/* { dg-do compile } */ /* { dg-options "-fipa-ra (-mmicromips) addressing=absolute" } */ /* At -O0 and -O1, the register allocator behaves more conservatively, and the fipa-ra optimization doesnt' trigger. */ /* { dg-skip-if "" { *-*-* } { "-O0" "-O1" } } */ /* Testing -fipa-ra optimization option. */ #define ATTRIBUTE MICROMIPS #include "fuse-caller-save.h" /* Check that there are only 2 stack-saves: r31 in main and foo. */ /* Check that there only 2 sw/sd. */ /* { dg-final { scan-assembler-times "(?n)s\[wd\]\t\\\$.*,.*\\(\\\$sp\\)" 2 } } */ /* Check that the first caller-save register is unused. */ /* { dg-final { scan-assembler-not "\\\$16" } } */