// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package json import ( "bytes" "os" "reflect" "strings" "testing" ) type T struct { X string Y int } type tx struct { x int } var txType = reflect.Typeof((*tx)(nil)).(*reflect.PtrType).Elem().(*reflect.StructType) // A type that can unmarshal itself. type unmarshaler struct { T bool } func (u *unmarshaler) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) os.Error { *u = unmarshaler{true} // All we need to see that UnmarshalJson is called. return nil } var ( um0, um1 unmarshaler // target2 of unmarshaling ump = &um1 umtrue = unmarshaler{true} ) type badTag struct { X string Y string "y" Z string "@#*%(#@" } type unmarshalTest struct { in string ptr interface{} out interface{} err os.Error } var unmarshalTests = []unmarshalTest{ // basic types {`true`, new(bool), true, nil}, {`1`, new(int), 1, nil}, {`1.2`, new(float64), 1.2, nil}, {`-5`, new(int16), int16(-5), nil}, {`"a\u1234"`, new(string), "a\u1234", nil}, {`"http:\/\/"`, new(string), "http://", nil}, {`"g-clef: \uD834\uDD1E"`, new(string), "g-clef: \U0001D11E", nil}, {`"invalid: \uD834x\uDD1E"`, new(string), "invalid: \uFFFDx\uFFFD", nil}, {"null", new(interface{}), nil, nil}, {`{"X": [1,2,3], "Y": 4}`, new(T), T{Y: 4}, &UnmarshalTypeError{"array", reflect.Typeof("")}}, {`{"x": 1}`, new(tx), tx{}, &UnmarshalFieldError{"x", txType, txType.Field(0)}}, // skip invalid tags {`{"X":"a", "y":"b", "Z":"c"}`, new(badTag), badTag{"a", "b", "c"}, nil}, // syntax errors {`{"X": "foo", "Y"}`, nil, nil, SyntaxError("invalid character '}' after object key")}, // composite tests {allValueIndent, new(All), allValue, nil}, {allValueCompact, new(All), allValue, nil}, {allValueIndent, new(*All), &allValue, nil}, {allValueCompact, new(*All), &allValue, nil}, {pallValueIndent, new(All), pallValue, nil}, {pallValueCompact, new(All), pallValue, nil}, {pallValueIndent, new(*All), &pallValue, nil}, {pallValueCompact, new(*All), &pallValue, nil}, // unmarshal interface test {`{"T":false}`, &um0, umtrue, nil}, // use "false" so test will fail if custom unmarshaler is not called {`{"T":false}`, &ump, &umtrue, nil}, } func TestMarshal(t *testing.T) { b, err := Marshal(allValue) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Marshal allValue: %v", err) } if string(b) != allValueCompact { t.Errorf("Marshal allValueCompact") diff(t, b, []byte(allValueCompact)) return } b, err = Marshal(pallValue) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Marshal pallValue: %v", err) } if string(b) != pallValueCompact { t.Errorf("Marshal pallValueCompact") diff(t, b, []byte(pallValueCompact)) return } } func TestMarshalBadUTF8(t *testing.T) { s := "hello\xffworld" b, err := Marshal(s) if err == nil { t.Fatal("Marshal bad UTF8: no error") } if len(b) != 0 { t.Fatal("Marshal returned data") } if _, ok := err.(*InvalidUTF8Error); !ok { t.Fatalf("Marshal did not return InvalidUTF8Error: %T %v", err, err) } } func TestUnmarshal(t *testing.T) { var scan scanner for i, tt := range unmarshalTests { in := []byte(tt.in) if err := checkValid(in, &scan); err != nil { if !reflect.DeepEqual(err, tt.err) { t.Errorf("#%d: checkValid: %v", i, err) continue } } if tt.ptr == nil { continue } // v = new(right-type) v := reflect.NewValue(tt.ptr).(*reflect.PtrValue) v.PointTo(reflect.MakeZero(v.Type().(*reflect.PtrType).Elem())) if err := Unmarshal([]byte(in), v.Interface()); !reflect.DeepEqual(err, tt.err) { t.Errorf("#%d: %v want %v", i, err, tt.err) continue } if !reflect.DeepEqual(v.Elem().Interface(), tt.out) { t.Errorf("#%d: mismatch\nhave: %#+v\nwant: %#+v", i, v.Elem().Interface(), tt.out) data, _ := Marshal(v.Elem().Interface()) println(string(data)) data, _ = Marshal(tt.out) println(string(data)) return continue } } } func TestUnmarshalMarshal(t *testing.T) { var v interface{} if err := Unmarshal(jsonBig, &v); err != nil { t.Fatalf("Unmarshal: %v", err) } b, err := Marshal(v) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Marshal: %v", err) } if bytes.Compare(jsonBig, b) != 0 { t.Errorf("Marshal jsonBig") diff(t, b, jsonBig) return } } func TestLargeByteSlice(t *testing.T) { s0 := make([]byte, 2000) for i := range s0 { s0[i] = byte(i) } b, err := Marshal(s0) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Marshal: %v", err) } var s1 []byte if err := Unmarshal(b, &s1); err != nil { t.Fatalf("Unmarshal: %v", err) } if bytes.Compare(s0, s1) != 0 { t.Errorf("Marshal large byte slice") diff(t, s0, s1) } } type Xint struct { X int } func TestUnmarshalInterface(t *testing.T) { var xint Xint var i interface{} = &xint if err := Unmarshal([]byte(`{"X":1}`), &i); err != nil { t.Fatalf("Unmarshal: %v", err) } if xint.X != 1 { t.Fatalf("Did not write to xint") } } func TestUnmarshalPtrPtr(t *testing.T) { var xint Xint pxint := &xint if err := Unmarshal([]byte(`{"X":1}`), &pxint); err != nil { t.Fatalf("Unmarshal: %v", err) } if xint.X != 1 { t.Fatalf("Did not write to xint") } } func TestHTMLEscape(t *testing.T) { b, err := MarshalForHTML("foobarbaz<>&quux") if err != nil { t.Fatalf("MarshalForHTML error: %v", err) } if !bytes.Equal(b, []byte(`"foobarbaz\u003c\u003e\u0026quux"`)) { t.Fatalf("Unexpected encoding of \"<>&\": %s", b) } } func noSpace(c int) int { if isSpace(c) { return -1 } return c } type All struct { Bool bool Int int Int8 int8 Int16 int16 Int32 int32 Int64 int64 Uint uint Uint8 uint8 Uint16 uint16 Uint32 uint32 Uint64 uint64 Uintptr uintptr Float32 float32 Float64 float64 Foo string "bar" PBool *bool PInt *int PInt8 *int8 PInt16 *int16 PInt32 *int32 PInt64 *int64 PUint *uint PUint8 *uint8 PUint16 *uint16 PUint32 *uint32 PUint64 *uint64 PUintptr *uintptr PFloat32 *float32 PFloat64 *float64 String string PString *string Map map[string]Small MapP map[string]*Small PMap *map[string]Small PMapP *map[string]*Small EmptyMap map[string]Small NilMap map[string]Small Slice []Small SliceP []*Small PSlice *[]Small PSliceP *[]*Small EmptySlice []Small NilSlice []Small StringSlice []string ByteSlice []byte Small Small PSmall *Small PPSmall **Small Interface interface{} PInterface *interface{} unexported int } type Small struct { Tag string } var allValue = All{ Bool: true, Int: 2, Int8: 3, Int16: 4, Int32: 5, Int64: 6, Uint: 7, Uint8: 8, Uint16: 9, Uint32: 10, Uint64: 11, Uintptr: 12, Float32: 14.1, Float64: 15.1, Foo: "foo", String: "16", Map: map[string]Small{ "17": {Tag: "tag17"}, "18": {Tag: "tag18"}, }, MapP: map[string]*Small{ "19": &Small{Tag: "tag19"}, "20": nil, }, EmptyMap: map[string]Small{}, Slice: []Small{{Tag: "tag20"}, {Tag: "tag21"}}, SliceP: []*Small{&Small{Tag: "tag22"}, nil, &Small{Tag: "tag23"}}, EmptySlice: []Small{}, StringSlice: []string{"str24", "str25", "str26"}, ByteSlice: []byte{27, 28, 29}, Small: Small{Tag: "tag30"}, PSmall: &Small{Tag: "tag31"}, Interface: 5.2, } var pallValue = All{ PBool: &allValue.Bool, PInt: &allValue.Int, PInt8: &allValue.Int8, PInt16: &allValue.Int16, PInt32: &allValue.Int32, PInt64: &allValue.Int64, PUint: &allValue.Uint, PUint8: &allValue.Uint8, PUint16: &allValue.Uint16, PUint32: &allValue.Uint32, PUint64: &allValue.Uint64, PUintptr: &allValue.Uintptr, PFloat32: &allValue.Float32, PFloat64: &allValue.Float64, PString: &allValue.String, PMap: &allValue.Map, PMapP: &allValue.MapP, PSlice: &allValue.Slice, PSliceP: &allValue.SliceP, PPSmall: &allValue.PSmall, PInterface: &allValue.Interface, } var allValueIndent = `{ "Bool": true, "Int": 2, "Int8": 3, "Int16": 4, "Int32": 5, "Int64": 6, "Uint": 7, "Uint8": 8, "Uint16": 9, "Uint32": 10, "Uint64": 11, "Uintptr": 12, "Float32": 14.1, "Float64": 15.1, "bar": "foo", "PBool": null, "PInt": null, "PInt8": null, "PInt16": null, "PInt32": null, "PInt64": null, "PUint": null, "PUint8": null, "PUint16": null, "PUint32": null, "PUint64": null, "PUintptr": null, "PFloat32": null, "PFloat64": null, "String": "16", "PString": null, "Map": { "17": { "Tag": "tag17" }, "18": { "Tag": "tag18" } }, "MapP": { "19": { "Tag": "tag19" }, "20": null }, "PMap": null, "PMapP": null, "EmptyMap": {}, "NilMap": null, "Slice": [ { "Tag": "tag20" }, { "Tag": "tag21" } ], "SliceP": [ { "Tag": "tag22" }, null, { "Tag": "tag23" } ], "PSlice": null, "PSliceP": null, "EmptySlice": [], "NilSlice": [], "StringSlice": [ "str24", "str25", "str26" ], "ByteSlice": "Gxwd", "Small": { "Tag": "tag30" }, "PSmall": { "Tag": "tag31" }, "PPSmall": null, "Interface": 5.2, "PInterface": null }` var allValueCompact = strings.Map(noSpace, allValueIndent) var pallValueIndent = `{ "Bool": false, "Int": 0, "Int8": 0, "Int16": 0, "Int32": 0, "Int64": 0, "Uint": 0, "Uint8": 0, "Uint16": 0, "Uint32": 0, "Uint64": 0, "Uintptr": 0, "Float32": 0, "Float64": 0, "bar": "", "PBool": true, "PInt": 2, "PInt8": 3, "PInt16": 4, "PInt32": 5, "PInt64": 6, "PUint": 7, "PUint8": 8, "PUint16": 9, "PUint32": 10, "PUint64": 11, "PUintptr": 12, "PFloat32": 14.1, "PFloat64": 15.1, "String": "", "PString": "16", "Map": null, "MapP": null, "PMap": { "17": { "Tag": "tag17" }, "18": { "Tag": "tag18" } }, "PMapP": { "19": { "Tag": "tag19" }, "20": null }, "EmptyMap": null, "NilMap": null, "Slice": [], "SliceP": [], "PSlice": [ { "Tag": "tag20" }, { "Tag": "tag21" } ], "PSliceP": [ { "Tag": "tag22" }, null, { "Tag": "tag23" } ], "EmptySlice": [], "NilSlice": [], "StringSlice": [], "ByteSlice": "", "Small": { "Tag": "" }, "PSmall": null, "PPSmall": { "Tag": "tag31" }, "Interface": null, "PInterface": 5.2 }` var pallValueCompact = strings.Map(noSpace, pallValueIndent)