/* m2expr.h header file for m2expr.cc. Copyright (C) 2012-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Contributed by Gaius Mulley . This file is part of GNU Modula-2. GNU Modula-2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Modula-2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Modula-2; see the file COPYING3. If not see . */ #if !defined(m2expr_h) #define m2expr_h #if defined(m2expr_c) #if defined(__GNUG__) #define EXTERN extern "C" #else /* !__GNUG__. */ #define EXTERN #endif /* !__GNUG__. */ #else /* !m2expr_c. */ #if defined(__GNUG__) #define EXTERN extern "C" #else /* !__GNUG__. */ #define EXTERN extern #endif /* !__GNUG__. */ #endif /* !m2expr_c. */ EXTERN char m2expr_CSTIntToChar (tree t); EXTERN char *m2expr_CSTIntToString (tree t); EXTERN bool m2expr_StrToWideInt (location_t location, const char *str, unsigned int base, widest_int &wval, bool issueError); EXTERN void m2expr_BuildBinaryForeachWordDo ( location_t location, tree type, tree op1, tree op2, tree op3, tree (*binop) (location_t, tree, tree, bool), bool is_op1lvalue, bool is_op2lvalue, bool is_op3lvalue, bool is_op1const, bool is_op2const, bool is_op3const); EXTERN tree m2expr_BuildCmplx (location_t location, tree type, tree real, tree imag); EXTERN tree m2expr_BuildIm (tree op1); EXTERN tree m2expr_BuildRe (tree op1); EXTERN tree m2expr_BuildAbs (location_t location, tree t); EXTERN tree m2expr_BuildCap (location_t location, tree t); EXTERN int m2expr_DetermineSign (tree e); EXTERN bool m2expr_AreRealOrComplexConstantsEqual (tree e1, tree e2); EXTERN bool m2expr_AreConstantsEqual (tree e1, tree e2); EXTERN bool m2expr_IsFalse (tree t); EXTERN bool m2expr_IsTrue (tree t); EXTERN tree m2expr_BuildIndirect (location_t location, tree target, tree type); EXTERN tree m2expr_BuildComponentRef (location_t location, tree record, tree field); EXTERN tree m2expr_BuildArray (location_t location, tree type, tree array, tree index, tree lowIndice); EXTERN void m2expr_BuildIfNotInRangeGoto (location_t location, tree var, tree low, tree high, char *label); EXTERN void m2expr_BuildIfInRangeGoto (location_t location, tree var, tree low, tree high, char *label); EXTERN void m2expr_BuildForeachWordInSetDoIfExpr ( location_t location, tree type, tree op1, tree op2, bool is_op1lvalue, bool is_op2lvalue, bool is_op1const, bool is_op2const, tree (*expr) (location_t, tree, tree), char *label); EXTERN void m2expr_BuildIfNotVarInVar (location_t location, tree type, tree varset, tree varel, bool is_lvalue, tree low, tree high ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, char *label); EXTERN void m2expr_BuildIfVarInVar (location_t location, tree type, tree varset, tree varel, bool is_lvalue, tree low, tree high ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, char *label); EXTERN void m2expr_BuildIfNotConstInVar (location_t location, tree type, tree varset, tree constel, bool is_lvalue, int fieldno, char *label); EXTERN void m2expr_BuildIfConstInVar (location_t location, tree type, tree varset, tree constel, bool is_lvalue, int fieldno, char *label); EXTERN tree m2expr_BuildIsNotSubset (location_t location, tree op1, tree op2); EXTERN tree m2expr_BuildIsSubset (location_t location, tree op1, tree op2); EXTERN tree m2expr_BuildIsNotSuperset (location_t location, tree op1, tree op2); EXTERN tree m2expr_BuildIsSuperset (location_t location, tree op1, tree op2); EXTERN tree m2expr_BuildNotEqualTo (location_t location, tree op1, tree op2); EXTERN tree m2expr_BuildEqualTo (location_t location, tree op1, tree op2); EXTERN tree m2expr_BuildGreaterThanOrEqual (location_t location, tree op1, tree op2); EXTERN tree m2expr_BuildLessThanOrEqual (location_t location, tree op1, tree op2); EXTERN tree m2expr_BuildGreaterThan (location_t location, tree op1, tree op2); EXTERN tree m2expr_BuildLessThan (location_t location, tree op1, tree op2); EXTERN tree m2expr_BuildLogicalDifference (location_t location, tree op1, tree op2, bool needconvert); EXTERN tree m2expr_BuildSymmetricDifference (location_t location, tree op1, tree op2, bool needconvert); EXTERN tree m2expr_BuildLogicalAnd (location_t location, tree op1, tree op2, bool needconvert); EXTERN tree m2expr_BuildLogicalOr (location_t location, tree op1, tree op2, bool needconvert); EXTERN tree m2expr_BuildLogicalOrAddress (location_t location, tree op1, tree op2, bool needconvert); EXTERN tree m2expr_BuildOffset (location_t location, tree record, tree field, bool needconvert ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED); EXTERN tree m2expr_BuildOffset1 (location_t location, tree field, bool needconvert ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED); EXTERN tree m2expr_BuildAddr (location_t location, tree op1, bool needconvert); EXTERN tree m2expr_BuildSize (location_t location, tree op1, bool needconvert ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED); EXTERN tree m2expr_BuildTBitSize (location_t location, tree type); EXTERN tree m2expr_BuildSetNegate (location_t location, tree op1, bool needconvert); EXTERN tree m2expr_BuildNegate (location_t location, tree op1, bool needconvert); EXTERN tree m2expr_BuildNegateCheck (location_t location, tree arg, tree lowest, tree min, tree max); EXTERN tree m2expr_BuildTrunc (tree op1); EXTERN tree m2expr_BuildCoerce (location_t location, tree des, tree type, tree expr); EXTERN tree m2expr_RemoveOverflow (tree t); EXTERN bool m2expr_TreeOverflow (tree t); EXTERN unsigned int m2expr_StringLength (tree string); EXTERN tree m2expr_FoldAndStrip (tree t); EXTERN int m2expr_interpret_integer (location_t location, const char *str, unsigned int base, unsigned HOST_WIDE_INT *low, HOST_WIDE_INT *high); EXTERN int m2expr_interpret_m2_integer (location_t location, const char *str, unsigned int base, unsigned int *low, int *high, bool *needsLong, bool *needsUnsigned); EXTERN tree m2expr_BuildAddCheck (location_t location, tree op1, tree op2, tree lowest, tree min, tree max); EXTERN tree m2expr_BuildSubCheck (location_t location, tree op1, tree op2, tree lowest, tree min, tree max); EXTERN tree m2expr_BuildMultCheck (location_t location, tree op1, tree op2, tree lowest, tree min, tree max); EXTERN tree m2expr_BuildAdd (location_t location, tree op1, tree op2, bool needconvert); EXTERN tree m2expr_BuildSub (location_t location, tree op1, tree op2, bool needconvert); EXTERN tree m2expr_BuildDivTrunc (location_t location, tree op1, tree op2, bool needconvert); EXTERN tree m2expr_BuildDivTruncCheck (location_t location, tree op1, tree op2, tree lowest, tree min, tree max); EXTERN tree m2expr_BuildModTrunc (location_t location, tree op1, tree op2, bool needconvert); EXTERN tree m2expr_BuildDivCeil (location_t location, tree op1, tree op2, bool needconvert); EXTERN tree m2expr_BuildModCeil (location_t location, tree op1, tree op2, bool needconvert); EXTERN tree m2expr_BuildDivFloor (location_t location, tree op1, tree op2, bool needconvert); EXTERN tree m2expr_BuildModFloor (location_t location, tree op1, tree op2, bool needconvert); EXTERN tree m2expr_BuildDivM2 (location_t location, tree op1, tree op2, bool needsconvert); EXTERN tree m2expr_BuildModM2 (location_t location, tree op1, tree op2, bool needsconvert); EXTERN tree m2expr_BuildDivM2Check (location_t location, tree op1, tree op2, tree lowest, tree min, tree max); EXTERN tree m2expr_BuildModM2Check (location_t location, tree op1, tree op2, tree lowest, tree min, tree max); EXTERN tree m2expr_BuildLSL (location_t location, tree op1, tree op2, bool needconvert); EXTERN tree m2expr_BuildLSR (location_t location, tree op1, tree op2, bool needconvert); EXTERN void m2expr_BuildLogicalShift (location_t location, tree op1, tree op2, tree op3, tree nBits ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, bool needconvert); EXTERN tree m2expr_BuildLRL (location_t location, tree op1, tree op2, bool needconvert); EXTERN tree m2expr_BuildLRR (location_t location, tree op1, tree op2, bool needconvert); EXTERN tree m2expr_BuildMult (location_t location, tree op1, tree op2, bool needconvert); EXTERN tree m2expr_BuildRRotate (location_t location, tree op1, tree nBits, bool needconvert); EXTERN tree m2expr_BuildLRotate (location_t location, tree op1, tree nBits, bool needconvert); EXTERN tree m2expr_BuildMask (location_t location, tree nBits, bool needconvert); EXTERN tree m2expr_BuildLRLn (location_t location, tree op1, tree op2, tree nBits, bool needconvert); EXTERN tree m2expr_BuildLRRn (location_t location, tree op1, tree op2, tree nBits, bool needconvert); EXTERN void m2expr_BuildLogicalRotate (location_t location, tree op1, tree op2, tree op3, tree nBits, bool needconvert); EXTERN void m2expr_BuildBinarySetDo ( location_t location, tree settype, tree op1, tree op2, tree op3, void (*binop) (location_t, tree, tree, tree, tree, bool), bool is_op1lvalue, bool is_op2lvalue, bool is_op3lvalue, tree nBits, tree unbounded, tree varproc, tree leftproc, tree rightproc); EXTERN tree m2expr_GetSizeOf (location_t location, tree type); EXTERN tree m2expr_GetSizeOfInBits (tree type); EXTERN tree m2expr_GetCardinalZero (location_t location); EXTERN tree m2expr_GetCardinalOne (location_t location); EXTERN tree m2expr_GetIntegerZero (location_t location); EXTERN tree m2expr_GetIntegerOne (location_t location); EXTERN tree m2expr_GetWordZero (location_t location); EXTERN tree m2expr_GetWordOne (location_t location); EXTERN tree m2expr_GetPointerZero (location_t location); EXTERN tree m2expr_GetPointerOne (location_t location); EXTERN int m2expr_CompareTrees (tree e1, tree e2); EXTERN tree m2expr_build_unary_op (location_t location ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, enum tree_code code, tree arg, int flag ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED); EXTERN tree m2expr_build_binary_op (location_t location, enum tree_code code, tree op1, tree op2, int convert); EXTERN tree m2expr_build_binary_op_check (location_t location, enum tree_code code, tree op1, tree op2, bool needconvert, tree lowest, tree min, tree max); EXTERN void m2expr_ConstantExpressionWarning (tree value); EXTERN tree m2expr_BuildAddAddress (location_t location, tree op1, tree op2); EXTERN tree m2expr_BuildRDiv (location_t location, tree op1, tree op2, bool needconvert); EXTERN int m2expr_GetCstInteger (tree cst); EXTERN tree m2expr_calcNbits (location_t location, tree min, tree max); EXTERN bool m2expr_OverflowZType (location_t location, const char *str, unsigned int base, bool issueError); EXTERN void m2expr_init (location_t location); #undef EXTERN #endif /* m2expr_h. */