! { dg-options "-fno-range-check -ffree-line-length-none -O0" } ! { dg-add-options ieee } ! { dg-skip-if "PR libfortran/59313" { hppa*-*-hpux* } } ! ! Check that simplification functions and runtime library agree on ERF, ! ERFC and ERFC_SCALED, for quadruple-precision. ! program test use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env implicit none ! QP will be the largest supported real kind, possibly real(kind=16) integer, parameter :: qp = real_kinds(ubound(real_kinds,dim=1)) real(kind=qp) :: x #define CHECK(a) \ x = a ; \ call check(erf(real(a,kind=qp)), erf(x)) ; \ call check(erfc(real(a,kind=qp)), erfc(x)) ; \ call check(erfc_scaled(real(a,kind=qp)), erfc_scaled(x)) CHECK(0.0) CHECK(0.9) CHECK(1.9) CHECK(10.) CHECK(11.) CHECK(12.) CHECK(13.) CHECK(14.) CHECK(49.) CHECK(190.) CHECK(-0.0) CHECK(-0.9) CHECK(-1.9) CHECK(-19.) CHECK(-190.) contains subroutine check (a, b) real(kind=qp), intent(in) :: a, b print *, abs(a-b) / spacing(a) if (abs(a - b) > 10 * spacing(a)) STOP 1 end subroutine end program test