# Copyright (C) 1988-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with GCC; see the file COPYING3.  If not see
# <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

# This file was derived from mike-g++.exp written by Mike Stump <mrs@cygnus.com>

load_lib target-utils.exp

# mike_cleanup -- remove any files that are created by the testcase
proc mike_cleanup { src_code output_file assembly_file } {
    remote_file build delete $output_file $assembly_file

# prebase -- sets up a Mike Stump (mrs@cygnus.com) style gcc test
proc prebase { } {
    global compiler_output
    global not_compiler_output
    global compiler_result
    global not_compiler_result
    global program_output
    global groups
    global run 
    global actions
    global target_regexp

    set compiler_output "^$"
    set not_compiler_output ".*Internal compiler error.*"
    set compiler_result ""
    set not_compiler_result ""
    set program_output ".*PASS.*"
    set groups {}
    set run no
    set actions assemble
    set target_regexp ".*"

# run the test
proc postbase  { src_code run groups args } {
    global verbose
    global srcdir
    global subdir
    global not_compiler_output
    global compiler_output
    global compiler_result
    global not_compiler_result
    global program_output
    global actions
    global target_regexp
    global host_triplet
    global target_triplet
    global tool
    global tmpdir
    global GCC_UNDER_TEST
    global GROUP

    if ![info exists GCC_UNDER_TEST] {
	error "No compiler specified for testing."

    if ![regexp $target_regexp $target_triplet] {
	unsupported $subdir/$src_code

    if { [llength $args] > 0 } {
	set comp_options [lindex $args 0]
    } else {
	set comp_options ""

    set fail_message $subdir/$src_code
    set pass_message $subdir/$src_code

    if [info exists GROUP] {
	if {[lsearch $groups $GROUP] == -1} {

    if [string match $run yes] {
	set actions run

    set output_file "$tmpdir/[file tail [file rootname $src_code]]"
    set assembly_file "$output_file"
    append assembly_file ".S"

    set compile_type "none"

    case $actions {
	    set compile_type "assembly"
	    set output_file $assembly_file
	    set compile_type "object"
	    append output_file ".o"
	    set compile_type "executable"
	    append output_file ".exe"
	    set compile_type "executable"
	    append output_file ".exe"
	    set run yes
	    set output_file ""
	    set compile_type "none"

    set src_file "$srcdir/$subdir/$src_code"
    set options ""
    lappend options "compiler=$GCC_UNDER_TEST"

    if { $comp_options != "" } {
	lappend options "additional_flags=$comp_options"

    set comp_output [gcc_target_compile $src_file $output_file $compile_type $options]

    set pass no

    # Delete things like "ld.so warning" messages.
    set comp_output [prune_warnings $comp_output]

    if [regexp -- $not_compiler_output $comp_output] {
	if { $verbose > 1 } {
	    send_user "\nChecking:\n$not_compiler_output\nto make sure it does not match:\n$comp_output\nbut it does.\n\n"
	} else {
	    send_log "\nCompiler output:\n$comp_output\n\n"
	fail $fail_message
	# The framework doesn't like to see any error remnants,
	# so remove them.
	uplevel {
	    if [info exists errorInfo] {
		unset errorInfo
	mike_cleanup $src_code $output_file $assembly_file

    # remove any leftover CRs.
    regsub -all -- "\r" $comp_output "" comp_output

    regsub -all "(^|\n)\[^\n\]*linker input file unused since linking not done" $comp_output "" comp_output
    regsub -all "(^|\n)\[^\n\]*file path prefix \[^\n\]* never used" $comp_output "" comp_output

    set unsupported_message [${tool}_check_unsupported_p $comp_output]
    if { $unsupported_message != "" } {
	unsupported "$subdir/$src_code: $unsupported_message"
	mike_cleanup $src_code $output_file $assembly_file

    if { $verbose > 1 } {
	send_user "\nChecking:\n$compiler_output\nto see if it matches:\n$comp_output\n"
    } else {
	send_log "\nCompiler output:\n$comp_output\n\n"
    if [regexp -- $compiler_output $comp_output] {
	if { $verbose > 1 } {
	    send_user "Yes, it matches.\n\n"
	set pass yes
	if [file exists [file rootname [file tail $src_code]].s] {
	    set fd [open [file rootname [file tail $src_code]].s r]
	    set dot_s [read $fd]
	    close $fd
	    if { $compiler_result != "" } {
		verbose "Checking .s file for $compiler_result" 2
		if [regexp -- $compiler_result $dot_s] {
		    verbose "Yes, it matches." 2
		} else {
		    verbose "Nope, doesn't match." 2
		    verbose $dot_s 4
		    set pass no
	    if { $not_compiler_result != "" } {
		verbose "Checking .s file for not $not_compiler_result" 2
		if ![regexp -- $not_compiler_result $dot_s] {
		    verbose "Nope, not found (that's good)." 2
		} else {
		    verbose "Uh oh, it was found." 2
		    verbose $dot_s 4
		    set pass no
	if [string match $run yes] {
	    set result [gcc_load $output_file]
	    set status [lindex $result 0]
	    set output [lindex $result 1]
	    if { $status == -1 } {
		mike_cleanup $src_code $output_file $assembly_file
	    if { $verbose > 1 } {
		send_user "Checking:\n$program_output\nto see if it matches:\n$output\n\n"
	    if ![regexp -- $program_output $output] {
		set pass no
		if { $verbose > 1 } {
		    send_user "Nope, does not match.\n\n"
	    } else {
		if { $verbose > 1 } {
		    send_user "Yes, it matches.\n\n"
    } else {
	if { $verbose > 1 } {
	    send_user "Nope, does not match.\n\n"

    if [string match $pass "yes"] {
	pass $pass_message
    } else {
	fail $fail_message

    # The framework doesn't like to see any error remnants,
    # so remove them.
    uplevel {
	if [info exists errorInfo] {
	    unset errorInfo

    mike_cleanup $src_code $output_file $assembly_file