// Copyright (C) 2020-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
// This file is part of GCC.
// GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
// Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later
// version.
// GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
// for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with GCC; see the file COPYING3. If not see
// .
#include "rust-system.h"
namespace Rust {
/* Buffered queue implementation. Items are of type T, queue source is of type
* Source. Note that this is owning of the source. */
template class buffered_queue
// Construct empty queue from Source src.
buffered_queue (Source src) : source (src), start (0), end (0), buffer () {}
/* disable copying (since source is probably non-copyable)
* TODO is this actually a good idea? If source is non-copyable, it would
* just delete the copy constructor anyway.*/
buffered_queue (const buffered_queue &other) = delete;
buffered_queue &operator= (const buffered_queue &other) = delete;
// enable moving
buffered_queue (buffered_queue &&other) = default;
buffered_queue &operator= (buffered_queue &&other) = default;
// Returns token at position start + n (i.e. n tokens ahead).
T peek (int n)
// n should not be behind
rust_assert (n >= 0);
int num_queued_items = end - start;
int num_items_required = n + 1;
// if required items go past end of queue, add them to queue
if (num_items_required > num_queued_items)
int num_items_to_read = num_items_required - num_queued_items;
/* if queue length + extra items is larger than buffer size, expand
* buffer */
if (end + num_items_to_read > (int) buffer.size ())
// Resize the buffer by 1.5x
int new_size = (buffer.size () + num_items_to_read);
new_size += (new_size >> 1);
// old method:
// create new queue buffer with new size
std::vector new_queue (new_size);
std::copy (buffer.begin () + start, buffer.begin () + end,
new_queue.begin ());
start = 0;
end = num_queued_items;
// TODO: would move be better here? optimisation for move with
// shared pointer?
// swap member buffer and new queue buffer
std::swap (buffer, new_queue);
// TODO: determine overhead of this approach vs copy. Should be
// lower.
std::vector new_queue;
new_queue.reserve (new_size);
new_queue.insert (new_queue.begin (),
std::make_move_iterator (buffer.begin () + start),
std::make_move_iterator (buffer.begin () + end));
start = 0;
end = num_queued_items;
// fill up rest of vector with junk so that indexing can work
new_queue.insert (new_queue.begin () + end,
new_size - new_queue.size (), T ());
buffer = std::move (new_queue);
/* this should be best method - std::move(range) would have
* allocation problems; initial construction would require
* reallocation upon resizing */
// validate that buffer is large enough now
rust_assert (end + num_items_to_read <= (int) buffer.size ());
/* iterate through buffer and invoke operator () on source on values
* past original end */
for (int i = 0; i < num_items_to_read; i++)
buffer[end + i] = source.next ();
// move end based on additional items added
end += num_items_to_read;
rust_assert (0 <= start);
rust_assert (start <= end);
rust_assert (end <= (int) buffer.size ());
rust_assert (start + n < end);
// return value at start + n in buffer
return buffer[start + n];
/* TODO: add faster peek current token to remove overhead of conditional
* branches? */
// Advances start by n + 1.
void skip (int n)
// Call peek to ensure requested n is actually in queue.
peek (n);
// Clear queue values from start to n (inclusive).
for (int i = 0; i < (n + 1); i++)
buffer[start + i] = T ();
// Move start forward by n + 1.
start += (n + 1);
// Ensure start is not impossible somehow
rust_assert (0 <= start);
rust_assert (start <= end);
// Compact buffer if empty
if (start == end)
start = end = 0;
/* Inserts element at front of vector. Really dirty hack with terrible
* performance, only use when really needed. */
void insert_at_front (T elem_to_insert)
// TODO: test as this may not work properly
// Insert actual element in buffer at start.
buffer.insert (buffer.begin (), elem_to_insert);
/* Increase the end number since added element means all others have shifted
* one along */
// Insert at arbitrary position (attempt)
void insert (int index, T elem_to_insert)
// TODO: test as this may not work properly
// n should not be behind
rust_assert (index >= 0);
// call peek to ensure that the items behind this (at least) are in queue
if (index >= 1)
peek (index - 1);
peek (index);
buffer.insert (buffer.begin () + start + index, std::move (elem_to_insert));
// Replaces the current value in the buffer. Total HACK.
void replace_current_value (T replacement)
// call peek to ensure value exists
peek (0);
buffer[start] = std::move (replacement);
// don't move start or end
// Source of tokens for queue.
Source source;
// Begin of range in buffer, inclusive.
int start;
// End of range in buffer, exclusive.
int end;
// Queue buffer.
std::vector buffer;
} // namespace Rust