/* Further tests of [*] being rejected other that in declarations, as per the consensus in DR#341 that the second example there should be invalid (but warnings because the final wording appears to allow these cases). */ /* Origin: Joseph Myers */ /* { dg-do compile } */ /* { dg-options "-std=c99 -pedantic-errors" } */ void foo11a(int x[sizeof(int *(*)[*])]); /* { dg-warning "not in a declaration" } */ void foo11b(__SIZE_TYPE__ x, int y[(__UINTPTR_TYPE__)(int (*)[*])x]); /* { dg-warning "not in a declaration" } */ void foo11c(struct s { int (*x)[*]; } *y); /* { dg-error "a member of a structure or union cannot have a variably modified type" "variably modified" } */ /* { dg-warning "'struct s' declared inside parameter list" "struct decl" { target *-*-* } 11 } */