// Copyright (C) 2020-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
// This file is part of GCC.
// GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
// Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later
// version.
// GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
// for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with GCC; see the file COPYING3. If not see
// .
#include "rust-hir.h"
namespace Rust {
namespace HIR {
// The "identifier" (not generic args) aspect of each path expression segment
class PathIdentSegment
std::string segment_name;
// TODO: should this have location info stored?
// only allow identifiers, "super", "self", "Self", "crate", or "$crate"
PathIdentSegment (std::string segment_name)
: segment_name (std::move (segment_name))
/* TODO: insert check in constructor for this? Or is this a semantic error
* best handled then? */
/* TODO: does this require visitor? pretty sure this isn't polymorphic, but
* not entirely sure */
// Creates an error PathIdentSegment.
static PathIdentSegment create_error () { return PathIdentSegment (""); }
// Returns whether PathIdentSegment is in an error state.
bool is_error () const { return segment_name.empty (); }
std::string as_string () const { return segment_name; }
// A binding of an identifier to a type used in generic arguments in paths
struct GenericArgsBinding
Identifier identifier;
std::unique_ptr type;
Location locus;
// Returns whether binding is in an error state.
bool is_error () const
return type == nullptr;
// and also identifier is empty, but cheaper computation
// Creates an error state generic args binding.
static GenericArgsBinding create_error ()
return GenericArgsBinding ("", nullptr);
// Pointer type for type in constructor to enable polymorphism
GenericArgsBinding (Identifier ident, std::unique_ptr type_ptr,
Location locus = Location ())
: identifier (std::move (ident)), type (std::move (type_ptr)), locus (locus)
// Copy constructor has to deep copy the type as it is a unique pointer
GenericArgsBinding (GenericArgsBinding const &other)
: identifier (other.identifier), type (other.type->clone_type ()),
locus (other.locus)
// default destructor
~GenericArgsBinding () = default;
// Overload assignment operator to deep copy the pointed-to type
GenericArgsBinding &operator= (GenericArgsBinding const &other)
identifier = other.identifier;
type = other.type->clone_type ();
locus = other.locus;
return *this;
// move constructors
GenericArgsBinding (GenericArgsBinding &&other) = default;
GenericArgsBinding &operator= (GenericArgsBinding &&other) = default;
std::string as_string () const;
Identifier &get_identifier () { return identifier; }
const Identifier &get_identifier () const { return identifier; }
std::unique_ptr &get_type () { return type; }
const std::unique_ptr &get_type () const { return type; }
Location get_locus () const { return locus; }
class ConstGenericArg
// FIXME: Do we need to disambiguate or no? We should be able to disambiguate
// at name-resolution, hence no need for ambiguities here
ConstGenericArg (std::unique_ptr expression, Location locus)
: expression (std::move (expression)), locus (locus)
ConstGenericArg (const ConstGenericArg &other) : locus (other.locus)
expression = other.expression->clone_expr ();
ConstGenericArg operator= (const ConstGenericArg &other)
expression = other.expression->clone_expr ();
locus = other.locus;
return *this;
std::unique_ptr expression;
Location locus;
class GenericArgs
std::vector lifetime_args;
std::vector > type_args;
std::vector binding_args;
std::vector const_args;
Location locus;
// Returns true if there are any generic arguments
bool has_generic_args () const
return !(lifetime_args.empty () && type_args.empty ()
&& binding_args.empty ());
GenericArgs (std::vector lifetime_args,
std::vector > type_args,
std::vector binding_args,
std::vector const_args, Location locus)
: lifetime_args (std::move (lifetime_args)),
type_args (std::move (type_args)),
binding_args (std::move (binding_args)),
const_args (std::move (const_args)), locus (locus)
// copy constructor with vector clone
GenericArgs (GenericArgs const &other)
: lifetime_args (other.lifetime_args), binding_args (other.binding_args),
const_args (other.const_args), locus (other.locus)
type_args.clear ();
type_args.reserve (other.type_args.size ());
for (const auto &e : other.type_args)
type_args.push_back (e->clone_type ());
~GenericArgs () = default;
// overloaded assignment operator to vector clone
GenericArgs &operator= (GenericArgs const &other)
lifetime_args = other.lifetime_args;
binding_args = other.binding_args;
const_args = other.const_args;
locus = other.locus;
type_args.clear ();
type_args.reserve (other.type_args.size ());
for (const auto &e : other.type_args)
type_args.push_back (e->clone_type ());
return *this;
// move constructors
GenericArgs (GenericArgs &&other) = default;
GenericArgs &operator= (GenericArgs &&other) = default;
// Creates an empty GenericArgs (no arguments)
static GenericArgs create_empty (Location locus = Location ())
return GenericArgs ({}, {}, {}, {}, locus);
bool is_empty () const
return lifetime_args.size () == 0 && type_args.size () == 0
&& binding_args.size () == 0;
std::string as_string () const;
std::vector &get_lifetime_args () { return lifetime_args; }
std::vector > &get_type_args () { return type_args; }
std::vector &get_binding_args () { return binding_args; }
std::vector &get_const_args () { return const_args; }
Location get_locus () const { return locus; }
/* A segment of a path in expression, including an identifier aspect and maybe
* generic args */
class PathExprSegment
Analysis::NodeMapping mappings;
PathIdentSegment segment_name;
GenericArgs generic_args;
Location locus;
PathExprSegment (Analysis::NodeMapping mappings,
PathIdentSegment segment_name, Location locus,
GenericArgs generic_args)
: mappings (std::move (mappings)), segment_name (std::move (segment_name)),
generic_args (std::move (generic_args)), locus (locus)
PathExprSegment (PathExprSegment const &other)
: mappings (other.mappings), segment_name (other.segment_name),
generic_args (other.generic_args), locus (other.locus)
PathExprSegment &operator= (PathExprSegment const &other)
mappings = other.mappings;
segment_name = other.segment_name;
generic_args = other.generic_args;
locus = other.locus;
return *this;
// move constructors
PathExprSegment (PathExprSegment &&other) = default;
PathExprSegment &operator= (PathExprSegment &&other) = default;
std::string as_string () const;
Location get_locus () const { return locus; }
PathIdentSegment &get_segment () { return segment_name; }
const PathIdentSegment &get_segment () const { return segment_name; }
GenericArgs &get_generic_args () { return generic_args; }
const Analysis::NodeMapping &get_mappings () const { return mappings; }
bool has_generic_args () const { return generic_args.has_generic_args (); }
// HIR node representing a pattern that involves a "path" - abstract base class
class PathPattern : public Pattern
std::vector segments;
PathPattern (std::vector segments)
: segments (std::move (segments))
// Returns whether path has segments.
bool has_segments () const { return !segments.empty (); }
/* Converts path segments to their equivalent SimplePath segments if possible,
* and creates a SimplePath from them. */
convert_to_simple_path (bool with_opening_scope_resolution) const;
/* Returns whether the path is a single segment (excluding qualified path
* initial as segment). */
bool is_single_segment () const { return segments.size () == 1; }
std::string as_string () const override;
void iterate_path_segments (std::function cb)
for (auto it = segments.begin (); it != segments.end (); it++)
if (!cb (*it))
size_t get_num_segments () const { return segments.size (); }
std::vector &get_segments () { return segments; }
const std::vector &get_segments () const { return segments; }
PathExprSegment &get_root_seg () { return segments.at (0); }
PathExprSegment get_final_segment () const { return segments.back (); }
PatternType get_pattern_type () const override final
return PatternType::PATH;
/* HIR node representing a path-in-expression pattern (path that allows generic
* arguments) */
class PathInExpression : public PathPattern, public PathExpr
bool has_opening_scope_resolution;
Location locus;
std::string as_string () const override;
// Constructor
PathInExpression (Analysis::NodeMapping mappings,
std::vector path_segments,
Location locus = Location (),
bool has_opening_scope_resolution = false,
std::vector outer_attrs
= std::vector ())
: PathPattern (std::move (path_segments)),
PathExpr (std::move (mappings), std::move (outer_attrs)),
has_opening_scope_resolution (has_opening_scope_resolution), locus (locus)
// Creates an error state path in expression.
static PathInExpression create_error ()
return PathInExpression (Analysis::NodeMapping::get_error (),
std::vector ());
// Returns whether path in expression is in an error state.
bool is_error () const { return !has_segments (); }
/* Converts PathInExpression to SimplePath if possible (i.e. no generic
* arguments). Otherwise returns an empty SimplePath. */
AST::SimplePath as_simple_path () const
/* delegate to parent class as can't access segments. however,
* QualifiedPathInExpression conversion to simple path wouldn't make sense,
* so the method in the parent class should be protected, not public. Have
* to pass in opening scope resolution as parent class has no access to it.
return convert_to_simple_path (has_opening_scope_resolution);
Location get_locus () const override final { return locus; }
void accept_vis (HIRFullVisitor &vis) override;
void accept_vis (HIRExpressionVisitor &vis) override;
void accept_vis (HIRPatternVisitor &vis) override;
bool opening_scope_resolution () { return has_opening_scope_resolution; }
bool is_self () const
if (!is_single_segment ())
return false;
return get_final_segment ().get_segment ().as_string ().compare ("self")
== 0;
Analysis::NodeMapping get_pattern_mappings () const override final
return get_mappings ();
/* Use covariance to implement clone function as returning this object rather
* than base */
PathInExpression *clone_pattern_impl () const override
return new PathInExpression (*this);
/* Use covariance to implement clone function as returning this object rather
* than base */
PathInExpression *clone_expr_without_block_impl () const override
return new PathInExpression (*this);
/* Base class for segments used in type paths - not abstract (represents an
* ident-only segment) */
class TypePathSegment
enum SegmentType
Analysis::NodeMapping mappings;
PathIdentSegment ident_segment;
Location locus;
bool has_separating_scope_resolution;
SegmentType type;
// Clone function implementation - not pure virtual as overrided by subclasses
virtual TypePathSegment *clone_type_path_segment_impl () const
return new TypePathSegment (*this);
virtual ~TypePathSegment () {}
virtual SegmentType get_type () const { return SegmentType::REG; }
// Unique pointer custom clone function
std::unique_ptr clone_type_path_segment () const
return std::unique_ptr (clone_type_path_segment_impl ());
TypePathSegment (Analysis::NodeMapping mappings,
PathIdentSegment ident_segment,
bool has_separating_scope_resolution, Location locus)
: mappings (std::move (mappings)),
ident_segment (std::move (ident_segment)), locus (locus),
has_separating_scope_resolution (has_separating_scope_resolution),
type (SegmentType::REG)
TypePathSegment (Analysis::NodeMapping mappings, std::string segment_name,
bool has_separating_scope_resolution, Location locus)
: mappings (std::move (mappings)),
ident_segment (PathIdentSegment (std::move (segment_name))),
locus (locus),
has_separating_scope_resolution (has_separating_scope_resolution),
type (SegmentType::REG)
virtual std::string as_string () const { return ident_segment.as_string (); }
/* Returns whether the type path segment is in an error state. May be virtual
* in future. */
bool is_error () const { return ident_segment.is_error (); }
/* Returns whether segment is identifier only (as opposed to generic args or
* function). Overriden in derived classes with other segments. */
virtual bool is_ident_only () const { return true; }
Location get_locus () const { return locus; }
// not pure virtual as class not abstract
virtual void accept_vis (HIRFullVisitor &vis);
const Analysis::NodeMapping &get_mappings () const { return mappings; }
const PathIdentSegment &get_ident_segment () const { return ident_segment; }
bool is_generic_segment () const
return get_type () == SegmentType::GENERIC;
// Segment used in type path with generic args
class TypePathSegmentGeneric : public TypePathSegment
GenericArgs generic_args;
bool has_generic_args () const { return generic_args.has_generic_args (); }
bool is_ident_only () const override { return false; }
// Constructor with PathIdentSegment and GenericArgs
TypePathSegmentGeneric (Analysis::NodeMapping mappings,
PathIdentSegment ident_segment,
bool has_separating_scope_resolution,
GenericArgs generic_args, Location locus)
: TypePathSegment (std::move (mappings), std::move (ident_segment),
has_separating_scope_resolution, locus),
generic_args (std::move (generic_args))
// Constructor from segment name and all args
TypePathSegmentGeneric (Analysis::NodeMapping mappings,
std::string segment_name,
bool has_separating_scope_resolution,
std::vector lifetime_args,
std::vector > type_args,
std::vector binding_args,
std::vector const_args,
Location locus)
: TypePathSegment (std::move (mappings), std::move (segment_name),
has_separating_scope_resolution, locus),
generic_args (
GenericArgs (std::move (lifetime_args), std::move (type_args),
std::move (binding_args), std::move (const_args), locus))
std::string as_string () const override;
void accept_vis (HIRFullVisitor &vis) override;
GenericArgs &get_generic_args () { return generic_args; }
virtual SegmentType get_type () const override final
return SegmentType::GENERIC;
// Use covariance to override base class method
TypePathSegmentGeneric *clone_type_path_segment_impl () const override
return new TypePathSegmentGeneric (*this);
// A function as represented in a type path
struct TypePathFunction
std::vector > inputs;
std::unique_ptr return_type;
// Returns whether the return type of the function has been specified.
bool has_return_type () const { return return_type != nullptr; }
// Returns whether the function has inputs.
bool has_inputs () const { return !inputs.empty (); }
// Constructor
TypePathFunction (std::vector > inputs,
std::unique_ptr type)
: inputs (std::move (inputs)), return_type (std::move (type))
// Copy constructor with clone
TypePathFunction (TypePathFunction const &other)
return_type = other.has_return_type ()
? other.get_return_type ()->clone_type ()
: nullptr;
inputs.reserve (other.inputs.size ());
for (const auto &e : other.inputs)
inputs.push_back (e->clone_type ());
~TypePathFunction () = default;
// Overloaded assignment operator to clone type
TypePathFunction &operator= (TypePathFunction const &other)
return_type = other.has_return_type ()
? other.get_return_type ()->clone_type ()
: nullptr;
inputs.reserve (other.inputs.size ());
for (const auto &e : other.inputs)
inputs.push_back (e->clone_type ());
return *this;
// move constructors
TypePathFunction (TypePathFunction &&other) = default;
TypePathFunction &operator= (TypePathFunction &&other) = default;
std::string as_string () const;
const std::vector > &get_params () const
return inputs;
std::vector > &get_params () { return inputs; };
const std::unique_ptr &get_return_type () const
rust_assert (has_return_type ());
return return_type;
std::unique_ptr &get_return_type ()
rust_assert (has_return_type ());
return return_type;
// Segment used in type path with a function argument
class TypePathSegmentFunction : public TypePathSegment
TypePathFunction function_path;
// Constructor with PathIdentSegment and TypePathFn
TypePathSegmentFunction (Analysis::NodeMapping mappings,
PathIdentSegment ident_segment,
bool has_separating_scope_resolution,
TypePathFunction function_path, Location locus)
: TypePathSegment (std::move (mappings), std::move (ident_segment),
has_separating_scope_resolution, locus),
function_path (std::move (function_path))
// Constructor with segment name and TypePathFn
TypePathSegmentFunction (Analysis::NodeMapping mappings,
std::string segment_name,
bool has_separating_scope_resolution,
TypePathFunction function_path, Location locus)
: TypePathSegment (std::move (mappings), std::move (segment_name),
has_separating_scope_resolution, locus),
function_path (std::move (function_path))
std::string as_string () const override;
bool is_ident_only () const override { return false; }
void accept_vis (HIRFullVisitor &vis) override;
SegmentType get_type () const override final { return SegmentType::FUNCTION; }
TypePathFunction &get_function_path () { return function_path; }
// Use covariance to override base class method
TypePathSegmentFunction *clone_type_path_segment_impl () const override
return new TypePathSegmentFunction (*this);
// Path used inside types
class TypePath : public TypeNoBounds
bool has_opening_scope_resolution;
std::vector > segments;
/* Use covariance to implement clone function as returning this object rather
* than base */
TypePath *clone_type_impl () const override { return new TypePath (*this); }
/* Use covariance to implement clone function as returning this object rather
* than base */
TypePath *clone_type_no_bounds_impl () const override
return new TypePath (*this);
/* Returns whether the TypePath has an opening scope resolution operator (i.e.
* is global path or crate-relative path, not module-relative) */
bool has_opening_scope_resolution_op () const
return has_opening_scope_resolution;
// Returns whether the TypePath is in an invalid state.
bool is_error () const { return segments.empty (); }
// Creates an error state TypePath.
static TypePath create_error ()
return TypePath (Analysis::NodeMapping::get_error (),
std::vector > (),
Location ());
// Constructor
TypePath (Analysis::NodeMapping mappings,
std::vector > segments,
Location locus, bool has_opening_scope_resolution = false)
: TypeNoBounds (mappings, locus),
has_opening_scope_resolution (has_opening_scope_resolution),
segments (std::move (segments))
// Copy constructor with vector clone
TypePath (TypePath const &other)
: TypeNoBounds (other.mappings, other.locus),
has_opening_scope_resolution (other.has_opening_scope_resolution)
segments.reserve (other.segments.size ());
for (const auto &e : other.segments)
segments.push_back (e->clone_type_path_segment ());
// Overloaded assignment operator with clone
TypePath &operator= (TypePath const &other)
has_opening_scope_resolution = other.has_opening_scope_resolution;
locus = other.locus;
mappings = other.mappings;
segments.reserve (other.segments.size ());
for (const auto &e : other.segments)
segments.push_back (e->clone_type_path_segment ());
return *this;
// move constructors
TypePath (TypePath &&other) = default;
TypePath &operator= (TypePath &&other) = default;
std::string as_string () const override;
/* Converts TypePath to SimplePath if possible (i.e. no generic or function
* arguments). Otherwise returns an empty SimplePath. */
AST::SimplePath as_simple_path () const;
// Creates a trait bound with a clone of this type path as its only element.
TraitBound *to_trait_bound (bool in_parens) const override;
void accept_vis (HIRFullVisitor &vis) override;
void accept_vis (HIRTypeVisitor &vis) override;
size_t get_num_segments () const { return segments.size (); }
std::vector > &get_segments ()
return segments;
std::unique_ptr &get_final_segment ()
return segments.back ();
struct QualifiedPathType
std::unique_ptr type;
std::unique_ptr trait;
Location locus;
Analysis::NodeMapping mappings;
// Constructor
QualifiedPathType (Analysis::NodeMapping mappings, std::unique_ptr type,
std::unique_ptr trait, Location locus)
: type (std::move (type)), trait (std::move (trait)), locus (locus),
mappings (mappings)
// Copy constructor uses custom deep copy for Type to preserve polymorphism
QualifiedPathType (QualifiedPathType const &other)
: type (other.type->clone_type ()),
trait (other.has_as_clause () ? std::unique_ptr (
new HIR::TypePath (*other.trait))
: nullptr),
locus (other.locus), mappings (other.mappings)
// default destructor
~QualifiedPathType () = default;
// overload assignment operator to use custom clone method
QualifiedPathType &operator= (QualifiedPathType const &other)
type = other.type->clone_type ();
locus = other.locus;
mappings = other.mappings;
= other.has_as_clause ()
? std::unique_ptr (new HIR::TypePath (*other.trait))
: nullptr;
return *this;
// move constructor
QualifiedPathType (QualifiedPathType &&other) = default;
QualifiedPathType &operator= (QualifiedPathType &&other) = default;
// Returns whether the qualified path type has a rebind as clause.
bool has_as_clause () const { return trait != nullptr; }
std::string as_string () const;
Location get_locus () const { return locus; }
Analysis::NodeMapping get_mappings () const { return mappings; }
std::unique_ptr &get_type () { return type; }
std::unique_ptr &get_trait ()
rust_assert (has_as_clause ());
return trait;
bool trait_has_generic_args () const
rust_assert (has_as_clause ());
bool is_generic_seg = trait->get_final_segment ()->get_type ()
== TypePathSegment::SegmentType::GENERIC;
if (!is_generic_seg)
return false;
TypePathSegmentGeneric *seg = static_cast (
trait->get_final_segment ().get ());
return seg->has_generic_args ();
GenericArgs &get_trait_generic_args ()
rust_assert (trait_has_generic_args ());
TypePathSegmentGeneric *seg = static_cast (
trait->get_final_segment ().get ());
return seg->get_generic_args ();
/* HIR node representing a qualified path-in-expression pattern (path that
* allows specifying trait functions) */
class QualifiedPathInExpression : public PathPattern, public PathExpr
QualifiedPathType path_type;
Location locus;
std::string as_string () const override;
QualifiedPathInExpression (Analysis::NodeMapping mappings,
QualifiedPathType qual_path_type,
std::vector path_segments,
Location locus = Location (),
std::vector outer_attrs
= std::vector ())
: PathPattern (std::move (path_segments)),
PathExpr (std::move (mappings), std::move (outer_attrs)),
path_type (std::move (qual_path_type)), locus (locus)
Location get_locus () const override final { return locus; }
void accept_vis (HIRFullVisitor &vis) override;
void accept_vis (HIRExpressionVisitor &vis) override;
void accept_vis (HIRPatternVisitor &vis) override;
QualifiedPathType &get_path_type () { return path_type; }
Location get_locus () { return locus; }
Analysis::NodeMapping get_pattern_mappings () const override final
return get_mappings ();
/* Use covariance to implement clone function as returning this object rather
* than base */
QualifiedPathInExpression *clone_pattern_impl () const override
return new QualifiedPathInExpression (*this);
/* Use covariance to implement clone function as returning this object rather
* than base */
QualifiedPathInExpression *clone_expr_without_block_impl () const override
return new QualifiedPathInExpression (*this);
/* Represents a qualified path in a type; used for disambiguating trait function
* calls */
class QualifiedPathInType : public TypeNoBounds
QualifiedPathType path_type;
std::unique_ptr associated_segment;
std::vector > segments;
/* Use covariance to implement clone function as returning this object rather
* than base */
QualifiedPathInType *clone_type_impl () const override
return new QualifiedPathInType (*this);
/* Use covariance to implement clone function as returning this object rather
* than base */
QualifiedPathInType *clone_type_no_bounds_impl () const override
return new QualifiedPathInType (*this);
QualifiedPathInType (
Analysis::NodeMapping mappings, QualifiedPathType qual_path_type,
std::unique_ptr associated_segment,
std::vector > path_segments,
Location locus = Location ())
: TypeNoBounds (mappings, locus), path_type (std::move (qual_path_type)),
associated_segment (std::move (associated_segment)),
segments (std::move (path_segments))
/* TODO: maybe make a shortcut constructor that has QualifiedPathType elements
* as params */
// Copy constructor with vector clone
QualifiedPathInType (QualifiedPathInType const &other)
: TypeNoBounds (other.mappings, other.locus), path_type (other.path_type)
segments.reserve (other.segments.size ());
for (const auto &e : other.segments)
segments.push_back (e->clone_type_path_segment ());
// Untested.
gcc_unreachable ();
// Overloaded assignment operator with vector clone
QualifiedPathInType &operator= (QualifiedPathInType const &other)
path_type = other.path_type;
locus = other.locus;
mappings = other.mappings;
segments.reserve (other.segments.size ());
for (const auto &e : other.segments)
segments.push_back (e->clone_type_path_segment ());
return *this;
// move constructors
QualifiedPathInType (QualifiedPathInType &&other) = default;
QualifiedPathInType &operator= (QualifiedPathInType &&other) = default;
std::string as_string () const override;
void accept_vis (HIRFullVisitor &vis) override;
void accept_vis (HIRTypeVisitor &vis) override;
QualifiedPathType &get_path_type () { return path_type; }
std::unique_ptr &get_associated_segment ()
return associated_segment;
std::vector > &get_segments ()
return segments;
class SimplePathSegment
Analysis::NodeMapping mappings;
SimplePathSegment (Analysis::NodeMapping mappings) : mappings (mappings) {}
const Analysis::NodeMapping &get_mappings () const { return mappings; }
class SimplePath
std::vector segments;
Analysis::NodeMapping mappings;
Location locus;
SimplePath (std::vector segments,
Analysis::NodeMapping mappings, Location locus)
: segments (std::move (segments)), mappings (mappings), locus (locus)
static HIR::SimplePath create_empty ()
return HIR::SimplePath ({}, Analysis::NodeMapping::get_error (),
Location ());
bool is_error () const { return segments.empty (); }
const Analysis::NodeMapping &get_mappings () const { return mappings; }
const Location &get_locus () const { return locus; }
} // namespace HIR
} // namespace Rust