// Copyright (C) 2020-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
// This file is part of GCC.
// GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
// Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later
// version.
// GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
// for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with GCC; see the file COPYING3. If not see
// .
#include "rust-session-manager.h"
#include "rust-diagnostics.h"
#include "rust-unsafe-checker.h"
#include "rust-lex.h"
#include "rust-parse.h"
#include "rust-macro-expand.h"
#include "rust-ast-resolve.h"
#include "rust-ast-lower.h"
#include "rust-hir-type-check.h"
#include "rust-privacy-check.h"
#include "rust-const-checker.h"
#include "rust-feature-gate.h"
#include "rust-tycheck-dump.h"
#include "rust-compile.h"
#include "rust-cfg-parser.h"
#include "rust-lint-scan-deadcode.h"
#include "rust-lint-unused-var.h"
#include "rust-hir-dump.h"
#include "rust-ast-dump.h"
#include "rust-export-metadata.h"
#include "rust-imports.h"
#include "rust-extern-crate.h"
#include "rust-attributes.h"
#include "rust-early-name-resolver.h"
#include "diagnostic.h"
#include "input.h"
#include "selftest.h"
#include "tm.h"
#include "rust-target.h"
extern bool
saw_errors (void);
extern Linemap *
rust_get_linemap ();
extern Backend *
rust_get_backend ();
namespace Rust {
const char *kLexDumpFile = "gccrs.lex.dump";
const char *kASTDumpFile = "gccrs.ast.dump";
const char *kASTPrettyDumpFile = "gccrs.ast-pretty.dump";
const char *kASTPrettyDumpFileExpanded = "gccrs.ast-pretty-expanded.dump";
const char *kASTExpandedDumpFile = "gccrs.ast-expanded.dump";
const char *kHIRDumpFile = "gccrs.hir.dump";
const char *kHIRPrettyDumpFile = "gccrs.hir-pretty.dump";
const char *kHIRTypeResolutionDumpFile = "gccrs.type-resolution.dump";
const char *kTargetOptionsDumpFile = "gccrs.target-options.dump";
const std::string kDefaultCrateName = "rust_out";
const size_t kMaxNameLength = 64;
Session &
Session::get_instance ()
static Session instance;
return instance;
static std::string
infer_crate_name (const std::string &filename)
if (filename == "-")
return kDefaultCrateName;
std::string crate = std::string (filename);
size_t path_sep = crate.find_last_of (file_separator);
// find the base filename
if (path_sep != std::string::npos)
crate.erase (0, path_sep + 1);
// find the file stem name (remove file extension)
size_t ext_position = crate.find_last_of ('.');
if (ext_position != std::string::npos)
crate.erase (ext_position);
// Replace all the '-' symbols with '_' per Rust rules
for (auto &c : crate)
if (c == '-')
c = '_';
return crate;
/* Validate the crate name using the ASCII rules
TODO: Support Unicode version of the rules */
static bool
validate_crate_name (const std::string &crate_name, Error &error)
if (crate_name.empty ())
error = Error (Location (), "crate name cannot be empty");
return false;
if (crate_name.length () > kMaxNameLength)
error = Error (Location (), "crate name cannot exceed %lu characters",
(unsigned long) kMaxNameLength);
return false;
for (auto &c : crate_name)
if (!(ISALNUM (c) || c == '_'))
error = Error (Location (),
"invalid character %<%c%> in crate name: %<%s%>", c,
crate_name.c_str ());
return false;
return true;
Session::init ()
// initialize target hooks
targetrustm.rust_cpu_info ();
targetrustm.rust_os_info ();
// target-independent values that should exist in all targets
options.target_data.insert_key_value_pair ("target_pointer_width",
std::to_string (POINTER_SIZE));
options.target_data.insert_key_value_pair ("target_endian", BYTES_BIG_ENDIAN
? "big"
: "little");
// setup singleton linemap
linemap = rust_get_linemap ();
// setup backend to GCC GIMPLE
backend = rust_get_backend ();
// setup mappings class
mappings = Analysis::Mappings::get ();
/* Initialise default options. Actually called before handle_option, unlike init
* itself. */
Session::init_options ()
// Handle option selection.
Session::handle_option (
enum opt_code code, const char *arg, HOST_WIDE_INT value ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
const struct cl_option_handlers *handlers ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
// used to store whether results of various stuff are successful
bool ret = true;
// Handles options as listed in lang.opt.
switch (code)
case OPT_I:
case OPT_L: {
// TODO: add search path
const std::string p = std::string (arg);
add_search_path (p);
case OPT_frust_crate_:
// set the crate name
if (arg != nullptr)
auto error = Error (Location (), std::string ());
if ((ret = validate_crate_name (arg, error)))
options.set_crate_name (arg);
options.crate_name_set_manually = true;
rust_assert (!error.message.empty ());
error.emit ();
ret = false;
case OPT_frust_dump_:
// enable dump and return whether this was successful
if (arg != nullptr)
ret = enable_dump (std::string (arg));
ret = false;
case OPT_frust_mangling_:
Compile::Mangler::set_mangling (flag_rust_mangling);
case OPT_frust_cfg_: {
auto string_arg = std::string (arg);
ret = handle_cfg_option (string_arg);
case OPT_frust_edition_:
options.set_edition (flag_rust_edition);
case OPT_frust_compile_until_:
options.set_compile_step (flag_rust_compile_until);
case OPT_frust_metadata_output_:
options.set_metadata_output (arg);
return ret;
Session::handle_cfg_option (std::string &input)
std::string key;
std::string value;
// Refactor this if needed
if (!parse_cfg_option (input, key, value))
rust_error_at (
Location (),
"invalid argument to %<-frust-cfg%>: Accepted formats are "
"%<-frust-cfg=key%> or %<-frust-cfg=key=\"value\"%> (quoted)");
return false;
if (value.empty ())
// rustc does not seem to error on dup key
options.target_data.insert_key (key);
options.target_data.insert_key_value_pair (key, value);
return true;
/* Enables a certain dump depending on the name passed in. Returns true if
* name is valid, false otherwise. */
Session::enable_dump (std::string arg)
if (arg.empty ())
rust_error_at (
Location (),
"dump option was not given a name. choose %, %, "
"%, %, %, %,"
" %, %, or %");
return false;
if (arg == "all")
options.enable_all_dump_options ();
else if (arg == "lex")
options.enable_dump_option (CompileOptions::LEXER_DUMP);
else if (arg == "parse")
options.enable_dump_option (CompileOptions::PARSER_AST_DUMP);
else if (arg == "ast-pretty")
options.enable_dump_option (CompileOptions::AST_DUMP_PRETTY);
else if (arg == "register_plugins")
options.enable_dump_option (CompileOptions::REGISTER_PLUGINS_DUMP);
else if (arg == "injection")
options.enable_dump_option (CompileOptions::INJECTION_DUMP);
else if (arg == "expansion")
options.enable_dump_option (CompileOptions::EXPANSION_DUMP);
else if (arg == "resolution")
options.enable_dump_option (CompileOptions::RESOLUTION_DUMP);
else if (arg == "target_options")
options.enable_dump_option (CompileOptions::TARGET_OPTION_DUMP);
else if (arg == "hir")
options.enable_dump_option (CompileOptions::HIR_DUMP);
else if (arg == "hir-pretty")
options.enable_dump_option (CompileOptions::HIR_DUMP_PRETTY);
rust_error_at (
Location (),
"dump option %qs was unrecognised. choose %, %, "
"%, %, %, %,"
" %, or %",
arg.c_str ());
return false;
return true;
/* Actual main entry point for front-end. Called from langhook to parse files.
Session::handle_input_files (int num_files, const char **files)
if (num_files != 1)
rust_fatal_error (Location (),
"only one file may be specified on the command line");
const auto &file = files[0];
if (options.crate_name.empty ())
auto filename = "-";
if (num_files > 0)
filename = files[0];
auto crate_name = infer_crate_name (filename);
rust_debug ("inferred crate name: %s", crate_name.c_str ());
// set the preliminary crate name here
// we will figure out the real crate name in `handle_crate_name`
options.set_crate_name (crate_name);
CrateNum crate_num = mappings->get_next_crate_num (options.get_crate_name ());
mappings->set_current_crate (crate_num);
rust_debug ("Attempting to parse file: %s", file);
compile_crate (file);
Session::handle_crate_name (const AST::Crate &parsed_crate)
auto mappings = Analysis::Mappings::get ();
auto crate_name_changed = false;
auto error = Error (Location (), std::string ());
for (const auto &attr : parsed_crate.inner_attrs)
if (attr.get_path () != "crate_name")
if (!attr.has_attr_input ())
rust_error_at (attr.get_locus (),
"% accepts one argument");
auto &literal
= static_cast (attr.get_attr_input ());
const auto &msg_str = literal.get_literal ().as_string ();
if (!validate_crate_name (msg_str, error))
error.locus = attr.get_locus ();
error.emit ();
auto options = Session::get_instance ().options;
if (options.crate_name_set_manually && (options.crate_name != msg_str))
rust_error_at (attr.get_locus (),
"%<-frust-crate-name%> and %<#[crate_name]%> are "
"required to match, but %qs does not match %qs",
options.crate_name.c_str (), msg_str.c_str ());
crate_name_changed = true;
options.set_crate_name (msg_str);
mappings->set_crate_name (mappings->get_current_crate (), msg_str);
options.crate_name_set_manually |= crate_name_changed;
if (!options.crate_name_set_manually
&& !validate_crate_name (options.crate_name, error))
error.emit ();
rust_inform (linemap->get_location (0),
"crate name inferred from this file");
// Parses a single file with filename filename.
Session::compile_crate (const char *filename)
if (!flag_rust_experimental
rust_fatal_error (
Location (), "%s",
"gccrs is not yet able to compile Rust code "
"properly. Most of the errors produced will be gccrs' fault and not the "
"crate you are trying to compile. Because of this, please reports issues "
"to us directly instead of opening issues on said crate's "
"repository.\n\nOur github repository: "
"https://github.com/rust-gcc/gccrs\nOur bugzilla tracker: "
"If you understand this, and understand that the binaries produced might "
"not behave accordingly, you may attempt to use gccrs in an experimental "
"manner by passing the following flag:\n\n"
"`-frust-incomplete-and-experimental-compiler-do-not-use`\n\nor by "
"defining the following environment variable (any value will "
"cargo-gccrs, this means passing\n\n"
"use\"\n\nas an environment variable.");
RAIIFile file_wrap (filename);
if (!file_wrap.ok ())
rust_error_at (Location (), "cannot open filename %s: %m", filename);
auto last_step = options.get_compile_until ();
// parse file here
/* create lexer and parser - these are file-specific and so aren't instance
* variables */
Optional dump_lex_opt = Optional::none ();
std::ofstream dump_lex_stream;
if (options.dump_option_enabled (CompileOptions::LEXER_DUMP))
dump_lex_stream.open (kLexDumpFile);
if (dump_lex_stream.fail ())
rust_error_at (Linemap::unknown_location (),
"cannot open %s:%m; ignored", kLexDumpFile);
auto stream = Optional::some (dump_lex_stream);
dump_lex_opt = std::move (stream);
Lexer lex (filename, std::move (file_wrap), linemap, dump_lex_opt);
Parser parser (lex);
// generate crate from parser
std::unique_ptr ast_crate = parser.parse_crate ();
// handle crate name
handle_crate_name (*ast_crate.get ());
// dump options except lexer dump
if (options.dump_option_enabled (CompileOptions::PARSER_AST_DUMP))
dump_ast (parser, *ast_crate.get ());
if (options.dump_option_enabled (CompileOptions::AST_DUMP_PRETTY))
dump_ast_pretty (*ast_crate.get ());
if (options.dump_option_enabled (CompileOptions::TARGET_OPTION_DUMP))
options.target_data.dump_target_options ();
if (saw_errors ())
// setup the mappings for this AST
CrateNum current_crate = mappings->get_current_crate ();
AST::Crate &parsed_crate
= mappings->insert_ast_crate (std::move (ast_crate), current_crate);
/* basic pipeline:
* - lex
* - parse
* - register plugins (dummy stage for now) - attribute injection? what is
* this? (attribute injection is injecting attributes specified in command
* line into crate root)
* - injection (some lint checks or dummy, register builtin macros, crate
* injection)
* - expansion (expands all macros, maybe build test harness, AST
* validation, maybe macro crate)
* - resolution (name resolution, type resolution, maybe feature checking,
* maybe buffered lints)
* TODO not done */
rust_debug ("\033[0;31mSUCCESSFULLY PARSED CRATE \033[0m");
// If -fsyntax-only was passed, we can just skip the remaining passes.
// Parsing errors are already emitted in `parse_crate()`
if (flag_syntax_only || last_step == CompileOptions::CompileStep::Ast)
// register plugins pipeline stage
register_plugins (parsed_crate);
rust_debug ("\033[0;31mSUCCESSFULLY REGISTERED PLUGINS \033[0m");
if (options.dump_option_enabled (CompileOptions::REGISTER_PLUGINS_DUMP))
// TODO: what do I dump here?
// injection pipeline stage
injection (parsed_crate);
rust_debug ("\033[0;31mSUCCESSFULLY FINISHED INJECTION \033[0m");
if (options.dump_option_enabled (CompileOptions::INJECTION_DUMP))
// TODO: what do I dump here? injected crate names?
if (last_step == CompileOptions::CompileStep::AttributeCheck)
Analysis::AttributeChecker ().go (parsed_crate);
if (last_step == CompileOptions::CompileStep::Expansion)
// expansion pipeline stage
expansion (parsed_crate);
rust_debug ("\033[0;31mSUCCESSFULLY FINISHED EXPANSION \033[0m");
if (options.dump_option_enabled (CompileOptions::EXPANSION_DUMP))
// dump AST with expanded stuff
dump_ast_expanded (parser, parsed_crate);
dump_ast_pretty (parsed_crate, true);
// feature gating
FeatureGate ().check (parsed_crate);
if (last_step == CompileOptions::CompileStep::NameResolution)
// resolution pipeline stage
Resolver::NameResolution::Resolve (parsed_crate);
if (options.dump_option_enabled (CompileOptions::RESOLUTION_DUMP))
// TODO: what do I dump here? resolved names? AST with resolved names?
if (saw_errors ())
if (last_step == CompileOptions::CompileStep::Lowering)
// lower AST to HIR
std::unique_ptr lowered
= HIR::ASTLowering::Resolve (parsed_crate);
if (saw_errors ())
// add the mappings to it
HIR::Crate &hir = mappings->insert_hir_crate (std::move (lowered));
if (options.dump_option_enabled (CompileOptions::HIR_DUMP))
dump_hir (hir);
if (options.dump_option_enabled (CompileOptions::HIR_DUMP_PRETTY))
dump_hir_pretty (hir);
if (last_step == CompileOptions::CompileStep::TypeCheck)
// type resolve
Resolver::TypeResolution::Resolve (hir);
if (options.dump_option_enabled (CompileOptions::TYPE_RESOLUTION_DUMP))
dump_type_resolution (hir);
if (saw_errors ())
if (last_step == CompileOptions::CompileStep::Privacy)
// Various HIR error passes. The privacy pass happens before the unsafe checks
Privacy::Resolver::resolve (hir);
if (saw_errors ())
if (last_step == CompileOptions::CompileStep::Unsafety)
HIR::UnsafeChecker ().go (hir);
if (last_step == CompileOptions::CompileStep::Const)
HIR::ConstChecker ().go (hir);
if (saw_errors ())
if (last_step == CompileOptions::CompileStep::Compilation)
// do compile to gcc generic
Compile::Context ctx (backend);
Compile::CompileCrate::Compile (hir, &ctx);
// we can't do static analysis if there are errors to worry about
if (!saw_errors ())
// lints
Analysis::ScanDeadcode::Scan (hir);
Analysis::UnusedVariables::Lint (ctx);
// metadata
bool specified_emit_metadata
= flag_rust_embed_metadata || options.metadata_output_path_set ();
if (!specified_emit_metadata)
Metadata::PublicInterface::ExportTo (
hir, Metadata::PublicInterface::expected_metadata_filename ());
if (flag_rust_embed_metadata)
Metadata::PublicInterface::Export (hir);
if (options.metadata_output_path_set ())
Metadata::PublicInterface::ExportTo (
hir, options.get_metadata_output ());
// pass to GCC middle-end
ctx.write_to_backend ();
Session::register_plugins (AST::Crate &crate ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
rust_debug ("ran register_plugins (with no body)");
// TODO: move somewhere else
contains_name (const AST::AttrVec &attrs, std::string name)
for (const auto &attr : attrs)
if (attr.get_path () == name)
return true;
return false;
Session::injection (AST::Crate &crate)
rust_debug ("started injection");
// lint checks in future maybe?
// register builtin macros
/* In rustc, builtin macros are divided into 3 categories depending on use -
* "bang" macros, "attr" macros, and "derive" macros. I think the meanings
* of these categories should be fairly obvious to anyone who has used rust.
* Builtin macro list by category: Bang
* - asm
* - assert
* - cfg
* - column
* - compile_error
* - concat_idents
* - concat
* - env
* - file
* - format_args_nl
* - format_args
* - global_asm
* - include_bytes
* - include_str
* - include
* - line
* - log_syntax
* - module_path
* - option_env
* - stringify
* - trace_macros
* Attr
* - bench
* - global_allocator
* - test
* - test_case
* Derive
* - Clone
* - Copy
* - Debug
* - Default
* - Eq
* - Hash
* - Ord
* - PartialEq
* - PartialOrd
* - RustcDecodable
* - RustcEncodable
* rustc also has a "quote" macro that is defined differently and is
* supposedly not stable so eh. */
/* TODO: actually implement injection of these macros. In particular, derive
* macros, cfg, and test should be prioritised since they seem to be used
* the most. */
// crate injection
std::vector names;
if (contains_name (crate.inner_attrs, "no_core"))
// no prelude
injected_crate_name = "";
else if (contains_name (crate.inner_attrs, "no_std"))
names.push_back ("core");
if (!contains_name (crate.inner_attrs, "compiler_builtins"))
names.push_back ("compiler_builtins");
injected_crate_name = "core";
names.push_back ("std");
injected_crate_name = "std";
// reverse iterate through names to insert crate items in "forward" order at
// beginning of crate
for (auto it = names.rbegin (); it != names.rend (); ++it)
// create "macro use" attribute for use on extern crate item to enable
// loading macros from it
AST::Attribute attr (AST::SimplePath::from_str ("macro_use", Location ()),
// create "extern crate" item with the name
std::unique_ptr extern_crate (
new AST::ExternCrate (*it, AST::Visibility::create_error (),
{std::move (attr)},
Linemap::unknown_location ()));
// insert at beginning
// crate.items.insert (crate.items.begin (), std::move (extern_crate));
// create use tree path
// prelude is injected_crate_name
// FIXME: Once we do want to include the standard library, add the prelude
// use item
// std::vector segments
// = {AST::SimplePathSegment (injected_crate_name, Location ()),
// AST::SimplePathSegment ("prelude", Location ()),
// AST::SimplePathSegment ("v1", Location ())};
// // create use tree and decl
// std::unique_ptr use_tree (
// new AST::UseTreeGlob (AST::UseTreeGlob::PATH_PREFIXED,
// AST::SimplePath (std::move (segments)), Location ()));
// AST::Attribute prelude_attr (AST::SimplePath::from_str ("prelude_import",
// Location ()),
// nullptr);
// std::unique_ptr use_decl (
// new AST::UseDeclaration (std::move (use_tree),
// AST::Visibility::create_error (),
// {std::move (prelude_attr)}, Location ()));
// crate.items.insert (crate.items.begin (), std::move (use_decl));
/* TODO: potentially add checking attribute crate type? I can't figure out
* what this does currently comment says "Unconditionally collect crate
* types from attributes to make them used", which presumably refers to
* checking the linkage info by "crate_type". It also seems to ensure that
* an invalid crate type is not specified, so maybe just do that. Valid
* crate types: bin lib dylib staticlib cdylib rlib proc-macro */
// this crate type will have options affecting the metadata ouput
rust_debug ("finished injection");
Session::expansion (AST::Crate &crate)
rust_debug ("started expansion");
/* rustc has a modification to windows PATH temporarily here, which may end
* up being required */
// create macro expansion config?
// if not, would at least have to configure recursion_limit
ExpansionCfg cfg;
auto fixed_point_reached = false;
unsigned iterations = 0;
// create extctxt? from parse session, cfg, and resolver?
/* expand by calling cxtctxt object's monotonic_expander's expand_crate
* method. */
MacroExpander expander (crate, cfg, *this);
while (!fixed_point_reached && iterations < cfg.recursion_limit)
/* We need to name resolve macros and imports here */
Resolver::EarlyNameResolver ().go (crate);
expander.expand_crate ();
fixed_point_reached = !expander.has_changed ();
expander.reset_changed_state ();
if (saw_errors ())
if (iterations == cfg.recursion_limit)
auto last_invoc = expander.get_last_invocation ();
auto last_def = expander.get_last_definition ();
rust_assert (last_def && last_invoc);
RichLocation range (last_invoc->get_locus ());
range.add_range (last_def->get_locus ());
rust_error_at (range, "reached recursion limit");
// error reporting - check unused macros, get missing fragment specifiers
// build test harness
// ast validation (also with proc macro decls)
// maybe create macro crate if not rustdoc
rust_debug ("finished expansion");
Session::dump_ast (Parser &parser, AST::Crate &crate) const
std::ofstream out;
out.open (kASTDumpFile);
if (out.fail ())
rust_error_at (Linemap::unknown_location (), "cannot open %s:%m; ignored",
parser.debug_dump_ast_output (crate, out);
out.close ();
Session::dump_ast_pretty (AST::Crate &crate, bool expanded) const
std::ofstream out;
if (expanded)
out.open (kASTPrettyDumpFileExpanded);
out.open (kASTPrettyDumpFile);
if (out.fail ())
rust_error_at (Linemap::unknown_location (), "cannot open %s:%m; ignored",
AST::Dump (out).go (crate);
out.close ();
Session::dump_ast_expanded (Parser &parser, AST::Crate &crate) const
std::ofstream out;
out.open (kASTExpandedDumpFile);
if (out.fail ())
rust_error_at (Linemap::unknown_location (), "cannot open %s:%m; ignored",
parser.debug_dump_ast_output (crate, out);
out.close ();
Session::dump_hir (HIR::Crate &crate) const
std::ofstream out;
out.open (kHIRDumpFile);
if (out.fail ())
rust_error_at (Linemap::unknown_location (), "cannot open %s:%m; ignored",
out << crate.as_string ();
out.close ();
Session::dump_hir_pretty (HIR::Crate &crate) const
std::ofstream out;
out.open (kHIRPrettyDumpFile);
if (out.fail ())
rust_error_at (Linemap::unknown_location (), "cannot open %s:%m; ignored",
HIR::Dump (out).go (crate);
out.close ();
Session::dump_type_resolution (HIR::Crate &hir) const
std::ofstream out;
out.open (kHIRTypeResolutionDumpFile);
if (out.fail ())
rust_error_at (Linemap::unknown_location (), "cannot open %s:%m; ignored",
Resolver::TypeResolverDump::go (hir, out);
out.close ();
// imports
Session::load_extern_crate (const std::string &crate_name, Location locus)
// has it already been loaded?
CrateNum found_crate_num = UNKNOWN_CREATENUM;
bool found = mappings->lookup_crate_name (crate_name, found_crate_num);
if (found)
NodeId resolved_node_id = UNKNOWN_NODEID;
bool resolved
= mappings->crate_num_to_nodeid (found_crate_num, resolved_node_id);
rust_assert (resolved);
return resolved_node_id;
std::string relative_import_path = "";
Import::Stream *s
= Import::open_package (crate_name, locus, relative_import_path);
if (s == NULL)
rust_error_at (locus, "failed to locate crate %<%s%>",
crate_name.c_str ());
Imports::ExternCrate extern_crate (*s);
bool ok = extern_crate.load (locus);
if (!ok)
rust_error_at (locus, "failed to load crate metadata");
// ensure the current vs this crate name don't collide
const std::string current_crate_name = mappings->get_current_crate_name ();
if (current_crate_name.compare (extern_crate.get_crate_name ()) == 0)
rust_error_at (locus, "current crate name %<%s%> collides with this",
current_crate_name.c_str ());
// setup mappings
CrateNum saved_crate_num = mappings->get_current_crate ();
CrateNum crate_num
= mappings->get_next_crate_num (extern_crate.get_crate_name ());
mappings->set_current_crate (crate_num);
// then lets parse this as a 2nd crate
Lexer lex (extern_crate.get_metadata ());
Parser parser (lex);
std::unique_ptr metadata_crate = parser.parse_crate ();
AST::Crate &parsed_crate
= mappings->insert_ast_crate (std::move (metadata_crate), crate_num);
// name resolve it
Resolver::NameResolution::Resolve (parsed_crate);
// perform hir lowering
std::unique_ptr lowered
= HIR::ASTLowering::Resolve (parsed_crate);
HIR::Crate &hir = mappings->insert_hir_crate (std::move (lowered));
// perform type resolution
Resolver::TypeResolution::Resolve (hir);
// always restore the crate_num
mappings->set_current_crate (saved_crate_num);
return parsed_crate.get_node_id ();
TargetOptions::dump_target_options () const
std::ofstream out;
out.open (kTargetOptionsDumpFile);
if (out.fail ())
rust_error_at (Linemap::unknown_location (), "cannot open %s:%m; ignored",
if (features.empty ())
out << "No target options available!\n";
for (const auto &pairs : features)
for (const auto &value : pairs.second)
out << pairs.first + ": \"" + value + "\"\n";
if (pairs.second.empty ())
out << pairs.first + "\n";
out.close ();
TargetOptions::init_derived_values ()
// enable derived values based on target families
if (has_key_value_pair ("target_family", "unix"))
insert_key ("unix");
if (has_key_value_pair ("target_family", "windows"))
insert_key ("windows");
// implicitly enable features - this should not be required in general
if (has_key_value_pair ("target_feature", "aes"))
enable_implicit_feature_reqs ("aes");
if (has_key_value_pair ("target_feature", "avx"))
enable_implicit_feature_reqs ("sse4.2");
if (has_key_value_pair ("target_feature", "avx2"))
enable_implicit_feature_reqs ("avx");
if (has_key_value_pair ("target_feature", "pclmulqdq"))
enable_implicit_feature_reqs ("sse2");
if (has_key_value_pair ("target_feature", "sha"))
enable_implicit_feature_reqs ("sse2");
if (has_key_value_pair ("target_feature", "sse2"))
enable_implicit_feature_reqs ("sse");
if (has_key_value_pair ("target_feature", "sse3"))
enable_implicit_feature_reqs ("sse2");
if (has_key_value_pair ("target_feature", "sse4.1"))
enable_implicit_feature_reqs ("sse3");
if (has_key_value_pair ("target_feature", "sse4.2"))
enable_implicit_feature_reqs ("sse4.1");
if (has_key_value_pair ("target_feature", "ssse3"))
enable_implicit_feature_reqs ("sse3");
TargetOptions::enable_implicit_feature_reqs (std::string feature)
if (feature == "aes")
enable_implicit_feature_reqs ("sse2");
else if (feature == "avx")
enable_implicit_feature_reqs ("sse4.2");
else if (feature == "avx2")
enable_implicit_feature_reqs ("avx");
else if (feature == "fma")
enable_implicit_feature_reqs ("avx");
else if (feature == "pclmulqdq")
enable_implicit_feature_reqs ("sse2");
else if (feature == "sha")
enable_implicit_feature_reqs ("sse2");
else if (feature == "sse2")
enable_implicit_feature_reqs ("sse");
else if (feature == "sse3")
enable_implicit_feature_reqs ("sse2");
else if (feature == "sse4.1")
enable_implicit_feature_reqs ("sse3");
else if (feature == "sse4.2")
enable_implicit_feature_reqs ("sse4.1");
else if (feature == "ssse3")
enable_implicit_feature_reqs ("sse3");
if (!has_key_value_pair ("target_feature", feature))
insert_key_value_pair ("target_feature", feature);
rust_debug ("had to implicitly enable feature '%s'!", feature.c_str ());
// NOTEs:
/* mrustc compile pipeline:
* - target load (pass target spec to parser?)
* - parse (convert source to AST)
* - load crates (load any explicitly mentioned extern crates [not all of
* them])
* - expand (AST transformations from attributes and macros, loads remaining
* extern crates [std/core and any triggered by macro expansion])
* - implicit crates (test harness, allocator crate, panic crate)
* - resolve use (annotate every 'use' item with source [supposedly handles
* nasty recursion])
* - resolve index (generate index of visible items for every module [avoids
* recursion in next pass])
* - resolve absolute (resolve all paths into either variable names
* [types/values] or absolute paths)
* - HIR lower (convert modified AST to simpler HIR [both expressions and
* module tree])
* - resolve type aliases (replace any usages of type aliases with actual
* type [except associated types])
* - resolve bind (iterate HIR tree and set binding annotations on all
* concrete types [avoids path lookups later])
* - resolve HIR markings (generate "markings" [e.g. for Copy/Send/Sync/...]
* for all types
* - sort impls (small pass - sort impls into groups)
* - resolve UFCS outer (determine source trait for all top-level ::Type
* [qualified] paths)
* - resolve UFCS paths (do the same, but include for exprs this time. also
* normalises results of previous pass [expanding known associated types])
* - constant evaluate (evaluate all constants)
* - typecheck outer (checks impls are sane)
* - typecheck expressions (resolve and check types for all exprs)
* - expand HIR annotate (annotate how exprs are used - used for closure
* extractions and reborrows)
* - expand HIR closures (extract closures into structs implementing Fn*
* traits)
* - expand HIR vtables (generate vtables for types with dyn dispatch)
* - expand HIR calls (converts method and callable calls into explicit
* function calls)
* - expand HIR reborrows (apply reborrow rules [taking '&mut *v' instead of
* 'v'])
* - expand HIR erasedtype (replace all erased types 'impl Trait' with the
* true type)
* - typecheck expressions (validate - double check that previous passes
* haven't broke type system rules)
* - lower MIR (convert HIR exprs into a control-flow graph [MIR])
* - MIR validate (check that the generated MIR is consistent)
* - MIR cleanup (perform various transformations on MIR - replace reads of
* const items with the item itself; convert casts to unsized types into
* 'MakeDst' operations)
* - MIR optimise (perform various simple optimisations on the MIR - constant
* propagation, dead code elimination, borrow elimination, some inlining)
* - MIR validate PO (re-validate the MIR)
* - MIR validate full (optionally: perform expensive state-tracking
* validation on MIR)
* - trans enumerate (enumerate all items needed for code generation,
* primarily types used for generics)
* - trans auto impls (create magic trait impls as enumerated in previous
* pass)
* - trans monomorph (generate monomorphised copies of all functions [with
* generics replaced with real types])
* - MIR optimise inline (run optimisation again, this time with full type
* info [primarily for inlining])
* - HIR serialise (write out HIR dump [module tree and generic/inline MIR])
* - trans codegen (generate final output file: emit C source file and call C
* compiler) */
/* rustc compile pipeline (basic, in way less detail):
* - parse input (parse .rs to AST)
* - name resolution, macro expansion, and configuration (process AST
* recursively, resolving paths, expanding macros, processing #[cfg] nodes
* [i.e. maybe stripping stuff from AST])
* - lower to HIR
* - type check and other analyses (e.g. privacy checking)
* - lower to MIR and post-processing (and do stuff like borrow checking)
* - translation to LLVM IR and LLVM optimisations (produce the .o files)
* - linking (link together .o files) */
/* Pierced-together rustc compile pipeline (from source):
* - parse input (parse file to crate)
* - register plugins (attributes injection, set various options, register
* lints, load plugins)
* - expansion/configure and expand (initial 'cfg' processing, 'loading
* compiler plugins', syntax expansion, secondary 'cfg' expansion, synthesis
* of a test harness if required, injection of any std lib dependency and
* prelude, and name resolution) - actually documented inline
* - seeming pierced-together order: pre-AST expansion lint checks,
* registering builtin macros, crate injection, then expand all macros, then
* maybe build test harness, AST validation, maybe create a macro crate (if
* not rustdoc), name resolution, complete gated feature checking, add all
* buffered lints
* - create global context (lower to HIR)
* - analysis on global context (HIR optimisations? create MIR?)
* - code generation
* - link */
} // namespace Rust
namespace selftest {
rust_crate_name_validation_test (void)
auto error = Rust::Error (Location (), std::string ());
ASSERT_TRUE (Rust::validate_crate_name ("example", error));
ASSERT_TRUE (Rust::validate_crate_name ("abcdefg_1234", error));
ASSERT_TRUE (Rust::validate_crate_name ("1", error));
// FIXME: The next test does not pass as of current implementation
// ASSERT_TRUE (Rust::CompileOptions::validate_crate_name ("惊吓"));
// NOTE: - is not allowed in the crate name ...
ASSERT_FALSE (Rust::validate_crate_name ("abcdefg-1234", error));
ASSERT_FALSE (Rust::validate_crate_name ("a+b", error));
ASSERT_FALSE (Rust::validate_crate_name ("/a+b/", error));
/* Tests for crate name inference */
ASSERT_EQ (Rust::infer_crate_name ("c.rs"), "c");
// NOTE: ... but - is allowed when in the filename
ASSERT_EQ (Rust::infer_crate_name ("a-b.rs"), "a_b");
ASSERT_EQ (Rust::infer_crate_name ("book.rs.txt"), "book.rs");
ASSERT_EQ (Rust::infer_crate_name ("a\\c\\a-b.rs"), "a_b");
ASSERT_EQ (Rust::infer_crate_name ("a/c/a-b.rs"), "a_b");
} // namespace selftest
#endif // CHECKING_P