(* NameKey.mod provides a dynamic binary tree name to key. Copyright (C) 2001-2024 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Contributed by Gaius Mulley . This file is part of GNU Modula-2. GNU Modula-2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Modula-2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Modula-2; see the file COPYING3. If not see . *) IMPLEMENTATION MODULE NameKey ; FROM SYSTEM IMPORT ADR ; FROM Storage IMPORT ALLOCATE, DEALLOCATE ; FROM Indexing IMPORT Index, InitIndex, GetIndice, PutIndice, InBounds ; FROM StrIO IMPORT WriteString, WriteLn ; FROM StdIO IMPORT Write ; FROM NumberIO IMPORT WriteCard ; FROM StrLib IMPORT StrLen ; FROM libc IMPORT strlen ; FROM ASCII IMPORT nul ; TYPE PtrToChar = POINTER TO CHAR ; NameNode = POINTER TO Node ; Node = RECORD Data : PtrToChar ; Key : Name ; Left, Right: NameNode ; END ; Comparison = (less, equal, greater) ; VAR BinaryTree: NameNode ; KeyIndex : Index ; LastIndice: CARDINAL ; (* GetKey - returns the name, a, of the key, Key. *) PROCEDURE GetKey (key: Name; VAR a: ARRAY OF CHAR) ; VAR p : PtrToChar ; i, higha: CARDINAL ; BEGIN p := KeyToCharStar(key) ; i := 0 ; higha := HIGH(a) ; WHILE (p#NIL) AND (i<=higha) AND (p^#nul) DO a[i] := p^ ; INC(p) ; INC(i) END ; IF i<=higha THEN a[i] := nul END END GetKey ; (* IsKey - returns TRUE if string, a, is currently a key. We dont use the Compare function, we inline it and avoid converting, a, into a String, for speed. *) PROCEDURE IsKey (a: ARRAY OF CHAR) : BOOLEAN ; VAR child : NameNode ; p : PtrToChar ; i, higha : CARDINAL ; BEGIN (* firstly set up the initial values of child, using sentinal node *) child := BinaryTree^.Left ; IF child#NIL THEN REPEAT i := 0 ; higha := HIGH(a) ; p := KeyToCharStar(child^.Key) ; WHILE (i<=higha) AND (a[i]#nul) DO IF a[i]p^ THEN child := child^.Right ; i := higha ELSE IF (a[i]=nul) OR (i=higha) THEN IF p^=nul THEN RETURN( TRUE ) ELSE child := child^.Left END END ; INC(p) END ; INC(i) END ; UNTIL child=NIL END ; RETURN( FALSE ) ; END IsKey ; (* DoMakeKey - finds the name, n, in the tree or else create a name. If a name is found then the string, n, is deallocated. *) PROCEDURE DoMakeKey (n: PtrToChar; higha: CARDINAL) : Name ; VAR result: Comparison ; father, child : NameNode ; k : Name ; BEGIN result := FindNodeAndParentInTree(n, child, father) ; IF child=NIL THEN IF result=less THEN NEW(child) ; father^.Left := child ELSIF result=greater THEN NEW(child) ; father^.Right := child END ; WITH child^ DO Right := NIL ; Left := NIL ; INC(LastIndice) ; Key := LastIndice ; Data := n ; PutIndice(KeyIndex, Key, n) END ; k := LastIndice ELSE DEALLOCATE(n, higha+1) ; k := child^.Key END ; RETURN( k ) END DoMakeKey ; (* MakeKey - returns the Key of the symbol, a. If a is not in the name table then it is added, otherwise the Key of a is returned directly. Note that the name table has no scope - it merely presents a more convienient way of expressing strings. By a Key. *) PROCEDURE MakeKey (a: ARRAY OF CHAR) : Name ; VAR n, p : PtrToChar ; i, higha : CARDINAL ; BEGIN higha := StrLen(a) ; ALLOCATE(p, higha+1) ; IF p=NIL THEN HALT (* out of memory error *) ELSE n := p ; i := 0 ; WHILE ic2 THEN RETURN( greater ) ELSE INC(pi) ; INC(pj) ; c1 := pi^ ; c2 := pj^ END END ; RETURN( equal ) END Compare ; (* FindNodeAndParentInTree - search BinaryTree for a name. If this name is found in the BinaryTree then child is set to this name and father is set to the node above. A comparison is returned to assist adding entries into this tree. *) PROCEDURE FindNodeAndParentInTree (n: PtrToChar; VAR child, father: NameNode) : Comparison ; VAR result: Comparison ; BEGIN (* firstly set up the initial values of child and father, using sentinal node *) father := BinaryTree ; child := BinaryTree^.Left ; IF child=NIL THEN RETURN( less ) ELSE REPEAT result := Compare(n, child^.Key) ; IF result=less THEN father := child ; child := child^.Left ELSIF result=greater THEN father := child ; child := child^.Right END UNTIL (child=NIL) OR (result=equal) ; RETURN( result ) END END FindNodeAndParentInTree ; (* IsSameExcludingCase - returns TRUE if key1 and key2 are the same. It is case insensitive. This function deliberately inlines CAP for speed. *) PROCEDURE IsSameExcludingCase (key1, key2: Name) : BOOLEAN ; VAR pi, pj: PtrToChar ; c1, c2: CHAR ; BEGIN IF key1=key2 THEN RETURN( TRUE ) ELSE pi := KeyToCharStar(key1) ; pj := KeyToCharStar(key2) ; c1 := pi^ ; c2 := pj^ ; WHILE (c1#nul) AND (c2#nul) DO IF (c1=c2) OR (((c1>='A') AND (c1<='Z')) AND (c2=CHR(ORD(c1)-ORD('A')+ORD('a')))) OR (((c2>='A') AND (c2<='Z')) AND (c1=CHR(ORD(c2)-ORD('A')+ORD('a')))) THEN INC(pi) ; INC(pj) ; c1 := pi^ ; c2 := pj^ ELSE (* difference found *) RETURN( FALSE ) END END ; RETURN( c1=c2 ) END END IsSameExcludingCase ; (* KeyToCharStar - returns the C char * string equivalent for, key. *) PROCEDURE KeyToCharStar (key: Name) : ADDRESS ; BEGIN IF (key=NulName) OR (NOT InBounds(KeyIndex, key)) THEN RETURN( NIL ) ELSE RETURN( GetIndice(KeyIndex, key) ) END END KeyToCharStar ; PROCEDURE WriteKey (key: Name) ; VAR s: PtrToChar ; BEGIN s := KeyToCharStar(key) ; WHILE (s#NIL) AND (s^#nul) DO Write(s^) ; INC(s) END END WriteKey ; (* CharKey - returns the key[i] character. *) PROCEDURE CharKey (key: Name; i: CARDINAL) : CHAR ; VAR p: PtrToChar ; BEGIN IF i >= LengthKey (key) THEN HALT END ; p := KeyToCharStar (key) ; INC (p, i) ; RETURN p^ END CharKey ; BEGIN LastIndice := 0 ; KeyIndex := InitIndex(1) ; NEW(BinaryTree) ; BinaryTree^.Left := NIL END NameKey.