(* M2Graph.mod maintains the dependancy graph depth. Copyright (C) 2022-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Contributed by Gaius Mulley <gaius.mulley@southwales.ac.uk>. This file is part of GNU Modula-2. GNU Modula-2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Modula-2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Modula-2; see the file COPYING3. If not see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. *) IMPLEMENTATION MODULE M2Graph ; FROM Storage IMPORT ALLOCATE ; FROM StrLib IMPORT StrEqual, StrCopy ; FROM NumberIO IMPORT WriteCard ; FROM StrIO IMPORT WriteString, WriteLn ; FROM NameKey IMPORT Name, WriteKey ; FROM Lists IMPORT InitList, KillList, IncludeItemIntoList, RemoveItemFromList ; FROM Indexing IMPORT Index, HighIndice, IncludeIndiceIntoIndex, InitIndex, KillIndex, GetIndice ; FROM M2Printf IMPORT printf0, printf1, printf2, printf3 ; FROM SymbolTable IMPORT GetSymName, GetLibName, IsDefinitionForC, IsModule ; CONST Debugging = FALSE ; TYPE state = (initial, started, ordered) ; node = POINTER TO RECORD moduleSym: CARDINAL ; (* SymbolTable entry for module. *) deps : Index ; nstate : state ; END ; Graph = POINTER TO RECORD nodes: Index ; END ; (* InitGraph - creates and returns an empty graph. *) PROCEDURE InitGraph () : Graph ; VAR g: Graph ; BEGIN NEW (g) ; g^.nodes := InitIndex (1) ; RETURN g END InitGraph ; (* KillNode - deletes the dynamic storage associated with nptr. *) PROCEDURE KillNode (nptr: node) ; BEGIN nptr^.deps := KillIndex (nptr^.deps) END KillNode ; (* KillGraph - deletes graph and all nodes. *) PROCEDURE KillGraph (VAR g: Graph) ; VAR i, n: CARDINAL ; nptr: node ; BEGIN n := HighIndice (g^.nodes) ; i := 1 ; WHILE i <= n DO nptr := GetIndice (g^.nodes, i) ; KillNode (nptr) ; INC (i) END ; g := NIL END KillGraph ; (* initNode - create a new node in graph and return the node. *) PROCEDURE initNode (graph: Graph; moduleSym: CARDINAL) : node ; VAR nptr: node ; BEGIN NEW (nptr) ; nptr^.moduleSym := moduleSym ; nptr^.deps := InitIndex (1) ; nptr^.nstate := initial ; IncludeIndiceIntoIndex (graph^.nodes, nptr) ; RETURN nptr END initNode ; (* getNode - returns a node from graph representing moduleSym. If the node does not exist it is created. *) PROCEDURE getNode (graph: Graph; moduleSym: CARDINAL) : node ; VAR i, n: CARDINAL ; nptr: node ; BEGIN i := 1 ; n := HighIndice (graph^.nodes) ; WHILE i <= n DO nptr := GetIndice (graph^.nodes, i) ; IF nptr^.moduleSym = moduleSym THEN RETURN nptr END ; INC (i) END ; RETURN initNode (graph, moduleSym) END getNode ; (* createDependent - mptr imports from dptr. *) PROCEDURE createDependent (mptr, dptr: node) ; BEGIN IncludeIndiceIntoIndex (mptr^.deps, dptr) END createDependent ; (* AddDependent - adds moduleSym <- dependSym into the graph. *) PROCEDURE AddDependent (graph: Graph; moduleSym, dependSym: CARDINAL) ; VAR mptr, dptr: node ; BEGIN IF (IsModule (moduleSym) OR (NOT IsDefinitionForC (moduleSym))) AND (IsModule (dependSym) OR (NOT IsDefinitionForC (dependSym))) THEN mptr := getNode (graph, moduleSym) ; dptr := getNode (graph, dependSym) ; createDependent (mptr, dptr) END END AddDependent ; (* SortGraph - returns a List containing the sorted graph. *) PROCEDURE SortGraph (g: Graph; topModule: CARDINAL) : List ; VAR sorted: List ; nptr : node ; BEGIN InitList (sorted) ; setNodesInitial (g) ; nptr := getNode (g, topModule) ; resolveImports (sorted, nptr) ; RemoveItemFromList (sorted, topModule) ; IncludeItemIntoList (sorted, topModule) ; (* Ensure topModule is last. *) RETURN sorted END SortGraph ; (* resolveImports - recursively resolve imports using ISO Modula-2 rules for the order of module initialization. *) PROCEDURE resolveImports (sorted: List; nptr: node) ; VAR i, n: CARDINAL ; libname, name : Name ; BEGIN IF nptr^.nstate = initial THEN nptr^.nstate := started ; name := GetSymName (nptr^.moduleSym) ; libname := GetLibName (nptr^.moduleSym) ; i := 1 ; n := HighIndice (nptr^.deps) ; IF Debugging THEN printf3 ("resolving %a [%a] %d dependents\n", name, libname, n) END ; WHILE i <= n DO resolveImports (sorted, GetIndice (nptr^.deps, i)) ; INC (i) END ; nptr^.nstate := ordered ; IncludeItemIntoList (sorted, nptr^.moduleSym) END END resolveImports ; (* setNodesInitial - changes the state of all nodes in graph to initial. *) PROCEDURE setNodesInitial (g: Graph) ; VAR i, n: CARDINAL ; nptr: node ; BEGIN i := 1 ; n := HighIndice (g^.nodes) ; WHILE i <= n DO nptr := GetIndice (g^.nodes, i) ; nptr^.nstate := initial ; INC (i) END END setNodesInitial ; END M2Graph.