// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package xml import ( "bytes" "io" "os" "reflect" "testing" ) const testInput = ` World <>'" 白鵬翔 ` var rawTokens = []Token{ CharData([]byte("\n")), ProcInst{"xml", []byte(`version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"`)}, CharData([]byte("\n")), Directive([]byte(`DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"`), ), CharData([]byte("\n")), StartElement{Name{"", "body"}, []Attr{{Name{"xmlns", "foo"}, "ns1"}, {Name{"", "xmlns"}, "ns2"}, {Name{"xmlns", "tag"}, "ns3"}}}, CharData([]byte("\n ")), StartElement{Name{"", "hello"}, []Attr{{Name{"", "lang"}, "en"}}}, CharData([]byte("World <>'\" 白鵬翔")), EndElement{Name{"", "hello"}}, CharData([]byte("\n ")), StartElement{Name{"", "goodbye"}, nil}, EndElement{Name{"", "goodbye"}}, CharData([]byte("\n ")), StartElement{Name{"", "outer"}, []Attr{{Name{"foo", "attr"}, "value"}, {Name{"xmlns", "tag"}, "ns4"}}}, CharData([]byte("\n ")), StartElement{Name{"", "inner"}, nil}, EndElement{Name{"", "inner"}}, CharData([]byte("\n ")), EndElement{Name{"", "outer"}}, CharData([]byte("\n ")), StartElement{Name{"tag", "name"}, nil}, CharData([]byte("\n ")), CharData([]byte("Some text here.")), CharData([]byte("\n ")), EndElement{Name{"tag", "name"}}, CharData([]byte("\n")), EndElement{Name{"", "body"}}, Comment([]byte(" missing final newline ")), } var cookedTokens = []Token{ CharData([]byte("\n")), ProcInst{"xml", []byte(`version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"`)}, CharData([]byte("\n")), Directive([]byte(`DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"`), ), CharData([]byte("\n")), StartElement{Name{"ns2", "body"}, []Attr{{Name{"xmlns", "foo"}, "ns1"}, {Name{"", "xmlns"}, "ns2"}, {Name{"xmlns", "tag"}, "ns3"}}}, CharData([]byte("\n ")), StartElement{Name{"ns2", "hello"}, []Attr{{Name{"", "lang"}, "en"}}}, CharData([]byte("World <>'\" 白鵬翔")), EndElement{Name{"ns2", "hello"}}, CharData([]byte("\n ")), StartElement{Name{"ns2", "goodbye"}, nil}, EndElement{Name{"ns2", "goodbye"}}, CharData([]byte("\n ")), StartElement{Name{"ns2", "outer"}, []Attr{{Name{"ns1", "attr"}, "value"}, {Name{"xmlns", "tag"}, "ns4"}}}, CharData([]byte("\n ")), StartElement{Name{"ns2", "inner"}, nil}, EndElement{Name{"ns2", "inner"}}, CharData([]byte("\n ")), EndElement{Name{"ns2", "outer"}}, CharData([]byte("\n ")), StartElement{Name{"ns3", "name"}, nil}, CharData([]byte("\n ")), CharData([]byte("Some text here.")), CharData([]byte("\n ")), EndElement{Name{"ns3", "name"}}, CharData([]byte("\n")), EndElement{Name{"ns2", "body"}}, Comment([]byte(" missing final newline ")), } var xmlInput = []string{ // unexpected EOF cases "<", "", "", "", // "", // let the Token() caller handle "", "", "", "", " c;", "", "", "", // "", // let the Token() caller handle "", "", "cdata]]>", } type stringReader struct { s string off int } func (r *stringReader) Read(b []byte) (n int, err os.Error) { if r.off >= len(r.s) { return 0, os.EOF } for r.off < len(r.s) && n < len(b) { b[n] = r.s[r.off] n++ r.off++ } return } func (r *stringReader) ReadByte() (b byte, err os.Error) { if r.off >= len(r.s) { return 0, os.EOF } b = r.s[r.off] r.off++ return } func StringReader(s string) io.Reader { return &stringReader{s, 0} } func TestRawToken(t *testing.T) { p := NewParser(StringReader(testInput)) for i, want := range rawTokens { have, err := p.RawToken() if err != nil { t.Fatalf("token %d: unexpected error: %s", i, err) } if !reflect.DeepEqual(have, want) { t.Errorf("token %d = %#v want %#v", i, have, want) } } } // Ensure that directives (specifically !DOCTYPE) include the complete // text of any nested directives, noting that < and > do not change // nesting depth if they are in single or double quotes. var nestedDirectivesInput = ` ]> ">]> ]> '>]> ]> '>]> ]> ` var nestedDirectivesTokens = []Token{ CharData([]byte("\n")), Directive([]byte(`DOCTYPE []`)), CharData([]byte("\n")), Directive([]byte(`DOCTYPE [">]`)), CharData([]byte("\n")), Directive([]byte(`DOCTYPE []`)), CharData([]byte("\n")), Directive([]byte(`DOCTYPE ['>]`)), CharData([]byte("\n")), Directive([]byte(`DOCTYPE []`)), CharData([]byte("\n")), Directive([]byte(`DOCTYPE ['>]`)), CharData([]byte("\n")), Directive([]byte(`DOCTYPE []`)), CharData([]byte("\n")), } func TestNestedDirectives(t *testing.T) { p := NewParser(StringReader(nestedDirectivesInput)) for i, want := range nestedDirectivesTokens { have, err := p.Token() if err != nil { t.Fatalf("token %d: unexpected error: %s", i, err) } if !reflect.DeepEqual(have, want) { t.Errorf("token %d = %#v want %#v", i, have, want) } } } func TestToken(t *testing.T) { p := NewParser(StringReader(testInput)) for i, want := range cookedTokens { have, err := p.Token() if err != nil { t.Fatalf("token %d: unexpected error: %s", i, err) } if !reflect.DeepEqual(have, want) { t.Errorf("token %d = %#v want %#v", i, have, want) } } } func TestSyntax(t *testing.T) { for i := range xmlInput { p := NewParser(StringReader(xmlInput[i])) var err os.Error for _, err = p.Token(); err == nil; _, err = p.Token() { } if _, ok := err.(*SyntaxError); !ok { t.Fatalf(`xmlInput "%s": expected SyntaxError not received`, xmlInput[i]) } } } type allScalars struct { True1 bool True2 bool False1 bool False2 bool Int int Int8 int8 Int16 int16 Int32 int32 Int64 int64 Uint int Uint8 uint8 Uint16 uint16 Uint32 uint32 Uint64 uint64 Uintptr uintptr Float32 float32 Float64 float64 String string } var all = allScalars{ True1: true, True2: true, False1: false, False2: false, Int: 1, Int8: -2, Int16: 3, Int32: -4, Int64: 5, Uint: 6, Uint8: 7, Uint16: 8, Uint32: 9, Uint64: 10, Uintptr: 11, Float32: 13.0, Float64: 14.0, String: "15", } const testScalarsInput = ` true 1 false 0 1 -2 3 -4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12.0 13.0 14.0 15 ` func TestAllScalars(t *testing.T) { var a allScalars buf := bytes.NewBufferString(testScalarsInput) err := Unmarshal(buf, &a) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if !reflect.DeepEqual(a, all) { t.Errorf("expected %+v got %+v", all, a) } } type item struct { Field_a string } func TestIssue569(t *testing.T) { data := `abcd` var i item buf := bytes.NewBufferString(data) err := Unmarshal(buf, &i) if err != nil || i.Field_a != "abcd" { t.Fatal("Expecting abcd") } } func TestUnquotedAttrs(t *testing.T) { data := "" p := NewParser(StringReader(data)) p.Strict = false token, err := p.Token() if _, ok := err.(*SyntaxError); ok { t.Errorf("Unexpected error: %v", err) } if token.(StartElement).Name.Local != "tag" { t.Errorf("Unexpected tag name: %v", token.(StartElement).Name.Local) } attr := token.(StartElement).Attr[0] if attr.Value != "azAZ09:-_" { t.Errorf("Unexpected attribute value: %v", attr.Value) } if attr.Name.Local != "attr" { t.Errorf("Unexpected attribute name: %v", attr.Name.Local) } } func TestCopyTokenCharData(t *testing.T) { data := []byte("same data") var tok1 Token = CharData(data) tok2 := CopyToken(tok1) if !reflect.DeepEqual(tok1, tok2) { t.Error("CopyToken(CharData) != CharData") } data[1] = 'o' if reflect.DeepEqual(tok1, tok2) { t.Error("CopyToken(CharData) uses same buffer.") } } func TestCopyTokenStartElement(t *testing.T) { elt := StartElement{Name{"", "hello"}, []Attr{{Name{"", "lang"}, "en"}}} var tok1 Token = elt tok2 := CopyToken(tok1) if !reflect.DeepEqual(tok1, tok2) { t.Error("CopyToken(StartElement) != StartElement") } elt.Attr[0] = Attr{Name{"", "lang"}, "de"} if reflect.DeepEqual(tok1, tok2) { t.Error("CopyToken(CharData) uses same buffer.") } } func TestSyntaxErrorLineNum(t *testing.T) { testInput := "



Bar\n" p := NewParser(StringReader(testInput)) var err os.Error for _, err = p.Token(); err == nil; _, err = p.Token() { } synerr, ok := err.(*SyntaxError) if !ok { t.Error("Expected SyntaxError.") } if synerr.Line != 3 { t.Error("SyntaxError didn't have correct line number.") } } func TestTrailingRawToken(t *testing.T) { input := ` ` p := NewParser(StringReader(input)) var err os.Error for _, err = p.RawToken(); err == nil; _, err = p.RawToken() { } if err != os.EOF { t.Fatalf("p.RawToken() = _, %v, want _, os.EOF", err) } } func TestTrailingToken(t *testing.T) { input := ` ` p := NewParser(StringReader(input)) var err os.Error for _, err = p.Token(); err == nil; _, err = p.Token() { } if err != os.EOF { t.Fatalf("p.Token() = _, %v, want _, os.EOF", err) } } func TestEntityInsideCDATA(t *testing.T) { input := `` p := NewParser(StringReader(input)) var err os.Error for _, err = p.Token(); err == nil; _, err = p.Token() { } if err != os.EOF { t.Fatalf("p.Token() = _, %v, want _, os.EOF", err) } } // The last three tests (respectively one for characters in attribute // names and two for character entities) pass not because of code // changed for issue 1259, but instead pass with the given messages // from other parts of xml.Parser. I provide these to note the // current behavior of situations where one might think that character // range checking would detect the error, but it does not in fact. var characterTests = []struct { in string err string }{ {"\x12", "illegal character code U+0012"}, {"\x0b", "illegal character code U+000B"}, {"\xef\xbf\xbe", "illegal character code U+FFFE"}, {"\r\n\x07", "illegal character code U+0007"}, {"what's up", "expected attribute name in element"}, {"&\x01;", "invalid character entity &;"}, {"&\xef\xbf\xbe;", "invalid character entity &;"}, } func TestDisallowedCharacters(t *testing.T) { for i, tt := range characterTests { p := NewParser(StringReader(tt.in)) var err os.Error for err == nil { _, err = p.Token() } synerr, ok := err.(*SyntaxError) if !ok { t.Fatalf("input %d p.Token() = _, %v, want _, *SyntaxError", i, err) } if synerr.Msg != tt.err { t.Fatalf("input %d synerr.Msg wrong: want '%s', got '%s'", i, tt.err, synerr.Msg) } } }