/* -*-c-*-
 * This is a general purpose hash object.
 * The hash object used throughout the run-time
 *  is an integer hash.  The key and data is of type
 *  void*.  The hashing function converts the key to
 *  an integer and computes it hash value.
 * Copyright  (C) 1991 Threaded Technologies Inc.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
 * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * General Public License for more details.
 * You should receive a copy of the GNU General Public License 
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
  $Header: /usr/user/dennis_glatting/ObjC/c-runtime/lib/RCS/hash.h,v 0.7 1991/12/03 02:01:23 dennisg Exp dennisg $
  $Author: dennisg $
  $Date: 1991/12/03 02:01:23 $
  $Log: hash.h,v $
 * Revision 0.7  1991/12/03  02:01:23  dennisg
 * fixed assert macro.
 * added memory allocation adjustment macro for hash size allocation.
 * Revision 0.6  1991/11/24  01:20:02  dennisg
 * changed shorts back to ints.
 * the efficiency gained didn't out weight the grossness of the code.
 * Revision 0.5  1991/11/23  22:19:21  dennisg
 * converted some entries in the hash structure from ints to shorts.
 * this was done to use a less expensive division instruction
 * in the hashIndex () routine.
 * Revision 0.4  1991/11/21  22:25:19  dennisg
 * deleted hash mask information from hash struct.
 * changed hashing algorithm.  those values are no longer needed.
 * Revision 0.3  1991/11/07  23:23:40  dennisg
 * implemented hash table expansion as suggested by rms.
 * Revision 0.2  1991/11/07  22:30:54  dennisg
 * added copyleft
 * Revision 0.1  1991/10/24  00:45:39  dennisg
 * Initial check in.  Preliminary development stage.

#ifndef _hash_INCLUDE_GNU
#define _hash_INCLUDE_GNU

                                                /* If someone is using a c++
                                                  compiler then adjust the 
                                                  types in the file back 
                                                  to C. */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#include  <sys/types.h>

 * This data structure is used to hold items
 *  stored in a hash table.  Each node holds 
 *  a key/value pair.
 * Items in the cache are really of type void*.
typedef struct cache_node {
  struct cache_node*  nextNode;                   /* Pointer to next entry on
                                                    the list.  NULL indicates
                                                    end of list. */
  void*               theKey;                     /* Key used to locate the
                                                    value.  Used to locate
                                                    value when more than one
                                                    key computes the same hash
                                                    value. */
  void*               theValue;                   /* Value stored for the
                                                    key. */
} CacheNode, *CacheNode_t;

 * This data structure is the cache.
 * It must be passed to all of the hashing routines
 *   (except for new).
typedef struct cache {
   * Variables used to implement the
   *  hash itself.
  CacheNode_t  (* theNodeTable)[];                /* Pointer to an array of
                                                    hash nodes. */
   * Variables used to track the size of the hash
   *  table so to determine when to resize it.
  u_int       sizeOfHash,                        /* Number of buckets 
                                                    allocated for the hash
                                                    table  (number of array
                                                    entries allocated for
                                                    "theNodeTable").  Must be
                                                    a power of two. */
              entriesInHash;                      /* Current number of entries
                                                    in ther hash table. */
   * Variables used to implement indexing
   *  through the hash table.
  u_int       lastBucket;                         /* Tracks which entry in the
                                                    array where the last value
                                                    was returned. */
} Cache, *Cache_t;

                                                /* Prototypes for hash
                                                  functions. */
                                                /* Allocate and initialize 
                                                  a hash table.  Hash table 
                                                  size taken as a parameter. */ 
Cache_t hash_new (u_int sizeOfHash);
                                                /* Deallocate all of the
                                                  hash nodes and the cache
                                                  itself. */
void hash_delete (Cache_t theCache);
                                                /* Add the key/value pair
                                                  to the hash table.  If the
                                                  hash table reaches a 
                                                  level of fullnes then
                                                  it will be resized. 
                                                  assert() if the key is 
                                                  already in the hash. */
void hash_add (Cache_t* theCache, void* aKey, void* aValue);
                                                /* Remove the key/value pair
                                                  from the hash table.  
                                                  assert() if the key isn't 
                                                  in the table. */
void hash_remove (Cache_t theCache, void* aKey);
                                                /* Used to index through the
                                                  hash table.  Start with NULL
                                                  to get the first entry.
                                                  Successive calls pass the
                                                  value returned previously.
                                                  ** Don't modify the hash
                                                  during this operation *** 
                                                  Cache nodes are returned
                                                  such that key or value can
                                                  ber extracted. */
CacheNode_t hash_next (Cache_t theCache, CacheNode_t aCacheNode);

#ifdef __cplusplus
