# Copyright (C) 2012-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with GCC; see the file COPYING3. If not see # . # Test using the DMD testsuite. # # Convert DMD arguments to GDC equivalent # proc gdc-convert-args { args } { set out "" foreach arg [split [lindex $args 0] " "] { # List of switches kept in ASCII collated order. if [string match "-D" $arg] { upvar 1 compilable_output_file_ext compilable_output_file_ext set compilable_output_file_ext "html" lappend out "-fdoc" } elseif [string match "-H" $arg] { upvar 1 compilable_output_file_ext compilable_output_file_ext set compilable_output_file_ext "di" lappend out "-H" } elseif { [regexp -- {^-I([\w+/-]+)} $arg pattern path] } { lappend out "-I$path" } elseif { [regexp -- {^-J([\w+/-]+)} $arg pattern path] } { lappend out "-J$path" } elseif [string match "-X" $arg] { upvar 1 compilable_output_file_ext compilable_output_file_ext set compilable_output_file_ext "json" lappend out "-X" } elseif [string match "-allinst" $arg] { lappend out "-fall-instantiations" } elseif [string match "-betterC" $arg] { lappend out "-fno-druntime" } elseif { [string match "-boundscheck" $arg] || [string match "-boundscheck=on" $arg] } { lappend out "-fbounds-check" } elseif { [string match "-boundscheck=off" $arg] || [string match "-noboundscheck" $arg] } { lappend out "-fno-bounds-check" } elseif [string match "-boundscheck=safeonly" $arg] { lappend out "-fbounds-check=safeonly" } elseif [string match "-c" $arg] { lappend out "-c" } elseif [string match "-d" $arg] { lappend out "-Wno-deprecated" } elseif [string match "-de" $arg] { lappend out "-Wdeprecated" lappend out "-Werror" } elseif [string match "-debug" $arg] { lappend out "-fdebug" } elseif [regexp -- {^-debug=(\w+)} $arg pattern value] { lappend out "-fdebug=$value" } elseif [string match "-dip1000" $arg] { lappend out "-ftransition=dip1000" } elseif [string match "-dip25" $arg] { lappend out "-ftransition=dip25" } elseif [string match "-dw" $arg] { lappend out "-Wdeprecated" lappend out "-Wno-error" } elseif [string match "-fPIC" $arg] { lappend out "-fPIC" } elseif { [string match "-g" $arg] || [string match "-gc" $arg] } { lappend out "-g" } elseif [string match "-inline" $arg] { lappend out "-finline-functions" } elseif [string match "-main" $arg] { lappend out "-fmain" } elseif [regexp -- {^-mv=([\w+=./-]+)} $arg pattern value] { lappend out "-fmodule-file=$value" } elseif [string match "-O" $arg] { lappend out "-O2" } elseif [string match "-release" $arg] { lappend out "-frelease" } elseif [regexp -- {^-transition=(\w+)} $arg pattern value] { lappend out "-ftransition=$value" } elseif [string match "-unittest" $arg] { lappend out "-funittest" } elseif [string match "-verrors=spec" $arg] { lappend out "-Wspeculative" } elseif [regexp -- {^-verrors=(\d+)} $arg pattern num] { lappend out "-fmax-errors=$num" } elseif [regexp -- {^-version=(\w+)} $arg pattern value] { lappend out "-fversion=$value" } elseif [string match "-vtls" $arg] { lappend out "-ftransition=tls" } elseif [string match "-w" $arg] { lappend out "-Wall" lappend out "-Werror" } elseif [string match "-wi" $arg] { lappend out "-Wall" lappend out "-Wno-error" } else { # print "Unhandled Argument: $arg" } } return $out } proc gdc-copy-extra { base extra } { # Split base, folder/file. set type [file dirname $extra] # print "Filename: $base - $extra" set fdin [open $base/$extra r] fconfigure $fdin -encoding binary file mkdir $type set fdout [open $extra w] fconfigure $fdout -encoding binary while { [gets $fdin copy_line] >= 0 } { set out_line $copy_line puts $fdout $out_line } close $fdin close $fdout # Remove file once test is finished. upvar 2 cleanup_extra_files cleanups lappend cleanups $extra return $extra } # # Translate DMD test directives to dejagnu equivalent. # # COMPILE_SEPARATELY: Not handled. # EXECUTE_ARGS: Parameters to add to the execution of the test. # COMPILED_IMPORTS: List of modules files that are imported by the main # source file that should be included in compilation. # Currently handled the same as EXTRA_SOURCES. # DFLAGS: Overrides the DFLAGS environment variable if specified # in the test. No values are permitted; an error will be # emitted if the value is not empty. # EXTRA_SOURCES: List of extra sources to build and link along with # the test. # EXTRA_CPP_SOURCES: List of extra C++ files to build and link along with # the test. # EXTRA_FILES: List of extra files to copy for the test runs. # PERMUTE_ARGS: The set of arguments to permute in multiple compiler # invocations. An empty set means only one permutation # with no arguments. # LINK: Enables linking. # TEST_OUTPUT: The output expected from the compilation. # POST_SCRIPT: Not handled. # REQUIRED_ARGS: Arguments to add to the compiler command line. # DISABLED: Not handled. # proc gdc-convert-test { base test } { global DEFAULT_DFLAGS global PERMUTE_ARGS global GDC_EXECUTE_ARGS set PERMUTE_ARGS "" set GDC_EXECUTE_ARGS "" set extra_sources "" set extra_files "" set needs_phobos 0 set saw_test_flags 0 upvar 1 compilable_do_what compilable_do_what set compilable_output_file_ext "" # Split base, folder/file. set type [file dirname $test] set name [file tail $test] # print "Filename: $base - $test" set fdin [open $base/$test r] #fconfigure $fdin -encoding binary file mkdir $type set fdout [open $test w] #fconfigure $fdout -encoding binary while { [gets $fdin copy_line] >= 0 } { set out_line $copy_line if [regexp -- {COMPILE_SEPARATELY} $copy_line] { # COMPILE_SEPARATELY is not handled. regsub -- {COMPILE_SEPARATELY.*$} $copy_line "" out_line } elseif [regexp -- {DISABLED} $copy_line] { # DISABLED is not handled. regsub -- {DISABLED.*$} $copy_line "" out_line } elseif [regexp -- {LINK:} $copy_line] { # LINK sets dg-do-what-default "link" set compilable_do_what "link" } elseif [regexp -- {POST_SCRIPT} $copy_line] { # POST_SCRIPT is not handled regsub -- {POST_SCRIPT.*$} $copy_line "" out_line } elseif [regexp -- {DFLAGS\s*:\s*(.*)} $copy_line match args] { # DFLAGS overrides the default value of PERMUTE_ARGS. if { $args != "" } { error "gdc-convert-test: DFLAGS is not empty as expected" } set saw_test_flags 1 regsub -- {DFLAGS.*$} $copy_line "" out_line } elseif [regexp -- {PERMUTE_ARGS\s*:\s*(.*)} $copy_line match args] { # PERMUTE_ARGS is handled by gdc-do-test. set PERMUTE_ARGS [gdc-convert-args $args] set saw_test_flags 1 regsub -- {PERMUTE_ARGS.*$} $copy_line "" out_line } elseif [regexp -- {EXECUTE_ARGS\s*:\s*(.*)} $copy_line match args] { # EXECUTE_ARGS is handled by gdc_load. foreach arg $args { lappend GDC_EXECUTE_ARGS $arg } regsub -- {EXECUTE_ARGS.*$} $copy_line "" out_line } elseif [regexp -- {REQUIRED_ARGS\s*:\s*(.*)} $copy_line match args] { # Convert all listed arguments to from dmd to gdc-style. set new_option "{ dg-additional-options \"[gdc-convert-args $args]\" }" regsub -- {REQUIRED_ARGS.*$} $copy_line $new_option out_line } elseif [regexp -- {EXTRA_SOURCES\s*:\s*(.*)} $copy_line match sources] { # EXTRA_SOURCES are appended to extra_sources list foreach srcfile $sources { lappend extra_sources $srcfile } regsub -- {EXTRA_SOURCES.*$} $copy_line "" out_line } elseif [regexp -- {EXTRA_CPP_SOURCES\s*:\s*(.*)} $copy_line match sources] { # EXTRA_CPP_SOURCES are appended to extra_sources list foreach srcfile $sources { # C++ sources are found in the extra-files directory. lappend extra_sources "extra-files/$srcfile" } regsub -- {EXTRA_CPP_SOURCES.*$} $copy_line "" out_line } elseif [regexp -- {EXTRA_FILES\s*:\s*(.*)} $copy_line match files] { # EXTRA_FILES are appended to extra_files list foreach file $files { lappend extra_files $file } regsub -- {EXTRA_FILES.*$} $copy_line "" out_line } elseif [regexp -- {COMPILED_IMPORTS\s*:\s*(.*)} $copy_line match sources] { # COMPILED_IMPORTS are appended to extra_sources list foreach import $sources { lappend extra_sources $import } regsub -- {COMPILED_IMPORTS.*$} $copy_line "" out_line } elseif [regexp -- {RUNNABLE_PHOBOS_TEST} $copy_line match sources] { # RUNNABLE_PHOBOS_TEST annotates tests that import the std module. # It will need skipping if phobos is not available on the target. regsub -- {RUNNABLE_PHOBOS_TEST.*$} $copy_line "" out_line set needs_phobos 1 } elseif [regexp -- {COMPILABLE_MATH_TEST} $copy_line match sources] { # COMPILABLE_MATH_TEST annotates tests that import the std.math # module. Which will need skipping if not available on the target. regsub -- {RUNNABLE_PHOBOS_TEST.*$} $copy_line "" out_line set needs_phobos 1 } puts $fdout $out_line } # Now that all extra sources and files have been collected, copy them all # to the testsuite build directory. if { [llength $extra_sources] > 0 } { foreach srcfile $extra_sources { gdc-copy-extra $base "$type/$srcfile" } puts $fdout "// { dg-additional-sources \"$extra_sources\" }" } if { [llength $extra_files] > 0 } { foreach file $extra_files { gdc-copy-extra $base "$type/$file" } puts $fdout "// { dg-additional-files \"$extra_files\" }" } # Add specific options for test type # DMD's testsuite is extremely verbose, compiler messages from constructs # such as pragma(msg, ...) would otherwise cause tests to fail. puts $fdout "// { dg-prune-output .* }" # Compilable files are successful if an output is generated. # Fail compilable are successful if an output is not generated. # Runnable must compile, link, and return 0 to be successful by default. switch $type { runnable_cxx - runnable { if ![isnative] { puts $fdout "// { dg-final { output-exists } }" } if $needs_phobos { puts $fdout "// { dg-skip-if \"imports phobos\" { ! d_runtime_has_std_library } }" } # Run runnable tests with all default permutations if not # explicitly set in the test file. if !$saw_test_flags { set PERMUTE_ARGS $DEFAULT_DFLAGS } } compilable { puts $fdout "// { dg-final { output-exists } }" # Compilable test may require checking another kind of output file. if { $compilable_output_file_ext != "" } { # Check that file generation tests output the expected file. set genfile "[file rootname $name].$compilable_output_file_ext" puts $fdout "// { dg-final { if \[file exists $genfile\] \\{ } }" puts $fdout "// { dg-final { pass \"$test (file exists $genfile)\" } }" puts $fdout "// { dg-final { \\} else \\{ } }" puts $fdout "// { dg-final { fail \"$test (file exists $genfile)\" } }" puts $fdout "// { dg-final { \\} } }" # Cleanup extra generated files. puts $fdout "// { dg-final { file delete $genfile } }" } if $needs_phobos { puts $fdout "// { dg-skip-if \"imports phobos\" { ! d_runtime_has_std_library } }" } } fail_compilation { puts $fdout "// { dg-final { output-exists-not } }" } } close $fdin close $fdout return $test } proc gdc-permute-options { options } { set result { } set n [expr 1<<[llength $options]] for { set i 0 } { $i<$n } { incr i } { set option "" for { set j 0 } { $j<[llength $options] } { incr j } { if [expr $i & 1 << $j] { append option [lindex $options $j] append option " " } } lappend result $option } return $result } # # Main loop for running all tests for the subdirectory in gdc.test # proc gdc-do-test { testcases } { global dg-do-what-default global subdir global verbose # If a testcase doesn't have special options, use these. global DEFAULT_DFLAGS if ![info exists DEFAULT_DFLAGS] then { set DEFAULT_DFLAGS "-g -O2 -frelease" #set DEFAULT_DFLAGS "-O2" } # These are special options to use on testcase, and override DEFAULT_DFLAGS global PERMUTE_ARGS # Set if an extra option should be passed to link to shared druntime. global SHARED_OPTION # Additional arguments for gdc_load global GDC_EXECUTE_ARGS # Allow blank linkes in output for all of gdc.test. global allow_blank_lines set save_allow_blank_lines $allow_blank_lines if { !$allow_blank_lines } { set allow_blank_lines 2 } set saved-dg-do-what-default ${dg-do-what-default} # Create gdc.test link so test names include that subdir. set testdir [file dirname $subdir] catch { file link $testdir . } # Main loop. # set verbose 1 # set dg-final-code "" # Find all tests and pass to routine. foreach test $testcases { regexp -- "(.*)/(.+)/(.+)\.(.+)$" $test match base type name ext # Convert to DG test. set imports [format "-I%s/%s" $base $type] set cleanup_extra_files "" set compilable_do_what "compile" # Include $testdir prefix so test names follow DejaGnu conventions. set filename "$testdir/[gdc-convert-test $base $type/$name.$ext]" if { $type == "runnable" || $type == "runnable_cxx" } { append PERMUTE_ARGS " $SHARED_OPTION" } set options [gdc-permute-options [lsort -unique $PERMUTE_ARGS]] switch $type { runnable_cxx - runnable { for { set i 0 } { $i<[llength $options] } { incr i } { set flags [lindex $options $i] if [isnative] { set dg-do-what-default "run" } else { set dg-do-what-default "link" } gdc-dg-runtest $filename $flags $imports } } compilable { for { set i 0 } { $i<[llength $options] } { incr i } { set flags [lindex $options $i] set dg-do-what-default $compilable_do_what gdc-dg-runtest $filename $flags $imports } } fail_compilation { for { set i 0 } { $i<[llength $options] } { incr i } { set flags [lindex $options $i] set dg-do-what-default "assemble" gdc-dg-runtest $filename $flags $imports } } } # Cleanup test directory. foreach srcfile $cleanup_extra_files { file delete $srcfile } file delete $filename } set dg-do-what-default ${saved-dg-do-what-default} set allow_blank_lines $save_allow_blank_lines }