package test_image_p is type type1 is tagged private; type type3 is limited private; type type5 is tagged limited private; type a_type5_class is access all type5'Class; task type task_t (arg : access type3) is entry entry1; end task_t; function to_type1 (arg1 : in Integer) return type1; private type array_t is array (Positive range <>) of type1; type array_t2 is array (1 .. 3) of Boolean; type type1 is tagged record f2 : array_t2; end record; type type3 is record the_task : aliased task_t (type3'Access); the_array : array_t (1 .. 10) := (others => to_type1 (-1)); end record; type type5 is tagged limited record f3 : type3; end record; end;