// Copyright (C) 2020-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
// This file is part of GCC.
// GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
// Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later
// version.
// GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
// for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with GCC; see the file COPYING3. If not see
// .
#include "rust-ast.h"
#include "rust-path.h"
#include "rust-expr.h"
namespace Rust {
namespace AST {
// Just a semi-colon, which apparently is a statement.
class EmptyStmt : public Stmt
Location locus;
// TODO: find another way to store this to save memory?
bool marked_for_strip = false;
std::string as_string () const override { return std::string (1, ';'); }
EmptyStmt (Location locus) : locus (locus) {}
Location get_locus () const override final { return locus; }
void accept_vis (ASTVisitor &vis) override;
// Can't think of any invalid invariants, so store boolean.
void mark_for_strip () override { marked_for_strip = true; }
bool is_marked_for_strip () const override { return marked_for_strip; }
bool is_item () const override final { return false; }
/* Use covariance to implement clone function as returning this object rather
* than base */
EmptyStmt *clone_stmt_impl () const override { return new EmptyStmt (*this); }
/* Variable assignment let statement - type of "declaration statement" as it
* introduces new name into scope */
class LetStmt : public Stmt
// bool has_outer_attrs;
std::vector outer_attrs;
std::unique_ptr variables_pattern;
// bool has_type;
std::unique_ptr type;
// bool has_init_expr;
std::unique_ptr init_expr;
Location locus;
Type *inferedType;
// Returns whether let statement has outer attributes.
bool has_outer_attrs () const { return !outer_attrs.empty (); }
// Returns whether let statement has a given return type.
bool has_type () const { return type != nullptr; }
// Returns whether let statement has an initialisation expression.
bool has_init_expr () const { return init_expr != nullptr; }
std::string as_string () const override;
LetStmt (std::unique_ptr variables_pattern,
std::unique_ptr init_expr, std::unique_ptr type,
std::vector outer_attrs, Location locus)
: outer_attrs (std::move (outer_attrs)),
variables_pattern (std::move (variables_pattern)),
type (std::move (type)), init_expr (std::move (init_expr)), locus (locus)
// Copy constructor with clone
LetStmt (LetStmt const &other)
: outer_attrs (other.outer_attrs), locus (other.locus)
// guard to prevent null dereference (only required if error state)
if (other.variables_pattern != nullptr)
variables_pattern = other.variables_pattern->clone_pattern ();
// guard to prevent null dereference (always required)
if (other.init_expr != nullptr)
init_expr = other.init_expr->clone_expr ();
if (other.type != nullptr)
type = other.type->clone_type ();
// Overloaded assignment operator to clone
LetStmt &operator= (LetStmt const &other)
outer_attrs = other.outer_attrs;
locus = other.locus;
// guard to prevent null dereference (only required if error state)
if (other.variables_pattern != nullptr)
variables_pattern = other.variables_pattern->clone_pattern ();
variables_pattern = nullptr;
// guard to prevent null dereference (always required)
if (other.init_expr != nullptr)
init_expr = other.init_expr->clone_expr ();
init_expr = nullptr;
if (other.type != nullptr)
type = other.type->clone_type ();
type = nullptr;
return *this;
// move constructors
LetStmt (LetStmt &&other) = default;
LetStmt &operator= (LetStmt &&other) = default;
Location get_locus () const override final { return locus; }
void accept_vis (ASTVisitor &vis) override;
// Invalid if pattern is null, so base stripping on that.
void mark_for_strip () override { variables_pattern = nullptr; }
bool is_marked_for_strip () const override
return variables_pattern == nullptr;
// TODO: this mutable getter seems really dodgy. Think up better way.
std::vector &get_outer_attrs () { return outer_attrs; }
const std::vector &get_outer_attrs () const { return outer_attrs; }
// TODO: is this better? Or is a "vis_block" better?
std::unique_ptr &get_init_expr ()
rust_assert (has_init_expr ());
return init_expr;
std::unique_ptr &get_pattern ()
rust_assert (variables_pattern != nullptr);
return variables_pattern;
std::unique_ptr &get_type ()
rust_assert (has_type ());
return type;
bool is_item () const override final { return false; }
/* Use covariance to implement clone function as returning this object rather
* than base */
LetStmt *clone_stmt_impl () const override { return new LetStmt (*this); }
/* Abstract base class for expression statements (statements containing an
* expression) */
class ExprStmt : public Stmt
enum ExprStmtType
Location locus;
Location get_locus () const override final { return locus; }
bool is_item () const override final { return false; }
virtual ExprStmtType get_type () const = 0;
ExprStmt (Location locus) : locus (locus) {}
/* Statement containing an expression without a block (or, due to technical
* difficulties, can only be guaranteed to hold an expression). */
class ExprStmtWithoutBlock : public ExprStmt
// TODO: ensure that this works
std::unique_ptr expr;
/* HACK: cannot ensure type safety of ExprWithoutBlock due to Pratt parsing,
* so have to store more general type of Expr. FIXME: fix this issue somehow
* or redesign AST. */
// std::unique_ptr expr;
std::string as_string () const override;
ExprStmtWithoutBlock (std::unique_ptr expr, Location locus)
: ExprStmt (locus), expr (std::move (expr->to_stmt ()))
/*ExprStmtWithoutBlock (std::unique_ptr expr, Location locus)
: ExprStmt (locus), expr (std::move (expr))
// Copy constructor with clone
ExprStmtWithoutBlock (ExprStmtWithoutBlock const &other) : ExprStmt (other)
// guard to prevent null dereference (only required if error state)
if (other.expr != nullptr)
expr = other.expr->clone_expr_without_block ();
/*ExprStmtWithoutBlock (ExprStmtWithoutBlock const &other)
: ExprStmt (other), expr (other.expr->clone_expr ())
// Overloaded assignment operator to clone
ExprStmtWithoutBlock &operator= (ExprStmtWithoutBlock const &other)
ExprStmt::operator= (other);
// expr = other.expr->clone_expr ();
// guard to prevent null dereference (only required if error state)
if (other.expr != nullptr)
expr = other.expr->clone_expr_without_block ();
expr = nullptr;
return *this;
// move constructors
ExprStmtWithoutBlock (ExprStmtWithoutBlock &&other) = default;
ExprStmtWithoutBlock &operator= (ExprStmtWithoutBlock &&other) = default;
void accept_vis (ASTVisitor &vis) override;
// Invalid if expr is null, so base stripping on that.
void mark_for_strip () override { expr = nullptr; }
bool is_marked_for_strip () const override { return expr == nullptr; }
// TODO: is this better? Or is a "vis_block" better?
std::unique_ptr &get_expr ()
rust_assert (expr != nullptr);
return expr;
ExprStmtType get_type () const override
return ExprStmtType::WITHOUT_BLOCK;
/* Use covariance to implement clone function as returning this object rather
* than base */
ExprStmtWithoutBlock *clone_stmt_impl () const override
return new ExprStmtWithoutBlock (*this);
// Statement containing an expression with a block
class ExprStmtWithBlock : public ExprStmt
std::unique_ptr expr;
bool semicolon_followed;
std::string as_string () const override;
std::vector locals;
ExprStmtWithBlock (std::unique_ptr expr, Location locus,
bool semicolon_followed)
: ExprStmt (locus), expr (std::move (expr)),
semicolon_followed (semicolon_followed)
// Copy constructor with clone
ExprStmtWithBlock (ExprStmtWithBlock const &other) : ExprStmt (other)
// guard to prevent null dereference (only required if error state)
if (other.expr != nullptr)
expr = other.expr->clone_expr_with_block ();
// Overloaded assignment operator to clone
ExprStmtWithBlock &operator= (ExprStmtWithBlock const &other)
ExprStmt::operator= (other);
// guard to prevent null dereference (only required if error state)
if (other.expr != nullptr)
expr = other.expr->clone_expr_with_block ();
expr = nullptr;
return *this;
// move constructors
ExprStmtWithBlock (ExprStmtWithBlock &&other) = default;
ExprStmtWithBlock &operator= (ExprStmtWithBlock &&other) = default;
void accept_vis (ASTVisitor &vis) override;
// Invalid if expr is null, so base stripping on that.
void mark_for_strip () override { expr = nullptr; }
bool is_marked_for_strip () const override { return expr == nullptr; }
// TODO: is this better? Or is a "vis_block" better?
std::unique_ptr &get_expr ()
rust_assert (expr != nullptr);
return expr;
bool is_semicolon_followed () const { return semicolon_followed; }
ExprStmtType get_type () const override { return ExprStmtType::WITH_BLOCK; };
/* Use covariance to implement clone function as returning this object rather
* than base */
ExprStmtWithBlock *clone_stmt_impl () const override
return new ExprStmtWithBlock (*this);
} // namespace AST
} // namespace Rust