// Copyright (C) 2020-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. // This file is part of GCC. // GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under // the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free // Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later // version. // GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY // WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License // for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with GCC; see the file COPYING3. If not see // . #include "rust-ast-lower-base.h" #include "rust-ast-lower-type.h" #include "rust-ast-lower-pattern.h" #include "rust-ast-lower-extern.h" namespace Rust { namespace HIR { void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::Token &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::DelimTokenTree &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::AttrInputMetaItemContainer &) {} // void ASTLoweringBase::visit(MetaItemmeta_item) {} // void vsit(Stmtstmt) {} // void ASTLoweringBase::visit(Exprexpr) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::IdentifierExpr &) {} // void ASTLoweringBase::visit(Patternpattern) {} // void ASTLoweringBase::visit(Typetype) {} // void ASTLoweringBase::visit(TypeParamBoundtype_param_bound) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::Lifetime &) {} // void ASTLoweringBase::visit(GenericParamgeneric_param) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::LifetimeParam &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::ConstGenericParam &) {} // void ASTLoweringBase::visit(TraitItemtrait_item) {} // void ASTLoweringBase::visit(InherentImplIteminherent_impl_item) {} // void ASTLoweringBase::visit(TraitImplItemtrait_impl_item) {} // rust-path.h void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::PathInExpression &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::TypePathSegment &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::TypePathSegmentGeneric &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::TypePathSegmentFunction &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::TypePath &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::QualifiedPathInExpression &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::QualifiedPathInType &) {} // rust-expr.h void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::LiteralExpr &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::AttrInputLiteral &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::MetaItemLitExpr &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::MetaItemPathLit &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::BorrowExpr &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::DereferenceExpr &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::ErrorPropagationExpr &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::NegationExpr &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::ArithmeticOrLogicalExpr &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::ComparisonExpr &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::LazyBooleanExpr &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::TypeCastExpr &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::AssignmentExpr &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::CompoundAssignmentExpr &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::GroupedExpr &) {} // void ASTLoweringBase::visit(ArrayElemselems) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::ArrayElemsValues &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::ArrayElemsCopied &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::ArrayExpr &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::ArrayIndexExpr &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::TupleExpr &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::TupleIndexExpr &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::StructExprStruct &) {} // void ASTLoweringBase::visit(StructExprFieldfield) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::StructExprFieldIdentifier &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::StructExprFieldIdentifierValue &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::StructExprFieldIndexValue &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::StructExprStructFields &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::StructExprStructBase &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::CallExpr &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::MethodCallExpr &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::FieldAccessExpr &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::ClosureExprInner &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::BlockExpr &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::ClosureExprInnerTyped &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::ContinueExpr &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::BreakExpr &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::RangeFromToExpr &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::RangeFromExpr &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::RangeToExpr &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::RangeFullExpr &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::RangeFromToInclExpr &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::RangeToInclExpr &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::ReturnExpr &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::UnsafeBlockExpr &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::LoopExpr &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::WhileLoopExpr &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::WhileLetLoopExpr &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::ForLoopExpr &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::IfExpr &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::IfExprConseqElse &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::IfExprConseqIf &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::IfExprConseqIfLet &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::IfLetExpr &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::IfLetExprConseqElse &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::IfLetExprConseqIf &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::IfLetExprConseqIfLet &) {} // void ASTLoweringBase::visit(MatchCasematch_case) {} // void ASTLoweringBase:: (AST::MatchCaseBlockExpr &) {} // void ASTLoweringBase:: (AST::MatchCaseExpr &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::MatchExpr &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::AwaitExpr &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::AsyncBlockExpr &) {} // rust-item.h void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::TypeParam &) {} // void ASTLoweringBase::visit(WhereClauseItemitem) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::LifetimeWhereClauseItem &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::TypeBoundWhereClauseItem &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::Method &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::Module &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::ExternCrate &) {} // void ASTLoweringBase::visit(UseTreeuse_tree) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::UseTreeGlob &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::UseTreeList &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::UseTreeRebind &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::UseDeclaration &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::Function &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::TypeAlias &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::StructStruct &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::TupleStruct &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::EnumItem &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::EnumItemTuple &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::EnumItemStruct &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::EnumItemDiscriminant &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::Enum &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::Union &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::ConstantItem &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::StaticItem &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::TraitItemFunc &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::TraitItemMethod &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::TraitItemConst &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::TraitItemType &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::Trait &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::InherentImpl &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::TraitImpl &) {} // void ASTLoweringBase::visit(ExternalItemitem) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::ExternalStaticItem &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::ExternalFunctionItem &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::ExternBlock &) {} // rust-macro.h void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::MacroMatchFragment &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::MacroMatchRepetition &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::MacroMatcher &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::MacroRulesDefinition &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::MacroInvocation &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::MetaItemPath &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::MetaItemSeq &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::MetaWord &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::MetaNameValueStr &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::MetaListPaths &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::MetaListNameValueStr &) {} // rust-pattern.h void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::LiteralPattern &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::IdentifierPattern &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::WildcardPattern &) {} // void ASTLoweringBase::visit(RangePatternBoundbound) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::RangePatternBoundLiteral &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::RangePatternBoundPath &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::RangePatternBoundQualPath &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::RangePattern &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::ReferencePattern &) {} // void ASTLoweringBase::visit(StructPatternFieldfield) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::StructPatternFieldTuplePat &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::StructPatternFieldIdentPat &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::StructPatternFieldIdent &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::StructPattern &) {} // void ASTLoweringBase::visit(TupleStructItemstuple_items) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::TupleStructItemsNoRange &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::TupleStructItemsRange &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::TupleStructPattern &) {} // void ASTLoweringBase::visit(TuplePatternItemstuple_items) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::TuplePatternItemsMultiple &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::TuplePatternItemsRanged &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::TuplePattern &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::GroupedPattern &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::SlicePattern &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::AltPattern &) {} // rust-stmt.h void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::EmptyStmt &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::LetStmt &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::ExprStmtWithoutBlock &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::ExprStmtWithBlock &) {} // rust-type.h void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::TraitBound &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::ImplTraitType &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::TraitObjectType &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::ParenthesisedType &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::ImplTraitTypeOneBound &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::TraitObjectTypeOneBound &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::TupleType &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::NeverType &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::RawPointerType &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::ReferenceType &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::ArrayType &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::SliceType &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::InferredType &) {} void ASTLoweringBase::visit (AST::BareFunctionType &) {} HIR::Lifetime ASTLoweringBase::lower_lifetime (AST::Lifetime &lifetime) { auto crate_num = mappings->get_current_crate (); Analysis::NodeMapping mapping (crate_num, lifetime.get_node_id (), mappings->get_next_hir_id (crate_num), UNKNOWN_LOCAL_DEFID); mappings->insert_node_to_hir (mapping.get_nodeid (), mapping.get_hirid ()); return HIR::Lifetime (mapping, lifetime.get_lifetime_type (), lifetime.get_lifetime_name (), lifetime.get_locus ()); } HIR::LoopLabel ASTLoweringBase::lower_loop_label (AST::LoopLabel &loop_label) { HIR::Lifetime life = lower_lifetime (loop_label.get_lifetime ()); auto crate_num = mappings->get_current_crate (); Analysis::NodeMapping mapping (crate_num, loop_label.get_node_id (), mappings->get_next_hir_id (crate_num), UNKNOWN_LOCAL_DEFID); mappings->insert_node_to_hir (mapping.get_nodeid (), mapping.get_hirid ()); return HIR::LoopLabel (mapping, std::move (life), loop_label.get_locus ()); } std::vector> ASTLoweringBase::lower_generic_params ( std::vector> ¶ms) { std::vector> lowered; for (auto &ast_param : params) { auto hir_param = ASTLowerGenericParam::translate (ast_param.get ()); lowered.push_back (std::unique_ptr (hir_param)); } return lowered; } HIR::PathExprSegment ASTLoweringBase::lower_path_expr_seg (AST::PathExprSegment &s) { auto crate_num = mappings->get_current_crate (); Analysis::NodeMapping mapping (crate_num, s.get_node_id (), mappings->get_next_hir_id (crate_num), UNKNOWN_LOCAL_DEFID); return HIR::PathExprSegment ( std::move (mapping), HIR::PathIdentSegment (s.get_ident_segment ().as_string ()), s.get_locus (), s.has_generic_args () ? lower_generic_args (s.get_generic_args ()) : HIR::GenericArgs::create_empty ()); } HIR::GenericArgsBinding ASTLoweringBase::lower_binding (AST::GenericArgsBinding &binding) { HIR::Type *lowered_type = ASTLoweringType::translate (binding.get_type ().get ()); return HIR::GenericArgsBinding (binding.get_identifier (), std::unique_ptr (lowered_type), binding.get_locus ()); } HIR::GenericArgs ASTLoweringBase::lower_generic_args (AST::GenericArgs &args) { std::vector binding_args; for (auto &binding : args.get_binding_args ()) { HIR::GenericArgsBinding b = lower_binding (binding); binding_args.push_back (std::move (b)); } std::vector lifetime_args; for (auto &lifetime : args.get_lifetime_args ()) { HIR::Lifetime l = lower_lifetime (lifetime); lifetime_args.push_back (std::move (l)); } std::vector> type_args; std::vector const_args; for (auto &arg : args.get_generic_args ()) { switch (arg.get_kind ()) { case AST::GenericArg::Kind::Type: { auto type = ASTLoweringType::translate (arg.get_type ().get ()); type_args.emplace_back (std::unique_ptr (type)); break; } case AST::GenericArg::Kind::Const: { auto expr = ASTLoweringExpr::translate (arg.get_expression ().get ()); const_args.emplace_back ( HIR::ConstGenericArg (std::unique_ptr (expr), expr->get_locus ())); break; } default: gcc_unreachable (); } } return HIR::GenericArgs (std::move (lifetime_args), std::move (type_args), std::move (binding_args), std::move (const_args), args.get_locus ()); } HIR::SelfParam ASTLoweringBase::lower_self (AST::SelfParam &self) { auto crate_num = mappings->get_current_crate (); Analysis::NodeMapping mapping (crate_num, self.get_node_id (), mappings->get_next_hir_id (crate_num), mappings->get_next_localdef_id (crate_num)); if (self.has_type ()) { HIR::Type *type = ASTLoweringType::translate (self.get_type ().get ()); return HIR::SelfParam (mapping, std::unique_ptr (type), self.get_is_mut (), self.get_locus ()); } else if (!self.get_has_ref ()) { return HIR::SelfParam (mapping, std::unique_ptr (nullptr), self.get_is_mut (), self.get_locus ()); } AST::Lifetime l = self.get_lifetime (); return HIR::SelfParam (mapping, lower_lifetime (l), self.get_is_mut (), self.get_locus ()); } HIR::Type * ASTLoweringBase::lower_type_no_bounds (AST::TypeNoBounds *type) { return ASTLoweringType::translate (type); } HIR::TypeParamBound * ASTLoweringBase::lower_bound (AST::TypeParamBound *bound) { return ASTLoweringTypeBounds::translate (bound); } /* Checks whether the name of a field already exists. Returns true and produces an error if so. */ bool struct_field_name_exists (std::vector &fields, HIR::StructField &new_field) { for (auto &field : fields) { if (field.get_field_name ().compare (new_field.get_field_name ()) == 0) { RichLocation r (new_field.get_locus ()); r.add_range (field.get_locus ()); rust_error_at (r, "duplicate field name %qs", field.get_field_name ().c_str ()); return true; } } return false; } HIR::FunctionQualifiers ASTLoweringBase::lower_qualifiers (const AST::FunctionQualifiers &qualifiers) { Unsafety unsafety = qualifiers.is_unsafe () ? Unsafety::Unsafe : Unsafety::Normal; bool has_extern = qualifiers.is_extern (); ABI abi = ABI::RUST; if (qualifiers.has_abi ()) { const std::string &extern_abi = qualifiers.get_extern_abi (); abi = get_abi_from_string (extern_abi); if (has_extern && abi == ABI::UNKNOWN) rust_error_at (qualifiers.get_locus (), "unknown ABI option"); } return HIR::FunctionQualifiers (qualifiers.get_const_status (), unsafety, has_extern, abi); } void ASTLoweringBase::handle_outer_attributes (const ItemWrapper &item) { for (const auto &attr : item.get_outer_attrs ()) { const auto &str_path = attr.get_path ().as_string (); if (!is_known_attribute (str_path)) { rust_error_at (attr.get_locus (), "unknown attribute"); continue; } bool is_lang_item = str_path.compare ("lang") == 0 && attr.has_attr_input () && attr.get_attr_input ().get_attr_input_type () == AST::AttrInput::AttrInputType::LITERAL; bool is_doc_item = str_path.compare ("doc") == 0; if (is_doc_item) handle_doc_item_attribute (item, attr); else if (is_lang_item) handle_lang_item_attribute (item, attr); else if (!attribute_handled_in_another_pass (str_path)) { rust_error_at (attr.get_locus (), "unhandled attribute: [%s]", attr.get_path ().as_string ().c_str ()); } } } void ASTLoweringBase::handle_doc_item_attribute (const ItemWrapper &, const AST::Attribute &attr) { auto simple_doc_comment = attr.has_attr_input () && attr.get_attr_input ().get_attr_input_type () == AST::AttrInput::AttrInputType::LITERAL; if (simple_doc_comment) return; const AST::AttrInput &input = attr.get_attr_input (); bool is_token_tree = input.get_attr_input_type () == AST::AttrInput::AttrInputType::TOKEN_TREE; rust_assert (is_token_tree); const auto &option = static_cast (input); AST::AttrInputMetaItemContainer *meta_item = option.parse_to_meta_item (); // TODO: add actual and complete checks for the doc attributes // // FIXME: Move this to the AttributeChecker visitor rust_assert (meta_item); } void ASTLoweringBase::handle_lang_item_attribute (const ItemWrapper &item, const AST::Attribute &attr) { auto &literal = static_cast (attr.get_attr_input ()); const auto &lang_item_type_str = literal.get_literal ().as_string (); auto lang_item_type = Analysis::RustLangItem::Parse (lang_item_type_str); if (lang_item_type == Analysis::RustLangItem::ItemType::UNKNOWN) { rust_error_at (attr.get_locus (), "unknown lang item"); return; } mappings->insert_lang_item (lang_item_type, item.get_mappings ().get_defid ()); } bool ASTLoweringBase::is_known_attribute (const std::string &attribute_path) const { const auto &lookup = attr_mappings->lookup_builtin (attribute_path); return !lookup.is_error (); } bool ASTLoweringBase::attribute_handled_in_another_pass ( const std::string &attribute_path) const { const auto &lookup = attr_mappings->lookup_builtin (attribute_path); if (lookup.is_error ()) return false; if (lookup.handler == Analysis::CompilerPass::UNKNOWN) return false; return lookup.handler != Analysis::CompilerPass::HIR_LOWERING; } std::unique_ptr ASTLoweringBase::lower_tuple_pattern_multiple ( AST::TuplePatternItemsMultiple &pattern) { std::vector> patterns; for (auto &p : pattern.get_patterns ()) { HIR::Pattern *translated = ASTLoweringPattern::translate (p.get ()); patterns.push_back (std::unique_ptr (translated)); } return std::unique_ptr ( new HIR::TuplePatternItemsMultiple (std::move (patterns))); } std::unique_ptr ASTLoweringBase::lower_tuple_pattern_ranged ( AST::TuplePatternItemsRanged &pattern) { std::vector> lower_patterns; std::vector> upper_patterns; for (auto &p : pattern.get_lower_patterns ()) { HIR::Pattern *translated = ASTLoweringPattern::translate (p.get ()); lower_patterns.push_back (std::unique_ptr (translated)); } for (auto &p : pattern.get_upper_patterns ()) { HIR::Pattern *translated = ASTLoweringPattern::translate (p.get ()); upper_patterns.push_back (std::unique_ptr (translated)); } return std::unique_ptr ( new HIR::TuplePatternItemsRanged (std::move (lower_patterns), std::move (upper_patterns))); } std::unique_ptr ASTLoweringBase::lower_range_pattern_bound (AST::RangePatternBound *bound) { std::unique_ptr hir_bound = nullptr; switch (bound->get_bound_type ()) { case AST::RangePatternBound::RangePatternBoundType::LITERAL: { AST::RangePatternBoundLiteral &ref = *static_cast (bound); HIR::Literal literal = lower_literal (ref.get_literal ()); hir_bound = std::unique_ptr ( new HIR::RangePatternBoundLiteral (literal, ref.get_locus (), ref.get_has_minus ())); } break; case AST::RangePatternBound::RangePatternBoundType::PATH: { AST::RangePatternBoundPath &ref = *static_cast (bound); HIR::PathInExpression *path = ASTLowerPathInExpression::translate (&ref.get_path ()); hir_bound = std::unique_ptr ( new HIR::RangePatternBoundPath (*path)); } break; case AST::RangePatternBound::RangePatternBoundType::QUALPATH: { AST::RangePatternBoundQualPath &ref = *static_cast (bound); HIR::QualifiedPathInExpression *qualpath = ASTLowerQualPathInExpression::translate ( &ref.get_qualified_path ()); hir_bound = std::unique_ptr ( new HIR::RangePatternBoundQualPath (*qualpath)); } break; } return hir_bound; } HIR::Literal ASTLoweringBase::lower_literal (const AST::Literal &literal) { HIR::Literal::LitType type = HIR::Literal::LitType::CHAR; switch (literal.get_lit_type ()) { case AST::Literal::LitType::CHAR: type = HIR::Literal::LitType::CHAR; break; case AST::Literal::LitType::STRING: type = HIR::Literal::LitType::STRING; break; case AST::Literal::LitType::BYTE: type = HIR::Literal::LitType::BYTE; break; case AST::Literal::LitType::BYTE_STRING: type = HIR::Literal::LitType::BYTE_STRING; break; case AST::Literal::LitType::INT: type = HIR::Literal::LitType::INT; break; case AST::Literal::LitType::FLOAT: type = HIR::Literal::LitType::FLOAT; break; case AST::Literal::LitType::BOOL: type = HIR::Literal::LitType::BOOL; break; case AST::Literal::LitType::ERROR: gcc_unreachable (); break; } return HIR::Literal (literal.as_string (), type, literal.get_type_hint ()); } HIR::ExternBlock * ASTLoweringBase::lower_extern_block (AST::ExternBlock &extern_block) { HIR::Visibility vis = translate_visibility (extern_block.get_visibility ()); auto crate_num = mappings->get_current_crate (); Analysis::NodeMapping mapping (crate_num, extern_block.get_node_id (), mappings->get_next_hir_id (crate_num), mappings->get_next_localdef_id (crate_num)); std::vector> extern_items; for (auto &item : extern_block.get_extern_items ()) { if (item->is_marked_for_strip ()) continue; HIR::ExternalItem *lowered = ASTLoweringExternItem::translate (item.get (), mapping.get_hirid ()); extern_items.push_back (std::unique_ptr (lowered)); } ABI abi = ABI::RUST; if (extern_block.has_abi ()) { const std::string &extern_abi = extern_block.get_abi (); abi = get_abi_from_string (extern_abi); if (abi == ABI::UNKNOWN) rust_error_at (extern_block.get_locus (), "unknown ABI option"); } HIR::ExternBlock *hir_extern_block = new HIR::ExternBlock (mapping, abi, std::move (extern_items), std::move (vis), extern_block.get_inner_attrs (), extern_block.get_outer_attrs (), extern_block.get_locus ()); mappings->insert_hir_extern_block (hir_extern_block); return hir_extern_block; } } // namespace HIR } // namespace Rust