                                 : Font.LAYOUT_RIGHT_TO_LEFT );
        Run run = new Run(gv, font, 0, length);
	runs = new Run[]{ run };

  public TextLayout (String string,
		     Map<? extends AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute, ?> attributes,
		     FontRenderContext frc)  
    this( string, new Font( attributes ), frc );

  public TextLayout (AttributedCharacterIterator text, FontRenderContext frc)
    // FIXME: Very rudimentary.
    this(getText(text), getFont(text), frc);

   * Package-private constructor to make a textlayout from an existing one.
   * This is used by TextMeasurer for returning sub-layouts, and it 
   * saves a lot of time in not having to relayout the text.
  TextLayout(TextLayout t, int startIndex, int endIndex)
    frc = t.frc;
    boundsCache = null;
    lm = t.lm;
    leftToRight = t.leftToRight;

    if( endIndex > t.getCharacterCount() )
      endIndex = t.getCharacterCount();
    string = t.string;
    offset = startIndex + offset;
    length = endIndex - startIndex;

    int startingRun = t.charIndices[startIndex][0];
    int nRuns = 1 + t.charIndices[endIndex - 1][0] - startingRun;

    runs = new Run[nRuns];
    for( int i = 0; i < nRuns; i++ )
        Run run = t.runs[i + startingRun];
	GlyphVector gv = run.glyphVector;
        Font font = run.font;
	// Copy only the relevant parts of the first and last runs.
	int beginGlyphIndex = (i > 0) ? 0 : t.charIndices[startIndex][1];
	int numEntries = ( i < nRuns - 1) ? gv.getNumGlyphs() : 
	  1 + t.charIndices[endIndex - 1][1] - beginGlyphIndex;
	int[] codes = gv.getGlyphCodes(beginGlyphIndex, numEntries, null);
        gv = font.createGlyphVector(frc, codes);
        runs[i] = new Run(gv, font, run.runStart - startIndex,
                          run.runEnd - startIndex);
    runs[nRuns - 1].runEnd = endIndex - 1;


  private void setCharIndices()
    charIndices = new int[ getCharacterCount() ][2];
    int i = 0;
    int currentChar = 0;
    for(int run = 0; run < runs.length; run++)
	currentChar = -1;
        Run current = runs[run];
        GlyphVector gv = current.glyphVector;
        for( int gi = 0; gi < gv.getNumGlyphs(); gi++)
            if( gv.getGlyphCharIndex( gi ) != currentChar )
                charIndices[ i ][0] = run;
                charIndices[ i ][1] = gi;
                currentChar = gv.getGlyphCharIndex( gi );

   * Initializes the logicalToVisual and visualToLogial maps.
  private void setupMappings()
    int numChars = getCharacterCount();
    logicalToVisual = new int[numChars];
    visualToLogical = new int[numChars];
    int lIndex = 0;
    int vIndex = 0;
    // We scan the runs in visual order and set the mappings accordingly.
    for (int i = 0; i < runs.length; i++)
        Run run = runs[i];
        if (run.isLeftToRight())
            for (lIndex = run.runStart; lIndex < run.runEnd; lIndex++)
                logicalToVisual[lIndex] = vIndex;
                visualToLogical[vIndex] = lIndex;
            for (lIndex = run.runEnd - 1; lIndex >= run.runStart; lIndex--)
                logicalToVisual[lIndex] = vIndex;
                visualToLogical[vIndex] = lIndex;

  private static String getText(AttributedCharacterIterator iter)
    CPStringBuilder sb = new CPStringBuilder();
    int idx = iter.getIndex();
    for(char c = iter.first(); c != CharacterIterator.DONE; c = iter.next()) 
    iter.setIndex( idx );
    return sb.toString();

  private static Font getFont(AttributedCharacterIterator iter)
    Font f = (Font)iter.getAttribute(TextAttribute.FONT);
    if( f == null )
	int size;
	Float i = (Float)iter.getAttribute(TextAttribute.SIZE);
	if( i != null )
	  size = (int)i.floatValue();
	  size = 14;
	f = new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, size );
    return f;

   * Scan the character run for the first strongly directional character,
   * which in turn defines the base directionality of the whole layout.
  private void getStringProperties()
    boolean gotDirection = false;
    int i = offset;
    int endOffs = offset + length;
    leftToRight = true;
    while( i < endOffs && !gotDirection )
      switch( Character.getDirectionality(string[i++]) )
	  gotDirection = true;
	  leftToRight = false;
	  gotDirection = true;

  private void determineWhiteSpace()
    // Determine if there's whitespace in the thing.
    // Ignore trailing chars.
    int i = offset + length - 1; 
    hasWhitespace = false;
    while( i >= offset && Character.isWhitespace( string[i] ) )
    // Check the remaining chars
    while( i >= offset )
      if( Character.isWhitespace( string[i--] ) )
	hasWhitespace = true;

  protected Object clone ()
    return new TextLayout( this, 0, length);

  public void draw (Graphics2D g2, float x, float y) 
    for(int i = 0; i < runs.length; i++)
        Run run = runs[i];
        GlyphVector gv = run.glyphVector;
        g2.drawGlyphVector(gv, x, y);
        Rectangle2D r = gv.getLogicalBounds();
        x += r.getWidth();

  public boolean equals (Object obj)
    if( !( obj instanceof TextLayout) )
      return false;

    return equals( (TextLayout) obj );

  public boolean equals (TextLayout tl)
    if( runs.length != tl.runs.length )
      return false;
    // Compare all glyph vectors.
    for( int i = 0; i < runs.length; i++ )
      if( !runs[i].equals( tl.runs[i] ) )
	return false;
    return true;

  public float getAdvance ()
    if (totalAdvance == -1F)
        totalAdvance = 0f;
        for(int i = 0; i < runs.length; i++)
            Run run = runs[i];
            GlyphVector gv = run.glyphVector;
            totalAdvance += gv.getLogicalBounds().getWidth();
    return totalAdvance;

  public float getAscent ()
    return lm.getAscent();

  public byte getBaseline ()
    return (byte)lm.getBaselineIndex();

  public float[] getBaselineOffsets ()
    return lm.getBaselineOffsets();

  public Shape getBlackBoxBounds (int firstEndpoint, int secondEndpoint)
    if( secondEndpoint - firstEndpoint <= 0 )
      return new Rectangle2D.Float(); // Hmm? 

    if( firstEndpoint < 0 || secondEndpoint > getCharacterCount())
      return new Rectangle2D.Float();

    GeneralPath gp = new GeneralPath();
    int ri = charIndices[ firstEndpoint ][0];
    int gi = charIndices[ firstEndpoint ][1];

    double advance = 0;
    for( int i = 0; i < ri; i++ )
        Run run = runs[i];
        GlyphVector gv = run.glyphVector;
        advance += gv.getLogicalBounds().getWidth();
    for( int i = ri; i <= charIndices[ secondEndpoint - 1 ][0]; i++ )
        Run run = runs[i];
        GlyphVector gv = run.glyphVector;
	int dg;
	if( i == charIndices[ secondEndpoint - 1 ][0] )
	  dg = charIndices[ secondEndpoint - 1][1];
	  dg = gv.getNumGlyphs() - 1;

	for( int j = 0; j <= dg; j++ )
	    Rectangle2D r2 = (gv.getGlyphVisualBounds( j )).
	    Point2D p = gv.getGlyphPosition( j );
	    r2.setRect( advance + r2.getX(), r2.getY(), 
			r2.getWidth(), r2.getHeight() );
	    gp.append(r2, false);

	advance += gv.getLogicalBounds().getWidth();
    return gp;

  public Rectangle2D getBounds()
    if( boundsCache == null )
      boundsCache = getOutline(new AffineTransform()).getBounds();
    return boundsCache;

  public float[] getCaretInfo (TextHitInfo hit)
    return getCaretInfo(hit, getNaturalBounds());

  public float[] getCaretInfo (TextHitInfo hit, Rectangle2D bounds)
    float[] info = new float[2];
    int index = hit.getCharIndex();
    boolean leading = hit.isLeadingEdge();
    // For the boundary cases we return the boundary runs.
    Run run;
    if (index >= length)
        info[0] = getAdvance();
        info[1] = 0;
        if (index < 0)
            run = runs[0];
            index = 0;
            leading = true;
          run = findRunAtIndex(index);

        int glyphIndex = index - run.runStart;
        Shape glyphBounds = run.glyphVector.getGlyphLogicalBounds(glyphIndex);
        Rectangle2D glyphRect = glyphBounds.getBounds2D();
        if (isVertical())
            if (leading)
              info[0] = (float) glyphRect.getMinY();
              info[0] = (float) glyphRect.getMaxY();
            if (leading)
              info[0] = (float) glyphRect.getMinX();
              info[0] = (float) glyphRect.getMaxX();
        info[0] += run.location;
        info[1] = run.font.getItalicAngle();
    return info;

  public Shape getCaretShape(TextHitInfo hit)
    return getCaretShape(hit, getBounds());

  public Shape getCaretShape(TextHitInfo hit, Rectangle2D bounds)
    // TODO: Handle vertical shapes somehow.
    float[] info = getCaretInfo(hit);
    float x1 = info[0];
    float y1 = (float) bounds.getMinY();
    float x2 = info[0];
    float y2 = (float) bounds.getMaxY();
    if (info[1] != 0)
        // Shift x1 and x2 according to the slope.
        x1 -= y1 * info[1];
        x2 -= y2 * info[1];
    GeneralPath path = new GeneralPath(GeneralPath.WIND_EVEN_ODD, 2);
    path.moveTo(x1, y1);
    path.lineTo(x2, y2);
    return path;

  public Shape[] getCaretShapes(int offset)
    return getCaretShapes(offset, getNaturalBounds());

  public Shape[] getCaretShapes(int offset, Rectangle2D bounds)
    return getCaretShapes(offset, bounds, DEFAULT_CARET_POLICY);

  public Shape[] getCaretShapes(int offset, Rectangle2D bounds,
                                CaretPolicy policy)
    // The RI returns a 2-size array even when there's only one
    // shape in it.
    Shape[] carets = new Shape[2];
    TextHitInfo hit1 = TextHitInfo.afterOffset(offset);
    int caretHit1 = hitToCaret(hit1);
    TextHitInfo hit2 = hit1.getOtherHit();
    int caretHit2 = hitToCaret(hit2);
    if (caretHit1 == caretHit2)
        carets[0] = getCaretShape(hit1);
        carets[1] = null; // The RI returns null in this seldom case.
        Shape caret1 = getCaretShape(hit1);
        Shape caret2 = getCaretShape(hit2);
        TextHitInfo strong = policy.getStrongCaret(hit1, hit2, this);
        if (strong == hit1)
            carets[0] = caret1;
            carets[1] = caret2;
            carets[0] = caret2;
            carets[1] = caret1;
    return carets;

  public int getCharacterCount ()
    return length;

  public byte getCharacterLevel (int index)
    byte level;
    if( bidi == null )
      level = 0;
      level = (byte) bidi.getLevelAt(index);
    return level;

  public float getDescent ()
    return lm.getDescent();

  public TextLayout getJustifiedLayout (float justificationWidth)
    TextLayout newLayout = (TextLayout)clone();

    if( hasWhitespace )
      newLayout.handleJustify( justificationWidth );

    return newLayout;

  public float getLeading ()
    return lm.getLeading();

  public Shape getLogicalHighlightShape (int firstEndpoint, int secondEndpoint)
    return getLogicalHighlightShape( firstEndpoint, secondEndpoint, 
				     getBounds() );

  public Shape getLogicalHighlightShape (int firstEndpoint, int secondEndpoint,
                                         Rectangle2D bounds)
    if( secondEndpoint - firstEndpoint <= 0 )
      return new Rectangle2D.Float(); // Hmm? 

    if( firstEndpoint < 0 || secondEndpoint > getCharacterCount())
      return new Rectangle2D.Float();

    Rectangle2D r = null;
    int ri = charIndices[ firstEndpoint ][0];
    int gi = charIndices[ firstEndpoint ][1];

    double advance = 0;
    for( int i = 0; i < ri; i++ )
      advance += runs[i].glyphVector.getLogicalBounds().getWidth();

    for( int i = ri; i <= charIndices[ secondEndpoint - 1 ][0]; i++ )
        Run run = runs[i];
        GlyphVector gv = run.glyphVector;
	int dg; // last index in this run to use.
	if( i == charIndices[ secondEndpoint - 1 ][0] )
	  dg = charIndices[ secondEndpoint - 1][1];
	  dg = gv.getNumGlyphs() - 1;

	for(; gi <= dg; gi++ )
	    Rectangle2D r2 = (gv.getGlyphLogicalBounds( gi )).
	    if( r == null )
	      r = r2;
	      r = r.createUnion(r2);
	gi = 0; // reset glyph index into run for next run.

	advance += gv.getLogicalBounds().getWidth();

    return r;

  public int[] getLogicalRangesForVisualSelection (TextHitInfo firstEndpoint,
                                                   TextHitInfo secondEndpoint)
    // Check parameters.

    // Convert to visual and order correctly.
    int start = hitToCaret(firstEndpoint);
    int end = hitToCaret(secondEndpoint);
    if (start > end)
        // Swap start and end so that end >= start.
        int temp = start;
        start = end;
        end = temp;

    // Now walk through the visual indices and mark the included pieces.
    boolean[] include = new boolean[length];
    for (int i = start; i < end; i++)
        include[visualToLogical[i]] = true;

    // Count included runs.
    int numRuns = 0;
    boolean in = false;
    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
        if (include[i] != in) // At each run in/out point we toggle the in var.
            in = ! in;
            if (in) // At each run start we count up.

    // Put together the ranges array.
    int[] ranges = new int[numRuns * 2];
    int index = 0;
    in = false;
    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
        if (include[i] != in)
            ranges[index] = i;
            in = ! in;
    // If the last run ends at the very end, include that last bit too.
    if (in)
      ranges[index] = length;

    return ranges;

  public TextHitInfo getNextLeftHit(int offset)
    return getNextLeftHit(offset, DEFAULT_CARET_POLICY);

  public TextHitInfo getNextLeftHit(int offset, CaretPolicy policy)
    if (policy == null)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null policy not allowed");
    if (offset < 0 || offset > length)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Offset out of bounds");

    TextHitInfo hit1 = TextHitInfo.afterOffset(offset);
    TextHitInfo hit2 = hit1.getOtherHit();

    TextHitInfo strong = policy.getStrongCaret(hit1, hit2, this);
    TextHitInfo next = getNextLeftHit(strong);
    TextHitInfo ret = null;
    if (next != null)
        TextHitInfo next2 = getVisualOtherHit(next);
        ret = policy.getStrongCaret(next2, next, this);
    return ret;

  public TextHitInfo getNextLeftHit (TextHitInfo hit)
    int index = hitToCaret(hit);
    TextHitInfo next = null;
    if (index != 0)
        next = caretToHit(index);
    return next;

  public TextHitInfo getNextRightHit(int offset)
    return getNextRightHit(offset, DEFAULT_CARET_POLICY);

  public TextHitInfo getNextRightHit(int offset, CaretPolicy policy)
    if (policy == null)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null policy not allowed");
    if (offset < 0 || offset > length)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Offset out of bounds");

    TextHitInfo hit1 = TextHitInfo.afterOffset(offset);
    TextHitInfo hit2 = hit1.getOtherHit();

    TextHitInfo next = getNextRightHit(policy.getStrongCaret(hit1, hit2, this));
    TextHitInfo ret = null;
    if (next != null)
        TextHitInfo next2 = getVisualOtherHit(next);
        ret = policy.getStrongCaret(next2, next, this);
    return ret;

  public TextHitInfo getNextRightHit(TextHitInfo hit)
    int index = hitToCaret(hit);
    TextHitInfo next = null;
    if (index < length)
        next = caretToHit(index);
    return next;

  public Shape getOutline (AffineTransform tx)
    float x = 0f;
    GeneralPath gp = new GeneralPath();
    for(int i = 0; i < runs.length; i++)
        GlyphVector gv = runs[i].glyphVector;
	gp.append( gv.getOutline( x, 0f ), false );
	Rectangle2D r = gv.getLogicalBounds();
	x += r.getWidth();
    if( tx != null )
      gp.transform( tx );
    return gp;

  public float getVisibleAdvance ()
    float totalAdvance = 0f;

    if( runs.length <= 0 )
      return 0f;

    // No trailing whitespace
    if( !Character.isWhitespace( string[offset + length - 1]) )
      return getAdvance();

    // Get length of all runs up to the last
    for(int i = 0; i < runs.length - 1; i++)
      totalAdvance += runs[i].glyphVector.getLogicalBounds().getWidth();

    int lastRun = runs[runs.length - 1].runStart;
    int j = length - 1;
    while( j >= lastRun && Character.isWhitespace( string[j] ) ) j--;

    if( j < lastRun )
      return totalAdvance; // entire last run is whitespace

    int lastNonWSChar = j - lastRun;
    j = 0;
    while( runs[ runs.length - 1 ].glyphVector.getGlyphCharIndex( j )
	   <= lastNonWSChar )
	totalAdvance += runs[ runs.length - 1 ].glyphVector
                                               .getGlyphLogicalBounds( j )
	j ++;
    return totalAdvance;

  public Shape getVisualHighlightShape (TextHitInfo firstEndpoint,
                                        TextHitInfo secondEndpoint)
    return getVisualHighlightShape( firstEndpoint, secondEndpoint, 
				    getBounds() );

  public Shape getVisualHighlightShape (TextHitInfo firstEndpoint,
                                        TextHitInfo secondEndpoint,
                                        Rectangle2D bounds)
    GeneralPath path = new GeneralPath(GeneralPath.WIND_EVEN_ODD);
    Shape caret1 = getCaretShape(firstEndpoint, bounds);
    path.append(caret1, false);
    Shape caret2 = getCaretShape(secondEndpoint, bounds);
    path.append(caret2, false);
    // Append left (top) bounds to selection if necessary.
    int c1 = hitToCaret(firstEndpoint);
    int c2 = hitToCaret(secondEndpoint);
    if (c1 == 0 || c2 == 0)
        path.append(left(bounds), false);
    // Append right (bottom) bounds if necessary.
    if (c1 == length || c2 == length)
        path.append(right(bounds), false);
    return path.getBounds2D();

   * Returns the shape that makes up the left (top) edge of this text layout.
   * @param b the bounds
   * @return the shape that makes up the left (top) edge of this text layout
  private Shape left(Rectangle2D b)
    GeneralPath left = new GeneralPath(GeneralPath.WIND_EVEN_ODD);
    left.append(getCaretShape(TextHitInfo.beforeOffset(0)), false);
    if (isVertical())
        float y = (float) b.getMinY();
        left.append(new Line2D.Float((float) b.getMinX(), y,
                                     (float) b.getMaxX(), y), false);
        float x = (float) b.getMinX();
        left.append(new Line2D.Float(x, (float) b.getMinY(),
                                     x, (float) b.getMaxY()), false);
    return left.getBounds2D();

   * Returns the shape that makes up the right (bottom) edge of this text
   * layout.
   * @param b the bounds
   * @return the shape that makes up the right (bottom) edge of this text
   *         layout
  private Shape right(Rectangle2D b)
    GeneralPath right = new GeneralPath(GeneralPath.WIND_EVEN_ODD);
    right.append(getCaretShape(TextHitInfo.afterOffset(length)), false);
    if (isVertical())
        float y = (float) b.getMaxY();
        right.append(new Line2D.Float((float) b.getMinX(), y,
                                      (float) b.getMaxX(), y), false);
        float x = (float) b.getMaxX();
        right.append(new Line2D.Float(x, (float) b.getMinY(),
                                      x, (float) b.getMaxY()), false);
    return right.getBounds2D();

  public TextHitInfo getVisualOtherHit (TextHitInfo hit)
    int hitIndex = hit.getCharIndex();

    int index;
    boolean leading;
    if (hitIndex == -1 || hitIndex == length)
        // Boundary case.
        int visual;
        if (isLeftToRight() == (hitIndex == -1))
          visual = 0;
          visual = length - 1;
        index = visualToLogical[visual];
        if (isLeftToRight() == (hitIndex == -1))
          leading = isCharacterLTR(index); // LTR.
          leading = ! isCharacterLTR(index); // RTL.
        // Normal case.
        int visual = logicalToVisual[hitIndex];
        boolean b;
        if (isCharacterLTR(hitIndex) == hit.isLeadingEdge())
            b = false;
            b = true;
        if (visual >= 0 && visual < length)
            index = visualToLogical[visual];
            leading = b == isLeftToRight();
            index = b == isLeftToRight() ? length : -1;
            leading = index == length;
    return leading ? TextHitInfo.leading(index) : TextHitInfo.trailing(index);

   * This is a protected method of a <code>final</code> class, meaning
   * it exists only to taunt you.
  protected void handleJustify (float justificationWidth)
    // We assume that the text has non-trailing whitespace.
    // First get the change in width to insert into the whitespaces.
    double deltaW = justificationWidth - getVisibleAdvance();
    int nglyphs = 0; // # of whitespace chars

    // determine last non-whitespace char.
    int lastNWS = offset + length - 1;
    while( Character.isWhitespace( string[lastNWS] ) ) lastNWS--;

    // locations of the glyphs.
    int[] wsglyphs = new int[length * 10];
    for(int run = 0; run < runs.length; run++ )
      Run current = runs[run];
      for(int i = 0; i < current.glyphVector.getNumGlyphs(); i++ )
	  int cindex = current.runStart
                       + current.glyphVector.getGlyphCharIndex( i );
	  if( Character.isWhitespace( string[cindex] ) )
	    //	      && cindex < lastNWS )
	      wsglyphs[ nglyphs * 2 ] = run;
	      wsglyphs[ nglyphs * 2 + 1] = i;
    deltaW = deltaW / nglyphs; // Change in width per whitespace glyph
    double w = 0;
    int cws = 0;
    // Shift all characters
    for(int run = 0; run < runs.length; run++ )
        Run current = runs[run];
        for(int i = 0; i < current.glyphVector.getNumGlyphs(); i++ )
            if( wsglyphs[ cws * 2 ] == run && wsglyphs[ cws * 2 + 1 ] == i )
                cws++; // update 'current whitespace'
                w += deltaW; // increment the shift
            Point2D p = current.glyphVector.getGlyphPosition( i );
            p.setLocation( p.getX() + w, p.getY() );
            current.glyphVector.setGlyphPosition( i, p );

  public TextHitInfo hitTestChar (float x, float y)
    return hitTestChar(x, y, getNaturalBounds());

   * Finds the character hit at the specified point. This 'clips' this
   * text layout against the specified <code>bounds</code> rectangle. That
   * means that in the case where a point is outside these bounds, this method
   * returns the leading edge of the first character or the trailing edge of
   * the last character.
   * @param x the X location to test
   * @param y the Y location to test
   * @param bounds the bounds to test against
   * @return the character hit at the specified point
  public TextHitInfo hitTestChar (float x, float y, Rectangle2D bounds)
    // Check bounds.
    if (isVertical())
        if (y < bounds.getMinY())
          return TextHitInfo.leading(0);
        else if (y > bounds.getMaxY())
          return TextHitInfo.trailing(getCharacterCount() - 1);
        if (x < bounds.getMinX())
          return TextHitInfo.leading(0);
        else if (x > bounds.getMaxX())
          return TextHitInfo.trailing(getCharacterCount() - 1);

    TextHitInfo hitInfo = null;
    if (isVertical())
        // Search for the run at the location.
        // TODO: Perform binary search for maximum efficiency. However, we
        // need the run location laid out statically to do that.
        int numRuns = runs.length;
        Run hitRun = null;
        for (int i = 0; i < numRuns && hitRun == null; i++)
            Run run = runs[i];
            Rectangle2D lBounds = run.glyphVector.getLogicalBounds();
            if (lBounds.getMinY() + run.location <= y
                && lBounds.getMaxY() + run.location >= y)
              hitRun = run;
        // Now we have (hopefully) found a run that hits. Now find the
        // right character.
        if (hitRun != null)
            GlyphVector gv = hitRun.glyphVector;
            for (int i = hitRun.runStart;
                 i < hitRun.runEnd && hitInfo == null; i++)
                int gi = i - hitRun.runStart;
                Rectangle2D lBounds = gv.getGlyphLogicalBounds(gi)
                if (lBounds.getMinY() + hitRun.location <= y
                    && lBounds.getMaxY() + hitRun.location >= y)
                    // Found hit. Now check if we are leading or trailing.
                    boolean leading = true;
                    if (lBounds.getCenterY() + hitRun.location <= y)
                      leading = false;
                    hitInfo = leading ? TextHitInfo.leading(i)
                                      : TextHitInfo.trailing(i);
        // Search for the run at the location.
        // TODO: Perform binary search for maximum efficiency. However, we
        // need the run location laid out statically to do that.
        int numRuns = runs.length;
        Run hitRun = null;
        for (int i = 0; i < numRuns && hitRun == null; i++)
            Run run = runs[i];
            Rectangle2D lBounds = run.glyphVector.getLogicalBounds();
            if (lBounds.getMinX() + run.location <= x
                && lBounds.getMaxX() + run.location >= x)
              hitRun = run;
        // Now we have (hopefully) found a run that hits. Now find the
        // right character.
        if (hitRun != null)
            GlyphVector gv = hitRun.glyphVector;
            for (int i = hitRun.runStart;
                 i < hitRun.runEnd && hitInfo == null; i++)
                int gi = i - hitRun.runStart;
                Rectangle2D lBounds = gv.getGlyphLogicalBounds(gi)
                if (lBounds.getMinX() + hitRun.location <= x
                    && lBounds.getMaxX() + hitRun.location >= x)
                    // Found hit. Now check if we are leading or trailing.
                    boolean leading = true;
                    if (lBounds.getCenterX() + hitRun.location <= x)
                      leading = false;
                    hitInfo = leading ? TextHitInfo.leading(i)
                                      : TextHitInfo.trailing(i);
    return hitInfo;

  public boolean isLeftToRight ()
    return leftToRight;

  public boolean isVertical ()
    return false; // FIXME: How do you create a vertical layout?

  public int hashCode ()
    // This is implemented in sync to equals().
    if (hash == 0 && runs.length > 0)
        hash = runs.length;
        for (int i = 0; i < runs.length; i++)
          hash ^= runs[i].glyphVector.hashCode();
    return hash;

  public String toString ()
    return "TextLayout [string:"+ new String(string, offset, length)
    +" Rendercontext:"+

   * Returns the natural bounds of that text layout. This is made up
   * of the ascent plus descent and the text advance.
   * @return the natural bounds of that text layout
  private Rectangle2D getNaturalBounds()
    if (naturalBounds == null)
      naturalBounds = new Rectangle2D.Float(0.0F, -getAscent(), getAdvance(),
                                            getAscent() + getDescent());
    return naturalBounds;

  private void checkHitInfo(TextHitInfo hit)
    if (hit == null)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null hit info not allowed");
    int index = hit.getInsertionIndex();
    if (index < 0 || index > length)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Hit index out of range");

  private int hitToCaret(TextHitInfo hit)
    int index = hit.getCharIndex();
    int ret;
    if (index < 0)
      ret = isLeftToRight() ? 0 : length;
    else if (index >= length)
      ret = isLeftToRight() ? length : 0;
        ret = logicalToVisual[index];
        if (hit.isLeadingEdge() != isCharacterLTR(index))
    return ret;

  private TextHitInfo caretToHit(int index)
    TextHitInfo hit;
    if (index == 0 || index == length)
        if ((index == length) == isLeftToRight())
          hit = TextHitInfo.leading(length);
          hit = TextHitInfo.trailing(-1);
        int logical = visualToLogical[index];
        boolean leading = isCharacterLTR(logical); // LTR.
        hit = leading ? TextHitInfo.leading(logical)
                      : TextHitInfo.trailing(logical);
    return hit;

  private boolean isCharacterLTR(int index)
    byte level = getCharacterLevel(index);
    return (level & 1) == 0;

   * Finds the run that holds the specified (logical) character index. This
   * returns <code>null</code> when the index is not inside the range.
   * @param index the index of the character to find
   * @return the run that holds the specified character
  private Run findRunAtIndex(int index)
    Run found = null;
    // TODO: Can we do better than linear searching here?
    for (int i = 0; i < runs.length && found == null; i++)
        Run run = runs[i];
        if (run.runStart <= index && run.runEnd > index)
          found = run;
    return found;

   * Computes the layout locations for each run.
  private void layoutRuns()
    float loc = 0.0F;
    float lastWidth = 0.0F;
    for (int i = 0; i < runs.length; i++)
        runs[i].location = loc;
        Rectangle2D bounds = runs[i].glyphVector.getLogicalBounds();
        loc += isVertical() ? bounds.getHeight() : bounds.getWidth();

   * Inner class describing a caret policy
  public static class CaretPolicy
    public CaretPolicy()

    public TextHitInfo getStrongCaret(TextHitInfo hit1,
				      TextHitInfo hit2,
				      TextLayout layout)
      byte l1 = layout.getCharacterLevel(hit1.getCharIndex());
      byte l2 = layout.getCharacterLevel(hit2.getCharIndex());
      TextHitInfo strong;
      if (l1 == l2)
          if (hit2.isLeadingEdge() && ! hit1.isLeadingEdge())
            strong = hit2;
            strong = hit1;
          if (l1 < l2)
            strong = hit1;
            strong = hit2;
      return strong;