-- { dg-do compile } with System; with Unchecked_Conversion; procedure Warn5 is type Digit_Type is range 0..15; type Frequency_Type is array( 1..12) of Digit_Type; pragma Pack(Frequency_Type); type Element_Type is record F : Frequency_Type; end record; type Array_Type is array (Natural range <>) of Element_Type; type List_Type is record A : Array_Type (0..1); end record; for List_Type'Alignment use 4; type Pointer_Type is access Element_Type; function To_Ptr is new Unchecked_Conversion(System.Address, Pointer_Type); function Pointer (Pos : Natural; List : List_Type) return Pointer_Type is begin return To_Ptr(List.A(Pos)'Address); -- { dg-warning "source alignment" "" { target alpha*-*-* arm*-*-* hppa*-*-* ia64-*-* mips*-*-* riscv*-*-* sparc*-*-* } } end; begin null; end;