#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "../../objc-obj-c++-shared/runtime.h" /* The following header, together with the implementation included below, emulate functionality provided by the GNU runtime but not available from the NeXT runtime. */ #include "../../objc-obj-c++-shared/objc-test-suite-next-encode-assist.h" #if defined(__NEXT_RUNTIME__) && !defined(NEXT_OBJC_USE_NEW_INTERFACE) void print_ivars (Class class) { struct objc_ivar_list* ivars = class->ivars; int i; for (i = 0; i < ivars->ivar_count; i++) { struct objc_ivar *ivar = &(ivars->ivar_list[i]); printf ("ivar '%s', type '%s', offset %d\n", ivar->ivar_name, ivar->ivar_type, ivar->ivar_offset); } } void compare_structures (Class class, const char* type) { struct objc_struct_layout layout; struct objc_ivar_list* ivars = class->ivars; int i = 0; int position; objc_layout_structure (type, &layout); while (objc_layout_structure_next_member (&layout)) { struct objc_ivar *ivar; const char *ivar_type; if (i > ivars->ivar_count) { printf ("too many ivars in type %s, layout = %s\n", type, layout.type); exit (1); } ivar = &(ivars->ivar_list[i]); objc_layout_structure_get_info (&layout, &position, NULL, &ivar_type); printf ("real ivar '%s' offset %d\n", ivar->ivar_name, ivar->ivar_offset); printf ("computed type '%s' offset %d\n", ivar_type, position); if (position != ivar->ivar_offset) { printf ("offset %d and computed position %d don't match on ivar '%s'" " (i = %d)\n", ivar->ivar_offset, position, ivar->ivar_name, i); exit (1); } i++; } printf ("%d ivars checked\n", i); } #else void print_ivars (Class class) { unsigned int count, i; Ivar *list = class_copyIvarList (class, &count); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { printf ("ivar '%s', type '%s', offset %ud\n", ivar_getName (list[i]), ivar_getTypeEncoding (list[i]), (unsigned int)ivar_getOffset (list[i])); } } void compare_structures (Class class, const char* type) { struct objc_struct_layout layout; unsigned int count; Ivar *list = class_copyIvarList (class, &count); int i = 0; int position; objc_layout_structure (type, &layout); while (objc_layout_structure_next_member (&layout)) { const char *ivar_type; if (i > count) { printf ("too many ivars in type %s, layout = %s\n", type, layout.type); exit (1); } objc_layout_structure_get_info (&layout, &position, NULL, &ivar_type); printf ("real ivar '%s' offset %ud\n", ivar_getName (list[i]), (unsigned int)ivar_getOffset (list[i])); printf ("computed type '%s' offset %d\n", ivar_type, position); if ((unsigned int)position != (unsigned int)ivar_getOffset (list[i])) { printf ("offset %ud and computed position %d don't match on ivar '%s'" " (i = %d)\n", (unsigned int)ivar_getOffset (list[i]), position, ivar_getName (list[i]), i); exit (1); } i++; } printf ("%d ivars checked\n", i); } #endif int main () { struct class_vars { @defs (MyObject); }; int size1, size2; Class class = objc_getClass ("MyObject"); printf ("type = %s\n", @encode (struct class_vars)); print_ivars (class); compare_structures (class, @encode(struct class_vars)); if ((size1 = objc_sizeof_type (@encode(struct class_vars))) != (size2 = sizeof (struct class_vars))) { printf ("sizes don't match (computed %d, exact %d)\n", size1, size2); abort (); } return 0; } #include "../../objc-obj-c++-shared/objc-test-suite-next-encode-assist-impl.h"