Check the test directives used in GCC's testsuite by generating and running tests that use combinations of those commands or that stress the selector expressions that can be used in those directives. Each test has two parts: a file ending in "-1.c" whose expected result is encoded in the filename after "-exp-", and a file ending in "-2.c" which is always expected to pass. This test directory is normally skipped and is not meant to be run at the same time as other parts of the testsuite; it's only of interest to people who are modifying the test directives or their support in GCC's .exp files. To run these tests: CHECK_TEST_FRAMEWORK=1 make -k check RUNTESTFLAGS="test-framework.exp" To check the results: TF=${SRC}/gcc/testsuite/gcc.test-framework awk -f ${TF}/test-framework.awk gcc/testsuite/gcc.sum The awk script prints unexpected results followed by the number of tests that passed.