// Copyright (C) 2020-2024 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
// This file is part of GCC.
// GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
// Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later
// version.
// GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
// for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with GCC; see the file COPYING3. If not see
// .
#include "rust-ast-resolve-pattern.h"
#include "rust-ast-resolve-path.h"
namespace Rust {
namespace Resolver {
PatternDeclaration::go (AST::Pattern *pattern, Rib::ItemType type)
std::vector bindings
= {PatternBinding (PatternBoundCtx::Product, std::set ())};
PatternDeclaration::go (pattern, type, bindings);
PatternDeclaration::go (AST::Pattern *pattern, Rib::ItemType type,
std::vector &bindings)
PatternDeclaration resolver (bindings, type);
pattern->accept_vis (resolver);
for (auto &map_entry : resolver.missing_bindings)
auto ident = map_entry.first; // key
auto info = map_entry.second; // value
rust_error_at (info.get_locus (), ErrorCode::E0408,
"variable '%s' is not bound in all patterns",
ident.as_string ().c_str ());
for (auto &map_entry : resolver.inconsistent_bindings)
auto ident = map_entry.first; // key
auto info = map_entry.second; // value
rust_error_at (
info.get_locus (), ErrorCode::E0409,
"variable '%s' is bound inconsistently across pattern alternatives",
ident.as_string ().c_str ());
PatternDeclaration::visit (AST::IdentifierPattern &pattern)
Mutability mut = pattern.get_is_mut () ? Mutability::Mut : Mutability::Imm;
add_new_binding (pattern.get_ident (), pattern.get_node_id (),
BindingTypeInfo (mut, pattern.get_is_ref (),
pattern.get_locus ()));
PatternDeclaration::visit (AST::GroupedPattern &pattern)
pattern.get_pattern_in_parens ()->accept_vis (*this);
PatternDeclaration::visit (AST::ReferencePattern &pattern)
pattern.get_referenced_pattern ()->accept_vis (*this);
PatternDeclaration::visit (AST::PathInExpression &pattern)
ResolvePath::go (&pattern);
PatternDeclaration::visit (AST::TupleStructPattern &pattern)
ResolvePath::go (&pattern.get_path ());
std::unique_ptr &items = pattern.get_items ();
switch (items->get_item_type ())
case AST::TupleStructItems::RANGE: {
rust_unreachable ();
case AST::TupleStructItems::NO_RANGE: {
AST::TupleStructItemsNoRange &items_no_range
= static_cast (*items.get ());
for (auto &inner_pattern : items_no_range.get_patterns ())
inner_pattern.get ()->accept_vis (*this);
PatternDeclaration::visit (AST::StructPattern &pattern)
ResolvePath::go (&pattern.get_path ());
auto &struct_pattern_elems = pattern.get_struct_pattern_elems ();
for (auto &field : struct_pattern_elems.get_struct_pattern_fields ())
switch (field->get_item_type ())
case AST::StructPatternField::ItemType::TUPLE_PAT: {
AST::StructPatternFieldTuplePat &tuple
= static_cast (*field);
tuple.get_index_pattern ()->accept_vis (*this);
case AST::StructPatternField::ItemType::IDENT_PAT: {
AST::StructPatternFieldIdentPat &ident
= static_cast (*field);
ident.get_ident_pattern ()->accept_vis (*this);
case AST::StructPatternField::ItemType::IDENT: {
AST::StructPatternFieldIdent &ident
= static_cast (*field.get ());
Mutability mut
= ident.is_mut () ? Mutability::Mut : Mutability::Imm;
add_new_binding (ident.get_identifier (), ident.get_node_id (),
BindingTypeInfo (mut, ident.is_ref (),
ident.get_locus ()));
PatternDeclaration::visit (AST::TuplePattern &pattern)
std::unique_ptr &items = pattern.get_items ();
switch (items->get_pattern_type ())
case AST::TuplePatternItems::TuplePatternItemType::MULTIPLE: {
AST::TuplePatternItemsMultiple &ref
= *static_cast (
pattern.get_items ().get ());
for (auto &p : ref.get_patterns ())
p->accept_vis (*this);
case AST::TuplePatternItems::TuplePatternItemType::RANGED: {
AST::TuplePatternItemsRanged &ref
= *static_cast (
pattern.get_items ().get ());
for (auto &p : ref.get_lower_patterns ())
p->accept_vis (*this);
for (auto &p : ref.get_upper_patterns ())
p->accept_vis (*this);
PatternDeclaration::visit (AST::AltPattern &pattern)
// push a new set of 'Or' bindings to the stack. Accounts for the
// alternatives. e.g. in `p_0 | p_1`, bindings to the same identifier between
// p_0 and p_1 shouldn't cause an error.
bindings_with_ctx.push_back (
PatternBinding (PatternBoundCtx::Or, std::set ()));
// This is a hack to avoid creating a separate visitor class for the
// consistency checks. We empty out the binding_info_map before each iteration
// to separate between the alts' binding_maps. And right after the alt
// visit...
auto tmp_binding_map = binding_info_map;
binding_info_map.clear ();
std::vector alts_binding_maps;
for (auto &alt : pattern.get_alts ())
// before this visit, the binding_info_map is guaranteed to be empty
rust_assert (binding_info_map.empty ());
// push a new `Product` context to correctly reject multiple bindings
// within this single alt.
bindings_with_ctx.push_back (
PatternBinding (PatternBoundCtx::Product, std::set ()));
alt->accept_vis (*this);
// ...the binding_info_map is (potentially) populated. We copy it to the
// vector, and empty it out to be ready for the next iteration. And after
// all the iterations are finished...
alts_binding_maps.push_back (binding_info_map);
binding_info_map.clear ();
// Remove the last (i.e. `Product`) context and add the bindings from the
// visited alt to the one before last (i.e. `Or`). Now (after checking
// with the alt internally), the bindings from this alt will reside in the
// `Or` context.
auto last_bound_idents = bindings_with_ctx.back ().idents;
bindings_with_ctx.pop_back ();
for (auto &ident : last_bound_idents)
bindings_with_ctx.back ().idents.insert (ident);
// Now we can finally check for consistency.
check_bindings_consistency (alts_binding_maps);
// Now we remove the `Or` context we pushed earlier.
// e.g. in `(a, (p_0 | p_1), c)`: after finishing up inside the alt pattern,
// we return to the tuple (`Product`) context and push the new bindings.
auto idents = bindings_with_ctx.back ().idents;
bindings_with_ctx.pop_back ();
for (auto &ident : idents)
bindings_with_ctx.back ().idents.insert (ident.as_string ());
// ...we repopulate the binding_info_map correctly (the initial bindings
// stored in the tmp_binding_map + all the bindings from all the alts)
binding_info_map = tmp_binding_map;
for (auto &alt_map : alts_binding_maps)
for (auto &map_entry : alt_map)
binding_info_map.insert (map_entry);
PatternDeclaration::add_new_binding (Identifier ident, NodeId node_id,
BindingTypeInfo info)
bool has_binding_ctx = bindings_with_ctx.size () > 0;
rust_assert (has_binding_ctx);
bool identifier_or_bound = false, identifier_product_bound = false;
for (auto binding : bindings_with_ctx)
bool identifier_bound_here
= (binding.idents.find (ident) != binding.idents.end ());
if (identifier_bound_here)
identifier_product_bound |= binding.ctx == PatternBoundCtx::Product;
identifier_or_bound |= binding.ctx == PatternBoundCtx::Or;
if (identifier_product_bound)
if (type == Rib::ItemType::Param)
rust_error_at (info.get_locus (), ErrorCode::E0415,
"identifier '%s' is bound more than once in the "
"same parameter list",
ident.as_string ().c_str ());
rust_error_at (
info.get_locus (), ErrorCode::E0416,
"identifier '%s' is bound more than once in the same pattern",
ident.as_string ().c_str ());
if (!identifier_or_bound)
bindings_with_ctx.back ().idents.insert (ident);
resolver->get_name_scope ().insert (
CanonicalPath::new_seg (node_id, ident.as_string ()), node_id,
info.get_locus (), type);
binding_info_map.insert ({ident, info});
// Verifies that all the alts in an AltPattern have the same set of bindings
// with the same mutability and reference states.
PatternDeclaration::check_bindings_consistency (
std::vector &binding_maps)
for (size_t i = 0; i < binding_maps.size (); i++)
auto &outer_bindings_map = binding_maps[i];
for (size_t j = 0; j < binding_maps.size (); j++)
// skip comparing the current outer map with itself.
if (j == i)
auto &inner_bindings_map = binding_maps[j];
// iterate over the inner map entries and check if they exist in outer
// map
for (auto map_entry : inner_bindings_map)
auto ident = map_entry.first; // key
auto inner_info = map_entry.second; // value
bool ident_is_outer_bound = outer_bindings_map.count (ident);
if (!ident_is_outer_bound && !missing_bindings.count (ident))
missing_bindings.insert ({ident, inner_info});
else if (outer_bindings_map[ident] != inner_info
&& !inconsistent_bindings.count (ident))
inconsistent_bindings.insert ({ident, inner_info});
static void
resolve_range_pattern_bound (AST::RangePatternBound *bound)
switch (bound->get_bound_type ())
case AST::RangePatternBound::RangePatternBoundType::LITERAL:
// Nothing to resolve for a literal.
case AST::RangePatternBound::RangePatternBoundType::PATH: {
AST::RangePatternBoundPath &ref
= *static_cast (bound);
ResolvePath::go (&ref.get_path ());
case AST::RangePatternBound::RangePatternBoundType::QUALPATH: {
AST::RangePatternBoundQualPath &ref
= *static_cast (bound);
ResolvePath::go (&ref.get_qualified_path ());
PatternDeclaration::visit (AST::RangePattern &pattern)
resolve_range_pattern_bound (pattern.get_upper_bound ().get ());
resolve_range_pattern_bound (pattern.get_lower_bound ().get ());
PatternDeclaration::visit (AST::SlicePattern &pattern)
for (auto &p : pattern.get_items ())
p->accept_vis (*this);
} // namespace Resolver
} // namespace Rust