// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

// Package goexperiment implements support for toolchain experiments.
// Toolchain experiments are controlled by the GOEXPERIMENT
// environment variable. GOEXPERIMENT is a comma-separated list of
// experiment names. GOEXPERIMENT can be set at make.bash time, which
// sets the default experiments for binaries built with the tool
// chain; or it can be set at build time. GOEXPERIMENT can also be set
// to "none", which disables any experiments that were enabled at
// make.bash time.
// Experiments are exposed to the build in the following ways:
// - Build tag goexperiment.x is set if experiment x (lower case) is
// enabled.
// - For each experiment x (in camel case), this package contains a
// boolean constant x and an integer constant xInt.
// - In runtime assembly, the macro GOEXPERIMENT_x is defined if
// experiment x (lower case) is enabled.
// In the toolchain, the set of experiments enabled for the current
// build should be accessed via objabi.Experiment.
// The set of experiments is included in the output of runtime.Version()
// and "go version <binary>" if it differs from the default experiments.
// For the set of experiments supported by the current toolchain, see
// "go doc goexperiment.Flags".
// Note that this package defines the set of experiments (in Flags)
// and records the experiments that were enabled when the package
// was compiled (as boolean and integer constants).
// Note especially that this package does not itself change behavior
// at run time based on the GOEXPERIMENT variable.
// The code used in builds to interpret the GOEXPERIMENT variable
// is in the separate package internal/buildcfg.
package goexperiment

//go:generate go run mkconsts.go

// Flags is the set of experiments that can be enabled or disabled in
// the current toolchain.
// When specified in the GOEXPERIMENT environment variable or as build
// tags, experiments use the strings.ToLower of their field name.
// For the baseline experimental configuration, see
// objabi.experimentBaseline.
// If you change this struct definition, run "go generate".
type Flags struct {
	FieldTrack        bool
	PreemptibleLoops  bool
	StaticLockRanking bool

	// Unified enables the compiler's unified IR construction
	// experiment.
	Unified bool

	// Regabi is split into several sub-experiments that can be
	// enabled individually. Not all combinations work.
	// The "regabi" GOEXPERIMENT is an alias for all "working"
	// subexperiments.

	// RegabiWrappers enables ABI wrappers for calling between
	// ABI0 and ABIInternal functions. Without this, the ABIs are
	// assumed to be identical so cross-ABI calls are direct.
	RegabiWrappers bool
	// RegabiReflect enables the register-passing paths in
	// reflection calls. This is also gated by intArgRegs in
	// reflect and runtime (which are disabled by default) so it
	// can be used in targeted tests.
	RegabiReflect bool
	// RegabiArgs enables register arguments/results in all
	// compiled Go functions.
	// Requires wrappers (to do ABI translation), and reflect (so
	// reflection calls use registers).
	RegabiArgs bool

	// PacerRedesign enables the new GC pacer in the runtime.
	// Details regarding the new pacer may be found at
	// https://golang.org/design/44167-gc-pacer-redesign
	PacerRedesign bool

	// HeapMinimum512KiB reduces the minimum heap size to 512 KiB.
	// This was originally reduced as part of PacerRedesign, but
	// has been broken out to its own experiment that is disabled
	// by default.
	HeapMinimum512KiB bool