// Copyright (C) 2020-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
// This file is part of GCC.
// GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
// Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later
// version.
// GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
// for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with GCC; see the file COPYING3. If not see
// .
#include "rust-system.h"
#include "rust-diagnostics.h"
#include "rust-imports.h"
#include "rust-object-export.h"
#include "rust-export-metadata.h"
#ifndef O_BINARY
#define O_BINARY 0
namespace Rust {
// The list of paths we search for import files.
static std::vector search_path;
// Add a directory to the search path. This is called from the option
// handling language hook.
add_search_path (const std::string &path)
search_path.push_back (path);
// Find import data. This searches the file system for FILENAME and
// returns a pointer to a Stream object to read the data that it
// exports. If the file is not found, it returns NULL.
// When FILENAME is not an absolute path and does not start with ./ or
// ../, we use the search path provided by -I and -L options.
// When FILENAME does start with ./ or ../, we use
// RELATIVE_IMPORT_PATH as a prefix.
// When FILENAME does not exist, we try modifying FILENAME to find the
// file. We use the first of these which exists:
// * We append ".gox".
// * We turn the base of FILENAME into libFILENAME.so.
// * We turn the base of FILENAME into libFILENAME.a.
// * We append ".o".
// When using a search path, we apply each of these transformations at
// each entry on the search path before moving on to the next entry.
// If the file exists, but does not contain any Go export data, we
// stop; we do not keep looking for another file with the same name
// later in the search path.
Import::Stream *
Import::open_package (const std::string &filename, Location location,
const std::string &relative_import_path)
bool is_local;
if (IS_ABSOLUTE_PATH (filename))
is_local = true;
else if (filename[0] == '.'
&& (filename[1] == '\0' || IS_DIR_SEPARATOR (filename[1])))
is_local = true;
else if (filename[0] == '.' && filename[1] == '.'
&& (filename[2] == '\0' || IS_DIR_SEPARATOR (filename[2])))
is_local = true;
is_local = false;
std::string fn = filename;
if (is_local && !IS_ABSOLUTE_PATH (filename)
&& !relative_import_path.empty ())
if (fn == ".")
// A special case.
fn = relative_import_path;
else if (fn[0] == '.' && fn[1] == '.'
&& (fn[2] == '\0' || IS_DIR_SEPARATOR (fn[2])))
// We are going to join relative_import_path and fn, and it
// will look like DIR/../PATH. But DIR does not necessarily
// exist in this case, and if it doesn't the use of .. will
// fail although it shouldn't. The gc compiler uses
// path.Join here, which cleans up the .., so we need to do
// the same.
size_t index;
for (index = relative_import_path.length () - 1;
index > 0 && !IS_DIR_SEPARATOR (relative_import_path[index]);
if (index > 0)
fn = relative_import_path.substr (0, index) + fn.substr (2);
fn = relative_import_path + '/' + fn;
fn = relative_import_path + '/' + fn;
is_local = false;
if (!is_local)
for (std::vector::const_iterator p = search_path.begin ();
p != search_path.end (); ++p)
std::string indir = *p;
if (!indir.empty () && indir[indir.size () - 1] != '/')
indir += '/';
indir += fn;
Stream *s = Import::try_package_in_directory (indir, location);
if (s != NULL)
return s;
Stream *s = Import::try_package_in_directory (fn, location);
if (s != NULL)
return s;
return NULL;
// Try to find the export data for FILENAME.
Import::Stream *
Import::try_package_in_directory (const std::string &filename,
Location location)
std::string found_filename = filename;
int fd = open (found_filename.c_str (), O_RDONLY | O_BINARY);
if (fd >= 0)
struct stat s;
if (fstat (fd, &s) >= 0 && S_ISDIR (s.st_mode))
close (fd);
fd = -1;
errno = EISDIR;
if (fd < 0)
if (errno != ENOENT && errno != EISDIR)
rust_warning_at (location, 0, "%s: %m", filename.c_str ());
fd = Import::try_suffixes (&found_filename);
if (fd < 0)
return NULL;
// The export data may not be in this file.
Stream *s = Import::find_export_data (found_filename, fd, location);
if (s != NULL)
return s;
close (fd);
rust_error_at (location, "%s exists but does not contain any Go export data",
found_filename.c_str ());
return NULL;
// Given import "*PFILENAME", where *PFILENAME does not exist, try
// various suffixes. If we find one, set *PFILENAME to the one we
// found. Return the open file descriptor.
Import::try_suffixes (std::string *pfilename)
std::string filename = *pfilename + ".rox";
int fd = open (filename.c_str (), O_RDONLY | O_BINARY);
if (fd >= 0)
*pfilename = filename;
return fd;
const char *basename = lbasename (pfilename->c_str ());
size_t basename_pos = basename - pfilename->c_str ();
filename = pfilename->substr (0, basename_pos) + "lib" + basename + ".so";
fd = open (filename.c_str (), O_RDONLY | O_BINARY);
if (fd >= 0)
*pfilename = filename;
return fd;
filename = pfilename->substr (0, basename_pos) + "lib" + basename + ".a";
fd = open (filename.c_str (), O_RDONLY | O_BINARY);
if (fd >= 0)
*pfilename = filename;
return fd;
filename = *pfilename + ".o";
fd = open (filename.c_str (), O_RDONLY | O_BINARY);
if (fd >= 0)
*pfilename = filename;
return fd;
return -1;
// Look for export data in the file descriptor FD.
Import::Stream *
Import::find_export_data (const std::string &filename, int fd,
Location location)
// See if we can read this as an object file.
Import::Stream *stream
= Import::find_object_export_data (filename, fd, 0, location);
if (stream != NULL)
return stream;
const int len = sizeof (Metadata::kMagicHeader);
if (lseek (fd, 0, SEEK_SET) < 0)
rust_error_at (location, "lseek %s failed: %m", filename.c_str ());
return NULL;
char buf[len];
ssize_t c = ::read (fd, buf, len);
if (c < len)
return NULL;
// Check for a file containing nothing but Go export data.
// if (memcmp (buf, Export::cur_magic, Export::magic_len) == 0
// || memcmp (buf, Export::v1_magic, Export::magic_len) == 0
// || memcmp (buf, Export::v2_magic, Export::magic_len) == 0)
// FIXME we need to work out a better header
if (memcmp (buf, Metadata::kMagicHeader, sizeof (Metadata::kMagicHeader))
== 0)
return new Stream_from_file (fd);
// See if we can read this as an archive.
if (Import::is_archive_magic (buf))
return Import::find_archive_export_data (filename, fd, location);
return NULL;
// Look for export data in an object file.
Import::Stream *
Import::find_object_export_data (const std::string &filename, int fd,
off_t offset, Location location)
char *buf;
size_t len;
int err;
const char *errmsg = rust_read_export_data (fd, offset, &buf, &len, &err);
if (errmsg != NULL)
if (err == 0)
rust_error_at (location, "%s: %s", filename.c_str (), errmsg);
rust_error_at (location, "%s: %s: %s", filename.c_str (), errmsg,
xstrerror (err));
return NULL;
if (buf == NULL)
return NULL;
return new Stream_from_buffer (buf, len);
// Class Import.
// Construct an Import object. We make the builtin_types_ vector
// large enough to hold all the builtin types.
Import::Import (Stream *stream, Location location)
: stream_ (stream), location_ (location)
// Import the data in the associated stream.
// Read LENGTH bytes from the stream.
Import::read (size_t length, std::string *out)
const char *data;
if (!this->stream_->peek (length, &data))
if (!this->stream_->saw_error ())
rust_error_at (this->location_, "import error at %d: expected %d bytes",
this->stream_->pos (), static_cast (length));
this->stream_->set_saw_error ();
*out = std::string ("");
*out = std::string (data, length);
this->advance (length);
// Class Import::Stream.
Import::Stream::Stream () : pos_ (0), saw_error_ (false) {}
Import::Stream::~Stream () {}
// Return the next character to come from the stream.
Import::Stream::peek_char ()
const char *read;
if (!this->do_peek (1, &read))
return -1;
// Make sure we return an unsigned char, so that we don't get
// confused by \xff.
unsigned char ret = *read;
return ret;
// Return true if the next LENGTH characters from the stream match
Import::Stream::match_bytes (const char *bytes, size_t length)
const char *read;
if (!this->do_peek (length, &read))
return false;
return memcmp (bytes, read, length) == 0;
// Require that the next LENGTH bytes from the stream match BYTES.
Import::Stream::require_bytes (Location location, const char *bytes,
size_t length)
const char *read;
if (!this->do_peek (length, &read) || memcmp (bytes, read, length) != 0)
if (!this->saw_error_)
rust_error_at (location, "import error at %d: expected %<%.*s%>",
this->pos (), static_cast (length), bytes);
this->saw_error_ = true;
this->advance (length);
// Class Stream_from_file.
Stream_from_file::Stream_from_file (int fd) : fd_ (fd), data_ ()
if (lseek (fd, 0, SEEK_SET) != 0)
rust_fatal_error (Linemap::unknown_location (), "lseek failed: %m");
this->set_saw_error ();
Stream_from_file::~Stream_from_file () { close (this->fd_); }
// Read next bytes.
Stream_from_file::do_peek (size_t length, const char **bytes)
if (this->data_.length () >= length)
*bytes = this->data_.data ();
return true;
this->data_.resize (length);
ssize_t got = ::read (this->fd_, &this->data_[0], length);
if (got < 0)
if (!this->saw_error ())
rust_fatal_error (Linemap::unknown_location (), "read failed: %m");
this->set_saw_error ();
return false;
if (lseek (this->fd_, -got, SEEK_CUR) < 0)
if (!this->saw_error ())
rust_fatal_error (Linemap::unknown_location (), "lseek failed: %m");
this->set_saw_error ();
return false;
if (static_cast (got) < length)
return false;
*bytes = this->data_.data ();
return true;
// Advance.
Stream_from_file::do_advance (size_t skip)
if (lseek (this->fd_, skip, SEEK_CUR) < 0)
if (!this->saw_error ())
rust_fatal_error (Linemap::unknown_location (), "lseek failed: %m");
this->set_saw_error ();
if (!this->data_.empty ())
if (this->data_.length () > skip)
this->data_.erase (0, skip);
this->data_.clear ();
} // namespace Rust