All HTML files are generated from WML source. If you wish to generate/view the HTML files locally, you'll need to have wml and texi2html installed. To make the HTML files, just type "make". Quick and dirty "How To" How to create a webpage: 1. When working in a subdirectory, begin the page with: #!wml --include=.. 2. Add: #include "include/layout.wml" 3. Add <subject "page title"> this will set the page title to: "page title - GNU Project -Free Software Foundation (FSF)" 4. Write your contents. Use the following pattern: <box> <boxtitle>...section title...</boxtitle> <boxitem>...section contents...</boxitem> <boxtitle>...section title...</boxtitle> <boxitem>...section contents...</boxitem> </box> 5. To change the menu entries, edit include/layout.wml 6. Call make to build the pages. 7. Set "CLASSPATH_WEBROOT" to a directory before calling "make publish" to deploy the pages locally A few useful tags (defined in layout.wml) * <createlink name="name" url="url> creates a <a href="url">name</a> entry Some pages define their own tags (e.g. faq.wml, tools.wml, downloads.wml) to organize their content. Guide to the custom-defined tags -------------------------------- Links Description: creates a <a href="url">name</a> entry; if name is missing, uses the url as name Availability: everywhere (defined in macros.wml) Format: <createlink name="name" url="url> <createlink url="url> Commented code Description: creates a commented code example Availability: everywhere (defined in macros.wml) Format: <commented-code> <code-line code="1st code-line">comment to 1st line of code</code-line> <code-line code="2nd code-line">comment to 2nd line of code</code-line> <code-line code="3rd code-line" /> </commented-code> FAQ-Lists <faq-section name="section name"> <faq question="1st question"> 1st answer </faq> <faq question="2nd question"> 2nd answer </faq> </faq-section> <faq-section name="section name"> <faq question="1st question"> 1st answer </faq> </faq-section> Project Tables Description: Define a project in a project table Example: stories.wml Availability: everywhere (defined in macros.wml) Format: <project-list> <project name="proj name" url="proj url"> project description </project> <project name="proj name" url="proj url"> project description </project> </project-list>