// Copyright (C) 2020-2024 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
// This file is part of GCC.
// GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
// Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later
// version.
// GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
// for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with GCC; see the file COPYING3. If not see
// .
#include "rust-toplevel-name-resolver-2.0.h"
#include "optional.h"
#include "rust-ast-full.h"
#include "rust-hir-map.h"
#include "rust-attribute-values.h"
namespace Rust {
namespace Resolver2_0 {
TopLevel::TopLevel (NameResolutionContext &resolver)
: DefaultResolver (resolver)
TopLevel::insert_or_error_out (const Identifier &identifier, const T &node,
Namespace ns)
insert_or_error_out (identifier, node.get_locus (), node.get_node_id (), ns);
TopLevel::insert_or_error_out (const Identifier &identifier,
const location_t &locus, const NodeId &node_id,
Namespace ns)
// keep track of each node's location to provide useful errors
node_locations.emplace (node_id, locus);
auto result = ctx.insert (identifier, node_id, ns);
if (!result)
// can we do something like check if the node id is the same? if it is the
// same, it's not an error, just the resolver running multiple times?
rich_location rich_loc (line_table, locus);
rich_loc.add_range (node_locations[result.error ().existing]);
rust_error_at (rich_loc, ErrorCode::E0428, "%qs defined multiple times",
identifier.as_string ().c_str ());
TopLevel::go (AST::Crate &crate)
// we do not include builtin types in the top-level definition collector, as
// they are not used until `Late`. furthermore, we run this visitor multiple
// times in a row in a fixed-point fashion, so it would make the code
// responsible for this ugly and perfom a lot of error checking.
for (auto &item : crate.items)
item->accept_vis (*this);
TopLevel::visit (AST::Module &module)
// FIXME: Do we need to insert the module in the type namespace?
auto sub_visitor = [this, &module] () {
for (auto &item : module.get_items ())
item->accept_vis (*this);
ctx.scoped (Rib::Kind::Module, module.get_node_id (), sub_visitor,
module.get_name ());
static void
insert_macros (std::vector ¯os, NameResolutionContext &ctx)
for (auto ¯o : macros)
auto res = ctx.macros.insert (macro.get_name (), macro.get_node_id ());
if (!res)
rust_error_at (UNKNOWN_LOCATION, ErrorCode::E0428,
"macro %qs defined multiple times",
macro.get_name ().c_str ());
TopLevel::visit (AST::ExternCrate &crate)
CrateNum num;
rust_assert (Analysis::Mappings::get ()->lookup_crate_name (
crate.get_referenced_crate (), num));
auto attribute_macros
= Analysis::Mappings::get ()->lookup_attribute_proc_macros (num);
auto bang_macros = Analysis::Mappings::get ()->lookup_bang_proc_macros (num);
auto derive_macros
= Analysis::Mappings::get ()->lookup_derive_proc_macros (num);
auto sub_visitor = [&] () {
// TODO: Find a way to keep this part clean without the double dispatch.
if (derive_macros.has_value ())
insert_macros (derive_macros.value (), ctx);
for (auto ¯o : derive_macros.value ())
Analysis::Mappings::get ()->insert_derive_proc_macro_def (macro);
if (attribute_macros.has_value ())
insert_macros (attribute_macros.value (), ctx);
for (auto ¯o : attribute_macros.value ())
Analysis::Mappings::get ()->insert_attribute_proc_macro_def (macro);
if (bang_macros.has_value ())
insert_macros (bang_macros.value (), ctx);
for (auto ¯o : bang_macros.value ())
Analysis::Mappings::get ()->insert_bang_proc_macro_def (macro);
if (crate.has_as_clause ())
ctx.scoped (Rib::Kind::Module, crate.get_node_id (), sub_visitor,
crate.get_as_clause ());
ctx.scoped (Rib::Kind::Module, crate.get_node_id (), sub_visitor,
crate.get_referenced_crate ());
static bool
is_macro_export (AST::MacroRulesDefinition &def)
for (const auto &attr : def.get_outer_attrs ())
if (attr.get_path ().as_string () == Values::Attributes::MACRO_EXPORT)
return true;
return false;
TopLevel::visit (AST::MacroRulesDefinition ¯o)
// we do not insert macros in the current rib as that needs to be done in the
// textual scope of the Early pass. we only insert them in the root of the
// crate if they are marked with #[macro_export]. The execption to this is
// macros 2.0, which get resolved and inserted like regular items.
if (is_macro_export (macro))
auto res = ctx.macros.insert_at_root (macro.get_rule_name (),
macro.get_node_id ());
if (!res)
// TODO: Factor this
rich_location rich_loc (line_table, macro.get_locus ());
rich_loc.add_range (node_locations[res.error ().existing]);
rust_error_at (rich_loc, ErrorCode::E0428,
"macro %qs defined multiple times",
macro.get_rule_name ().as_string ().c_str ());
if (macro.get_kind () == AST::MacroRulesDefinition::MacroKind::DeclMacro)
insert_or_error_out (macro.get_rule_name (), macro, Namespace::Macros);
auto mappings = Analysis::Mappings::get ();
AST::MacroRulesDefinition *tmp = nullptr;
if (mappings->lookup_macro_def (macro.get_node_id (), &tmp))
mappings->insert_macro_def (¯o);
TopLevel::visit (AST::Function &function)
insert_or_error_out (function.get_function_name (), function,
DefaultResolver::visit (function);
TopLevel::visit (AST::BlockExpr &expr)
// extracting the lambda from the `scoped` call otherwise the code looks like
// a hot turd thanks to our .clang-format
auto sub_vis = [this, &expr] () {
for (auto &stmt : expr.get_statements ())
stmt->accept_vis (*this);
if (expr.has_tail_expr ())
expr.get_tail_expr ()->accept_vis (*this);
ctx.scoped (Rib::Kind::Normal, expr.get_node_id (), sub_vis);
TopLevel::visit (AST::StaticItem &static_item)
auto sub_vis
= [this, &static_item] () { static_item.get_expr ()->accept_vis (*this); };
ctx.scoped (Rib::Kind::Item, static_item.get_node_id (), sub_vis);
TopLevel::visit (AST::StructStruct &struct_item)
insert_or_error_out (struct_item.get_struct_name (), struct_item,
// Do we need to insert the constructor in the value namespace as well?
// Do we need to do anything if the struct is a unit struct?
if (struct_item.is_unit_struct ())
insert_or_error_out (struct_item.get_struct_name (), struct_item,
TopLevel::visit (AST::TupleStruct &tuple_struct)
insert_or_error_out (tuple_struct.get_struct_name (), tuple_struct,
TopLevel::visit (AST::EnumItem &variant)
insert_or_error_out (variant.get_identifier (), variant, Namespace::Types);
TopLevel::visit (AST::EnumItemTuple &variant)
insert_or_error_out (variant.get_identifier (), variant, Namespace::Types);
TopLevel::visit (AST::EnumItemStruct &variant)
insert_or_error_out (variant.get_identifier (), variant, Namespace::Types);
TopLevel::visit (AST::EnumItemDiscriminant &variant)
insert_or_error_out (variant.get_identifier (), variant, Namespace::Types);
TopLevel::visit (AST::Enum &enum_item)
insert_or_error_out (enum_item.get_identifier (), enum_item,
auto field_vis = [this, &enum_item] () {
for (auto &variant : enum_item.get_variants ())
variant->accept_vis (*this);
ctx.scoped (Rib::Kind::Item /* FIXME: Is that correct? */,
enum_item.get_node_id (), field_vis, enum_item.get_identifier ());
TopLevel::visit (AST::Union &union_item)
insert_or_error_out (union_item.get_identifier (), union_item,
TopLevel::visit (AST::ConstantItem &const_item)
auto expr_vis
= [this, &const_item] () { const_item.get_expr ()->accept_vis (*this); };
ctx.scoped (Rib::Kind::ConstantItem, const_item.get_node_id (), expr_vis);
TopLevel::handle_use_dec (AST::SimplePath path)
// TODO: Glob imports can get shadowed by regular imports and regular items.
// So we need to store them in a specific way in the ForeverStack - which can
// also probably be used by labels and macros etc. Like store it as a
// `Shadowable(NodeId)` instead of just a `NodeId`
auto locus = path.get_final_segment ().get_locus ();
auto declared_name = path.get_final_segment ().as_string ();
// in what namespace do we perform path resolution? All of them? see which one
// matches? Error out on ambiguities?
// so, apparently, for each one that matches, add it to the proper namespace
// :(
auto found = false;
auto resolve_and_insert = [this, &found, &declared_name,
locus] (Namespace ns,
const AST::SimplePath &path) {
tl::optional resolved = tl::nullopt;
// FIXME: resolve_path needs to return an `expected` so
// that we can improve it with hints or location or w/ever. and maybe
// only emit it the first time.
switch (ns)
case Namespace::Values:
resolved = ctx.values.resolve_path (path.get_segments ());
case Namespace::Types:
resolved = ctx.types.resolve_path (path.get_segments ());
case Namespace::Macros:
resolved = ctx.macros.resolve_path (path.get_segments ());
case Namespace::Labels:
// TODO: Is that okay?
rust_unreachable ();
// FIXME: Ugly
(void) resolved.map ([this, &found, &declared_name, locus, ns] (NodeId id) {
found = true;
// what do we do with the id?
insert_or_error_out (declared_name, locus, id, ns);
return id;
// do this for all namespaces (even Labels?)
resolve_and_insert (Namespace::Values, path);
resolve_and_insert (Namespace::Types, path);
resolve_and_insert (Namespace::Macros, path);
// TODO: No labels? No, right?
return found;
static void
flatten_rebind (const AST::UseTreeRebind &glob,
std::vector &paths);
static void
flatten_list (const AST::UseTreeList &glob,
std::vector &paths);
static void
flatten_glob (const AST::UseTreeGlob &glob,
std::vector &paths);
static void
flatten (const AST::UseTree *tree, std::vector &paths)
switch (tree->get_kind ())
case AST::UseTree::Rebind: {
auto rebind = static_cast (tree);
flatten_rebind (*rebind, paths);
case AST::UseTree::List: {
auto list = static_cast (tree);
flatten_list (*list, paths);
case AST::UseTree::Glob: {
rust_sorry_at (tree->get_locus (), "cannot resolve glob imports yet");
auto glob = static_cast (tree);
flatten_glob (*glob, paths);
static void
flatten_rebind (const AST::UseTreeRebind &rebind,
std::vector &paths)
auto path = rebind.get_path ();
// FIXME: Do we want to emplace the rebind here as well?
if (rebind.has_identifier ())
auto rebind_path = path;
auto new_seg = rebind.get_identifier ();
// Add the identifier as a new path
rebind_path.get_segments ().back ()
= AST::SimplePathSegment (new_seg.as_string (), UNDEF_LOCATION);
paths.emplace_back (rebind_path);
paths.emplace_back (path);
static void
flatten_list (const AST::UseTreeList &list, std::vector &paths)
auto prefix = AST::SimplePath::create_empty ();
if (list.has_path ())
prefix = list.get_path ();
for (const auto &tree : list.get_trees ())
auto sub_paths = std::vector ();
flatten (tree.get (), sub_paths);
for (auto &sub_path : sub_paths)
auto new_path = prefix;
std::copy (sub_path.get_segments ().begin (),
sub_path.get_segments ().end (),
std::back_inserter (new_path.get_segments ()));
paths.emplace_back (new_path);
static void
flatten_glob (const AST::UseTreeGlob &glob, std::vector &paths)
if (glob.has_path ())
paths.emplace_back (glob.get_path ());
TopLevel::visit (AST::UseDeclaration &use)
auto paths = std::vector ();
// FIXME: How do we handle `use foo::{self}` imports? Some beforehand cleanup?
// How do we handle module imports in general? Should they get added to all
// namespaces?
const auto &tree = use.get_tree ();
flatten (tree.get (), paths);
for (auto &path : paths)
if (!handle_use_dec (path))
rust_error_at (path.get_final_segment ().get_locus (), ErrorCode::E0433,
"could not resolve import %qs",
path.as_string ().c_str ());
} // namespace Resolver2_0
} // namespace Rust