ABI_SINGLE:=$(findstring __riscv_float_abi_single,$(shell $(gcc_compile_bare) -dM -E - </dev/null)) ABI_DOUBLE:=$(findstring __riscv_float_abi_double,$(shell $(gcc_compile_bare) -dM -E - </dev/null)) ABI_QUAD:=$(findstring __riscv_float_abi_quad,$(shell $(gcc_compile_bare) -dM -E - </dev/null)) softfp_int_modes := si di softfp_exclude_libgcc2 := n ifndef ABI_QUAD ifdef ABI_DOUBLE softfp_float_modes := tf softfp_extensions := sftf dftf softfp_truncations := tfsf tfdf # Enable divide routines to make -mno-fdiv work. softfp_extras += divsf3 divdf3 else # !ABI_DOUBLE softfp_float_modes := df tf softfp_extensions := sfdf sftf dftf softfp_truncations := dfsf tfsf tfdf ifndef ABI_SINGLE softfp_float_modes += sf else # ABI_SINGLE # Enable divide routines to make -mno-fdiv work. softfp_extras += divsf3 endif endif else # ABI_QUAD # Enable divide routines to make -mno-fdiv work. softfp_extras += divsf3 divdf3 divtf3 endif softfp_extensions += hfsf hfdf hftf softfp_truncations += tfhf dfhf sfhf softfp_extras += fixhfsi fixhfdi fixunshfsi fixunshfdi \ floatsihf floatdihf floatunsihf floatundihf