$v='f$verify(0) !make-cc1.com $! $! Build the GNU C compiler on VMS. $! $! Usage: $! $ @make-cc1.com [host-compiler] [various] $! $! where [host-compiler] is one of "GNUC", "VAXC", "DECC"; $! default when none specified is "GNUC", $! and where [various] is one or more of "CC1", "CC1PLUS", $! "CC1OBJ", "OBJCLIB", "INDEPENDENT", "BC", "ALL", "LINK", "DEBUG". $! "CC1" (C compiler) is the default; of the others, only $! "CC1PLUS" (C++ compiler), "CC1OBJ" (Objective-C compiler), $! and "OBJCLIB" (Objective-C run-time library) are of interest $! for normal installation. $! If both [host-compiler] and other option(s) are specified, $! the host compiler argument must come first. $! $ if f$type(gcc_debug).eqs."INTEGER" then if gcc_debug.and.1 then set verify $ $ p1 = f$edit(p1,"UPCASE,TRIM") $ if p1.eqs."" then p1 = "GNUC" $! $! Compiler-specific setup (assume GNU C, then override as necessary): $! $ CC = "gcc" $ CFLAGS = "/Debug/noVerbos/CC1=""-mpcc-alignment""" $ LIBS = "gnu_cc:[000000]gcclib.olb/Libr,sys$library:vaxcrtl.olb/Libr" $ if p1.eqs."GNUC" $ then $ p1 = "" $ else $ CC = "cc" $ CFLAGS = "/noOpt" !disable optimizer when bootstrapping with native cc $ if p2.eqs."DEBUG" .or. p3.eqs."DEBUG" then CFLAGS = CFLAGS + "/Debug" $ if p1.eqs."VAXC" $ then $ p1 = "" $ if f$trnlnm("DECC$CC_DEFAULT").nes."" then CC = "cc/VAXC" $ LIBS = "alloca.obj,sys$library:vaxcrtl.olb/Libr" $ define/noLog SYS SYS$LIBRARY: $ else $ if p1.eqs."DECC" $ then $ p1 = "" $ if f$trnlnm("DECC$CC_DEFAULT").nes."" then CC = "cc/DECC" $ CC = CC + "/Prefix=All/Warn=Disabl=(ImplicitFunc)" $ LIBS = "alloca.obj" !DECC$SHR will be found implicitly by linker $ define/noLog SYS DECC$LIBRARY_INCLUDE: $ endif !DECC $ endif !VAXC $ endif !GNUC $ $! $! Other setup: $! $ LDFLAGS = "/noMap" $ PARSER = "bison" $ PARSER_FLAGS= "/Define/Verbose" $ RENAME = "rename/New_Version" $ LINK = "link" $ EDIT = "edit" $ SEARCH = "search" $ ABORT = "exit %x002C" $ echo = "write sys$output" $! $! Stage[123] options $! $ CINCL1 = "/Incl=[]" !stage 1 -I flags $ CINCL2 = "/Incl=([],[.ginclude])" !stage 2,3,... flags $ CINCL_SUB = "/Incl=([],[-],[-.ginclude])" ![.cp] flags $ $!!!!!!! $! Nothing beyond this point should need any local configuration changes. $!!!!!!! $ $! Set the default directory to the same place as this command procedure. $ flnm = f$enviroment("PROCEDURE") !get current procedure name $ set default 'f$parse(flnm,,,"DEVICE")''f$parse(flnm,,,"DIRECTORY")' $ $! $! First we figure out what needs to be done. This is sort of like a limited $! make facility - the command line options specify exactly what components $! we want to build. The following options are understood: $! $! LINK: Assume that the object modules for the selected compiler(s) $! have already been compiled, perform link phase only. $! $! CC1: Compile and link "C" compiler. $! $! CC1PLUS:Compile and link "C++" compiler. $! $! CC1OBJ: Compile and link objective C compiler. $! $! ALL: Compile and link all of the CC1 passes. $! $! INDEPENDENT: $! Compile language independent source modules. (On by default). $! $! BC: $! Compile byte compiler source modules. (On by default). $! $! OBJCLIB: $! Compile Objective-C run-time library. $! $! DEBUG: Link images with /debug. $! $! If you want to list more than one option, you should use a spaces to $! separate them. $! $! Any one of the above options can be prefaced with a "NO". For example, $! if you had already built GCC, and you wanted to build G++, you could use the $! "CC1PLUS NOINDEPENDENT" options, which would only compile the C++ language $! specific source files, and then link the C++ compiler. $! $! If you do not specify which compiler you want to build, it is assumed that $! you want to build GNU-C ("CC1"). $! $! Now figure out what we have been requested to do. $p1 = p1+" "+p2+" "+p3+" "+p4+" "+p5+" "+p6+" "+p7+" "+p8 $p1 = f$edit(p1,"COMPRESS,TRIM") $i=0 $DO_ALL = 0 $DO_LINK = 0 $DO_DEBUG = 0 $DO_CC1PLUS = 0 $DO_CC1OBJ = 0 $DO_OBJCLIB = 0 $if f$trnlnm("cfile$").nes."" then close/noLog cfile$ $open cfile$ compilers.list $cinit:read cfile$ compilername/end=cinit_done $DO_'compilername'=0 $goto cinit $cinit_done: close cfile$ $DO_INDEPENDENT = 1 $DO_DEFAULT = 1 $DO_BC = 1 $loop: $string = f$element(i," ",p1) $if string.eqs." " then goto done $flag = 1 $if string.eqs."CC1PLUS" then DO_DEFAULT = 0 $if string.eqs."CC1OBJ" then DO_DEFAULT = 0 $if string.eqs."OBJCLIB" $then DO_DEFAULT = 0 $ DO_INDEPENDENT = DO_CC1OBJ $ DO_BC = DO_CC1OBJ $endif $if f$extract(0,2,string).nes."NO" then goto parse_option $ string=f$extract(2,f$length(string)-2,string) $ flag = 0 $parse_option: $DO_'string' = flag $i=i+1 $goto loop $! $done: $if DO_DEFAULT.eq.1 then DO_CC1 = 1 $echo "This command file will now perform the following actions: $if DO_LINK.eq.1 then goto link_only $if DO_ALL.eq.1 then echo " Compile all language specific object modules." $if DO_CC1.eq.1 then echo " Compile C specific object modules." $if DO_CC1PLUS.eq.1 then echo " Compile C++ specific object modules." $if DO_CC1OBJ.eq.1 then echo " Compile obj-C specific object modules." $if DO_INDEPENDENT.eq.1 then echo " Compile language independent object modules." $if DO_BC.eq.1 then echo " Compile byte compiler object modules." $if DO_OBJCLIB.eq.1 then echo " Create Objective-C run-time library." $link_only: $if DO_CC1.eq.1 then echo " Link C compiler (gcc-cc1.exe)." $if DO_CC1PLUS.eq.1 then echo " Link C++ compiler (gcc-cc1plus.exe)." $if DO_CC1OBJ.eq.1 then echo " Link objective-C compiler (gcc-cc1obj.exe)." $if DO_DEBUG.eq.1 then echo " Link images to run under debugger." $! $! Update CFLAGS with appropriate CINCLx value. $! $if f$edit(f$extract(0,3,CC),"LOWERCASE").nes."gcc" then goto stage1 $if f$search("gcc-cc1.exe").eqs."" then goto stage1 $if f$file_attr("gnu_cc:[000000]gcc-cc1.exe","FID").nes.- f$file_attr("gcc-cc1.exe","FID") then goto stage1 $ CFLAGS = CFLAGS + CINCL2 $ goto cinclX $stage1: $ CFLAGS = CFLAGS + CINCL1 $cinclX: $! $! Test and see if we need these messages or not. The -1 switch gives it away. $! $gas := $gnu_cc:[000000]gcc-as.exe $if f$search(gas-"$").eqs."" then goto gas_missing_message !must be VAXC $define/user sys$error sys$scratch:gas_test.tmp $gas -1 nla0: -o nla0: $size=f$file_attributes("sys$scratch:gas_test.tmp","ALQ") $delete/nolog sys$scratch:gas_test.tmp;* $if size.eq.0 then goto skip_gas_message $type sys$input: !an old version of gas was found ----- Note: you appear to have an old version of gas, the GNU assembler. GCC 2.x treats external variables differently than GCC 1.x does. Before you use GCC 2.x, you should obtain a version of the assembler which works with GCC 2.x (gas-1.38 and earlier did not have the necessary support; gas-2.0 through gas-2.3 did not work reliably for vax/vms configuration). The assembler in gcc-vms-1.42 contained patches to provide the proper support, and more recent versions have an up to date version of gas which provides the support. gas from binutils-2.5 or later is recommended. If you do not update the assembler, the compiler will still work, but `extern const' variables will be treated as `extern'. This will result in linker warning messages about mismatched psect attributes, and these variables will be placed in read/write storage. ----- $goto skip_gas_message $gas_missing_message: $type sys$input: !no version of gas was found ----- Note: you appear to be missing gas, the GNU assembler. Since GCC produces assembly code as output from compilation, you need the assembler to make full use of the compiler. It should be put in place as GNU_CC:[000000]GCC-AS.EXE. A prebuilt copy of gas is available from the "gcc-vms" distribution, and the gas source code is included in the GNU "binutils" distribution. Version 2.5.2 or later is recommended. ----- $skip_gas_message: $! $! $ if DO_DEBUG.eq.1 then LDFLAGS = LDFLAGS + "/Debug" $! $if DO_LINK.eq.1 then goto no_yfiles !compile_cc1 $! $! Build alloca if necessary (in 'LIBS for use with VAXC) $! $ if f$locate("alloca.obj",f$edit(LIBS,"lowercase")).ge.f$length(LIBS) then - goto skip_alloca $ if f$search("alloca.obj").nes."" then - !does .obj exist? is it up to date? if f$cvtime(f$file_attributes("alloca.obj","RDT")).gts.- f$cvtime(f$file_attributes("alloca.c","RDT")) then goto skip_alloca $set verify $ 'CC''CFLAGS'/Defi=("HAVE_CONFIG_H","STACK_DIRECTION=(-1)") alloca.c $!'f$verify(0) $skip_alloca: $! $if DO_BC.eq.1 $ then $ call compile bi_all.opt "" $ if f$trnlnm("ifile$").nes."" then close/noLog ifile$ $ open ifile$ bc_all.list $ read ifile$ bc_line $ close ifile$ $ bc_index = 0 $bc_loop: $ tfile = f$element(bc_index, ",", bc_line) $ if tfile.eqs."," then goto bc_done $ call bc_generate 'tfile' "bi_all.opt/opt," $ bc_index = bc_index + 1 $ goto bc_loop $bc_done: $ endif $! $! $if DO_INDEPENDENT.eq.1 $ then $! $! First build a couple of header files from the machine description $! These are used by many of the source modules, so we build them now. $! $set verify $ 'CC''CFLAGS' rtl.c $ 'CC''CFLAGS' obstack.c $!'f$verify(0) $! Generate insn-attr.h $ call generate insn-attr.h $ call generate insn-flags.h $ call generate insn-codes.h $ call generate insn-config.h $! $call compile independent.opt "rtl,obstack,insn-attrtab" $! $ call generate insn-attrtab.c "rtlanal.obj," $set verify $ 'CC''CFLAGS' insn-attrtab.c $ 'CC''CFLAGS' bc-emit.c $ 'CC''CFLAGS' bc-optab.c $!'f$verify(0) $ endif $! $compile_cc1: $if (DO_CC1 + DO_CC1OBJ) .ne.0 $ then $if (f$search("C-PARSE.Y") .eqs. "") then goto yes_yfiles $if (f$cvtime(f$file_attributes("C-PARSE.IN","RDT")).gts. - f$cvtime(f$file_attributes("C-PARSE.Y","RDT"))) - then goto yes_yfiles $if (f$search("OBJC-PARSE.Y") .eqs. "") then goto yes_yfiles $if (f$cvtime(f$file_attributes("C-PARSE.IN","RDT")).gts. - f$cvtime(f$file_attributes("OBJC-PARSE.Y","RDT"))) - then goto yes_yfiles $GOTO no_yfiles $yes_yfiles: $echo "Now processing c-parse.in to generate c-parse.y and objc-parse.y." $ edit/tpu/nojournal/nosection/nodisplay/command=sys$input ! ! Read c-parse.in, write c-parse.y and objc-parse.y, depending on ! paired lines of "ifc" & "end ifc" and "ifobjc" & "end ifobjc" to ! control what goes into each file. Most lines will be common to ! both (hence not bracketed by either control pair). Mismatched ! pairs aren't detected--garbage in, garbage out... ! PROCEDURE do_output() IF NOT objc_only THEN POSITION(END_OF(c)); COPY_TEXT(input_line); ENDIF; IF NOT c_only THEN POSITION(END_OF(objc)); COPY_TEXT(input_line); ENDIF; POSITION(input_file); !reset ENDPROCEDURE; input_file := CREATE_BUFFER("input", "c-parse.in"); !load data SET(NO_WRITE, input_file); c := CREATE_BUFFER("c_output"); !1st output file objc := CREATE_BUFFER("objc_output"); !2nd output file POSITION(BEGINNING_OF(input_file)); c_only := 0; objc_only := 0; LOOP EXITIF MARK(NONE) = END_OF(input_file); !are we done yet? input_line := CURRENT_LINE; !access current_line just once CASE EDIT(input_line, TRIM_TRAILING, OFF, NOT_IN_PLACE) ["ifc"] : c_only := 1; ["end ifc"] : c_only := 0; ["ifobjc"] : objc_only := 1; ["end ifobjc"] : objc_only := 0; ! default -- add non-control line to either or both output files [INRANGE] : do_output(); !between "end" and "if" [OUTRANGE] : do_output(); !before "end" or after "if" ENDCASE; MOVE_VERTICAL(1); !go to next line ENDLOOP; WRITE_FILE(c, "c-parse.y"); WRITE_FILE(objc, "objc-parse.y"); QUIT $ endif $no_yfiles: $! $open cfile$ compilers.list $cloop:read cfile$ compilername/end=cdone $! language specific modules $! $if (DO_ALL + DO_'compilername').eq.0 then goto cloop $if DO_LINK.eq.0 then - call compile 'compilername'-objs.opt "obstack,bc-emit,bc-optab" $! $! CAUTION: If you want to link gcc-cc1* to the sharable image library $! VAXCRTL, see the notes in gcc.texinfo (or INSTALL) first. $! $set verify $ 'LINK''LDFLAGS'/Exe=gcc-'compilername'.exe version.opt/Opt,- 'compilername'-objs.opt/Opt,independent.opt/Opt,- 'LIBS' $!'f$verify(0) $goto cloop $! $! $cdone: close cfile$ $! $ if DO_OBJCLIB $ then set default [.objc] !push $ save_cflags = CFLAGS $ CFLAGS = CFLAGS - CINCL1 - CINCL2 + CINCL_SUB $ MFLAGS = "/Lang=ObjC" + CFLAGS $ library/Obj [-]objclib.olb/Create $ if f$trnlnm("IFILE$").nes."" then close/noLog ifile$ $ open/Read ifile$ [-]objc-objs.opt $ocl1: read/End=ocl3 ifile$ line $ i = 0 $ocl2: o = f$element(i,",",line) $ if o.eqs."," then goto ocl1 $ n = o - ".o" $ if f$search(n + ".m").nes."" $ then f = n + ".m" $ flags = MFLAGS $ else f = n + ".c" $ flags = CFLAGS $ endif $ set verify $ 'CC' 'flags' 'f' $!'f$verify(0)' $ library/Obj [-]objclib.olb 'n'.obj/Insert $ delete/noConfirm/noLog 'n'.obj;* $ i = i + 1 $ goto ocl2 $ocl3: close ifile$ $ CFLAGS = save_cflags $ set default [-] !pop $ endif !DO_OBJCLIB $! $! Done $! $! 'f$verify(v) $exit $! $! Various DCL subroutines follow... $! $! This routine takes parameter p1 to be a linker options file with a list $! of object files that are needed. It extracts the names, and compiles $! each source module, one by one. File names that begin with an $! "INSN-" are assumed to be generated by a GEN*.C program. $! $! Parameter P2 is a list of files which will appear in the options file $! that should not be compiled. This allows us to handle special cases. $! $compile: $subroutine $on error then goto c_err $on control_y then goto c_err $open ifile$ 'p1' $loop: read ifile$ line/end=c_done $! $i=0 $loop1: $flnm=f$element(i,",",line) $i=i+1 $if flnm.eqs."" then goto loop $if flnm.eqs."," then goto loop $if f$locate(flnm,p2).lt.f$length(p2) then goto loop1 $! check for front-end subdirectory: "[.prfx]flnm" $prfx = "" $k = f$locate("]",flnm) $if k.eq.1 ![]c-common for [.cp] $then $ if f$search(f$parse(".obj",flnm)).nes."" then goto loop1 $ flnm = f$extract(2,999,flnm) $else if k.lt.f$length(flnm) $ then prfx = f$extract(2,k-2,flnm) $ flnm = f$extract(k+1,99,flnm) $ endif $endif $ if prfx.nes."" $ then set default [.'prfx'] !push $ save_cflags = CFLAGS $ CFLAGS = CFLAGS - CINCL1 - CINCL2 + CINCL_SUB $ endif $! $ if f$locate("parse",flnm).nes.f$length(flnm) $ then $ if f$search("''flnm'.c").nes."" then - if f$cvtime(f$file_attributes("''flnm'.c","RDT")).ges. - f$cvtime(f$file_attributes("''flnm'.y","RDT")) then goto skip_yacc $ set verify $ 'PARSER' 'PARSER_FLAGS' 'flnm'.y $ 'RENAME' 'flnm'_tab.c 'flnm'.c $ 'RENAME' 'flnm'_tab.h 'flnm'.h $!'f$verify(0) $ if flnm.eqs."cp-parse" .or. (prfx.eqs."cp" .and. flnm.eqs."parse") $ then ! fgrep '#define YYEMPTY' cp-parse.c >>cp-parse.h $ if f$trnlnm("JFILE$").nes."" then close/noLog jfile$ $ open/Append jfile$ 'flnm'.h $ 'SEARCH'/Exact/Output=jfile$ 'flnm'.c "#define YYEMPTY" $ close jfile$ $ endif $skip_yacc: $ echo " (Ignore any warning about not finding file ""bison.simple"".)" $ endif $! $if f$extract(0,5,flnm).eqs."insn-" then call generate 'flnm'.c $! $set verify $ 'CC''CFLAGS' 'flnm'.c $!'f$verify(0) $ if prfx.nes."" $ then set default [-] !pop $ CFLAGS = save_CFLAGS $ endif $ $goto loop1 $! $! $! In case of error or abort, go here (In order to close file). $! $c_err: !'f$verify(0) $close ifile$ $ABORT $! $c_done: $close ifile$ $endsubroutine $! $! This subroutine generates the insn-* files. The first argument is the $! name of the insn-* file to generate. The second argument contains a $! list of any other object modules which must be linked to the gen*.c $! program. $! $generate: $subroutine $if f$extract(0,5,p1).nes."INSN-" $ then $ write sys$error "Unknown file passed to generate." $ ABORT $ endif $root1=f$parse(f$extract(5,255,p1),,,"NAME") $ set verify $ 'CC''CFLAGS' GEN'root1'.C $ 'LINK''f$string(LDFLAGS - "/Debug")' GEN'root1'.OBJ,rtl.obj,obstack.obj,'p2' - 'LIBS' $! 'f$verify(0) $! $set verify $ assign/user 'p1' sys$output: $ mcr sys$disk:[]GEN'root1' vax.md $!'f$verify(0) $endsubroutine $! $! This subroutine generates the bc-* files. The first argument is the $! name of the bc-* file to generate. The second argument contains a $! list of any other object modules which must be linked to the bi*.c $! program. $! $bc_generate: $subroutine $if f$extract(0,3,p1).nes."BC-" $ then $ write sys$error "Unknown file passed to bc_generate." $ ABORT $ endif $root1=f$parse(f$extract(3,255,p1),,,"NAME") $ set verify $ 'CC''CFLAGS' BI-'root1'.C $ 'LINK''f$string(LDFLAGS - "/Debug")' BI-'root1'.OBJ,'p2' - 'LIBS' $! 'f$verify(0) $! $set verify $ assign/user bytecode.def sys$input: $ assign/user 'p1' sys$output: $ mcr sys$disk:[]BI-'root1' $!'f$verify(0) $endsubroutine