// Copyright (C) 2020-2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
// This file is part of GCC.
// GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
// Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later
// version.
// GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
// for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with GCC; see the file COPYING3. If not see
// .
// Base for AST used in gccrs, basically required by all specific ast things
#include "rust-system.h"
#include "rust-hir-map.h"
#include "rust-token.h"
#include "rust-location.h"
#include "rust-diagnostics.h"
#include "rust-keyword-values.h"
namespace Rust {
// TODO: remove typedefs and make actual types for these
typedef int TupleIndex;
struct Session;
struct MacroExpander;
class Identifier
// Create dummy identifier
Identifier () : ident (""), loc (UNDEF_LOCATION) {}
// Create identifier with dummy location
Identifier (std::string ident, location_t loc = UNDEF_LOCATION)
: ident (ident), loc (loc)
// Create identifier from token
Identifier (const_TokenPtr token)
: ident (token->get_str ()), loc (token->get_locus ())
Identifier (const Identifier &) = default;
Identifier (Identifier &&) = default;
Identifier &operator= (const Identifier &) = default;
Identifier &operator= (Identifier &&) = default;
location_t get_locus () const { return loc; }
const std::string &as_string () const { return ident; }
bool empty () const { return ident.empty (); }
std::string ident;
location_t loc;
std::ostream &
operator<< (std::ostream &os, Identifier const &i);
namespace AST {
// foward decl: ast visitor
class ASTVisitor;
using AttrVec = std::vector;
// The available kinds of AST Nodes
enum class Kind
class Visitable
virtual ~Visitable () = default;
virtual void accept_vis (ASTVisitor &vis) = 0;
// Abstract base class for all AST elements
class Node : public Visitable
* Get the kind of Node this is. This is used to differentiate various AST
* elements with very little overhead when extracting the derived type
* through static casting is not necessary.
// FIXME: Mark this as `= 0` in the future to make sure every node
// implements it
virtual Kind get_ast_kind () const { return Kind::UNKNOWN; }
// Delimiter types - used in macros and whatever.
enum DelimType
// forward decl for use in token tree method
class Token;
// A tree of tokens (or a single token) - abstract base class
class TokenTree : public Visitable
virtual ~TokenTree () {}
// Unique pointer custom clone function
std::unique_ptr clone_token_tree () const
return std::unique_ptr (clone_token_tree_impl ());
virtual std::string as_string () const = 0;
/* Converts token tree to a flat token stream. Tokens must be pointer to
* avoid mutual dependency with Token. */
virtual std::vector> to_token_stream () const = 0;
// pure virtual clone implementation
virtual TokenTree *clone_token_tree_impl () const = 0;
// Abstract base class for a macro match
class MacroMatch : public Visitable
enum MacroMatchType
virtual ~MacroMatch () {}
virtual std::string as_string () const = 0;
virtual location_t get_match_locus () const = 0;
// Unique pointer custom clone function
std::unique_ptr clone_macro_match () const
return std::unique_ptr (clone_macro_match_impl ());
virtual MacroMatchType get_macro_match_type () const = 0;
// pure virtual clone implementation
virtual MacroMatch *clone_macro_match_impl () const = 0;
// A token is a kind of token tree (except delimiter tokens)
class Token : public TokenTree, public MacroMatch
// A token is a kind of token tree (except delimiter tokens)
// A token is a kind of MacroMatch (except $ and delimiter tokens)
#if 0
// TODO: improve member variables - current ones are the same as lexer token
// Token kind.
TokenId token_id;
// Token location.
location_t locus;
// Associated text (if any) of token.
std::string str;
// Token type hint (if any).
PrimitiveCoreType type_hint;
const_TokenPtr tok_ref;
/* new idea: wrapper around const_TokenPtr used for heterogeneuous storage
* in token trees. rather than convert back and forth when parsing macros,
* just wrap it. */
// Unique pointer custom clone function
std::unique_ptr clone_token () const
return std::unique_ptr (clone_token_impl ());
#if 0
/* constructor from general text - avoid using if lexer const_TokenPtr is
* available */
Token (TokenId token_id, location_t locus, std::string str,
PrimitiveCoreType type_hint)
: token_id (token_id), locus (locus), str (std::move (str)),
type_hint (type_hint)
// not doable with new implementation - will have to make a const_TokenPtr
// Constructor from lexer const_TokenPtr
#if 0
/* TODO: find workaround for std::string being nullptr - probably have to
* introduce new method in lexer Token, or maybe make conversion method
* there */
Token (const_TokenPtr lexer_token_ptr)
: token_id (lexer_token_ptr->get_id ()),
locus (lexer_token_ptr->get_locus ()), str (""),
type_hint (lexer_token_ptr->get_type_hint ())
// FIXME: change to "should have str" later?
if (lexer_token_ptr->has_str ())
str = lexer_token_ptr->get_str ();
rust_debug ("ast token created with str '%s'", str.c_str ());
// FIXME: is this returning correct thing?
str = lexer_token_ptr->get_token_description ();
rust_debug ("ast token created with string '%s'", str.c_str ());
if (lexer_token_ptr->should_have_str () && !lexer_token_ptr->has_str ())
rust_debug (
"BAD: for token '%s', should have string but does not!",
lexer_token_ptr->get_token_description ());
Token (const_TokenPtr lexer_tok_ptr) : tok_ref (std::move (lexer_tok_ptr)) {}
bool is_string_lit () const
switch (get_id ())
return true;
return false;
std::string as_string () const override;
location_t get_match_locus () const override
return tok_ref->get_locus ();
void accept_vis (ASTVisitor &vis) override;
// Return copy of itself but in token stream form.
std::vector> to_token_stream () const override;
TokenId get_id () const { return tok_ref->get_id (); }
const std::string &get_str () const { return tok_ref->get_str (); }
location_t get_locus () const { return tok_ref->get_locus (); }
PrimitiveCoreType get_type_hint () const { return tok_ref->get_type_hint (); }
// Get a new token pointer copy.
const_TokenPtr get_tok_ptr () const { return tok_ref; }
MacroMatchType get_macro_match_type () const override
return MacroMatchType::Tok;
// No virtual for now as not polymorphic but can be in future
/*virtual*/ Token *clone_token_impl () const { return new Token (*this); }
/* Use covariance to implement clone function as returning this object
* rather than base */
Token *clone_token_tree_impl () const final override
return clone_token_impl ();
/* Use covariance to implement clone function as returning this object
* rather than base */
Token *clone_macro_match_impl () const final override
return clone_token_impl ();
// A literal - value with a type. Used in LiteralExpr and LiteralPattern.
struct Literal
enum LitType
/* TODO: maybe make subclasses of each type of literal with their typed
* values (or generics) */
std::string value_as_string;
LitType type;
PrimitiveCoreType type_hint;
std::string as_string () const { return value_as_string; }
LitType get_lit_type () const { return type; }
PrimitiveCoreType get_type_hint () const { return type_hint; }
Literal (std::string value_as_string, LitType type,
PrimitiveCoreType type_hint)
: value_as_string (std::move (value_as_string)), type (type),
type_hint (type_hint)
static Literal create_error ()
return Literal ("", ERROR, PrimitiveCoreType::CORETYPE_UNKNOWN);
// Returns whether literal is in an invalid state.
bool is_error () const { return type == ERROR; }
/* Forward decl - definition moved to rust-expr.h as it requires LiteralExpr
* to be defined */
class AttrInputLiteral;
/* TODO: move applicable stuff into here or just don't include it because
* nothing uses it A segment of a path (maybe) */
class PathSegment
virtual ~PathSegment () {}
virtual std::string as_string () const = 0;
// TODO: add visitor here?
// A segment of a simple path without generic or type arguments
class SimplePathSegment : public PathSegment
std::string segment_name;
location_t locus;
NodeId node_id;
// only allow identifiers, "super", "self", "crate", or "$crate"
// TODO: put checks in constructor to enforce this rule?
SimplePathSegment (std::string segment_name, location_t locus)
: segment_name (std::move (segment_name)), locus (locus),
node_id (Analysis::Mappings::get ().get_next_node_id ())
/* Returns whether simple path segment is in an invalid state (currently, if
* empty). */
bool is_error () const { return segment_name.empty (); }
// Creates an error SimplePathSegment
static SimplePathSegment create_error ()
return SimplePathSegment (std::string (""), UNDEF_LOCATION);
std::string as_string () const override;
location_t get_locus () const { return locus; }
NodeId get_node_id () const { return node_id; }
const std::string &get_segment_name () const { return segment_name; }
bool is_super_path_seg () const
return as_string ().compare (Values::Keywords::SUPER) == 0;
bool is_crate_path_seg () const
return as_string ().compare (Values::Keywords::CRATE) == 0;
bool is_lower_self_seg () const
return as_string ().compare (Values::Keywords::SELF) == 0;
bool is_big_self () const
return as_string ().compare (Values::Keywords::SELF_ALIAS) == 0;
// A simple path without generic or type arguments
class SimplePath
bool opening_scope_resolution;
std::vector segments;
location_t locus;
NodeId node_id;
// Constructor
SimplePath (std::vector path_segments,
bool has_opening_scope_resolution = false,
location_t locus = UNDEF_LOCATION)
: opening_scope_resolution (has_opening_scope_resolution),
segments (std::move (path_segments)), locus (locus),
node_id (Analysis::Mappings::get ().get_next_node_id ())
SimplePath (Identifier ident)
: opening_scope_resolution (false),
segments ({SimplePathSegment (ident.as_string (), ident.get_locus ())}),
locus (ident.get_locus ()),
node_id (Analysis::Mappings::get ().get_next_node_id ())
// Creates an empty SimplePath.
static SimplePath create_empty ()
return SimplePath (std::vector ());
// Returns whether the SimplePath is empty, i.e. has path segments.
bool is_empty () const { return segments.empty (); }
const std::string as_string () const;
bool has_opening_scope_resolution () const
return opening_scope_resolution;
location_t get_locus () const { return locus; }
NodeId get_node_id () const { return node_id; }
// does this need visitor if not polymorphic? probably not
// path-to-string comparison operator
bool operator== (const std::string &rhs) const
return !opening_scope_resolution && segments.size () == 1
&& segments[0].as_string () == rhs;
/* Creates a single-segment SimplePath from a string. This will not check to
* ensure that this is a valid identifier in path, so be careful. Also, this
* will have no location data.
* TODO have checks? */
static SimplePath from_str (std::string str, location_t locus)
std::vector single_segments
= {AST::SimplePathSegment (std::move (str), locus)};
return SimplePath (std::move (single_segments), false, locus);
const std::vector &get_segments () const
return segments;
std::vector &get_segments () { return segments; }
const SimplePathSegment &get_final_segment () const
return segments.back ();
// path-to-string inverse comparison operator
inline bool
operator!= (const SimplePath &lhs, const std::string &rhs)
return !(lhs == rhs);
// forward decl for Attribute
class AttrInput;
// Visibility of item - if the item has it, then it is some form of public
struct Visibility
enum VisType
VisType vis_type;
// Only assigned if vis_type is IN_PATH
SimplePath in_path;
location_t locus;
// should this store location info?
// Creates a Visibility - TODO make constructor protected or private?
Visibility (VisType vis_type, SimplePath in_path, location_t locus)
: vis_type (vis_type), in_path (std::move (in_path)), locus (locus)
VisType get_vis_type () const { return vis_type; }
// Returns whether visibility is in an error state.
bool is_error () const
return vis_type == PUB_IN_PATH && in_path.is_empty ();
// Returns whether a visibility has a path
bool has_path () const { return !is_error () && vis_type >= PUB_CRATE; }
// Returns whether visibility is public or not.
bool is_public () const { return vis_type != PRIV && !is_error (); }
location_t get_locus () const { return locus; }
// empty?
// Creates an error visibility.
static Visibility create_error ()
return Visibility (PUB_IN_PATH, SimplePath::create_empty (),
// Unique pointer custom clone function
/*std::unique_ptr clone_visibility() const {
return std::unique_ptr(clone_visibility_impl());
/* TODO: think of a way to only allow valid Visibility states - polymorphism
* is one idea but may be too resource-intensive. */
// Creates a public visibility with no further features/arguments.
// empty?
static Visibility create_public (location_t pub_vis_location)
return Visibility (PUB, SimplePath::create_empty (), pub_vis_location);
// Creates a public visibility with crate-relative paths
static Visibility create_crate (location_t crate_tok_location,
location_t crate_vis_location)
return Visibility (PUB_CRATE,
SimplePath::from_str (Values::Keywords::CRATE,
// Creates a public visibility with self-relative paths
static Visibility create_self (location_t self_tok_location,
location_t self_vis_location)
return Visibility (PUB_SELF,
SimplePath::from_str (Values::Keywords::SELF,
// Creates a public visibility with parent module-relative paths
static Visibility create_super (location_t super_tok_location,
location_t super_vis_location)
return Visibility (PUB_SUPER,
SimplePath::from_str (Values::Keywords::SUPER,
// Creates a private visibility
static Visibility create_private ()
return Visibility (PRIV, SimplePath::create_empty (), UNDEF_LOCATION);
// Creates a public visibility with a given path or whatever.
static Visibility create_in_path (SimplePath in_path,
location_t in_path_vis_location)
return Visibility (PUB_IN_PATH, std::move (in_path), in_path_vis_location);
std::string as_string () const;
const SimplePath &get_path () const { return in_path; }
SimplePath &get_path () { return in_path; }
// Clone function implementation - not currently virtual but may be if
// polymorphism used
/*virtual*/ Visibility *clone_visibility_impl () const
return new Visibility (*this);
// aka Attr
// Attribute AST representation
struct Attribute
SimplePath path;
// bool has_attr_input;
std::unique_ptr attr_input;
location_t locus;
bool inner_attribute;
// TODO: maybe a variable storing whether attr input is parsed or not
// Returns whether Attribute has AttrInput
bool has_attr_input () const { return attr_input != nullptr; }
// Constructor has pointer AttrInput for polymorphism reasons
Attribute (SimplePath path, std::unique_ptr input,
location_t locus = UNDEF_LOCATION, bool inner_attribute = false)
: path (std::move (path)), attr_input (std::move (input)), locus (locus),
inner_attribute (inner_attribute)
bool is_derive () const;
std::vector> get_traits_to_derive ();
// default destructor
~Attribute () = default;
// no point in being defined inline as requires virtual call anyway
Attribute (const Attribute &other);
// no point in being defined inline as requires virtual call anyway
Attribute &operator= (const Attribute &other);
// default move semantics
Attribute (Attribute &&other) = default;
Attribute &operator= (Attribute &&other) = default;
// Unique pointer custom clone function
std::unique_ptr clone_attribute () const
return std::unique_ptr (clone_attribute_impl ());
// Creates an empty attribute (which is invalid)
static Attribute create_empty ()
return Attribute (SimplePath::create_empty (), nullptr);
// Returns whether the attribute is considered an "empty" attribute.
bool is_empty () const { return attr_input == nullptr && path.is_empty (); }
location_t get_locus () const { return locus; }
AttrInput &get_attr_input () const { return *attr_input; }
/* e.g.:
#![crate_type = "lib"]
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
// Full built-in attribute list:
/* cfg
* cfg_attr
* test
* ignore
* should_panic
* derive
* macro_export
* macro_use
* proc_macro
* proc_macro_derive
* proc_macro_attribute
* allow
* warn
* deny
* forbid
* deprecated
* must_use
* link
* link_name
* no_link
* repr
* crate_type
* no_main
* export_name
* link_section
* no_mangle
* used
* crate_name
* inline
* cold
* no_builtins
* target_feature
* doc
* no_std
* no_implicit_prelude
* path
* recursion_limit
* type_length_limit
* panic_handler
* global_allocator
* windows_subsystem
* feature */
std::string as_string () const;
bool is_inner_attribute () const { return inner_attribute; }
// no visitor pattern as not currently polymorphic
const SimplePath &get_path () const { return path; }
SimplePath &get_path () { return path; }
// Call to parse attribute body to meta item syntax.
void parse_attr_to_meta_item ();
/* Determines whether cfg predicate is true and item with attribute should
* not be stripped. Attribute body must already be parsed to meta item. */
bool check_cfg_predicate (const Session &session) const;
// Returns whether body has been parsed to meta item form or not.
bool is_parsed_to_meta_item () const;
/* Returns any attributes generated from cfg_attr attributes. Attribute body
* must already be parsed to meta item. */
std::vector separate_cfg_attrs () const;
// not virtual as currently no subclasses of Attribute, but could be in
// future
/*virtual*/ Attribute *clone_attribute_impl () const
return new Attribute (*this);
// Attribute body - abstract base class
class AttrInput : public Visitable
enum AttrInputType
virtual ~AttrInput () {}
// Unique pointer custom clone function
std::unique_ptr clone_attr_input () const
return std::unique_ptr (clone_attr_input_impl ());
virtual std::string as_string () const = 0;
virtual bool check_cfg_predicate (const Session &session) const = 0;
// Parse attribute input to meta item, if possible
virtual AttrInput *parse_to_meta_item () const { return nullptr; }
virtual std::vector separate_cfg_attrs () const { return {}; }
// Returns whether attr input has been parsed to meta item syntax.
virtual bool is_meta_item () const = 0;
virtual AttrInputType get_attr_input_type () const = 0;
// pure virtual clone implementation
virtual AttrInput *clone_attr_input_impl () const = 0;
// Forward decl - defined in rust-macro.h
class MetaNameValueStr;
// abstract base meta item inner class
class MetaItemInner : public Visitable
// pure virtual as MetaItemInner
virtual MetaItemInner *clone_meta_item_inner_impl () const = 0;
enum class Kind
// Unique pointer custom clone function
std::unique_ptr clone_meta_item_inner () const
return std::unique_ptr (clone_meta_item_inner_impl ());
virtual Kind get_kind () = 0;
virtual ~MetaItemInner ();
virtual location_t get_locus () const = 0;
virtual std::string as_string () const = 0;
/* HACK: used to simplify parsing - creates a copy of that type, or returns
* null */
virtual std::unique_ptr to_meta_name_value_str () const;
// HACK: used to simplify parsing - same thing
virtual SimplePath to_path_item () const
return SimplePath::create_empty ();
virtual Attribute to_attribute () const { return Attribute::create_empty (); }
virtual bool check_cfg_predicate (const Session &session) const = 0;
virtual bool is_key_value_pair () const { return false; }
// Container used to store MetaItems as AttrInput (bridge-ish kinda thing)
class AttrInputMetaItemContainer : public AttrInput
std::vector> items;
AttrInputMetaItemContainer (std::vector> items)
: items (std::move (items))
// copy constructor with vector clone
AttrInputMetaItemContainer (const AttrInputMetaItemContainer &other)
items.reserve (other.items.size ());
for (const auto &e : other.items)
items.push_back (e->clone_meta_item_inner ());
// copy assignment operator with vector clone
AttrInputMetaItemContainer &
operator= (const AttrInputMetaItemContainer &other)
AttrInput::operator= (other);
items.reserve (other.items.size ());
for (const auto &e : other.items)
items.push_back (e->clone_meta_item_inner ());
return *this;
// default move constructors
AttrInputMetaItemContainer (AttrInputMetaItemContainer &&other) = default;
AttrInputMetaItemContainer &operator= (AttrInputMetaItemContainer &&other)
= default;
std::string as_string () const override;
void accept_vis (ASTVisitor &vis) override;
bool check_cfg_predicate (const Session &session) const override;
AttrInputType get_attr_input_type () const final override
return AttrInput::AttrInputType::META_ITEM;
// Clones this object.
clone_attr_input_meta_item_container () const
return std::unique_ptr (
clone_attr_input_meta_item_container_impl ());
std::vector separate_cfg_attrs () const override;
bool is_meta_item () const override { return true; }
// TODO: this mutable getter seems dodgy
std::vector> &get_items () { return items; }
const std::vector> &get_items () const
return items;
// Use covariance to implement clone function as returning this type
AttrInputMetaItemContainer *clone_attr_input_impl () const final override
return clone_attr_input_meta_item_container_impl ();
AttrInputMetaItemContainer *clone_attr_input_meta_item_container_impl () const
return new AttrInputMetaItemContainer (*this);
// A token tree with delimiters
class DelimTokenTree : public TokenTree, public AttrInput
DelimType delim_type;
std::vector> token_trees;
location_t locus;
DelimTokenTree *clone_delim_tok_tree_impl () const
return new DelimTokenTree (*this);
/* Use covariance to implement clone function as returning a DelimTokenTree
* object */
DelimTokenTree *clone_attr_input_impl () const final override
return clone_delim_tok_tree_impl ();
/* Use covariance to implement clone function as returning a DelimTokenTree
* object */
DelimTokenTree *clone_token_tree_impl () const final override
return clone_delim_tok_tree_impl ();
DelimTokenTree (DelimType delim_type,
std::vector> token_trees
= std::vector> (),
location_t locus = UNDEF_LOCATION)
: delim_type (delim_type), token_trees (std::move (token_trees)),
locus (locus)
// Copy constructor with vector clone
DelimTokenTree (DelimTokenTree const &other)
: delim_type (other.delim_type), locus (other.locus)
token_trees.clear ();
token_trees.reserve (other.token_trees.size ());
for (const auto &e : other.token_trees)
token_trees.push_back (e->clone_token_tree ());
// overloaded assignment operator with vector clone
DelimTokenTree &operator= (DelimTokenTree const &other)
delim_type = other.delim_type;
locus = other.locus;
token_trees.clear ();
token_trees.reserve (other.token_trees.size ());
for (const auto &e : other.token_trees)
token_trees.push_back (e->clone_token_tree ());
return *this;
// move constructors
DelimTokenTree (DelimTokenTree &&other) = default;
DelimTokenTree &operator= (DelimTokenTree &&other) = default;
static DelimTokenTree create_empty () { return DelimTokenTree (PARENS); }
std::string as_string () const override;
void accept_vis (ASTVisitor &vis) override;
bool check_cfg_predicate (const Session &) const override
// this should never be called - should be converted first
rust_assert (false);
return false;
AttrInputMetaItemContainer *parse_to_meta_item () const override;
std::vector> to_token_stream () const override;
std::unique_ptr clone_delim_token_tree () const
return std::unique_ptr (clone_delim_tok_tree_impl ());
bool is_meta_item () const override { return false; }
AttrInputType get_attr_input_type () const final override
return AttrInput::AttrInputType::TOKEN_TREE;
std::vector> &get_token_trees ()
return token_trees;
const std::vector> &get_token_trees () const
return token_trees;
DelimType get_delim_type () const { return delim_type; }
/* Forward decl - definition moved to rust-expr.h as it requires LiteralExpr
* to be defined */
class AttrInputLiteral;
// abstract base meta item class
class MetaItem : public MetaItemInner
enum class ItemKind
MetaItemInner::Kind get_kind () override
return MetaItemInner::Kind::MetaItem;
virtual ItemKind get_item_kind () const = 0;
// Forward decl - defined in rust-expr.h
class MetaItemLitExpr;
// Forward decl - defined in rust-expr.h
class MetaItemPathLit;
// Forward decl - defined in rust-macro.h
class MetaItemPath;
// Forward decl - defined in rust-macro.h
class MetaItemSeq;
// Forward decl - defined in rust-macro.h
class MetaWord;
// Forward decl - defined in rust-macro.h
class MetaListPaths;
// Forward decl - defined in rust-macro.h
class MetaListNameValueStr;
/* Base statement abstract class. Note that most "statements" are not allowed
* in top-level module scope - only a subclass of statements called "items"
* are. */
class Stmt : public Node
enum class Kind
// Unique pointer custom clone function
std::unique_ptr clone_stmt () const
return std::unique_ptr (clone_stmt_impl ());
virtual ~Stmt () {}
virtual std::string as_string () const = 0;
virtual location_t get_locus () const = 0;
virtual void mark_for_strip () = 0;
virtual bool is_marked_for_strip () const = 0;
NodeId get_node_id () const { return node_id; }
virtual Kind get_stmt_kind () = 0;
// TODO: Can we remove these two?
virtual bool is_item () const = 0;
virtual bool is_expr () const { return false; }
virtual void add_semicolon () {}
Stmt () : node_id (Analysis::Mappings::get ().get_next_node_id ()) {}
// Clone function implementation as pure virtual method
virtual Stmt *clone_stmt_impl () const = 0;
NodeId node_id;
// Rust "item" AST node (declaration of top-level/module-level allowed stuff)
class Item : public Stmt
// Unique pointer custom clone function
std::unique_ptr- clone_item () const
return std::unique_ptr
- (clone_item_impl ());
/* Adds crate names to the vector passed by reference, if it can
* (polymorphism). TODO: remove, unused. */
virtual void
add_crate_name (std::vector &names ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) const
Stmt::Kind get_stmt_kind () final { return Stmt::Kind::Item; }
// FIXME: ARTHUR: Is it okay to have removed that final? Is it *required*
// behavior that we have items that can also be expressions?
bool is_item () const override { return true; }
virtual std::vector &get_outer_attrs () = 0;
virtual const std::vector &get_outer_attrs () const = 0;
virtual bool has_outer_attrs () const { return !get_outer_attrs ().empty (); }
// Clone function implementation as pure virtual method
virtual Item *clone_item_impl () const = 0;
/* Save having to specify two clone methods in derived classes by making
* statement clone return item clone. Hopefully won't affect performance too
* much. */
Item *clone_stmt_impl () const final override { return clone_item_impl (); }
// Item that supports visibility - abstract base class
class VisItem : public Item
Visibility visibility;
std::vector outer_attrs;
// Visibility constructor
VisItem (Visibility visibility,
std::vector outer_attrs = std::vector ())
: visibility (std::move (visibility)), outer_attrs (std::move (outer_attrs))
// Visibility copy constructor
VisItem (VisItem const &other)
: visibility (other.visibility), outer_attrs (other.outer_attrs)
// Overload assignment operator to clone
VisItem &operator= (VisItem const &other)
visibility = other.visibility;
outer_attrs = other.outer_attrs;
return *this;
// move constructors
VisItem (VisItem &&other) = default;
VisItem &operator= (VisItem &&other) = default;
/* Does the item have some kind of public visibility (non-default
* visibility)? */
bool has_visibility () const { return visibility.is_public (); }
std::string as_string () const override;
// TODO: this mutable getter seems really dodgy. Think up better way.
Visibility &get_visibility () { return visibility; }
const Visibility &get_visibility () const { return visibility; }
std::vector &get_outer_attrs () override { return outer_attrs; }
const std::vector &get_outer_attrs () const override
return outer_attrs;
// forward decl of ExprWithoutBlock
class ExprWithoutBlock;
// Base expression AST node - abstract
class Expr : public Node
// Unique pointer custom clone function
std::unique_ptr clone_expr () const
return std::unique_ptr (clone_expr_impl ());
/* TODO: public methods that could be useful:
* - get_type() - returns type of expression. set_type() may also be useful
* for some?
* - evaluate() - evaluates expression if constant? can_evaluate()? */
virtual std::string as_string () const = 0;
virtual ~Expr () {}
virtual location_t get_locus () const = 0;
virtual bool is_literal () const { return false; }
// HACK: strictly not needed, but faster than full downcast clone
virtual bool is_expr_without_block () const = 0;
virtual void mark_for_strip () = 0;
virtual bool is_marked_for_strip () const = 0;
virtual NodeId get_node_id () const { return node_id; }
virtual void set_node_id (NodeId id) { node_id = id; }
virtual std::vector &get_outer_attrs () = 0;
// TODO: think of less hacky way to implement this kind of thing
// Sets outer attributes.
virtual void set_outer_attrs (std::vector) = 0;
// Constructor
Expr () : node_id (Analysis::Mappings::get ().get_next_node_id ()) {}
// Clone function implementation as pure virtual method
virtual Expr *clone_expr_impl () const = 0;
NodeId node_id;
// AST node for an expression without an accompanying block - abstract
class ExprWithoutBlock : public Expr
// pure virtual clone implementation
virtual ExprWithoutBlock *clone_expr_without_block_impl () const = 0;
/* Save having to specify two clone methods in derived classes by making
* expr clone return exprwithoutblock clone. Hopefully won't affect
* performance too much. */
ExprWithoutBlock *clone_expr_impl () const final override
return clone_expr_without_block_impl ();
bool is_expr_without_block () const final override { return true; };
// Unique pointer custom clone function
std::unique_ptr clone_expr_without_block () const
return std::unique_ptr (clone_expr_without_block_impl ());
/* HACK: IdentifierExpr, delete when figure out identifier vs expr problem in
* Pratt parser */
/* Alternatively, identifiers could just be represented as single-segment
* paths
class IdentifierExpr : public ExprWithoutBlock
std::vector outer_attrs;
Identifier ident;
location_t locus;
IdentifierExpr (Identifier ident, std::vector outer_attrs,
location_t locus)
: outer_attrs (std::move (outer_attrs)), ident (std::move (ident)),
locus (locus)
std::string as_string () const override { return ident.as_string (); }
location_t get_locus () const override final { return locus; }
Identifier get_ident () const { return ident; }
void accept_vis (ASTVisitor &vis) override;
// Clones this object.
std::unique_ptr clone_identifier_expr () const
return std::unique_ptr (clone_identifier_expr_impl ());
// "Error state" if ident is empty, so base stripping on this.
void mark_for_strip () override { ident = {""}; }
bool is_marked_for_strip () const override { return ident.empty (); }
const std::vector &get_outer_attrs () const { return outer_attrs; }
std::vector &get_outer_attrs () override { return outer_attrs; }
void set_outer_attrs (std::vector new_attrs) override
outer_attrs = std::move (new_attrs);
Kind get_ast_kind () const override { return Kind::IDENTIFIER; }
// Clone method implementation
IdentifierExpr *clone_expr_without_block_impl () const final override
return clone_identifier_expr_impl ();
IdentifierExpr *clone_identifier_expr_impl () const
return new IdentifierExpr (*this);
// Pattern base AST node
class Pattern : public Visitable
enum class Kind
// Unique pointer custom clone function
std::unique_ptr clone_pattern () const
return std::unique_ptr (clone_pattern_impl ());
virtual Kind get_pattern_kind () = 0;
// possible virtual methods: is_refutable()
virtual ~Pattern () {}
virtual std::string as_string () const = 0;
// as only one kind of pattern can be stripped, have default of nothing
virtual void mark_for_strip () {}
virtual bool is_marked_for_strip () const { return false; }
virtual location_t get_locus () const = 0;
virtual NodeId get_node_id () const = 0;
// Clone pattern implementation as pure virtual method
virtual Pattern *clone_pattern_impl () const = 0;
// forward decl for Type
class TraitBound;
// Base class for types as represented in AST - abstract
class Type : public Node
// Unique pointer custom clone function
std::unique_ptr clone_type () const
return std::unique_ptr (clone_type_impl ());
// virtual destructor
virtual ~Type () {}
virtual std::string as_string () const = 0;
/* HACK: convert to trait bound. Virtual method overriden by classes that
* enable this. */
virtual TraitBound *to_trait_bound (bool) const { return nullptr; }
/* as pointer, shouldn't require definition beforehand, only forward
* declaration. */
// as only two kinds of types can be stripped, have default of nothing
virtual void mark_for_strip () {}
virtual bool is_marked_for_strip () const { return false; }
virtual location_t get_locus () const = 0;
NodeId get_node_id () const { return node_id; }
Type () : node_id (Analysis::Mappings::get ().get_next_node_id ()) {}
// Clone function implementation as pure virtual method
virtual Type *clone_type_impl () const = 0;
NodeId node_id;
// A type without parentheses? - abstract
class TypeNoBounds : public Type
// Unique pointer custom clone function
std::unique_ptr clone_type_no_bounds () const
return std::unique_ptr (clone_type_no_bounds_impl ());
// Clone function implementation as pure virtual method
virtual TypeNoBounds *clone_type_no_bounds_impl () const = 0;
/* Save having to specify two clone methods in derived classes by making
* type clone return typenobounds clone. Hopefully won't affect performance
* too much. */
TypeNoBounds *clone_type_impl () const final override
return clone_type_no_bounds_impl ();
TypeNoBounds () : Type () {}
/* Abstract base class representing a type param bound - Lifetime and
* TraitBound extends it */
class TypeParamBound : public Visitable
virtual ~TypeParamBound () {}
// Unique pointer custom clone function
std::unique_ptr clone_type_param_bound () const
return std::unique_ptr (clone_type_param_bound_impl ());
virtual std::string as_string () const = 0;
NodeId get_node_id () const { return node_id; }
virtual location_t get_locus () const = 0;
// Clone function implementation as pure virtual method
virtual TypeParamBound *clone_type_param_bound_impl () const = 0;
TypeParamBound (NodeId node_id) : node_id (node_id) {}
NodeId node_id;
// Represents a lifetime (and is also a kind of type param bound)
class Lifetime : public TypeParamBound
enum LifetimeType
NAMED, // corresponds to LIFETIME_OR_LABEL
STATIC, // corresponds to 'static
WILDCARD // corresponds to '_
LifetimeType lifetime_type;
std::string lifetime_name;
location_t locus;
NodeId node_id;
// Constructor
Lifetime (LifetimeType type, std::string name = std::string (),
location_t locus = UNDEF_LOCATION)
: TypeParamBound (Analysis::Mappings::get ().get_next_node_id ()),
lifetime_type (type), lifetime_name (std::move (name)), locus (locus)
Lifetime (NodeId id, LifetimeType type, std::string name = std::string (),
location_t locus = UNDEF_LOCATION)
: TypeParamBound (id), lifetime_type (type),
lifetime_name (std::move (name)), locus (locus)
// Creates an "error" lifetime.
static Lifetime error () { return Lifetime (NAMED, ""); }
static Lifetime elided () { return Lifetime (WILDCARD, ""); }
// Returns true if the lifetime is in an error state.
bool is_error () const
return lifetime_type == NAMED && lifetime_name.empty ();
std::string as_string () const override;
void accept_vis (ASTVisitor &vis) override;
LifetimeType get_lifetime_type () { return lifetime_type; }
location_t get_locus () const override final { return locus; }
std::string get_lifetime_name () const { return lifetime_name; }
/* Use covariance to implement clone function as returning this object
* rather than base */
Lifetime *clone_type_param_bound_impl () const override
return new Lifetime (node_id, lifetime_type, lifetime_name, locus);
/* Base generic parameter in AST. Abstract - can be represented by a Lifetime
* or Type param */
class GenericParam : public Visitable
enum class Kind
virtual ~GenericParam () {}
// Unique pointer custom clone function
std::unique_ptr clone_generic_param () const
return std::unique_ptr (clone_generic_param_impl ());
virtual std::string as_string () const = 0;
virtual location_t get_locus () const = 0;
virtual Kind get_kind () const = 0;
NodeId get_node_id () { return node_id; }
GenericParam () : node_id (Analysis::Mappings::get ().get_next_node_id ()) {}
GenericParam (NodeId node_id) : node_id (node_id) {}
// Clone function implementation as pure virtual method
virtual GenericParam *clone_generic_param_impl () const = 0;
NodeId node_id;
// A lifetime generic parameter (as opposed to a type generic parameter)
class LifetimeParam : public GenericParam
Lifetime lifetime;
std::vector lifetime_bounds;
AST::AttrVec outer_attrs;
location_t locus;
Lifetime get_lifetime () const { return lifetime; }
Lifetime &get_lifetime () { return lifetime; }
AST::AttrVec &get_outer_attrs () { return outer_attrs; }
// Returns whether the lifetime param has any lifetime bounds.
bool has_lifetime_bounds () const { return !lifetime_bounds.empty (); }
std::vector &get_lifetime_bounds () { return lifetime_bounds; }
// Returns whether the lifetime param has an outer attribute.
bool has_outer_attribute () const { return !outer_attrs.empty (); }
// Creates an error state lifetime param.
static LifetimeParam create_error ()
return LifetimeParam (Lifetime::error (), {}, {}, UNDEF_LOCATION);
// Returns whether the lifetime param is in an error state.
bool is_error () const { return lifetime.is_error (); }
// Constructor
LifetimeParam (Lifetime lifetime, std::vector lifetime_bounds,
AST::AttrVec outer_attrs, location_t locus)
: lifetime (std::move (lifetime)),
lifetime_bounds (std::move (lifetime_bounds)),
outer_attrs (std::move (outer_attrs)), locus (locus)
std::string as_string () const override;
void accept_vis (ASTVisitor &vis) override;
location_t get_locus () const override final { return locus; }
Kind get_kind () const override final { return Kind::Lifetime; }
/* Use covariance to implement clone function as returning this object
* rather than base */
LifetimeParam *clone_generic_param_impl () const override
return new LifetimeParam (*this);
class AssociatedItem : public Visitable
// Clone function implementation as pure virtual method
virtual AssociatedItem *clone_associated_item_impl () const = 0;
virtual ~AssociatedItem () {}
std::unique_ptr clone_associated_item () const
return std::unique_ptr (clone_associated_item_impl ());
virtual std::string as_string () const = 0;
virtual void mark_for_strip () = 0;
virtual bool is_marked_for_strip () const = 0;
virtual location_t get_locus () const = 0;
// Item used in trait declarations - abstract base class
class TraitItem : public AssociatedItem
TraitItem (location_t locus)
: node_id (Analysis::Mappings::get ().get_next_node_id ()),
vis (Visibility::create_private ()), locus (locus)
TraitItem (Visibility vis, location_t locus)
: node_id (Analysis::Mappings::get ().get_next_node_id ()), vis (vis),
locus (locus)
// Clone function implementation as pure virtual method
virtual TraitItem *clone_associated_item_impl () const override = 0;
NodeId node_id;
Visibility vis;
location_t locus;
// Unique pointer custom clone function
std::unique_ptr clone_trait_item () const
return std::unique_ptr (clone_associated_item_impl ());
NodeId get_node_id () const { return node_id; }
location_t get_locus () const override { return locus; }
// Abstract base class for an item used inside an extern block
class ExternalItem : public Visitable
ExternalItem () : node_id (Analysis::Mappings::get ().get_next_node_id ()) {}
ExternalItem (NodeId node_id) : node_id (node_id) {}
virtual ~ExternalItem () {}
// Unique pointer custom clone function
std::unique_ptr clone_external_item () const
return std::unique_ptr (clone_external_item_impl ());
virtual std::string as_string () const = 0;
virtual void mark_for_strip () = 0;
virtual bool is_marked_for_strip () const = 0;
virtual NodeId get_node_id () const { return node_id; }
// Clone function implementation as pure virtual method
virtual ExternalItem *clone_external_item_impl () const = 0;
NodeId node_id;
/* Data structure to store the data used in macro invocations and macro
* invocations with semicolons. */
struct MacroInvocData
SimplePath path;
DelimTokenTree token_tree;
// One way of parsing the macro. Probably not applicable for all macros.
std::vector> parsed_items;
bool parsed_to_meta_item = false;
MacroExpander *expander = nullptr;
std::string as_string () const;
MacroInvocData (SimplePath path, DelimTokenTree token_tree)
: path (std::move (path)), token_tree (std::move (token_tree))
// Copy constructor with vector clone
MacroInvocData (const MacroInvocData &other)
: path (other.path), token_tree (other.token_tree),
parsed_to_meta_item (other.parsed_to_meta_item)
parsed_items.reserve (other.parsed_items.size ());
for (const auto &e : other.parsed_items)
parsed_items.push_back (e->clone_meta_item_inner ());
// Copy assignment operator with vector clone
MacroInvocData &operator= (const MacroInvocData &other)
path = other.path;
token_tree = other.token_tree;
parsed_to_meta_item = other.parsed_to_meta_item;
expander = other.expander;
parsed_items.reserve (other.parsed_items.size ());
for (const auto &e : other.parsed_items)
parsed_items.push_back (e->clone_meta_item_inner ());
return *this;
// Move constructors
MacroInvocData (MacroInvocData &&other) = default;
MacroInvocData &operator= (MacroInvocData &&other) = default;
// Invalid if path is empty, so base stripping on that.
void mark_for_strip () { path = SimplePath::create_empty (); }
bool is_marked_for_strip () const { return path.is_empty (); }
// Returns whether the macro has been parsed already.
bool is_parsed () const { return parsed_to_meta_item; }
// TODO: update on other ways of parsing it
// TODO: this mutable getter seems kinda dodgy
DelimTokenTree &get_delim_tok_tree () { return token_tree; }
const DelimTokenTree &get_delim_tok_tree () const { return token_tree; }
// Set the delim token tree of a macro invocation
void set_delim_tok_tree (DelimTokenTree tree) { token_tree = tree; }
// TODO: this mutable getter seems kinda dodgy
SimplePath &get_path () { return path; }
const SimplePath &get_path () const { return path; }
void set_expander (MacroExpander *new_expander) { expander = new_expander; }
MacroExpander *get_expander ()
rust_assert (expander);
return expander;
set_meta_item_output (std::vector> new_items)
parsed_items = std::move (new_items);
// TODO: mutable getter seems kinda dodgy
std::vector> &get_meta_items ()
return parsed_items;
const std::vector> &get_meta_items () const
return parsed_items;
class SingleASTNode : public Visitable
enum NodeType
NodeType kind;
// FIXME make this a union
std::unique_ptr expr;
- item;
std::unique_ptr stmt;
std::unique_ptr external_item;
std::unique_ptr assoc_item;
std::unique_ptr type;
SingleASTNode (std::unique_ptr expr)
: kind (EXPRESSION), expr (std::move (expr))
SingleASTNode (std::unique_ptr
- item)
: kind (ITEM), item (std::move (item))
SingleASTNode (std::unique_ptr stmt)
: kind (STMT), stmt (std::move (stmt))
SingleASTNode (std::unique_ptr item)
: kind (EXTERN), external_item (std::move (item))
SingleASTNode (std::unique_ptr item)
: kind (ASSOC_ITEM), assoc_item (std::move (item))
SingleASTNode (std::unique_ptr type)
: kind (TYPE), type (std::move (type))
SingleASTNode (SingleASTNode const &other);
SingleASTNode operator= (SingleASTNode const &other);
SingleASTNode (SingleASTNode &&other) = default;
SingleASTNode &operator= (SingleASTNode &&other) = default;
NodeType get_kind () const { return kind; }
std::unique_ptr &get_expr ()
rust_assert (kind == EXPRESSION);
return expr;
- &get_item ()
rust_assert (kind == ITEM);
return item;
std::unique_ptr &get_stmt ()
rust_assert (kind == STMT);
return stmt;
* Access the inner nodes and take ownership of them.
* You can only call these functions once per node
std::unique_ptr take_stmt ()
rust_assert (!is_error ());
return std::move (stmt);
std::unique_ptr take_expr ()
rust_assert (!is_error ());
return std::move (expr);
- take_item ()
rust_assert (!is_error ());
return std::move (item);
std::unique_ptr take_trait_item ()
rust_assert (!is_error ());
return std::unique_ptr (
static_cast (assoc_item.release ()));
std::unique_ptr take_external_item ()
rust_assert (!is_error ());
return std::move (external_item);
std::unique_ptr take_assoc_item ()
rust_assert (!is_error ());
return std::move (assoc_item);
std::unique_ptr take_impl_item ()
return take_assoc_item ();
std::unique_ptr take_trait_impl_item ()
return take_assoc_item ();
std::unique_ptr take_type ()
rust_assert (!is_error ());
return std::move (type);
void accept_vis (ASTVisitor &vis) override;
bool is_error ();
std::string as_string () const;
// A crate AST object - holds all the data for a single compilation unit
struct Crate
std::vector inner_attrs;
// dodgy spacing required here
/* TODO: is it better to have a vector of items here or a module (implicit
* top-level one)? */
std::vector> items;
NodeId node_id;
// Constructor
Crate (std::vector> items,
std::vector inner_attrs)
: inner_attrs (std::move (inner_attrs)), items (std::move (items)),
node_id (Analysis::Mappings::get ().get_next_node_id ())
// Copy constructor with vector clone
Crate (Crate const &other)
: inner_attrs (other.inner_attrs), node_id (other.node_id)
items.reserve (other.items.size ());
for (const auto &e : other.items)
items.push_back (e->clone_item ());
~Crate () = default;
// Overloaded assignment operator with vector clone
Crate &operator= (Crate const &other)
inner_attrs = other.inner_attrs;
node_id = other.node_id;
items.reserve (other.items.size ());
for (const auto &e : other.items)
items.push_back (e->clone_item ());
return *this;
// Move constructors
Crate (Crate &&other) = default;
Crate &operator= (Crate &&other) = default;
// Get crate representation as string (e.g. for debugging).
std::string as_string () const;
// Delete all crate information, e.g. if fails cfg.
void strip_crate ()
inner_attrs.clear ();
inner_attrs.shrink_to_fit ();
items.clear ();
items.shrink_to_fit ();
// TODO: is this the best way to do this?
NodeId get_node_id () const { return node_id; }
const std::vector &get_inner_attrs () const { return inner_attrs; }
std::vector &get_inner_attrs () { return inner_attrs; }
std::vector> take_items ()
return std::move (items);
void set_items (std::vector> &&new_items)
items = std::move (new_items);
// Base path expression AST node - abstract
class PathExpr : public ExprWithoutBlock
} // namespace AST
} // namespace Rust
namespace std {
template <> struct less
bool operator() (const Rust::Identifier &lhs,
const Rust::Identifier &rhs) const
return lhs.as_string () < rhs.as_string ();
} // namespace std