// Copyright (C) 2020-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

// This file is part of GCC.

// GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
// Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later
// version.

// GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
// for more details.

// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with GCC; see the file COPYING3.  If not see
// <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.


#include "rust-compile-context.h"
#include "rust-compile-type.h"
#include "rust-hir-visitor.h"
#include "rust-hir-full.h"

namespace Rust {
namespace Compile {

class HIRCompileBase
  virtual ~HIRCompileBase () {}

  HIRCompileBase (Context *ctx) : ctx (ctx) {}

  Context *ctx;

  Context *get_context () { return ctx; }

  tree coercion_site (HirId id, tree rvalue, const TyTy::BaseType *actual,
		      const TyTy::BaseType *expected, Location lvalue_locus,
		      Location rvalue_locus);
  tree coercion_site1 (tree rvalue, const TyTy::BaseType *actual,
		       const TyTy::BaseType *expected, Location lvalue_locus,
		       Location rvalue_locus);

  tree coerce_to_dyn_object (tree compiled_ref, const TyTy::BaseType *actual,
			     const TyTy::DynamicObjectType *ty, Location locus);

  tree compute_address_for_trait_item (
    const Resolver::TraitItemReference *ref,
    const TyTy::TypeBoundPredicate *predicate,
    std::vector<std::pair<Resolver::TraitReference *, HIR::ImplBlock *>>
    const TyTy::BaseType *receiver, const TyTy::BaseType *root, Location locus);

  bool verify_array_capacities (tree ltype, tree rtype, Location ltype_locus,
				Location rtype_locus);

  tree query_compile (HirId ref, TyTy::BaseType *lookup,
		      const HIR::PathIdentSegment &final_segment,
		      const Analysis::NodeMapping &mappings,
		      Location expr_locus, bool is_qualified_path);

  tree resolve_adjustements (std::vector<Resolver::Adjustment> &adjustments,
			     tree expression, Location locus);

  tree resolve_deref_adjustment (Resolver::Adjustment &adjustment,
				 tree expression, Location locus);

  tree resolve_indirection_adjustment (Resolver::Adjustment &adjustment,
				       tree expression, Location locus);

  tree resolve_unsized_adjustment (Resolver::Adjustment &adjustment,
				   tree expression, Location locus);

  tree resolve_unsized_slice_adjustment (Resolver::Adjustment &adjustment,
					 tree expression, Location locus);

  tree resolve_unsized_dyn_adjustment (Resolver::Adjustment &adjustment,
				       tree expression, Location locus);

  static void setup_fndecl (tree fndecl, bool is_main_entry_point,
			    bool is_generic_fn, HIR::Visibility &visibility,
			    const HIR::FunctionQualifiers &qualifiers,
			    const AST::AttrVec &attrs);

  static void handle_inline_attribute_on_fndecl (tree fndecl,
						 const AST::Attribute &attr);

  static void handle_cold_attribute_on_fndecl (tree fndecl,
					       const AST::Attribute &attr);

  static void handle_must_use_attribute_on_fndecl (tree fndecl,
						   const AST::Attribute &attr);

  static void
  handle_link_section_attribute_on_fndecl (tree fndecl,
					   const AST::Attribute &attr);
  static void
  handle_deprecated_attribute_on_fndecl (tree fndecl,
					 const AST::Attribute &attr);

  static void handle_no_mangle_attribute_on_fndecl (tree fndecl,
						    const AST::Attribute &attr);

  static void setup_abi_options (tree fndecl, ABI abi);

  static tree address_expression (tree expr, Location locus);

  static tree indirect_expression (tree expr, Location locus);

  static bool mark_addressable (tree, Location);

  static std::vector<Bvariable *>
  compile_locals_for_block (Context *ctx, Resolver::Rib &rib, tree fndecl);

  static void compile_function_body (Context *ctx, tree fndecl,
				     HIR::BlockExpr &function_body,
				     bool has_return_type);

  static tree compile_function (
    Context *ctx, const std::string &fn_name, HIR::SelfParam &self_param,
    std::vector<HIR::FunctionParam> &function_params,
    const HIR::FunctionQualifiers &qualifiers, HIR::Visibility &visibility,
    AST::AttrVec &outer_attrs, Location locus, HIR::BlockExpr *function_body,
    const Resolver::CanonicalPath *canonical_path, TyTy::FnType *fntype,
    bool function_has_return);

  static tree
  compile_constant_item (Context *ctx, TyTy::BaseType *resolved_type,
			 const Resolver::CanonicalPath *canonical_path,
			 HIR::Expr *const_value_expr, Location locus);

  static tree named_constant_expression (tree type_tree,
					 const std::string &name,
					 tree const_val, Location location);

} // namespace Compile
} // namespace Rust