(* RealConversions.mod provides a Logitech-3.0 compatible module. Copyright (C) 2005-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Contributed by Gaius Mulley . This file is part of GNU Modula-2. GNU Modula-2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Modula-2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. Under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see . *) IMPLEMENTATION MODULE RealConversions ; FROM DynamicStrings IMPORT String, InitString, KillString, CopyOut, Length, ConCat, ConCatChar, Mark, RemoveWhitePrefix, InitStringChar, Mult, Slice, Index, char, string, InitStringDB, InitStringCharStarDB, InitStringCharDB, MultDB, DupDB, SliceDB ; FROM StringConvert IMPORT LongrealToString, StringToLongreal, StringToLongreal, StringToInteger, itos ; FROM ASCII IMPORT nul ; FROM Builtins IMPORT logl, log10l ; FROM libm IMPORT powl ; FROM libc IMPORT printf ; CONST Debugging = FALSE ; DefaultExponentDigits = 0 ; VAR ExponentDigits: CARDINAL ; (* #define InitString(X) InitStringDB(X, __FILE__, __LINE__) #define InitStringCharStar(X) InitStringCharStarDB(X, __FILE__, __LINE__) #define InitStringChar(X) InitStringCharDB(X, __FILE__, __LINE__) #define Mult(X,Y) MultDB(X, Y, __FILE__, __LINE__) #define Dup(X) DupDB(X, __FILE__, __LINE__) #define Slice(X,Y,Z) SliceDB(X, Y, Z, __FILE__, __LINE__) *) (* IsNan - return TRUE if x is a nan (which never are equal to themselves). *) PROCEDURE IsNan (x: LONGREAL) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN RETURN x # x END IsNan ; (* logl10 - this is a local implementation of log10l, currently the ppe64le builtin log10l is broken. *) PROCEDURE logl10 (r: LONGREAL) : LONGREAL ; BEGIN IF Debugging THEN printf ("logl10 (%lf) = %lf, logl/logl(10.0) = %lf\n", r, log10l (r), logl(r)/logl(10.0)) END ; RETURN logl(r)/logl(10.0) END logl10 ; (* logi10 - *) PROCEDURE logi10 (i: INTEGER) : INTEGER ; VAR j: INTEGER ; BEGIN j := 0 ; IF i<0 THEN WHILE i<-9 DO DEC(j) ; i := i DIV 10 END ELSE WHILE i>9 DO INC(j) ; i := i DIV 10 END END ; RETURN j END logi10 ; (* powl10 - *) PROCEDURE powl10 (i: INTEGER) : LONGREAL ; VAR r: LONGREAL ; BEGIN r := 1.0 ; IF i<0 THEN WHILE i<0 DO r := r/10.0 ; INC(i) END ELSE WHILE i>0 DO r := r*10.0 ; DEC(i) END END ; RETURN r END powl10 ; (* doPowerOfTen - safely returns the exponent of a LONGREAL as an INTEGER. *) PROCEDURE doPowerOfTen (r: LONGREAL) : INTEGER ; VAR i : INTEGER ; c, d: LONGREAL ; BEGIN IF r=0.0 THEN RETURN( 0 ) ELSE IF r<0.0 THEN c := -r ELSE c := r END ; IF c>=1.0 THEN RETURN VAL (INTEGER, log10l (c)) ELSE RETURN VAL (INTEGER, log10l (c)) -1 END END END doPowerOfTen ; (* SetNoOfExponentDigits - sets the number of exponent digits to be used during future calls of LongRealToString and RealToString providing that the width is sufficient. If this value is set to 0 (the default) then the number digits used is the minimum necessary. *) PROCEDURE SetNoOfExponentDigits (places: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN ExponentDigits := places END SetNoOfExponentDigits ; (* Pad - prefixes spaces in front of, s, so that width characters are used. *) PROCEDURE Pad (s: String; width: CARDINAL) : String ; BEGIN IF Length(s)= 0.0 a '+' is not added. If the conversion of, r, to a string requires more than, width, characters then the string, str, is set to a nul string and, ok is assigned FALSE. For fixed point notation the minimum width required is ABS(width)+8 For exponent notation the minimum width required is ABS(digits)+2+log10(magnitude). if r is a NaN then the string 'nan' is returned formatted and ok will be FALSE. *) PROCEDURE RealToString (r: REAL; digits, width: INTEGER; VAR str: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR ok: BOOLEAN) ; VAR l: LONGREAL ; BEGIN (* --fixme-- *) (* IF IsNan(r) THEN ok := FALSE ; MakeNanString(str, width) ; ELSE ... END *) l := VAL(LONGREAL, r) ; LongRealToString(l, digits, width, str, ok) END RealToString ; (* doLongRealToString - *) PROCEDURE doLongRealToString (r: LONGREAL; digits, width, powerOfTen: INTEGER; VAR ok: BOOLEAN) : String ; VAR sign, s , e : String ; point, len: INTEGER ; BEGIN IF digits>0 THEN ok := TRUE ; RETURN( Slice(Mark(LongrealToString(r, width, digits)), 0, width) ) ELSE digits := ABS(digits) ; IF r>=0.0 THEN sign := InitString('') ELSE sign := InitString('-') ; r := -r END ; s := InitString('') ; r := r*powl10(-powerOfTen) ; IF width>=VAL(INTEGER, Length(s))+2 THEN s := ConCat(s, Mark(RemoveWhitePrefix(Mark(LongrealToString(r, width+1, width))))) ; IF Debugging THEN printf('value returned was %s\n', string(s)) END ; point := Index(s, '.', 0) ; IF point>=0 THEN (* remove the '.' *) s := ConCat(Slice(Mark(s), 0, point), Mark(Slice(Mark(s), point+1, 0))) ; s := Slice(Mark(s), 0, width) ; IF Debugging THEN printf('value returned was %s\n', string(s)) END ; point := powerOfTen ; (* now strip off trailing '0's *) WHILE (Length(s)>2) AND (char(s, -1)='0') DO s := Slice(Mark(s), 0, -1) END ; len := Length(s) ; IF Debugging THEN printf('point = %d, powerOfTen = %d, len = %d, len-point = %d\n', point, powerOfTen, len, len-point) ; printf('value returned was %s\n', string(s)) END ; WHILE len<2 DO s := ConCat(s, Mark(InitString('0'))) ; len := Length(s) END ; point := 1 ; IF digits>width-point-2 THEN (* need to round the result *) digits := width-point-2 END ; s := ConCat(Slice(s, 0, point), Mark(ConCat(InitStringChar('.'), Mark(Slice(Mark(s), point, point+digits))))) ; IF Debugging THEN printf("value returned was '%s'\n", string(s)) END ; (* and add trailing '0's if needed *) IF VAL(INTEGER, Length(s))-point=0 THEN e := ConCat(InitString('E+'), Mark(itos(powerOfTen-point+1, ExponentDigits, '0', FALSE))) ELSE e := ConCat(InitString('E-'), Mark(itos(ABS(powerOfTen-point+1), ExponentDigits, '0', FALSE))) END ; IF Debugging THEN printf("value returned was '%s' and '%s'\n", string(s), string(e)) END END ; s := ConCat(sign, Mark(ConCat(s, Mark(e)))) ; ok := TRUE ELSE s := InitString('') ; ok := FALSE END END ; RETURN( s ) END doLongRealToString ; (* LongRealToString - converts a real, r, into a right justified string, str. The number of digits to the right of the decimal point is given in, digits. The value, width, represents the maximum number of characters to be used in the string, str. If digits is negative then exponent notation is used whereas if digits is positive then fixed point notation is used. If, r, is less than 0.0 then a '-' preceeds the value, str. However, if, r, is >= 0.0 a '+' is not added. If the conversion of, r, to a string requires more than, width, characters then the string, str, is set to a nul string and, ok is assigned FALSE. For fixed point notation the minimum width required is ABS(width)+8 For exponent notation the minimum width required is ABS(digits)+2+log10(magnitude). Examples: RealToString(100.0, 10, 10, a, ok) -> '100.000000' RealToString(100.0, -5, 12, a, ok) -> ' 1.00000E+2' RealToString(123.456789, 10, 10, a, ok) -> '123.456789' RealToString(123.456789, -5, 13, a, ok) -> ' 1.23456E+2' RealToString(123.456789, -2, 15, a, ok) -> ' 1.23E+2' if r is a NaN then the string 'nan' is returned formatted and ok will be FALSE. *) PROCEDURE LongRealToString (r: LONGREAL; digits, width: INTEGER; VAR str: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR ok: BOOLEAN) ; VAR s : String ; powerOfTen: INTEGER ; BEGIN IF IsNan (r) THEN ok := FALSE ; MakeNanString (str, width) ; RETURN END ; powerOfTen := doPowerOfTen(r) ; IF (powerOfTen=MAX(INTEGER)) OR (powerOfTen=MIN(INTEGER)) THEN ok := FALSE ; MakeNanString(str, width) ; RETURN END ; s := doLongRealToString(r, digits, width, powerOfTen, ok) ; ok := TRUE ; IF VAL(INTEGER, Length(s))<=width THEN s := ConCat(Mult(Mark(InitStringChar(' ')), width-VAL(INTEGER, Length(s))), Mark(s)) ; IF Debugging THEN printf('value returned was %s\n', string(s)) END ; CopyOut(str, s) ELSE str[0] := nul ; ok := FALSE END ; s := KillString(s) END LongRealToString ; (* StringToLongReal - converts, str, into a LONGREAL, r. The parameter, ok, is set to TRUE if the conversion was successful. *) PROCEDURE StringToLongReal (str: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR r: LONGREAL; VAR ok: BOOLEAN) ; VAR s: String ; BEGIN s := InitString(str) ; r := StringToLongreal(s, ok) ; s := KillString(s) END StringToLongReal ; (* StringToReal - converts, str, into a REAL, r. The parameter, ok, is set to TRUE if the conversion was successful. *) PROCEDURE StringToReal (str: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR r: REAL; VAR ok: BOOLEAN) ; VAR l: LONGREAL ; BEGIN StringToLongReal(str, l, ok) ; IF ok THEN r := VAL(REAL, l) END END StringToReal ; BEGIN ExponentDigits := DefaultExponentDigits END RealConversions.